Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard



TL/Editor: raei

Proofreader: Pickhead7

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None.

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Unholy beings are not welcome anywhere.

[That stench. That wailing... It must not belong to this world.]

[It really looks like something I don't want to touch!]

The mysteries of earth and wind whispered as they looked at the unholy being.

Ordinarily, they would have fled, leaving the unholy mystery behind.

Mysteries also possess intelligence and emotions, and they can be influenced by unholy feelings.

However, in this place stood the wizard Ian.

"[Wind! Earth!]"

[Ah. There is a young human here.]

[Hello! Nice to meet you!]

"[Help me!]"

[Hmm. So you want to get rid of that unsettling presence. I like your spirit.]

[Eek! It's dangerous! But okay! I'll support you from behind!]

When Ian conveyed his will to the mysteries, they gladly responded.

"[Capture the monster!]"

As soon as Ian uttered the magical words,

The Earth formed a hemispherical dome, trapping the unholy mystery.

The Wind swirled around it, preventing outsiders from approaching.

Now, within the dome, only Ian, Pyra, and the mysteries remained.

Those mysteries were of two kinds:

The unholy mystery and the mystery of darkness.

[Ah, aaaaah...!]

The unholy mystery screamed in pain.

Originally, it was a being full of unholy emotions. It was natural for it to writhe in pain, sorrow, and agony.

It was a being that should never have set foot in this world.

That lump of impurity was a pitiable existence that should have found eternal rest, slumbering on the other side of the abyss of mysteries.

[Be careful, Ian. I sense deep sadness from that being.]

[We'll try to comfort it first!]

The mystery of darkness gently embraced the unholy mystery.

Night is a serene and warm time.

The embrace of the darkness was not as comfortable as the abyss of the mysteries, but it was enough to ease the unholy mystery's pain.

[Shh. Close your eyes, unfortunate child.]

[We'll be here with you.]

However, the unholy mystery could not easily accept the comfort of the Darkness.

It's natural to be wary of unfamiliar entities.

To the mysteries, who have a faint concept of light and darkness, the darkness of the material world was comforting yet unfamiliar.

[What is this? What are you trying to do to me?!]

[Don't be afraid. We just want to help you...]

[Stay away! Just send me back!]

The mystery of darkness sighed softly and whispered to Ian.

[Ian. I need your help.]

Mysteries can't easily communicate with other mysteries either.

Communication is inherently difficult.

When it transcends language, species, and even the concept of existence, the difficulty skyrockets.

"Alright. I'll give it a try."

But Ian is a wizard.

One who connects beings to beings. One who converses with all things.

Ian hid in the darkness and slowly approached the unholy mystery.

"[I am Ian, a wizard.]"


The unholy mystery responded to the magical language.

[Did you call me?]


[Then who called me? I want to go back. Send me back.]

Ian calmly persuaded the unholy mystery.

"[The way is open. You'll be able to return soon.]"

[Really? Can I really go back?]

"[Yes. So, until you go back, why don't you talk to me for a bit?]"

Ian gestured to the mystery of darkness.

Like a warm blanket, the comforting darkness approached.

[Ian...? What is this?]

"[Don't worry. It's my friend. Would you like to get to know it too?]"

Ian proudly showed off the darkness wrapped around his body.

Seeing him so at ease, the unholy mystery relaxed and let itself be embraced by the darkness.

Dragged out into the present world unexpectedly, it was exhausted.

When the comforting darkness touched its body, the unholy mystery couldn't resist its warmth.

Ian nodded in satisfaction.

Neither humans nor mysteries could resist the comfort of a blanket.

Long live blankets.

[Indeed... it's a bit better.]

The unholy mystery, wrapped in the darkness like a blanket, let out a languid breath.

Pain, sorrow, and depression—all would be forgotten like a lie once sleep took over.

It was one of the mysteries that darkness held.

Once the unholy mystery had calmed down a little, Ian began to buy time.

First, he started a conversation.

If Ian could keep it company, there would be no tantrums out of boredom.

"[Alright. How about we introduce ourselves?]"

Ian spoke to the unholy mystery.

"[I'm Ian, a wizard, and a human.]"

[I am... Emotion.]


[I am Depression. I am Sorrow. I am Agony... Everyone hates me, and everyone despises me. I shouldn't exist in this world...]

In an instant, a vision unfolded before Ian's eyes.

Ian instinctively realized that it was the memory of the unholy mystery.

A snowy village.

A hunchbacked boy was being struck on the head with a fire poker.

[Get out of here! You monster!]


[Who's your mom? You piece of trash! You're just a brat who was born because I failed to abort you!]

Even in the Middle Ages, there were people with disabilities.

In an era where countless diseases couldn't be overcome even with modern technology, it was common for small ailments to cause disabilities.

[Get lost! Don't ever show your face in front of me again!]

The hunchbacked boy was a northerner.

In the harsh North, those who couldn't pull their weight weren't treated like humans.

Everywhere the hunchbacked boy went, he faced abuse and ridicule.

[Huh? You haven't died yet? Why are you still alive? Haha!]

[That cripple must still value his life. Ptooey.]

[A piece of trash that only wastes food.]

[A mistake from birth.]

There was no one to defend the hunchbacked boy.

Even his mother had abandoned him. Who would protect him?

He became the village's scapegoat, enduring ridicule and beatings in exchange for scraps of food.

The boy slept on the cold floor, and before he turned ten, frostbite had claimed five of his fingers.

On a cold, dark night, the boy thought to himself:

[I'm cold...]

[I'm hungry...]

[It's cold, and I'm hungry.]

[But no one will take me in.]

[...Why was I even born?]

For people with disabilities, being born was a mistake.

In pre-civilization times, this was the prevailing logic.

[I was born a loser.]

[If I had a healthy body... If I had been born a fine warrior...]

Depression. Sorrow. Agony.

The emotions the boy uttered through his tears eventually took on a tangible form, becoming a mystery.

It was the moment the unholy mystery was born.


Ian quickly deduced that the hunchbacked boy had the talent of a wizard.

If he could transform emotions into mystery, he would have been a remarkable wizard.

Had he met a proper mentor and received the right education, he would certainly have become a great wizard.

Just like how Ian, the son of a serf, grew into a decent wizard.

[War! The enemies have invaded!]

[Take up arms! Go out and fight!]

The hunchbacked boy didn't live long.

A famine struck, and the northerners naturally turned on each other.

The boy's village was defeated.

And the raiders, who felt no obligation to care for him, killed the boy as if it were the most natural thing.

The unholy mystery devoured the boy's final emotions.

Resentment toward the parents who had birthed and abandoned him.

Longing and envy for the great warriors.

Hatred and murderous intent toward his killers.

The unholy mystery, now without an owner, wandered the North, gathering and drinking in people's sorrows.

The unholy mystery realized something.

There were far too many beings in the world like the hunchbacked boy.

[My master was someone who shouldn't have been born into this world.]

[And the same goes for me.]

[Pain, sorrow, hatred, and resentment. These are emotions that shouldn't exist in this world.]

[So send me back. Beings like me shouldn't be seen by people...]

Ian remained silent.

It could have been because the vision before him was so vivid.

Or it could have been because he was losing his mental strength, infected by the unholy emotions the mystery emitted.


Ian didn't like the story of the unholy mystery.

Ian knew well.

Humans are inherently cruel animals.

The further back in time you go, the more that cruelty and savagery skyrocket. That's the nature of humans.

Countless people had died, leaving behind unholy emotions as victims of barbarism and violence. It was almost a given.

"Wizard! The [gate] is complete! Bring that monster here quickly!"


"Wizard! Damn it! Have you gone mad already?!"

Pyra's voice could be heard.

But Ian ignored the voice.

Instead, he approached the unholy mystery even closer.

The startled phoenix chirped worriedly.

[It's dangerous! If you get too close, your mind might break!]

Ian stroked the phoenix's head gently.

"I know. But if I do go insane, it means my mental strength only goes that far."


"I'll just say one thing and come back."

Ian approached the unholy mystery.

It maintained an unsettling silence, merely waiting for the moment to return to its quiet abode.

A terrifying and horrifying presence.

It was clear that no ordinary medieval person could bear to look at it, much less approach it.

But Ian held memories of once living as a modern man.

The revulsion towards horrific memories wasn't all that different from a medieval person's.

However, Ian possessed compassion and understanding.

Do not hate humans.

This was a sentiment that any modern person could relate to.

Therefore, Ian didn't see the unholy mystery as just a loathsome and horrible being.

It was a byproduct of violence and a victim of suffering.

[Are you sending me back?]

The unholy mystery looked at Ian with sorrowful eyes.

With a smile, Ian answered.

"[Yes. It's time to go home now.]"


"[But before that, can I say one thing?]"

[What is it?]

Ian calmly began to speak.

"[Do you know the difference between a civilized person and a barbarian?]"

[A civilized person and a barbarian...?]

The unholy mystery shook its head.

Ian explained.

"[A civilized person knows how to care for others, but a barbarian does not.]"


"[One anthropologist said that a symbol of civilization is a leg bone with signs of a healed fracture. The fact that a someone was saved by another in a life-threatening situation is what created the future civilized world.]"

[... Helping each other?]

"[Yes. No matter how weak or lacking someone is, civilized people help each other. That's what makes them civilized.]"

[But... but my master... was useless...]

"[Dividing humans based on usefulness is a barbarian's logic. A civilized person helps others simply because they are human.]"


"[You were sacrificed only because you were born in a land of savagery.]"

Ian moved the darkness to embrace the unholy mystery.

"[Your master was not someone who shouldn't have been born.]"

Ian's words were difficult for medieval people to understand.

In an era lacking resources and manpower, the idea of helping every human equally seemed overly idealistic.

But Ian remembered what modern society looked like.

So he was able to offer the unholy mystery genuine comfort.

The unholy mystery looked at Ian with astonished eyes.

It was a vile and repulsive being.

Weakness, pain, and agony—all negative feelings that naturally made humans turn away.

But Ian recognized the suffering beyond those unholy emotions and reached out first.

It was truly a strange feeling.


The unholy mystery spoke slowly.

[If my master had lived long enough to meet you... would I have turned out differently?]


Ian smiled.

The unholy mystery smiled too.

Depression often lessens simply by finding someone to listen and empathize.

Thanks to Ian, the unholy mystery's sadness had certainly diminished.

The mystery and the wizard strongly acknowledged each other's existence.

At that very moment, a status window flashed before Ian's eyes.

[New Skill Acquired!]

[Summoning - Summon the Horrible One]

[Ask for help from a vile and horrifying being. It will share your emotions: if you're sad, it will mourn with you; if you're angry, it will share your fury. But if you're in an unstable emotional state, do not summon it! Never!]

Ian briefly read the skill description.

Summoning the Horrible One...

If he summoned it recklessly, a catastrophe was bound to unfold.

It was definitely not a skill to be used lightly.

"[Let's go home now.]"


Ian handed the unholy mystery over to Pyra.

The unholy mystery disappeared beyond the summoning gate that Pyra had opened.

Then, the earthen dome crumbled, and brilliant sunlight shone down on Ian.

"Is it over...?"

"Yes, it's over."

In the distance, Kira and Belenka were seen running toward him.

After taking a deep breath of the fresh outside air, Ian swung his staff and gave Pyra a playful knock on the head.



"What on earth were you thinking, summoning something like that, huh?"


Pyra was at a loss for words.

"I'm s-sorry..."

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