Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 739: 738 Hammer Explosion Demon Formation [Two in One]

  Chapter 739 Chapter 738 Hammer Explosion Demon Formation 【Two in One】

  Chen Wen and his party traveled extremely fast, and soon arrived at Obane, the border castle in Libya.

   reminded the general stationed here, and the four of them flew to the desert in the southwest.

   With the hot wind blowing, Chen Wen commanded: "Later, you will arrive near Mount Kendia, you don't need to go deep, just summon the pet beasts in the low or middle stages of the epic and slaughter ordinary monsters on the edge.

  After attracting the attention of the opponent's demon king, you all retreat in the direction of Obanne.

  It would be best if the Four-armed King Kong could be drawn out, and I would kill the Four-armed King Kong with my own hands.

  If you can’t, you take away and deal with the lured demon king, and then retreat directly to the Castle of Aubane.

   Can it be done? "


  The three of Buu Harland all nodded. For them, the task was not too difficult.

  After answering, Elizabeth looked at Chen Wendao: "Captain, you really don't need our help? The demon array has a strong defense, and when combined with the epic high-ranking demon king, it can often exert power comparable to the domain."

   Buu Harland and Chiba Masao also said that they can quickly solve the demon king, and then came to support.

"Need not!"

  Chen Wen rejected the three people's kindness, saying: "I have mastered space skills, even if I can't complete the task, I can easily evacuate, and my life will not be in danger.

   On the contrary, you guys, if you follow, it's not good to be delayed. "

   The three of them thought for a while, and it was true.

  After discussing the battle plan, a group of four flew into the territory of the demon country.

  After entering the territory of the demon country, Chen Wen spotted the bird demon patrolling the sky from a distance.

   "Too platinum!"

   He waved forward, and an extremely sharp white light shot out like a flying sword.

  The next moment, the white awn seemed to have teleported, and in the blink of an eye, it shot in front of the bird demon, and cut it in two without giving it the slightest reaction.

   Opened the golden Sharingan to observe, and instantly discovered many sources of spiritual energy like huge lights from the sky and mountains.

   Mount Kendia deserves to be a border area, with one post at ten steps and one sentry at five steps, and the guards are extremely strict.

   Seeing this, Chen Wen turned his attention to the three of Buu Harland.

  The three of them knew the elegant meaning after hearing the string song, and immediately rode their pet beasts to disperse in different directions, and then lurked towards Kendia Mountain with false intentions.

  Chen Wen landed on a small hill below, watching from a distance Mount Kendia, which pierces into the sky.

   This is a mine without much vegetation cover. The rocks and metal on the mountain are exposed, and Chen Wen can perceive the sharp and thick aura of heaven and earth near it from a distance.

   "The aura of heaven and earth is getting stronger and stronger, and the earth is about to produce a holy land of spiritual mountains!"

  Seeing this, Chen Wen couldn't help but get a little dignified.

  While feeling emotional, Chen Wen suddenly felt a turmoil in the aura of heaven and earth, and then saw a burst of fire in front of him.

  Boom! boom! boom! —

  Accompanied by a series of explosions, the crimson fire immediately ignited the forest, killing a large number of monsters.

  In an instant, several rainbow lights shot out from Mount Kendia, and one of the golden lights directly turned into a four-armed giant ape the size of a house, standing on the top of the mountain waiting for its lantern-sized eyes to scan around.

   At the same time, Buu Harland and Chiba Masao's beasts also started to fight.


  Just hearing the roar of the giant ape, three demon kings killed Elizabeth's three beasts in an instant.

  The strength of the three demon kings is only at the low level of the epic, but they cooperate with many monsters, forcing the pet beasts of Elizabeth and the three to be in a hurry, so that the figures of the three are exposed.

  As soon as the figure appeared, the three of Elizabeth immediately cast their beast-controlling talent to bless the beast, and then commanded the beast to retreat towards Libya.

   Seeing this, the four-armed King Kong slapped the rocks, looking eager to make a move.

  But the wolf demon beside him tried to dissuade him one after another.

   Taking advantage of the dissuasion of the wolf demon, the three of Elizabeth have already broken through the encirclement.

  The Four-Armed King Kong roared immediately, and then the bird demon in the middle of the epic beside the Four-Armed King Kong flapped its wings and pierced through the air, leading the three demon kings who had just blocked it, and started chasing and killing Elizabeth and the three.

   "Have you distracted the four demon kings? It's okay..."

  Chen Wenmo, who was hiding on the hillside, counted the demon king attracted by Elizabeth and the three, and quickly shot four white lights between his eyebrows, directly summoning Abao, Dashewan, Erzhuzi and Mu Linger.

   After a while, the battle wave went away, and the three demon kings, including the four-armed King Kong, also returned to Kendia Mountain.


  After reminding A Bao and them, Chen Wen stretched out his hand and waved forward.

  In an instant, a layer upon layer of space gates that looked like whirlpools soon appeared in front of him.

   At the same time, a violent spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared near Mount Kendia.

   "Damn it!"

  The four-armed vajra in the belly of Kendia Mountain immediately changed its expression, and hurriedly activated the demon formation on Kendia Mountain.

  In an instant, a strong wind blew up around Kendia Mountain, and the golden aura surged like a wave. In an instant, a huge golden light curtain was formed, covering the entire mountain.

  Then, the four-armed demon king instantly appeared on the top of the mountain, his eyes glowing with golden light, looking at the incoming enemy.

  Seeing Chen Wen and A Bao appearing from the space vortex, the Four-Armed Vajra's eyes immediately flashed surprise, and he shouted: "Five little demon kings in the district have come to my Kendia Mountain to act wildly, they are looking for death!"

  The demon king is also different!

  Although the little demon king in the lower ranks of the epic can dominate one side, facing the big demon king who has mastered the prototype of the domain, it is almost difficult to win without an absolute numerical advantage.

   What's more, the Four-Armed King now occupies a favorable location and is in the center of the demon formation, so he is not afraid of the five powerful Chen Wen in the middle of the epic.

  Chen Wen heard the words, and directly said coldly: "Noisy!"

   After the words fell, he and Abao had already spread out, and they were listed in five directions in front of, behind, around and above Mount Kendia.

   "Fa Tian Xiang Di!"





  Accompanied by five shocking roars, Chen Wen and his beasts suddenly burst into colorful auras.

  The next moment, they turned into a vortex that devoured everything, directly attracting the aura within a radius of a hundred miles, and devouring them completely.

  Even the light curtain formed by the demon formation became much thinner because of this.

   Swallow mountains and rivers, body like a mountain!

   Devouring the majestic spiritual energy, the size of one man and four beasts instantly swelled to a height of 100 meters, and it continued to grow larger, as if four mountains rose around Mount Kendia in an instant.


   There is another one in the sky!

  Under the shadow of this huge figure of man and four beasts, Mount Kendia, which was originally directly exposed to the sun, was suddenly shrouded in a huge shadow.

  The ordinary monsters on the mountain and below were suddenly terrified and crawled to the ground, burying their heads under their bodies.

   Seeing this, the four-armed King Kong and the other two demon kings stationed there also changed their expressions drastically, squeezing every bit of spiritual energy in their bodies, and frantically pouring it into the demon formation.


  Before the sound of sharp arrows piercing the air spread, the harpies chasing Elizabeth and the others turned into blue light in an instant, and flew in front of the three at a speed that seemed to be teleporting.


  Only hearing its sharp cry, the harpies vibrated its blue wings and fanned a blue tornado.

   This cyan tornado was only a few meters in size at first, but it rose to a height of 100 meters in the wind after a while.

  As the tornado whizzed and rotated, the sand and dust on the ground suddenly surged up, forming a sand curtain that covered the sky and blocked the retreating direction of the three of Elizabeth.

  Seeing this, Elizabeth looked at her surroundings and said, "It's so far away, don't you need to pretend?"

   Buu Harland and Chiba Masao directly summoned their pets and responded with actions.

  Seeing this, Elizabeth hurriedly said, "This bird demon is mine!"

  While speaking, a golden light shot out between her eyebrows.

  The golden light became bigger in an instant, turning into a fireball-shaped creature like a golden blazing sun.


  Following the law of the Golden Flame Spirit, countless golden flames suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, and evaporated the last trace of moisture in the already dry desert.

   Seeing this, Masao Chiba shook his head slightly, waved his hands to create a water shield for himself, and then commanded his Xuanshui Black Python and Buu Harland's Fear Shadow Wolf to kill the army of monsters chasing behind.

  The pets of the three of them had already held back the three low-level demon kings who came after them. When the high-level Xuanshui Black Python and Dread Shadow Wolf joined in, the battle turned into a massacre.

   On the other side, the fire attribute aura in the desert is relatively strong, and the Jinyan elves have the strength close to the epic high level, so after a fight, they also eliminated the bird demon.

  After the battle, Buu Harland and Masao Chiba cleared up the battlefield, while Elizabeth looked up towards Mount Kendia.

  Seeing this, Buu Harland approached and said, "Don't worry, the captain will be fine."

   "Of course nothing will happen, I'm just curious about how the captain can break through the demon formation..."

  While she was talking, she suddenly noticed a palpitating aura wave coming from the direction of Mount Kendia.


  In an instant, Buu Harland and Chiba Masao also turned their eyes to Mount Kendia.

  At the end of the desert, there are a group of low hills, and then there is the Kendia Mountain, which stands high and pierces into the sky.

  However, at this moment, five behemoths comparable to hills suddenly rose around Mount Kendia.

  That terrifying aura, that huge body shape, and that vast aura fluctuations are simply like wild monsters in mythology.

  Under the cover of their huge stature, Kendia Mountain seems to have disappeared!

  Elizabeth blushed, as if she had seen a miracle, and said excitedly: "It's the captain's magic! He has grown bigger again!"

   Born in a fighting nation, she loves fighting and advocates strength.

  Therefore, after watching Fatianxiangdi at the Global Youth Masters, I couldn’t let it go, and I was very curious.

  After joining the first team, she specifically asked Chen Wenfa about the world, so she had a certain understanding of it.

Buu Harland opened his big mouth wide, staring at Chen Wen and A Bao who are in the form of heaven and earth, and said in horror: "It's too strong, I feel that the captain and his pets all have epic high-levels at this moment." Strength."

   Masao Chiba has a better understanding of Chinese culture.

  So he was surprised when he heard Fatian Xiangdi, then nodded and said: "The skill of the captain is indeed worthy of the great supernatural power in the myth."


  On Mount Kendia.

  Chen Wen turned into the form of Fatianxiangdi in the blink of an eye.

  The second pillar is the smallest in size, but it is also more than 300 meters long, and the spread of its wings is close to 400 meters.

  Chen Wen and Ah Bao are similar in size, both are huge monsters with a height of more than 500 meters.

  But compared with Orochimaru and Mu Linger, they have become petite again.

  The gigantic tree incarnated by Mu Linger is a thousand meters tall, and its canopy has been inserted into the sky, and only its thick trunk comparable to mountains can be seen.

  The winding Orochimaru is simply a mountain, standing in the clouds.

  Looking at the five behemoths around Mount Kendia, the three demon kings who were originally warlike and bloodthirsty in the mountain had no intention of fighting at this moment, and just poured the original aura in their bodies into the demon formation crazily.

   Received the infusion of the pure and vast demon king's aura, the golden light curtain generated by the demon array became thicker to the naked eye, as if a huge golden bell covered Kendia Mountain.

  Seeing this, Chen Wen looked calm, without the slightest eagerness in his eyes.


  Following Chen Wen's order, one man and four beasts attacked almost in no particular order.

   With Chen Wen in front, he stretched out his right palm and aimed at the light curtain in front of him.

   "Space jump!"

  Following the thought, the faint purple ripples spread from his palm like ripples, and soon touched the light curtain like a golden bell.


  In an instant, the light curtain vibrated violently, and many cracks even appeared in an instant.

  As a space-type esoteric level skill, space leap can not only move long distances, but also has the ability to break through space, and has extremely strong destructive power on demon formations, enchantments, and domains.

  Behind Mount Kendia, Orochimaru also triggered the law of space, and a light touch of the tail caused a lot of cracks behind the golden light curtain.


   On the left side of Mount Kendia, A Bao suddenly fell to the ground.

  Among the dust and smoke in the sky, it tried its best to tighten every muscle and bone in its body, restrain every ounce of strength in its body, and pour the mighty power of ten dragons and ten elephants into its punch.

  Ever since he knew that the laws of strength are the ten supreme laws, Chen Wen asked Ah Bao to find a way to comprehend them.

  It starts by gathering the whole body strength at one point.

  Although it has not yet comprehended the law of strength to the first level, it feels that that moment is approaching.

  Maybe in the next moment, maybe in this moment!


  Accompanied by a loud noise, Ah Bao's huge fist smashed deeply into the light curtain.

   It wasn't a depression, but a hole was pierced through the light curtain like a sharp knife.

   Click! Click! —

  In an instant, with its fist as the center, a large number of cracks appeared on the light curtain to the east.

  Mu Linger and Er Zhuzi's attacks were a little weaker.

  Mu Ling'er used all plants and trees as soldiers, using thousands of branches as a giant axe to chop, but only slashed the light curtain into a depression.

  The red sun incarnated by the second pillar descended from the sky. Although it made a loud crash, the effect was the same as that of Mu Ling'er.

   But that's enough!

  Chen Wen, Abao and Dashewan cracked the light curtain formed by the demon formation, Erzhuzi and Mu Linger only need to continue to exert pressure.

   Soon, the once smooth golden light curtain was covered with cracks.


  In the unwilling roar of the Four-armed King Kong, the light curtain covering the entire Kendia Mountain shattered.

  (end of this chapter)


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