Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 47: thanks master

  Chapter 47 Ask a Master

  Generally speaking, even if he sees a good young man, Sun Hong will not open his mouth to accept disciples directly like today, but will ask his disciples to ask the other party's opinions in a tactful way.

   In this case, regardless of success or failure, there is room for maneuver, and he will not lose face.

  Moreover, true disciples have always been carefully selected from the disciples under the sect, and there are very few cases where they are directly accepted as successors without inspection.

   But seeing the talents of Chen Wen and A Bao today, he really couldn't hold back, so he directly said that he wanted to accept this one as a true disciple.

  But he didn't expect that he was willing to accept a true disciple for the first time, and he was rejected just like that.

   You know, among the martial artists who are learning Xingyiquan today, there are countless people who want to enter his school but fail.

  Sun Hong was very angry at the time, but he was not the one who left in despair after being rejected.

  So, he purposely stayed behind and punched a cannon punch with all intents and purposes before turning around and leaving.

  Sun Hong wanted to let Chen Wen know what kind of opportunity he had missed.

  On the way back to the reception room, Mr. Sun walked lightly.

  He thought, if Chen Wen cried and asked him to be his teacher later, should he embarrass Chen Wen a little bit?

   Don't make it difficult for a while, it will not be easy to polish Chen Wen's character in the future.

   If he was in trouble, he was worried that Chen Wen would directly drop the pick.

  Finally realizing that talents are hard to come by, Sun Hong decided to wait for Chen Wen to make his apprenticeship, half-heartedly and half-heartedly agreeing.


  On the other side, Chen Wen and A Bao sat on the ground for a while before standing up.


  A Bao looked at Chen Wen in doubt, and asked why the old man turned into a big tiger just now with dancing.

  Chen Wen turned to look at Lin Wu.

  Lin Wu explained: "When the teacher used Pao Fist just now, he added the intention of a tiger, so you felt a tiger rushing towards you."

   Speaking of this, he asked: "Is this a bit like 'intimidation'?"

  Chen Wen and A Bao thought about it, and then nodded. They do look alike.

  Whether it was the punch just now or the "threat" taking effect, they all felt that they had become prey, and fear naturally arose in their hearts.

  Lin Wu continued: "Shao Fenghu's 'intimidation' talent is somewhat similar to the martial artist's intention. As long as you master the fist intention, you can be immune to it. This is why I said that the teacher has a way."

   Chen Wen's eyes lit up and he asked, "How to learn?"

  Lin Wu shrugged and said: "As I said just now, I only learned Xingyi Quan. If you want to learn Xingyi, you can only find a teacher."

   After speaking, he turned around to instruct other students.

  Chen Wen thought for a while, and then slowly posed in the three-body pose, imitating Sun Hong's exertion just now.

  Strength rose from the ground, Chen Wen twisted his body slightly, and swung his right fist suddenly.


  Chen Wen made a crisp sound with his bare hands in the air, but he shook his head in disappointment.

  He had learned at least seven or eight points from Sun Hong's movements just now, but he didn't make a tiger roar, let alone feel the so-called punching intention.

  Chen Wen turned his gaze to A Bao, and said, "A Bao, imitate the cannon punch of that old man just now."

  A Bao nodded, and punched out a cannon punch neatly.



  Abao's strength is greater, and his body's spiritual energy is also more abundant than Chen Wen's. This cannon punch not only made a crisp sound, but also generated a punching wind.

  But it is still very different from Sun Hong's Paoquan.

  After successive imitation failures, Chen Wen felt a little disappointed,

  Before, he thought that with the talent of "Heart of Martial Arts", he and Abao could copy martial arts at will, but now it seems that martial arts are not that simple.

  Afterwards, Chen Wen and Abao did not continue to practice Paoquan, but conducted basic training with Abao step by step.

   However, his eyes glanced towards the reception room from time to time.

  At this moment, he felt that old man Sun was very rude.

  If you don’t teach, why don’t you teach? Why do you show off your skills? It’s really annoying.

  In the reception room, Sun Hong sat on a chair and slowly sipped tea.

  However, Chen Wen didn't enter the reception room until the tea in the cup was cold.

   Half an hour later, Sun Hong finally lost his temper and got up to go to the training room outside to check the situation.

  At this moment, Chen Wen couldn't hold back his curiosity and walked into the reception room.

  The moment he saw Chen Wen, Sun Hong sat down directly, picked up the cold tea with his usual expression, and began to taste it comfortably.

  Sun Hong said lightly: "Boy Chen Wen, what are you doing in this reception room?"


  Chen Wen smiled and said: "A Bao and I have encountered some problems in practicing Xingyi Quan. I would like to ask you to give me some advice."

  Sun Hong chuckled in his heart, but his face did not move at all, and he said calmly: "Just ask Lin Wu, you are a student of his martial arts school, what does it have to do with me?

   Firstly, I confiscated your money, and secondly, I am not your teacher, so why should I guide you? "

  Chen Wen immediately understood the meaning behind Sun Hong's words, and said respectfully: "My boy is willing to worship you as his teacher, but the inheritance of Xingyiquan is of great importance, and it is not what I can afford now."

   Still the same sentence, Welfare, a true disciple, has a great responsibility, and he doesn't want to mislead others and himself.

  For me, Xingyiquan is just a landscape on his journey. After all, the talent he possesses is the heart of martial arts, not the heart of Xingyiquan, and the heart of martial arts is just a talent ball produced by the system.

  In order to learn Xingyiquan, it is a bit too heavy for him who has not yet entered university to bear the inheritance and future of a school.

  For Sun Hong, teaching an ordinary disciple is completely different from teaching a personal disciple. If he deceived the old man, it might delay Sun Hong's search for a suitable heir.

  After listening to the first half of the sentence, Sun Hong had a smile in his eyes, but Chen Wen's second half made his expression stagnate.

   Chen Wen and Abao are in his eyes, and Abao is incidental.

  While waiting for Chen Wen to enter the reception room, he actually considered whether it would be appropriate to directly accept Chen Wen as a true disciple?

  Chen Wen's talent is needless to say, it can be called ancient and modern. He has only seen this kind of martial arts talent in ancient books. With Chen Wen's talent, it is no problem to become a grandmaster of a generation, and he can even continue to perfect Xingyiquan and push it to a higher level.

  This is also the reason why he directly made an exception and opened his mouth to accept disciples.

  However, do you only look at talent when accepting true disciples?

  Of course not, conduct, character and conduct need to be carefully examined.

Otherwise, if one accidentally accepts a wolfish and ambitious person, let alone endowment, it is very likely that Sun's Xingyiquan will directly become Chen's Xingyiquan, or even become a new type of boxing. Things are not uncommon.

   Chen Wen's words made Sun Hong both angry and happy. What made him angry was that Chen Wen didn't want to become his true disciple, and what made him happy was that Chen Wen wasn't a person who was obsessed with interests.

   After a while, Sun Hong snorted coldly, and then said: "It was just my quick talk before, do you really think that you can have the opportunity to become my true disciple at any time?"

  When Chen Wen heard this, his face was a little lost, and he asked: "Then can I still worship you as my teacher?"

  Sun Hong picked up the cold tea, thinking that such a genius would be rare in a hundred years, he finally drank the tea together with the tea leaves, and then hummed helplessly in a nasal voice.

  Chen Wen hurriedly saluted him: "Disciple pays homage to Master!"

   At the same time, he asked Ah Bao to salute with him in his heart.

  A Bao listened to Chen Wen's command, and also imitated Chen Wen's actions naively.

   "Okay, there is no need for red tape, anyway, you can't inherit my mantle, today is considered an introduction, and I will show you your brothers when I have time."

  Sun Hong Fuxu nodded, and a smile finally appeared on his face.

  Although Chen Wen was not accepted as a true disciple, it is a great joy in life to acquire a good talent and teach him.

  (end of this chapter)


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