Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 28: Learn martial arts for free

  Chapter 28 Learn Martial Arts for Free

  To be honest, Lin Wu didn't believe that having a pet beast could really have a talent for martial arts.

  Seeing A Bao practicing Xiong Xingyi Quan in a decent manner, he once guessed in his heart that A Bao had learned Xingyi Quan a long time ago, and he came here specifically to find fault.

   But after carefully observing Chen Wen and A Bao, he immediately rejected his guess.

  Chen Wen is also a high school student, and this black and white bear is still a pet cub.

  Even if Monokuma started practicing boxing from birth, he didn't have much time, so he must be a genius if he can practice like this.

   After rejecting this guess, Lin Wu had to admit that this world is really somewhat magical.

   Among pet beasts, there are really martial arts wizards.

   Such a genius was met by him, how could Lin Wu let it go?

   Therefore, his stern face immediately showed a smile, and said to Chen Wen: "Oh, I knew it had such a talent, I accept you as a student."

   Paused, he added: "No money!"

  Hearing that the owner Lin Wu was willing to accept Chen Wen as a student for free, the other students couldn't help showing envious looks in their eyes.

  15,000 a month, which is a lot of money.

   Moreover, this is not only a matter of money, but also the attention of the museum owner.


  Chen Wen immediately opened his mouth excitedly, but swallowed the rest of the words after saying one word, and said, "Okay, let me take a look..."

  Lin Wu was speechless immediately.

  Look again, the monkey shape of Xingyiquan may also be learned by this black and white bear.

  Although the bear shape is more suitable for bear beasts, when he looked at it just now, he found that the black and white bear's strength is very similar to that of humans, so it may not be impossible to practice the monkey shape of Yiquan.

  Looking at the students who came up to him, Lin Wu waved his hand and said, "What are you looking at? Why don't you go back to training properly? Even the newcomers are better than you, so get out!"


   "Understood, teacher!"



   Everyone had no choice but to return to their positions reluctantly, but their eyes were still on Chen Wen and A Bao.

   After repelling several people, Lin Wu looked at Chen Wen and said, "Come to the reception room for a chat?"

   After speaking, he led the way forward on his own.

  Chen Wen thought for a while, hugged Abao and followed.

   Soon, the two came to the reception room next to the training.

  When Chen Wen and A Bao sat down, Lin Wu took out a bottle of primary nutrient solution from the desk and handed it to Chen Wen.

   "Practicing martial arts consumes a lot of energy, so replenish it."

  A Bao looked curiously at the nutrient solution in front of him, licked his mouth and looked up at Chen Wen.

   Po doesn’t know what’s in the bottle, but he just wants to taste it.

   "Gee, you really are..."

  Chen Wen doesn't know the other party's intentions, he cannibalizes people with a short mouth, and treats people softly!

  Primary nutrient solution is two hundred a bottle, which is not cheap.

   Fortunately, Chen Wen didn't intend to take A Bao out of the martial arts gym, but he just wanted to find out the purpose of the other party's courteousness.

  So, after rubbing Abao's bear's head angrily, Chen Wen still took the primary nutrient solution, opened the lid and handed it to him.

  Seeing this, Lin Wu felt relieved.

   After Chen Wen rubbed his head, Ah Bao began to adapt after resisting a few times, and now he is even more used to it.

  After Chen Wen finished rubbing, Ah Bao quickly took the primary nutrient solution, stuck out his tongue and licked it.

  After tasting the chili, A Bao gained experience and tried everything he hadn’t eaten before.


  Feeling the sweetness of the tip of the tongue and the warmth of the body, Ah Bao hugged the primary nutrient solution and began to gulp it down.

Ton! Ton! Ton! —

   Three or two times, a bottle of 600ml primary nutrient solution has bottomed out.

  The corners of Lin Wu's eyes twitched, but he got up immediately and took another bottle and handed it over.

   "Bon Appetit!"


  Chen Wen took it unceremoniously, opened the lid and handed it to A Bao, and said, "Director Lin, please speak directly."

  Lin Wu heaved a sigh of relief, and first asked: "What's your name?"

   It’s also interesting to say that Ah Bao has already learned the Xingyiquan of their martial arts school, and Lin Wu, the curator, doesn’t even know Chen Wen and Ah Bao.

  Chen Wendao: "I am Chen Wen, a student from No. 1 Middle School in Qinghe City. This is my pet beast, A Bao, and it is an iron-eating beast."

   "A Bao, Chen Wen, nice to meet you!"

  Lin Wu said hello to One Man and One Bear.

  A Bao heard Lin Wu greet it, glanced up, and then continued to drink the primary nutrient solution.

   Chen Wen nodded and said, "Director Lin, it's also nice to meet you."

   Not getting A Bao's attention, Lin Wu was a little disappointed, but he cheered up and looked at Chen Wen.

   "You brought Abao to learn Xingyi Quan?"

  Chen Wen nodded and said, "I want Ah Bao to learn ancient martial arts, not necessarily Xingyiquan."

  Lin Wu smiled, and said to himself: "There are thirteen martial arts gyms or clubs in Qinghe City that teach ancient martial arts, but I dare say that there are no more than three of them that teach real kung fu, and our martial arts gym is one of them."

   Chen Wen nodded. He didn't know about the others, but what Lin Wu taught was indeed real kung fu.

   In this regard, Ah Bao has already proved it just now.

  Lin Wu continued: "And even if what they teach is real kung fu, they are at most teaching 'practice', and if Ah Bao learns from me, I can teach him 'fighting'."

   "" Chen Wen pondered for a while.

   "As the name suggests, the former is a special routine, mainly to improve physical fitness and feel the strength in the body. The latter is extremely practical and born specifically for fighting."

   After a pause, Lin Wu continued: "The powerful moves in the style of play are not weaker than the racial skills of pet beasts, and the style of play is systematic, which is much stronger than a single skill."

  Of course, there are very few pet beasts that can be trained to play, Lin Wu didn't mention it.

   "Thank you, Director Lin, for your guidance!"

   First thanked Lin Wu, and then Chen Wencai continued: "The curator is so enthusiastic, I have no reason to refuse. But, does the curator need any help from me or Abao?"

  When Lin Wu heard the words, he suddenly smiled and said, "It's because I acted too urgently."

   Then, he explained straightforwardly: "Of course I want something from you, but that is harmless to you.

  The reason why I am willing to teach Ah Bao for free is because he is talented and can carry forward Xingyiquan.

   If Ah Bao becomes famous in the future, I can also ascend to heaven like Chen Fan's first teacher. "


  Chen Wen was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the reason for such a short answer.

   "Aren't you afraid that Ah Bao will live up to your expectations?"

  Lin Wu said frankly: "It's just teaching one more pet beast, it doesn't take much energy, and you are a high school student, how much time do you have to train here in January besides the winter and summer vacations?

  Of course, I also have some pity for talent, Ah Bao does have extraordinary talent in martial arts. "

  ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

  Hearing Lin Wu's praise to him, Ah Bao suddenly felt elated.

   "A Bao, you can't help but boast!"

   Rubbing Abao's forehead, Chen Wendao: "If this is the case, I would like to be a student of your martial arts school."

  It seems that I really think too much.

  Low investment, high return, this kind of thing will not let go.

  (end of this chapter)


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