Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 2: Talent: fetters [new book asks for support]

  Chapter 2 Talent: Bonds【New book please support】

  In this time and space, meditation is the top priority of basic education in all countries.

  From the first grade of elementary school, students must do early self-study every morning. Instead of reading Chinese and English in the morning, they must meditate.

  Six years of elementary school, three years of junior high school, and one year of high school.

  Ten years of meditation, and then at the end of the first semester of high school, the awakening of the talent of beast control was carried out.

   There are many types of beast master talents, which are mainly divided into three categories: enhanced type, training type and special type.

  Enhanced talents are mainly to enhance the combat capabilities of pets in battle, such as strength enhancement, speed enhancement, metal enhancement, etc.

  Enhanced talents can often play a decisive role in battle.

  Compared to the common enhanced talents, there are very few cultivated and special talents, and there are very few talents recorded in textbooks.

  Cultivating talents, as the name suggests, are talents that can help cultivate pets.

  Cultivation-type talent does not have an immediate effect on pets, but can accelerate the growth of pets in daily life and increase the potential level of pets.

  Therefore, the beasts of beast masters with training talents tend to improve faster and better in strength, and some pets even break through the potential level of their race under the training of such beast masters.

  Except for strengthening talents and training talents, the remaining talents are collectively classified as special talents.

  Therefore, there are no rules for special talents, and the situations displayed by different talents are very different, and their effects are also different.

   Chen Wen's awakened talent is a rare special talent called fetters.


   "Is this because I have played too much auto chess?!"

   Patting his cheeks, Chen Wen took a sip of cold water and continued to recall his talent for controlling beasts.

  His talent is unprecedented, at least he has not seen similar talent in public information.

  The talent is called "Bond", which can share the abilities of the pet after establishing a bond with the contract pet. As the bond deepens, he can share the attributes, skills and talents of the pet in turn.

  These are the knowledge Chen Wen perceived when he awakened his talent, and they are not necessarily complete. As his strength improves, he may be able to continue to develop new abilities.

   But even if the "Bond" talent only has this function, it is enough to make Chen Wen happy.

   "It's not considered sharing, it should be considered free prostitution, but we need to talk about feelings first."

  Chen Wen's eyes were very bright, and he said excitedly to himself: "Although it is not my own extraordinary world, I seem to be able to prostitute the power of pet beasts for nothing, so that I can become a strong man holding the sun, the moon and picking the stars!"

  Thinking of the scene where he would prostitute all kinds of powerful skills and talents for nothing in the future, and violently beat the beast with his hands, Chen Wen's mouth was filled with tears of excitement.

  Compared to soaring on a beast, who wouldn't want to be able to soar freely in the sky?

  It's not that Chen Wen can't afford to fly!

   No, he really couldn’t sit still.

  Due to the invasion of the mysterious monsters and the evolution of the earth's creatures, there are now many extraordinary birds on the earth, the number of flights has been greatly reduced, and the cost of flying has been greatly increased. It is no longer affordable for ordinary people.

   After a meeting, Chen Wencai put away his rich associations and began to think about his current situation.

  He is now a prospective sophomore in No. 1 Middle School of Qinghe City. Fortunately, his parents, relatives, friends, and family situation have not changed. It seems that he has replaced this space-time peer, so he doesn't have to sort out his interpersonal relationship again.

  Tomorrow is the start of the second year of high school. He who has awakened the talent of beast mastering will be arranged to go to the animal breeding house, contract a young pet beast for free, and then enter the beast mastering class to learn the knowledge of beast mastering.

  The animal breeding house provides limited choices of pets, most of which are common breeds, and rare and outstanding pets rarely appear.

  Of course, the rich and powerful can also go to the local animal breeding house to buy it by themselves, or ask a senior animal master to take it to the secret realm to catch it.

   However, Chen Wen's family is just an ordinary family, so the opportunity to contract pet animals for free is very important to him.

   Judging from the information consulted, the relationship between the beast master and the pet beast can be regarded as sharing weal and woe and complementing each other.

  A good beast can make a beast master advance quickly, and a good beast master can also make a beast grow rapidly and even break its own potential limit.

  If you contract a pet beast with good potential and rapid growth for the first time, then the beast master is likely to advance from a beast master apprentice to a professional beast master in high school.

   At that time, apart from Beijing University and Magic University, the rest of the top universities can basically be chosen.

   After entering a top university, as long as you work harder in the next four years, you have a great hope of becoming an elite beast master. After graduation, you can directly enter major state agencies and become an honorable civil servant.

  Even if they don't like civil servants, elite beast masters are also the favorites of major companies, studios and adventure teams.

  Considering the importance of the first contract pet, Chen Wen decided to cram for the time being and search for information to prepare for choosing a pet tomorrow.

  In addition to the potential of pets, he also has to consider which pets are suitable for him. After all, every pet is a treasure to be developed for him!

   But before looking for information, Chen Wen first logged in to Zhihu and posted a question.

  【Question: I am a prospective sophomore in No. 1 Middle School in Qinghe City, Xichuan Province. I have detected the talent for controlling beasts. Do you have any recommendations for good pets? 】

  【#御兽师#御兽Apprentice#Youth Pet Beast#西川省青河市#】

   After adding the tags, Chen Wen began to read the books about beasts he found at home.

   "Beastmaster... Beast Encyclopedia..."

   "Hmm... let's look at the beast master first, and get a preliminary understanding of this profession before we talk about it. Anyway, there is still time."

   After thinking about it, Chen Wen opened "Beast Master" and looked at the catalog page.

  Chapter 1: What is a Beastmaster

  Chapter Two: The Origin of the Beastmaster

  Chapter 3: The Level of the Beastmaster


   Soon, Chen Wen put down the "Beast Master" that he had flipped through quickly, and then opened the "Pet Beast Encyclopedia".

  After turning a few pages, Chen Wen closed the book in disappointment.

Books that really involve the core knowledge of beast masters are not allowed to circulate in the market. These two books were bought online by him. They are all knowledge of common goods. Most of them are all kinds of rumors and gossip. It is of little use to him. nor.

  After reading the two books, the most useful knowledge he acquired was the realm of the beast master and the level of pet beasts.

  In today's world, beast masters are divided into seven levels: apprentice, professional, elite, expert, master, legend and myth.

   Among the seven levels, there is almost no news about mythical beast masters and legendary beast masters. Masters are the top masters among beast masters, and elites and experts are the top talents in various fields.

  Different from the Beast Master, pet beasts have two levels, combat power level and potential level.

   This is easy to understand. The combat power level represents the current combat power, and the potential level represents the height that the pet may reach.

  Of course, the potential level is not necessarily accurate. Different growth environments, training methods, feeding foods, and beast master talents may lead to changes in the growth of pets, thereby changing the potential level of pets.

  The combat power level and potential level of pet beasts are the same as that of beast masters. They are divided into seven levels, namely Mortal, Common, Elite, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Mythical.

   Among them, the three levels of common, elite, and rare are usually put together and collectively referred to as extraordinary.

   "It seems that there are a lot of things to consider, potential, attributes, skills, talents..."

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  (end of this chapter)


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