Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 16: It stood up 【New book for support】

  Chapter 16 It Stands Up【New Book Seeking Support】

  Facts have proved that the process of the new semester of the royal beast class is not much different from that of ordinary classes.

  Self-introduction, running for class cadres, receiving textbooks, distributing teaching materials...

   After going through the whole process, the whole morning passed.

  After lunch, everyone took a nap and chatted quietly in the classroom.

   When it was almost time for class, everyone came to the playground ahead of time and summoned their pet beasts.

  Abao still received the treatment of a big star, and received the attention of boys and girls in the class.

  After the bell rang, a beautiful teacher in a tracksuit with a whistle around her neck trotted up to their team.

   Judging from her youthful and lively smiling face, this teacher may not be a few years older than them, and she should be a new teacher.

   "Everyone line up first, the girls are in front, the boys are in the back, the left is low and the right is high in two rows, and the pet beast stands in front of the beast master."

  According to the new teacher's instruction, the students of the second-year high school Beastmaster class quickly lined up.

  The students are okay, but the pet beasts can't stay still, playing around.

  Of course, some of them were, sitting.

  Abao didn't intend to fight with other beasts, nor did he want to sway, but just sat down on the lawn.

  Feeling the softness of the lawn, it even wants to sleep.

  The young teacher had expected this, and did not reprimand him, but said: "Restrain your pet beast."

   Then she began to introduce herself: "Hello everyone, my name is Su Xin, and I am the teacher of your beast training class."

  After the brief introduction, Su Xin started the first training session.

   "Everyone's pet animals are still cubs, so the initial training courses are training to improve intimacy."

   "But before the training starts, let's warm up the lower body first."

  Listening to Su Xin's words, all the students felt that these words were somewhat familiar, as if the former teacher often said the same.

   Sure enough, the next moment Su Xin said loudly: "There are students and pets, jog five laps around the playground."

  Suddenly, there was a lot of noise in the team.

   "Five laps, the playground should be 400 meters per lap, right? Run 2,000 meters to warm up?"

   "Our girls only take the 1,000-meter long-distance race in the college entrance examination!"

   "Isn't our male college entrance examination only 1,500 meters?"


  Due to the arrival of the secret realm, the physical fitness of ordinary people has improved a lot, but the 2,000-meter distance is still a big challenge for high school students, especially female high school students.

   Facing the wailing of the students below, Su Xin refused expressionlessly.

   "You are not ordinary high school students. The power of the contract pet beast's feedback has improved your physical fitness. The two kilometers are really just a warm-up."

   After speaking, she stuffed the whistle into her mouth.

   Beep! Beep!

  After two quick whistles, she said: "The warm-up begins!"

  Seeing this, no matter how reluctant the students were, they could only drag the pet animal and start running around.

  Su Xin is right. After receiving feedback from the power of the beast, a mere two kilometers is indeed not difficult for the students who have contracted the beast.

  However, this does not mean that it will be easy for them to run laps.

   "Giant claw crab, don't walk sideways!"

   "Swordhorn sheep, let me go, stop eating grass!"

   "Gophers, don't dig holes, you'll have to pay if you damage the runway!"


  The students just contracted pet animals yesterday, and the tacit understanding and intimacy are not high. All kinds of car accidents happened just after the laps started, and the chaos became a mess.

  Of course, there are some students who performed well.

  After the whistle sounded, Fu Yunfei and Xiao Fenghu flew out like sharp arrows.

   Immediately following were Li Siyu and several other students who had contracted agile beasts.

  Chen Wen and He Xiong took their own bears and started running respectively, but Violent Bear and Iron Eater were not known for their speed, so they quickly fell to the back of the team, only better than those students who made trouble.

  The two were not in a hurry, they chatted while running.

   After all, it’s a warm-up exercise, it’s fine if you don’t come last.

  Abao and Xiong Er are still cubs, and they are both a bit big, and they are a little tired after running four laps.

  Xiong Er slowed down, panting heavily.

  A Bao was even worse, lying down on the runway, paralyzed into a ball of black and white liquid.

   Seeing that A Bao was about to fall asleep, Chen Wen quickly encouraged him: "Come on, A Bao, it's the last lap!"

  Hearing this, Ah Bao's spirit didn't fluctuate at all, and his eyes began to close slowly.

  Chen Wen had no choice but to use the summoner skill "Intimidation".

   "A Bao, if you give up, I will let you eat chili for dinner!"

  Thinking of the pungentness on the tip of his tongue last night, Ah Bao suddenly became excited.

  After eating chili last night, its tongue seemed to be unconscious, which made it tasteless to eat other things for dinner later.

  Glancing at Chen Wen bitterly, Ah Bao raised his strength again, walking and crawling towards the final journey.

  Watching Abao go back on the road, He Xiong asked curiously: "Is the iron-eating beast so afraid of chili?"

   Chen Wen shrugged and said nothing.

  Last night, after Ah Bao ate the pepper, he stayed away from the pepper.

  The appearance of the bow snake shadow directly exposed its weakness.

   Soon, the last lap was almost finished. He Xiong led Xiong Erxian and Chen Wen to finish the last 20 meters.

  A Bao looked back at Chen Wen as if begging, and yelled twice.

   It's really tired.

  Chen Wen glanced at a few classmates who were still far behind, nodded and said, "I won't run away..."

  As soon as Chen Wengang agreed, Ah Bao's limbs stopped moving, and he was in close contact with the runway again.

   "I said I won't run away, but I didn't say I won't move anymore!"

   "A Bao, get up!"

  A Bao heard the words, opened his eyes and looked at Chen Wen with aggrieved eyes.

   "I'll give you something delicious tonight!"

  Hearing the delicious food, Ah Bao had fluid under his tongue, and felt that he had some strength again.

   "A Bao, let's walk next!"

  While communicating with A Bao, Chen Wen made a walking posture while walking.

   Walking upright is not difficult for Po, sometimes he will stand up and walk a few steps to eat.

   After thinking about it, Ah Bao felt that walking slowly should be easier, so he stood up while supporting Chen Wen's thigh.

  Seeing this, Chen Wen put down his hand and held its short hand.

   Then, one person and one bear held hands and walked towards the finish line.

  Except for the students who had some problems with the pet beasts, the students in the Beast Master class have all completed the 2,000-meter warm-up exercise.

   Those who finished running early have already sat down, while those who have just finished running are standing, striding and shaking their legs. The only thing in common is that their eyes are all focused on the classmates and pets who have not finished running.

  Chen Wen and A Bao are undoubtedly the focus of everyone's attention.

   After all, they have seen giant claw crabs, swordhorn sheep, gophers and other pet animals in textbooks, and they can see similar animals every day in reality.

   Iron-eating beasts are extremely rare, and many of them only saw them today.

  Seeing Abao standing up while supporting Chen Wen's leg, the girls suddenly cheered.

   " stood up!"

  As Ah Bao staggered towards the finish line, more and more people turned their attention to it.

   And let out some exclamations.

  In fact, it is not difficult to make pets stand up and walk. Monkey pets imitate human behavior to make them more realistic.

  However, this is an iron-eating beast.

   In the previous life, the giant panda sleeping on the branch of a tree would cause tourists to exclaim when it moved. Now it is normal for these high school students to exclaim twice when they see the iron-eating beast walking.

  Hearing the exclamation of the students, Chen Wen laughed.

  Just because the system points are no longer zero.

   Trying out new books, Xiaodao begged all book friends for support. The more recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, comments, etc., the better.



  (end of this chapter)


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