Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 109: No one underestimates 【Subscription】

  Chapter 109 No one underestimates 【Subscribe】

  Until the referee announced the result, the surrounding audience still hadn't recovered.

   "Why did you admit defeat?"

   "Really suffered internal injuries, a cub of iron-eating beast has really developed dark energy, isn't this too fake?"

   "Shu De's captain lost, won't he lose?"


  Everyone in Qinghe No. 1 Middle School was also stunned, and they didn't know that Abao had learned dark energy.

   "Chen Wen's hiding is a bit deep, how many things does this guy hide?"

  Everyone thought Chen Wenzang was just A Bao's strength, but they didn't expect A Bao to be secretly motivated.

   Lu Dong had a smile on his face.

  Before he thought that the winning rate of today's game was 60%, but now he thinks the winning rate has increased to at least 80%.

  Li Siyu pursed her red lips, and looked at Chen Wen again with a bit of inquiry.

   "It's really mysterious, how did Ah Bao get his talent in martial arts?"

  Because of Chen Fan, although Gu Wu is not very popular now, everyone has a little understanding of Gu Wu.

  That is a more complex and profound skill than boxing, karate, unrestricted fighting, etc. It usually takes a lot of time for ordinary people to learn something, and it is definitely not something that can be achieved quickly in three or two months.

  However, Ah Bao on the stage not only achieved success in learning, but even mastered the dark energy that only a very few warriors can, which surprised everyone.

  Shude Middle School player seat, Sun Zhengwen seized the time to tell Liu Yuhan who is about to take the stage: "Don't try to defeat Chen Wen, use the way of fighting, and don't let the Lightning Mink take the initiative if you are not sure."

  Liu Yuhan nodded, and stepped onto the battlefield amidst the referee's urging.

  Chen Wen used his talent to replenish Abao's aura, and he was a little tired, so he closed his eyes and rested his mind.

  He doesn't have the energy to talk trash to the opponent who just played.

   Three minutes later, the game started.

  As soon as the referee announced the call, both Chen Wen and Liu Yuhan summoned the beasts.

   On one side is a black and white fat iron eater, and on the other is a fluffy white lightning mink, both of which look extremely cute.

  However, there are deadly dangers under their soft and cute appearance.

  A Bao is powerful, and the Lightning Mink can discharge electricity, which is not good.


  I saw Ah Bao bent slightly, then stepped on the ground with his right leg, and shot directly at the Lightning Mink.

   "Don't be caught by it!" Liu Yuhan commanded.

  The Lightning Sable heard the words, squeaked twice, and fled quickly, leaving A Bao caught in the air.

   "What a speed!"

  Chen Wen whispered, and asked Abao to use aura to increase the speed.


  A Bao let out a low growl, and circulated the spiritual energy into the three yang meridians and three yin meridians of the foot.


  After a muffled sound, Ah Bao rushed towards the Lightning Sable in the distance as quickly as a shadow.

   Liu Yuhan saw that the speed of the iron-eating beast increased sharply, so she hurriedly used her talent.

  In an instant, a silver rune appeared between the brows of both Lightning Mink and Lightning Mink, and then Lightning Mink's body flashed an arc in an instant, as if turning into a bolt of lightning, and quickly dodged Ah Bao's palm.

  Seeing that Abao’s attack failed again, Chen Wen did not panic at all, and calmly commanded: "Defend in place."

  With the blessing of Liu Yuhan's talent, the Lightning Mink has mastered advanced skills such as "Electric Lightning Flash" in advance. At this moment, even if A Bao uses eight steps to catch the cicada, he may not be able to catch the Lightning Mink.

  Even if you barely grab it, it will consume a lot of energy, so it is better to stop it statically.

Seeing that the iron-eating beast gave up the chase, the male commentator commented: "Good command, the time to strengthen the talent is limited, if the lightning mink does not gain an advantage during this time, then this game will go far. "

   Liu Yuhan can also understand the situation that the commentator can understand.

  Her face became a little ugly.

  According to the previous information, she knew how the ghost cat, who was also a speed-type beast, lost to the iron-eating beast.

  The iron-eater's defense is extremely strong, and ordinary attacks can't cause too much damage to it, but when it attacks, it is likely to reveal its flaws and allow the iron-eater to counterattack and win.

  However, she knew that it was useless to end the talent, and the iron-eater would rush over once it was over, and then had to use the talent again, which was a greater waste of her mental power.

  Looking at the instructor in front of her, she decided to go against the strategy Sun Zhengwen had formulated for her.

   "Xiaobai, it's up!"

  Following the instructions in her heart, the Lightning Sable turned into a streak of white lightning and jumped left and right on the battle field, constantly approaching the opposite Iron Eater.

  A Bao's small eyes swayed from side to side in the eye sockets, but he still couldn't catch the Lightning Sable.


  A Bao kicked out, and the kick was empty.


  The Lightning Mink, which escaped Abao's attack, suddenly exerted force on its forelimbs, shooting at Abao like a flash of lightning.

  A Bao quickly punched, but was dodged by the Lightning Sable.

  Seeing the lightning mink jumping behind A Bao, Liu Yuhan smiled.

  The next moment, the Lightning Marten who had just passed A Bao turned around deftly, jumped up like lightning again, and bit A Bao's neck.

  In the air, the two incisors of the Lightning Marten suddenly became sharp and slender, like sharp daggers.

  Abao turned around and swung his arms to block.


  The sound of iron and stone clashing instantly resounded in the arena, and the Lightning Sable tightly bit Ah Bao's arm, hanging in the air.

  Liu Yuhan didn't have time to think about why he made the sound of gold and stone handover, and directly directed: "Shock with electricity!"

  The Lightning Sable immediately used its skills, and arcs flickered on its body, and then arcs were input into its fangs.

  According to Liu Yuhan's idea, even if the iron-eating beast's skin is thick and thick, the lightning mink's teeth should penetrate into the iron-eating beast's body.

  Water can conduct electricity, and the electric shock of the lightning mink will definitely cause a lot of damage to the iron eater.


   The lightning ferret's teeth flickered, instantly covering its surroundings with white light.


  Amidst bursts of thunder and lightning hissing, the Lightning Mink was slapped by Ah Bao, hit the ground heavily, and passed out.

"what happened?"

  Liu Yuhan's face was full of disbelief. The pet beast that was hit by the electric shock would definitely be paralyzed, unable to resist at all.

Chen Wen explained calmly: "It's the rock armor. Before your Lightning Mink bit the Iron Eater, the Iron Eater formed a rock armor on its right arm. So the Lightning Mink didn't bite my Iron Eater, its The electric shock can only hit the rock armor, and it didn't cause any damage to my iron-eating beast at all."

  When Liu Yuhan heard the words, he immediately moved his gaze to Abao's right arm.

   Sure enough, although a large number of rock armors were destroyed by the electric shock, she could still see the khaki-yellow aura from A Bao's right arm, as well as some stones attached to A Bao's right arm.

it's over!

  The referee glanced at the state of the lightning mink on the ground, and directly announced the result: "The lightning mink has lost the ability to fight, Chen Wensheng."

Looking at the camera focused on the stone on A Bao's right arm, the male commentator said: "This is the reason why contestant Chen Wen won. His iron-eating beast has mastered the rock armor, which prevented the lightning mink's electric shock from being controlled in the first place." Iron-eating beasts, so that they were directly defeated."

  His partner said with emotion: "Chen Wen really exceeded my expectations. This iron-eating beast should have broken through to the late mortal stage in terms of overall quality.

  It is not difficult to advance to the late stage of mortal womb, just use a lot of resources, but this iron-eating beast has not only advanced to the seventh dan of mortal womb, it has also mastered Xingyiquan, special acceleration skills, and today's rock armor.

   Now, we must not look at him with the eyes of a rookie, he is definitely the most powerful beast master in this competition.

   If anyone underestimates him, he will definitely pay a heavy price. "


The male commentator nodded, and then asked: "But who would despise him? Facing the powerful Shudu Shude Middle School, he has already completed a series of twos, including Fan Le, the captain of Shude. "

  The female commentator was silent.

  Nowadays, no one would despise Chen Wen.

  ps: One more chapter has been updated, please support me

  (end of this chapter)


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