Beast Taming: Infinite Simulation as a Tamed Beast

Chapter 310: 243: Trial

Chapter 310: 243: Trial

Translator: 549690339

Once again, Vincent Wolf, with a changed appearance, showed up outside of a hidden high-end club.

“I’m Vincent, and I’m here to administer justice today!”

An irate Vincent Wolf hid on one side, observing that everyone entering the club had shown a card beforehand.

“It seems there are still restrictions. Not just anyone can get in.”

Of course, Vincent Wolf didn’t have that kind of thing in his hand. But as usual, he ducked into a secluded corner and instantly stepped into the club.

“Space System is indeed incredibly convenient , especially when it’s under my control. There’s still the Space Blade I haven’t learned yet. That should be quite powerful, right?”

While Vincent Wolf was pondering, he was also observing his surroundings. After seeing that there weren’t many people around, he communicated with Barry and walked towards the position Barry sensed.

The interior of the club was adorned with gold and glitter, very beautiful. It was all private rooms, with many handsome men and beautiful women coming in and out of them, doing who knows what.

Stealthily, Vincent Wolf approached the location marked by Barry using Instant Step and entered the private room.

Inside the room, two women and a man were having a good time, but a sudden appearance of a man startled them, causing the man to instantly lose his arousal. Naked, he abruptly stood up and looked at Vincent Wolf in shock, shouting:

“Who are you and what are you doing here! You’ve got some nerve!”

Vincent Wolf didn’t waste time chatting. To avoid alerting others outside, he had Barry use its full strength, throwing the man into a daze with a Water Jiao Dance before he can even release his pet beast.

The other two naked women tried to run out of the door, but were directly trapped by Vincent Wolf.

Of course, Vincent Wolf wouldn’t do anything to innocent women. He simply let them sleep a little longer.

However, he wasn’t so kind to the man.

“Evan, it’s time to work.”

Vincent Wolf took out Evan, whom he hadn’t seen in several days.

Seeing that he had finally been taken out of Beast Space, Evan was happy at first, but then immediately exploded at Vincent Wolf:

“Vincent Wolf! How could you! You haven’t put Barry back after such a long time!”

“Fine, once we are done here, I’ll put Barry back.” Vincent Wolf said impatiently.

“That’s more like it.” Evan huffed twice, then stopped talking.

Seeing Barry’s tearful eyes, Vincent spoke softly to Barry:

“When I said I’d put you back, I didn’t say for how long. I’ll take you out again after just one minute.”

Hearing this, Barry then retracted the tears from its big eyes.

“So what do you want me to do?” Evan asked.

“Do you see that guy over there? Use your skills to control him and make him tell me what I want to know.”


Then Evan began to use its Charm skill and Illusion technique, trying to control the member of Bai Gui Hui.

“It seems choosing Evan for today’s Simulation was the right choice.”

Vincent gave today’s Simulation opportunity to Evan, letting it simulate the Life Secret Realm once.

The simulation gains weren’t very useful this time. Although Evan survived for a hundred days, all it did was upgrade its three skills to the Proficient Stage with no further progression.

However, it is noteworthy that Vincent Wolf chose to retain the memory, meaning he experienced what it was like to be Evan for a hundred days.

No doubt there’s a difference in experiences between males and females, even among Charm Demons.

Evan placed a charm and an illusion on the stunned Bai Gui Hui member, closed its eyes, and struggled to control him. Eventually, it said with relief: “Done, it’s finally done. You can ask him now.”

As Vincent approached, he saw the man drooling and grinning stupidly, and laughed inwardly.

In fact, he had used this method on Beasts and Demon Beasts in simulations, but at that time, it was for Beast Heart Temptation, to make them fight for him.

He didn’t expect that using it to interrogate a criminal for the first time would be quite effective.

Vincent started recording a video on his phone and began to interrogate him.


“Male.” “Age?” “32. ” “What’s your name?”

“My name is Yeda Xuan Yi.”

“Have you joined Bai Gui Hui? Do you know it’s an evil cult?” “Yes, I joined Bai Gui Hui. I didn’t know at first, but I now believe it is.” “What did you do this morning?

“Under the name of Bai Gui Hui, I sold two fake items to some fools.” “Those fake items don’t actually work, and can’t be used to survive the Hundred

Ghosts Night Parade?”

“Correct, like I said, they’re fake goods.”

“Is all the money pocketed by you guys?

“Not all of it. Seventy percent of the money must be handed over to Bai Gui Hui.

The remaining thirty percent is ours.”

“What’s your role within Bai Gui Hui?”

“I’m just a low-level ghost servant in Bai Gui Hui. My main responsibility is to liaise with peripheral followers.”

On hearing this, Vincent Wolf thought to himself, it figures.

These small fries are irrelevant figures. That’s why they were assigned to do such deceitful things.

“What are the higher ranks like?”

“Above ghost servant is ghost soldier, who are our superiors and liaise with us.

Above the ghost soldier is the ghost commander, sort of the cadre level in Bai Gui Hui. Each commander controls one island’s Bai Gui Hui. Above the ghost commander is the ghost king, who is currently the highest authority in Bai Gui Hui. The highest rank in Bai Gui Hui is the holy spirit, also known as Ling

Niangniang, but I’m not sure if Ling Niangniang actually exists.”

It seems all Vincent Wolf needs to do to deal with Bai Gui Hui on Qingchuan Island is take care of the ghost commander in charge there.

“Where is your ghost commander currently? Or where is the Bai Gui Hui branch on Qingchuan Island hidden?”

“I don’t know. I’m just the lowest level ghost servant. I usually only liaise with ghost soldiers, and we’ve never been to the branch.”

“Really? Bai Gui Hui sure is cautious. Even the ‘ghost servant,’ an apt name, isn’t given any respect—they aren’t even told the location of the branch. You don’t know where the branch is, but do you know where the ghost soldier who contacts you is?”

“I don’t know that either. It’s usually the ghost soldier who comes to find me. However, now that the gathering has ended, the ghost soldier should come to collect money. He should appear then. I’m not sure when he will come, but probably on Day 2.”

“I see.” Vincent understood, “Does the ghost soldier know the location of the branch

“He should. Because they once told me the money should be handed over to the branch..”


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