Beast Taming: I Can Evolve Indefinitely

Chapter 79 - 78: On the Ideological and Moral Education of Pets

Chapter 79 - 78: On the Ideological and Moral Education of Pets

Chapter 79: Chapter 78: On the Ideological and Moral Education of Pets

Translator: 549690339 I

“Phew – finally got out of that hell hole.”

Not long after his fight with Li Lei, Bai Qi had found the exit and was once again basking under the sun.

“It’s past three o’clock now. Let’s find the Light Wings Bird first before it gets too dark.”

The Light Wings Bird preferred to stay in sunlight and hardly ventured out after dark, making them the first target for Bai Qi.

Rattle rattle.

(Boss, there’s a scent I despise over there.)

Just then, Alpha pointed towards the left.

“A scent you despise? Sound’s fascinating!”

Bai Qi clapped his hands upon hearing it and let Alpha lead the way. However, he noticed that the Husky, who usually raced to the front, was inexplicably standing still.

“Better hurry up, or you’ll be stripped bare if you fail.”


(Where’s your humanity?)

The Husky gave Bai Qi a resentful glance with an expression of helplessness, trailing behind him.

Crackle crackle.

“Oh, a thunderstone mine… No wonder this guy didn’t want to come.”

Seeing the glistening stone not far off emanating electric sparks, Bai Qi understood why the Husky was reluctant.

The pup had been zapped since childhood. Although it had developed current resistance, it still held a psychological fear.

“How about a chance for revenge? Blow those thunderstones up?”

Woof woof!

(Let this puppy blow stuff up!)

At Bai Qi’s words, the normally lethargic Husky instantly sprang to life. Its four turret-like guns were quickly unfolded, and it began a mad barrage on the thunderstone. Its face even twisted with excitement.

Such grudges!

Watching as the thunderstones gradually fell under the Husky’s bombardment, Bai Qi could only chuckle bitterly.

I should probably dismantle that electric paralysis device soon. It doesn’t look like this guy can handle it much longer anyway.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Just then, the ground beneath Bai Qi’s feet suddenly cracked open. The source of the fissure was none other than the thunderstone mine that the Husky was bombarding.

I’ll amped up the intensity of the paralyzing device tenfold when we get back…

Looking at the massive pit that had suddenly appeared beneath his feet, Bai Qi silently plotted the Husky’s upcoming modifications.

Luckily, Alpha reacted swiftly. It scooped up Bai Qi the moment he started falling and managed to avoid the dramatic scene of a Beast Master falling to death.

“Alpha, you’re the most reliable.”

Bai Qi slapped Alpha’s shoulder, growing more pleased with his first pet beast.

Few words but a formidable force, diligent and hard-working.

This makes it a qualified pet for the new era.

As for that dumb dog…

Glancing at the Husky, who had managed to avoid the pit even before him, Bai Qi could feel a twitch at the corner of his eye.

He felt like he would eventually end up dead because of this dumb creature.

Maybe when he got back, he should see if he could use the Evolution Egg to acquire a couple of abilities like invulnerability or immortality to withstand it.

Woof woof woof!

(There’s a big guy over there.)

Just then, the Husky burst out barking at the deep pit underfoot and Alpha also switched to alert mode, blocking Bai Qi behind him.

Soon, accompanied by the sound of stone friction, a giant Steel Scaled Snake emerged from the big pit and appeared in front of Bai Qi.

[Name]: Steel Scaled Snake

[Race]: Steel Apartment

[Bloodline Level]: Mid-Level Elite

[Skills]: Steel Tail Whip, Dash, Earthquake Wave, Harden

Just delivered itself right onto my doorstep?

Looking at the Steel Scaled Snake in front of him, Bai Qi’s eyes shone brightly. He directed Alpha, “Alpha, coil him!”

Alpha, receiving the command, immediately switched to a broad-blade Ice Sword and attacked the Steel Scaled Snake.


The Steel Scaled Snake, awoken from its sleep and seeing such a small creature as Alpha daring to attack, it went directly into a violent state. Its body shimmered with a metallic light and it was hardening instantly. Its tail whipped towards Alpha.

Alpha, seeing this, didn’t intend to resist directly. He jumped over the Steel Scaled Snake’s tail whip and slashed heavily against the giant snake.


The Ice Sword landed on the Steel Scaled Snake, creating a deep mark, but Alpha’s Ice Sword also shattered.

Alpha had also added a solidification rune to this Ice Sword. Unexpectedly, it couldn’t withstand a head-on collision.

Only hardness, no toughness, how is this any different from those kitchen knives in my previous life that couldn’t withstand the slightest impact?!

“No wonder the Skeletal Type isn’t suitable for these fancy things.”

Seeing this, Bai Qi shook his head. He issued a new command to Alpha, who immediately discarded the Ice Sword in his hand. The bones in his arms twisted and entwined rapidly, transforming directly into two giant Bone Blades.


The Steel Scaled Snake, awakened from its sleep and injured by the Ice Sword, immediately turned its head to bite Alpha. But this time, Alpha didn’t dodge. The power of the Shadow Department adhered to the Bone Blades, and he attacked the Steel Scaled Snake with a series of frenzied slashes.

Unable to resist the corroding power of the Shadow Department, the metallic scales of the Steel Scaled Snake began to melt away. The snake abandoned its attack, quickly creating distance from Alpha.

The Steel Scaled Snake smacked the ground heavily with its giant tail. Invisible ripples swept across the ground towards Alpha. Alpha immediately jumped up to dodge, but the Steel Scaled Snake quickly retreated into its previous pit.

“Damn, my prey is getting away!”

While Bai Qi dodged the earthquake wave, he directed Alpha to intercept the Steel Scaled Snake.

This Steel Scaled Snake lived underground all year round. If it escaped back underground, it would be difficult to find it again.

Boom, boom, boom!

Just at that moment, a series of explosions sounded from the pit. The half-buried Steel Scaled Snake suddenly stopped moving, freezing in place. What’s happening?

Bai Qi looked a little confused. As soon as he saw Husky with a smug smile on its face, he understood what had happened.

Woof, woof!

(I’m truly a genius!)

“Alpha enjoys backstabbing, and you like planting bombs. Can’t you guys use some direct combat tactics?”

Bai Qi, looking at the Husky wagging its tail in front of him and seeking praise, couldn’t help but smile.

It seems I need to strengthen my pets’ concept of education. Always exploiting weaknesses could easily damage my reputation as a Beast Master.

Although it fits right into the title of the Valley-breaking Mechanical Wolf.

Bai Qi commanded Alpha and Husky to pull the Steel Scaled Snake out together. A beam of light from above immediately scanned the Steel Scaled Snake and then it disappeared right on the spot.

Professional assessment was different from previous experiences as there were no security personnel in the examination area. The monitoring of all student statuses and even task statistics was handled by the huge mechanical lifeform over their heads – the Snare.

As the name suggests, the Snare monitored everyone on Danggu Mountain. As soon as the students finished the tasks, the Snare would automatically scan and confirm, then take away the captured ferocious beasts.

Although all the resources belonged to the students, they couldn’t possibly be expected to carry around a giant Steel Scaled Snake..


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