Beast Taming: I Can Evolve Indefinitely

Chapter 181 - 180: The Undying Gamma

Chapter 181: Chapter 180: The Undying Gamma

Translator: 549690339

The reason Bai Qi put off his long-desired Flying System Beast for contract with Gamma was precisely because Gamma could use Energy Absorption to develop resistance.

Now that the Energy Absorption was gone, wouldn’t Gamma’s abilities be wasted?

Thinking of this, Bai Qi carefully sorted out Gamma’s skill column again, finally finding two completely new skills.

[SkillName]: Bloodsucking Aura

[Skill Level]: High Level

[Skill Description): Aura skill, which can absorb the blood and energy of creatures within the coverage area to replenish its own consumption.

After reading the description of this skill, Bai Qi finally knew where Gamma’s evolved skill had gone.

Bloodsucking Aura, it had evolved from a single-target skill to a group skill.

But why did it also gain the ability to suck blood? Could it be because it had absorbed Li Xusheng’s blood at the time?

After pondering for a while, Bai Qi no longer fixated on the origin of the Bloodsucking Aura, and instead focused on the other skill.

[SkillName]: ???

[Skill Level]: Super Level

[Skill Description]: Life-saving skill. When the body suffers direct fatal damage, it will shed an outer shell to bear the fatal damage. The body enters a dematerialized state, with a cooldown time of three months.

“Isn’t it said that Super Skills at least require Lord Level for insight? And this question mark, is it a brand-new skill?”

Bai Qi muttered these words and, after seeing the skill description, burst out laughing.

A life-saving skill!

That one could use an outer shell to bear the direct fatal damage and even go into a dematerialized state was such a broken skill really possible?


(Has this human gone crazy again?)

Beta tilted his head, somewhat unable to understand Bai Qi’s actions. Schuck said, “It must be because Gamma obtained some powerful skill. When we realized the Mechanical Lord, Beast Master had the same look.”

Bark bark!

(Human, I want a super skill too!)

Beta’s voice was heard directly in Bai Qi’s mind, waking up Bai Qi from his imagination.

“Don’t you already have it?”

Bark bark!

(That belongs to Schuck, not me…)

Upon hearing this, Bai Qi couldn’t help but roll his eyes. These two were still so particular, was there such a side effect of split personality?

“You want a super skill? No problem, but you’ll have to wait.”

Bai Qi pointed at Gamma, saying, “Both of you have already used one Mythical Resource. If we use any more, it should go to Gamma first. As for the future, it depends on your performance.”


(Human, you’re too mean…)

Bai Qi shrugged his shoulders, and then suddenly thought of something, saying, “How about, you fight a round with Gamma, and if you win, I’ll arrange the next Mythical Resource for you?”


(What a deal! However, I feel there’s a trap!)

Fighting Gamma when it had two levels ahead. This Mythical Resource was as good as given away.

There must be a catch!

“Of course, you need to suppress your energy value to the same level as Gamma. And, you need to end the battle within two minutes, otherwise it’s considered a failure.”

“That’s it? What if Gamma gets hurt?”

Hearing Bai Qi’s requirements, Schuck couldn’t help but counter ask.

“Gamma should be able to withstand it, as for getting hurt, when have you ever seen it get hurt.”

The Evolution Egg had recognized Gamma’s life-saving skill, so it must be effective. Although there was a three-month limit, he didn’t foresee Gamma receiving any fatal injuries in the near future anyway.

However, the clause about “direct damage” did make Bai Qi wonder. If it could resist direct damage, what about indirect damage from skills like curses?

He had to go to the Moon Night Tower when he got back. He should be able to find a specific explanation there.

“Alright, get ready for battle.”

Hearing that Gamma had a life-saving skill, Schuck immediately agreed. So, the first inner battle of Bai Qi’s Beast Control team officially began.

“Ahem, let me reiterate the rules again. It will also be considered a loss if Gamma loses its combat abilities or if Schuck and Beta expend an amount of energy exceeding the target value. Any questions?”

*munch munch*

(Understood by Gamma.)

“No Questions.”

Seeing the two pets were ready, Bai Qi nodded. With a swift wave of his hand, he announced, “So, the first round of the Legendary Resources Battle, Schuck and Beta VS Gamma, let the battle begin!”

As soon as the words fell, Schuck quickly pulled away from Gamma, unfolding the Mechanical Lord. He immediately morphed a few gun turrets and launched a fierce attack at Gamma, who didn’t even have time to react before it was blasted into multiple holes, with green jelly splashing everywhere.

Although there was a limit on the energy value, Schuck still managed to ensure enough destructive power. Although Gamma’s resistance against both thunder and flame was strong, it wasn’t a conventional calculation once Thunder Flame Power was combined.

Moreover, the most troublesome part of Gamma was actually its Energy Absorption and Deadly Poison Aura. If it got close, it would be a hassle.

Faced with Schuck’s intensive gunfire attack, Gamma didn’t seem discouraged. In fact, it became increasingly excited.

*munch munch*

(Thunder Flame Power, delicious!)

Gamma directly absorbed a portion of the residual Thunder Flame Power on its body. Despite its heavily-damaged body, it was still eager to pounce on the Husky, moving in an eager crawl.

Seeing this, Beta seemed to recall some unpleasant memories. He directly split a Self-exploding Wolf, bit Gamma, and started running towards the distance. His body flashed with Thunder Flame Power, obviously preparing to self­explode.

Just at that moment, a blood-red aura instantly unfolded, and the self­exploding wolf, on the verge of explosion, simply backed down and finally collapsed directly to the ground.

“Energy absorption? Aura? No, it seems to affect the blood too.”

Schuck Beta immediately sensed the strange movement in its energy and blood, instantly covered its body with Etherium Liquid Gold, and kept some distance from Gamma again, stopping the blood movement.

“The coverage range is even larger than the Deadly Poison Aura, is this awakened from energy absorption?”

Schuck glanced at the blood-colored ring around Gamma and instantly figured out the origin of the Bloodsucking Aura.

Bai Qi chuckled and said, “That’s right, be careful to not exhaust your energy.”

Schuck nodded, while Beta used Soul Whisper directly in Gamma’s mind, causing an uproar, as Schuck continued to concentrate firepower to bombard Gamma.

Ka-poo Ka-poo?

“Is Beta singing? It sounds nice!”

Listening to Beta’s roar in its mind, Gamma not only wasn’t affected, but was even more excited, swaying its body as if dancing.


(Did I just find someone who understands me?)

Seeing Gamma like this, Beta was moved to tears and sang even more passionately, forgetting its original intention of disrupting Gamma’s ability to use skills.

“Can’t really rely on the main consciousness…”

Seeing Beta in this state, Schuck sighed helplessly, then withdrew all the turrets into a Thunder Roar cannon and firmly locked onto Gamma.

Gamma’s recovery ability and resistance were somewhat beyond its estimate. Non-fatal attacks simply could not cause significant damage to Gamma, only wasting energy and time. It was better to bet everything on a single attack.

But just as Schuck was gathering energy, it suddenly found that small, cute, blood-colored auras were emerging under its feet, layer upon layer, covering it.

At the same time, its inner energy was disappearing at a visible speed.

“Split personality? When did it…”

Schuck frowned, and then quickly reacted.

These should be its split bodies from the bombing earlier; it didn’t expect it could split into such small ones now.

Watching more and more Gamma split bodies gather around, Beta finally woke up, planning to distance itself, but was stopped by Schuck.

The reason was that time was almost up.


(Man, I really might lose!)

“Stop talking, hurry up and help, if we lose, it would be a great humiliation!”


(Embarrassed? Do you mean I’ll be laughed at by the bone?)

Thinking of this, a glint flashed in Beta’s eyes, directly ignoring the ever­converging Gamma split bodies, and starting to help Schuck gather energy with all its might.

Finally, the Thunder Roar cannon was fully illuminated, and a thick flow of Thunder Flame Power poured out, directly enveloping the entire Gamma. Those split bodies also suddenly lost vitality, turning into puddles of liquid.

Although the split bodies have their own ability to act, they are still connected to the main body. If the main body is injured, faints, or even dies, the split bodies will also be affected.

So, seeing these split bodies, Schuck Beta was certain that Gamma had absolutely lost its ability to fight.

Soon, the Thunder Flame Power dispersed, and Gamma’s charred body also appeared, just as lifeless as the other split bodies.

However, Schuck only glanced at it and found that this was just an outer shell, while Beta found Gamma, still in a state of dematerialization, with its outstanding perception.

Ka-poo Ka-poo.

(What just happened? Why is Gamma hungry again?)

Gamma removed the dematerialization status and immediately turned its eyes to Alpha and Husky.

The cost of using the life-sacrifice skill was almost all of its energy. Now Gamma was starved, so in its eyes, these two seniors were basically no different from large food sources.

“Really saved itself by shedding skin, let’s call it Golden Cicada Shelling.”

Looking at Gamma, who survived from Husky’s full blow, Bai Qi nodded satisfactorily.

Recover consumption with a bloodsucking aura, consume the other party with a deadly poison aura, plus all those resistances and perverse physique, and then there’s the Golden Cicada Shelling for life-saving.

It feels like once Gamma grows up, there would be no one who could kill it.

Thinking of Gamma’s future, Bai Qi’s smile on his face became brighter, but when he saw Husky next to him, he was immediately reminded of the matter at hand.

“So, I officially announce that in the first round of the competition for legendary resources, Gamma wins!”


(Unfair? I don’t accept it!)

“Don’t resist, we are too exhausted.”

Schuck directly projected its current data, showing all the energy consumption from the fight clearly.

Indeed, they controlled the consumption of the Thunder Flame Cannon accurately, but they underestimated the speed of energy absorption from the blood-sucking auras accumulated after Gamma’s split bodies. This part was not expected by him.

“Never mind, it’s a warm-up, this time. The rules are also not perfect. Once Gamma also ascends to the Lord Level, we can fight at full strength.”

Seeing that Schuck and Beta seemed to be feeling depressed again, Bai Qi quickly coughed lightly and said seriously, “It will be like this in the future. Every pet can have a Mythical Material unconditionally. You and Alpha have enjoyed this already. The quota for Mythical Materials in the future will be up to you to compete for.”

Ga-la Ga-la.

(I listen to the boss.)

Woof, woof!

(No problem!)

Ka-poo Ka-poo?

(Gamma doesn’t understand, but Gamma listens to its master.)

Seeing the three pets agree with his idea, Bai Qi nodded with satisfaction.

There must be rules for everything. Although he should treat everyone equally, a reasonable competition is also needed.


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