Beast Taming: I Can Evolve Indefinitely

Chapter 177 - 176: Do You Believe in Light?

Chapter 177: Chapter 176: Do You Believe in Light?

Translator: 549690339 |

Seeing the Bronze Giant Wolf being handled by Husky, a flicker ran through the Fire of Soul within Alpha’s eyes. A sudden gale stirred beneath Alpha, carrying it straight towards the Bronze Giant Monkey, which was furiously beating on the Original Beast.

Not only that, the Withering Sword and Gravity Sword flew ahead under Alpha’s control, with countless icy sword blades swirling around it. From afar, it looked as if countless flying swords were launching an attack on the Bronze Giant Monkey from the heavens.

“Holy crap, ten thousand swords returning to the origin?!”

Seeing this, Bai Qi was taken aback. Following Husky, was Alpha now also creating its own moves?

These days, have pets become this bizarre?

Wherever the twin swords passed, the body of the Bronze Giant Monkey rotted, or was pockmarked, couldn’t heal in time, then was covered by countless ice blades, in an instant, the Bronze Giant Monkey was full of wounds, the Original Beast God took advantage to break free from the Bronze Giant Monkey’s suppression and began to fight back against the Bronze Giant Crocodile.

“An undead creature with multiple attributes? A mimicry metal wolf?”

Xia Yan, trying to wrestle free from the bite of the Giant Crocodile, was observing Bai Qi’s two pets revealing a gleam in his eyes.

“Have someone investigate Bai Qi again, I want to know if he is unusually talented or if there’s something I don’t know.”

“Yes, Captain!”

Seeing Bai Qi’s pets each dealing with two giant beasts, the Beast Masters of the Thirteenth Bureau and the Association were surprised, but after a brief hesitation, they also joined the battle.

Although the Twin Pets’ attack was sharp, but these bronze beasts were fearless, especially after the three giant beasts were attacked, all other Bronze Beasts turned and began to attack Alpha and Husky.

However, before anyone had a chance to help, Husky made a move.

The two-headed battle wolf subtly shook its body, and countless silver-gray fluid flew out immediately, forming a metal wolf when it hit the ground.

These metal wolves were silver-gray, similar in appearance to the Arctic Ice Wolf, they directly killed into the Bronze Beast group after landing, after closely biting a Bronze Beast, their bodies suddenly flashed with a red and blue spark arc, then instantly exploded.

Watching the wolves recklessly rushing into the Bronze Beast group and self- destructing, Li Xusheng and others immediately kept some distance, Feng Ye’s group even changed their direction to clear out other Bronze Beasts.

“Schuck, don’t tell me you researched this too?”

“To be precise, I came up with the idea of the splitting wolf pack, but Beta thought of the explosion, it also controls the timing of the explosion.”

It really was like that.

Bai Qi sighed, patting his forehead. He thought that Schuck had been behaving recently, but it turns out he was holding back for this moment.

But it’s quite good, he has come up with a tactic.

The Thunderflame Cannon Tower washing the ground from a distance, the self-exploding wolf pack sweeping the middle, the two-headed battle wolf fighting at close quarters, Schuck seemed to have mastered the tactics.

Feng Ye looked at Alpha and Husky, who were clearly third-order creatures but performed more impressively than the fourth-order creatures, and felt mixed feelings. He patted Bai Qi’s shoulder and asked, “Bai Qi, do you have any slightly normal pets?”

Bai Qi tilted his head to think, then patted Gamma, saying, “Normal? Does Gamma count?”

Feng Ye looked at Gamma, who was still playing the role of a gas mask, with suspicion in his eyes.

He felt that this slime creature also wasn’t normal…

With Alpha, Husky and the Original Beast God entangling the three giant beasts, the other Beast Masters on both sides could finally go all out in their attacks, and the number of Bronze Beasts on the field visibly began to reduce. Roar!!!

Finally, accompanied by an angry roar, the Bronze Giant Wolf was completely torn apart by Husky, while the Bronze Giant Monkey was chopped into pieces under Alpha’s ten thousand swords.

As for the thick-skinned Bronze Giant Crocodile, it was directly smashed into a pancake by the Original Beast God.

“Thank you for just now, Bai Qi.”

Xia Yan emerged from the Original Beast God, pounded his chest with one hand to salute Bai Qi in gratitude.

“It was no trouble at all, there’s no need for this.”

Bai Qi nodded his head, then walked past Xia Yan to inspect the Bronze Giant Beasts.

Just like the General Terracotta, similar rune structures could be found on these Bronze Beasts. However, compared to the explicit structure of the General Terracotta, the runes on these Bronze Beasts were more reserved, mostly distributed beneath the surface.

“Worried about the damage to the rune structure, so they were embedded inside the body.”

Bai Qi nodded, then became frustrated again.

He didn’t find the energy system inside these Bronze Beasts.

“Did they come up with remote power and control technology in ancient times?”

Bai Qi scratched his head in irritation, he just couldn’t figure out how these Bronze Beasts were able to move.

Seeing Bai Qi like this, Xia Yan came over and said, “Bai Qi, you seem very interested in these Bronze Beasts?”

Bai Qi nodded and said, “Not bad, I’m just a bit curious about the creations of ancient people.”

“As a Meeh Warrior Master, that’s normal.”

Xia Yan smiled, looked at Husky, who was slowly returning to its original form, and said, “Bai Qi, you’re using Mimicry Metal, aren’t you? Being able to freely switch battle states like this, it seems that my Original Beast God has significant room for improvement.”

“Um, coincidence, it’s just a coincidence,” Bai Qi coughed twice. Should he tell this lad, that these things were actually researched by Schuck and Beta?

Forget it, otherwise, it would really become ‘people not as good as dogs,’ ah no, it would be ‘people not as good as wolves.’

“Going by the situation, there shouldn’t be any ancient weapons and Bronze Beasts for the time being, let’s take a rest and then continue forward.”

Wang Huai joined the others, equipping them all with the Vitality Aura to replenish their stamina.

After the recent battle, all of the pets consumed a considerable amount of energy, especially Alpha and Husky who fought above their class.

“Damn, that’s it? I was just getting started.”

Feng Ye sighed with regret upon hearing the news. Even with so many enemies around, his Earth Elemental didn’t trigger the ten-ton effect even once, which was truly disappointing.

This guy really has a knack for getting beaten up…

Bai Qi rolled his eyes at Feng Ye’s claim and leaned against Husky to rest.


(Schuck, next time can you scale down a bit? I feel completely drained.)

Schuck: “Feedbackaccepted.”

Despite its great performance in battle, the energy required to control such a large body and simultaneously split into a wolf pack for bombardment left Husky’s energy reserves virtually depleted.

As for Alpha, though a considerable amount of energy was consumed, it has just enough to put up another fight.

” If only we knew the Bronz Beast’s energy storage method, then we won’t have to worry about running out of energy.”

Bai Qi, with regret in his eyes, glanced at the scattered remains of the Bronze Beasts on the ground. As he was about to take some back for research, he felt a violent trembling beneath his feet.

Everyone got into a defensive stance, and soon they saw the earth slowly cracking open in the distance, giving birth to a giant stone man emerging from the ground.

As it emerged, all of the pets and humans alike felt a pressure unlike anything they’d encountered before.

“This feels like… a Legendary creature!”

Sensing an aura from the stone man not inferior to that of other Legendary creatures such as the Jiuyou Darkbird, Bai Qi quickly identified the nature of their adversary.

“Damn it, we’re only on the second level, how come there’s a Legendary creature acting as the guardian?!”

Feng Ye looks sullen, he was so lucky to be allowed to have some fun with Master Chun, only to run into a Legendary Guardian. Did his luck have to be this good?!

“All because of your bad omen!”

Xia Yan and Wang Huai, among others, felt the same way, while Lisha was already busy conjuring a space tunnel.

“Intruders detected, die!”

The stone man finally straightened up, looking down at Bai Qi and the others like ants. It lifted its foot to stomp on them, but Lisha’s space tunnel hadn’t fully formed yet.

Under the oppression of the legendary creature, the Moon Shadow Cat was unable to use its space abilities. They normally ripped open space tunnels as easily as eating, but now they couldn’t even tear open a small hole.

“Everyone, run!”

Upon Wang Huai’s shout, everyone mounted their pets and evaded swiftly. They had no intention of battling the stone man.

Legendary creatures, they wouldn’t be able to smash through their outer shell even if it stood still letting them attack, let alone how it was tough and hard to crack.

However, before they could get far, they felt an abrupt sharp increase in gravity that slowed their movements.

“A gravity field? I now understand why Instructor Leng loves leading us through the gravity channel.”

Feeling the familiar pressure, Bai Qi hesitated slightly before starting to run again. Alpha quickly transformed into a giant sled, pulling Bai Qi and the rest onto it.

“Damn, how come your skeleton can even do this?!”

Feng Ye, while letting his Earth Elemental exert anti-gravity aura to counteract the stone man’s gravitational field, couldn’t help but complain.

“Ye, stop your complaints. Let your elemental engage in small talk with that big guy. Maybe he’ll let us pass.”

Lisha hit Feng Ye hard and said, “Earth Elemental is made of stones, and so is that thing. They must have a common language, right?”

Feng Ye rolled his eyes and said, “Sister Li, if I could communicate with it, would I still be beaten by Master Chun every day? That creature is a Mountain Giant.”

[Name]: Mountain Giant

[Nature]: Elemental System

[Bloodline Level]: Emperor-level

[Description]: An elemental creature that has survived for countless years. It appears no different from a mountain when sleeping, but upon awakening, it becomes a terrifying existence.

“Hold off on the lecture for now. We need to figure out what to do!”

Ma Ge looked at the Mountain Giant getting closer and closer to them with a bitter face.

While Bai Qi’s sled operation tookhim by surprise, the surrounding gravity was clearly intensifying. Even if Alpha could bear it, they couldn’t.

“Bai Qi, do you have any ideas?”

Bai Qi shook his head. This creature wasn’t like Nicholas; it wasn’t the type that could be fooled with a few words.

If he could manipulate a legendary creature guarding the Emperor’s Secret Realm, he wouldn’t need to be a Beast Master. He could be a pet psychologist instead, a surefire professional at manipulating pets.

Unless there was a miraculous rescue, they were likely to be doomed.

I wonder if it’s still not too late to believe in the light now?


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