Beacon of Light in the Dark Sea

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Yoo Geum-yi looked at the two of us, then gazed at the empty dormitory hallway, and then at the dark staircases, before saying,  

I want to go down and help too.

We dont know how high the water level is.  

Lee Jihyun immediately objected. Ah, thats right. I remember the water level was extremely high before too . Yoo Geum-yi was the shortest among us. As I contemplated taking off my shoes, Lee Jihyun firmly stated,

Keep your shoes on. If you hurt your feet, you wont be able to move.

I wanted to take them off because I didnt want them to get wet, but she made a good point. Hearing those words, I left my bag on the floor and held an ax in one hand. Yoo Geum-yi said to Jihyun and me,  

Please be careful and come back safe.

After quickly making the sign of the cross, Jihyun turned on her flashlight, held it in her mouth, gripped a flathead screwdriver in one hand, leaving the other free, and started descending the stairs. Wouldnt it be more convenient to hold the flashlight in her hand?

I carefully walked down the water-logged steps, trying my best not to slip. Occasionally I would forget I was holding an ax, sending chills down my spine. I held it as far from my body as possible and descended into the darkness.

The South Districts dormitory was pitch black. With all the lights off, the rural mud-like darkness made it impossible to see ahead. The only illumination came from the penlight-sized flashlight beam from Jihyun, who was a step or two in front.  

Most of the floating objects were submerged. Jihyun slowly dipped her feet into the water, taking her time as the cold water crept up her calves and thighs. After Jihyun took a few steps into the dark water, it looked almost chest-deep.  

I also slowly entered the water. A heart attack now would be terrible. Brrr. Its so cold! The situation was similar when I went to save Kim Ga-young in my dream, but this feels even scarier. I recalled the dream where the water nearly reached my chin. Its okay. I can do this. The water level is lower than before so I can rescue them more easily.

Jihyun moved towards the front without making a sound. Occasionally she would shine her flashlight into open doors then continue forward. How is she walking so well? I was the only one splashing water while clinging to the walls and doors like an octopus. As I held onto the cold dark walls, a strange thought crossed my mind.  

What if the person walking ahead of me isnt Jihyun?  

What if the real Jihyun didnt come down and Im walking alone in this darkness?

What if Jihyun suddenly melts away into the dark waters?

Or turns around, smiles widely with her mouth torn from ear to ear?

What if that flashlight suddenly goes out and Im trapped in the darkness?

Have I watched too many movies? But as time passed, I became so frightened that the slightest touch would make me scream. My hands trembled as my grip on the ax weakened. Even holding the ax terrified me. In my panicked state, I shouldnt be carrying something beyond my ability to handle, for both our safety. Unable to withstand the fear any longer, I called out to the figure two meters ahead.  

Ji-Jihyun-ssi! Jihyun-ssi!

As Jihyun turned her head, the flashlight beam shone directly in my eyes, blinding me. She spat out the flashlight and asked, Whats wrong? I couldnt see her face clearly because of the glare.


Lets go together.  

My voice sounded more pathetic than I expected. But Jihyun didnt say anything and simply gestured for me to come to her side quickly. I swallowed my fear and approached Jihyun. Previously walking single file, we now walked side by side. As I pushed aside a chair entangling my feet, Jihyun shone her flashlight on the chair and my hands before facing forward again and asking,

The water probably reached this level in the West District Hall too?

Huh? No. It was up to the ceiling. Theres not even room for breathing. 

I see.

Why do you ask?

My wallet, phone, passport, bible, rosary beads, everything was in my room.

Ah, thats too bad. It seems youll have to replace them.

There are some items I cant replace so Im a bit bothered.

Jihyun let out a long sigh as a floating cup narrowly missed her. Talking to Jihyun suddenly reminded me of the family photo on my desk back in my room. Ahcrap I took it in my dream but did I grab it this time? As we neared Room 77, Jihyuns steps grew slower and more cautious. She said to me,  

Even going to Room 77 could be a trap. It might be dangerous so be prepared.


The only things terrifying me right now are the cold water and darkness. I figured the biggest traps would be a mini table suddenly rushing to trip my ankles or a chair leg stabbing my calf. Not understanding her, Jihyun gave a longer explanation.

Someone couldve left a message on the bulletin board without even being trapped to lure helpers here.

Oh I guess thats possible. But why would anyone do that?

Humans capable of malice can do anything.

Even so, we still came here to rescue people.  

I said lightly with a smile. Were trudging through this freezing water and darkness, not to mention risking danger. Jihyun expressionlessly responded,

Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. We came here to catch people. 

And she smiled slightly. I recalled that was something Jesus said when headhunting some people in the Bible, but didnt remember the exact words.

How many do you want to catch?

As many as possible.

Although Im an atheist with tremendous aversion towards religion, there are still moments that amaze me. Braving danger to rescue others because she believes the Lord has her back, or trying to do good through that faith, even if Jihyun is old enough to be my grandmother and chatters nonstop.  

Of course I know there are rotten eggs. Too many to count who spread poison and devour flesh in Gods name. But whatever her reasons, Jihyun is risking peril to save others. As we approached Room 77, she called out,

Were here to rescue you. Is anyone inside? Whos there?

When Jihyun knocked, a womans scream came from the room.  

Im here! Theres someone! Save me!

It was Kim Ga-young. I was relieved to hear a familiar voice. Kim Ga-young rapidly said,

The door wont open! Its stuck or jammed! It wont open automatically or manually no matter how hard I push and pull! Please get me out!

Ga-young eonni ?

Yes, its me! Who is it?

Its Jihyun, from the engineering team.

Waaahhhh! Jihyun-ah! I got trapped alone! Wahhh!

Please wait a little longer.

Jihyun then handed me the flashlight. She felt around the door before taking a deep breath and submerging her head underwater. Following her lead, I nervously held the flashlight over her face.  

Jihyuns short hair swayed beneath the surface. I could see her wedging the flathead screwdriver into a gap in the door. Then she emerged from the water, gasping for air. I offered her the ax I had carried all this way. As Jihyun swept her dripping wet hair back, wiping the water from her face,

Itll probably be useless No, actually. Who opened this door in my dream?

Shin Haeryang did.  

Do you remember how?

Not really, but he had an ax when he entered. When he came out, it was gone.

Yeah Even I realize how utterly useless my comments are. Its a wonder Jihyun hasnt discarded me out of uselessness. 

I thought our team leader could smash it with his strength.  

Then she took the ax, inhaled deeply, and submerged her head underwater. As I illuminated below with the flashlight, Jihyun was using the ax handle to widen the gap made by the flathead screwdriver.

When Jihyun emerged again, the door had cracked open about 3 cm. Wide enough to fit a finger. I shone the flashlight through the gap. Something seemed to move behind the door. When Kim Ga-young approached the gap and peeked through, my heart nearly stopped. My pulse shot up rapidly. Ah, I really am easily frightened.  

Amidst the momentary terror of our eyes meeting even in this darkness, a thought crossed my mind why can I see her white complexion? With my pounding heartbeat deafening my ears, Kim Ga-young asked me,  

How can I help?

Um Jihyun-ssi, should we push the door sideways?

No. Think of lifting it upwards.

The three of us exerted all our strength trying to lift the handle-less door upwards to no avail. Jihyun kept kicking the ax handle stuck in the door with her foot. Then suddenly she submerged her head again. I nervously shone the flashlight over her. She seemed to be doing something, and the door slowly moved sideways, opening about 30 cm. When Jihyun emerged from the water, she told Kim Ga-young,

Ga-young eonni , try getting out through the gap.  

Kim Ga-young tried head first through the narrow opening. Her head barely squeezed through. Seeing that, I breathed a sigh of relief.  

Since her head got through, there shouldnt be an issue getting out. Thank goodness.

Wiping water from her face, Jihyun coughed and asked me,  

Ahem what about her bottom?

To put it extremely, her head cant be sliced but her butt fat can. 

Theres no need to cut anything!  

A startled Kim Ga-young quickly wriggled out through the narrow gap. The moment she emerged from the room, Jihyun said,

Hurry and leave this place. The water keeps rising.  

Coming to my senses, I realized the water already reached my shoulders. When had it risen so high? Have I already adapted to this situation that I didnt even notice? Clinging spider-like to the walls and doors, Jihyun started moving crab-like with the flashlight gripped in her hand. Kim Ga-young and I followed behind.


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