Beacon of Light in the Dark Sea

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Kim Ga-young spoke to Kanu with a worried expression,

Then do you know where that money is being spent?

It seems to be used for internal activity funds or something like that. What I gave in cash is about 1 billion won. The rest I gave with jewelry I had at home.

Then that means he had over 40 billion worth of jewelry at home, can you live with that amount of jewelry at home Jewelry!

I suddenly felt like I was wide awake. I remembered the countless jewels the size of a human torso or even larger than human size that were placed in the exhibition hall. Is the jewelry Kanu gave there too? How much would one jewel of that size be worth? Is it about 40 billion?

How big is the jewelry that its over 40 billion won?

Interesting. Usually people ask how many there are.

At those words, I froze with my mouth blankly open. My heart sank. Can they see my eyes trembling even from this distance? I couldnt be more grateful that my expression wasnt properly visible because Emma took the flashlight.

I was momentarily flustered, but to act as if it was nothing, I looked at Kanu as if waiting for his answer. Please mistake it as the translator working wrong. Please.

Kanu grinned at me and continued speaking as if what I said was no big deal.

Its one lump of a size less than 2 meters.

After learning that Kanu had thrown a huge sum of money into a cult, Kevin spoke in a slightly shocked voice,

You should have sprinkled 200 million each to 200 people walking on the street to make them happy.

I thought of that method too.

Kanu looked at Sam, shrugged, and said,

I also thought, wouldnt our black community be a bit happier if we distributed 100 million to each household? But from what Ive experienced living so far, a poor and unhappy family doesnt necessarily become happy just because they have a lot of money.

Have you ever been poor! Do you know the misery of the lower class!

When Carter was particularly irritated about the financial part, Kanu shrugged and said,

I know well, but I dont want to talk in detail about how unhappy Ive been.

Carter grumbled softly after hearing Kanus words. If I had that money, I would have used it much better. Do you know how well I would spend it? He poured money into useless things, and other such words spilled out softly.

Bro. What the hell are you trying to do by going back 600 years?

Although Yoo Geum-yi and I asked the same question, Kanu, who had been avoiding answering by speaking vaguely, hesitated while looking at Sam, then spoke while rubbing the diamond in the lighter he was holding,

Do you remember that in 1441, black people started being sold for the first time in the world?


In 1444, the first slave market selling African slaves was established in Lagos, Portugal. After that, as you know, black people became a popular item for sale because they were resistant to epidemics and endured hard labor better than the Irish or Native Americans.


Sam had an expression of not knowing what to say. Yoo Geum-yi, Kim Ga-young, and I were listening to their conversation with faces that seemed to ask what the hell he was talking about.

Come to think of it, the three of us are all scientists. Since Jihyun is an engineer, I dont know how much she knows about world history. World history was an elective subject, so it was a field I knew as little about as Korean history for me who had bet my life on biology and chemistry to pursue a career in medicine. At least for Korean history, I memorized it fluently for cramming and took the test. I hadnt even looked at a world history book once since middle school. Kanu spoke softly to Sam,

We dont even know what weve lost. I want to see an Africa that was never colonized by any country and my ancestors who were never kidnapped.

Sam looked at Kanu as if dazed. Then he opened his mouth, but closed it again without saying anything.

Thats too

Sam stayed still with a frown on his face, then after a while, tapped Kanus shoulder with his large hand. No one could say a word. In the silence that flowed, Benjamin sneered at Kanu and said,

What are you going to do by looking at it? Gather the blacks of that era and massacre the whites or something? Do you know that blacks sold other blacks back then when you say that?

I now looked at Benjamin who made that remark in horror. Logan, who was resting his chin on one arm, slipped in surprise. Only swear words were heard as if he bit his tongue. Emma shone the flashlight towards Benjamin. When Benjamin frowned at the light, Emma shouted at him in a sharp voice while looking at his face,

Shut your mouth.

Who are you to order me around!

Shut up before I make you shut your mouth with my fist because youre making me embarrassed!

Do it! Do it! I dare you!

Emma was looking straight at Benjamin, who was sitting with his back to the glass showing the sea. It seemed that even the mythical monster that lives in the deep sea couldnt frighten Emma in this situation. Kevin, holding an axe, didnt take his eyes off Benjamin.

What if Emma rushes at Benjamin? Ill have to stop her after Benjamin gets beaten up. Come to think of it, do I really have to stop Emma? Benjamin wont just get beaten. Ill have to catch him. Ill have to ask Emma not to hit his face at least, as it could increase my work.

Although Benjamin was clearly trying to pick a fight with Kanu, Kanu shrugged and crossed his arms.

Me, to them? Well. Even if I go back in time, I doubt theyll believe me if I suddenly appear and say that the whites will kill, kidnap, and constantly torture us for 600 years, saying were not human. The tribes and nations will all be different, so I dont even know if its possible to unite them.

Kanu yawned loudly and blinked his eyes. Then he smiled as if it was absurd.

And I didnt mention anything about the whites. I said theres something I want to see. If what you want is a community made up of blacks massacring whites, Ill think about whether theres a good method when I go back to the past. When the day comes that I achieve that, Ill make sure to state that you provided the idea, so dont worry about copyright issues.

The people who were tense, worried that a fight would break out in this elevator, instantly looked at the white man who had provided the spark for a white massacre. Benjamin frowned.

You insane cultist lunatic. You say something too!

Benjamin looked at Carter sitting next to him and spoke.


Youre white too!

Whoa whoa. Not my business. It has nothing to do with me.

Then Carter tried to get away from Benjamin in this not-so-big elevator. It had little effect. James, who was sitting next to Sam, pretended to wipe the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand while making a hmph hmph sound and said to Benjamin,

If you had just shut up, the Arabs might have been first priority. A fanatic whos thinking of going back to the past by pouring in 41.5 billion won has made whites the number one attack target. Im so grateful Im tearing up.

Shut up!

Seeing Kim Ga-young and Yoo Geum-yi observing the situation, it seemed the Asians would not add more words to this situation. Kim Ga-young sighed heavily until the elevator turned off. Then she skillfully rotated both arms back to stretch her back muscles. Yoo Geum-yi blankly looked at James and Benjamin, then spoke very softly as if talking to herself,

Come to think of it. I heard someone say Go back to your country here. Now that I think about it, black people cant even hear such words. Since they were kidnapped and came, people who were forced to settle wouldnt know or have their original country as time passed.

Rather than Yoo Geum-yis realization, I was more concerned about the words Yoo Geum-yi said she heard. She was racially discriminated against like that in the underwater base? I asked Yoo Geum-yi as if whispering,

Who made such a remark to Geum-ssi?

Some bad guy.

If I happen to reopen the clinic at the underwater base, please just tell me the name.

What happens if I tell you the name?

Nothing will happen.

I am a person far from violence. But if someday, in some situation, the scale tilts and a situation arises where I, who am far from violence, have even a little advantage over the other person. I still dont know well. Will I take revenge? I am just a powerless average citizen trying to protect those within the reach of my arms. I have never been an action movie hero who carries out grand revenge. The treatment time may increase.

Yoo Geum-yi looked at me, slightly raised the corners of her mouth, then shook her head and said,

I already forgot who it was. And I probably made them apologize then.

Right. Yoo Geum-yi was a bolder person than me. Kim Ga-young slyly eavesdropped on our conversation, looked at Jihyun who was praying once, then started watching the argument again.

Kevin next to me didnt take his eyes off James and Benjamin, but his hand was off the axe handle. I was startled beside him every time this man grabbed the axe handle. I asked softly enough for only Kevin to hear.

If a fight breaks out, are you thinking of using the axe?

Kevin, who had pushed his flowing brown hair back, turned his head to look at me. He wouldnt really chop people with an axe to stop a fight, would he? If someone got hit by the axe, it seemed highly likely that the opponent would be Benjamin. Or it would be Carter. Or some unlucky person.

Putting aside the condition of the person who would be injured by the axe, there was no way to know who would get hurt and how much more if the axe was swung around in an elevator like this. If the axe flew by slipping or bouncing, we could only leave it to the imagination what would happen.

And since humans are like bags of flesh carrying blood, blood would splash all over the inside of the elevator and the people riding the elevator. Additionally, such visual shock would not be something that could be easily forgotten no matter how much time, money, and effort were put in.

It seemed best to avoid using the axe on peoples bodies as much as possible. Kevin nodded at my question, then looked ahead again and said,

Its my first time using it on a person today too.

What about before?

I used it to chop firewood.

I have never chopped firewood in my life. What reason would I, who was born and raised in the city in the first place, have to use an axe? I asked Kevin while focusing on his injured calf,

How did you hurt your leg?


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