Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 67

C67 – Why Are You so Impatient?

As soon as Ping Shun caught wind that Tang Yue was stepping out, he hastily dropped the ball he was playing with and rushed over. He eyed Tang Yue like a forsaken puppy seeking attention.

Noble Heir, whose face bore evidence of recent weight loss, possessed captivating peach blossom eyes. Having just completed an electricity model, Tang Yue retreated a step, defeated. “Alright, I’ll take you along, but don’t blame me for being disloyal if you can’t gain entry!”

Ping Shun’s smile broadened as he nodded. He didn’t bother asking about their destination. He hurried back to his room, opting for a cold water wash and swift attire change. His actions were swift, leaving the maids serving Noble Heir in potential shock if they happened to witness it.

That’s precisely why people were driven to act. Left alone without support, one had to make a choice between waiting for death or striking out. And most individuals preferred the latter.

However, upon donning the new clothes, Tang Yue shook his head. The kid had put on the garments he’d brought from home, now fitting a size too large. Not only that, they hung loosely on his frame.

Yet, he didn’t seem to mind, finding it rather fitting. He even flicked his sleeves contentedly and made a half-hearted attempt at a seductive pose that would hardly convince anyone, given his build.

Tang Yue crossed his arms and drew a deep breath. “Alright. If it pleases you, we’ll proceed this way.” After all, it wasn’t him who’d lost anything.

Outside the residence, Ping Shun insisted on sharing a vehicle with Tang Yue. Despite harboring some residual feelings of rivalry toward Tang Yue, it seemed safer to venture out with someone familiar.

“Where are we headed?” Midway through, Noble Heir remembered a crucial question.

“To Prince Zhao’s Mansion,” Tang Yue replied with a nonchalant air.

“Pata!” Tang Yue suddenly staggered and bumped against the wall, his complexion draining of color. “Zhao… Prince Zhao’s Mansion?”

“Oh, didn’t you know?” Tang Yue stared at him in surprise. “Word is, State Duke Heng is a guest today. You can seize the opportunity to express your grievances.”

Ping Shun maneuvered towards the car’s door, tapping on it and exclaiming, “Halt the car! I want to get off!”

Tang Yue promptly yanked him back by his belt, giving it a light tug. “What’s all this rush for? Let State Duke witness your current state, and I guarantee he’ll burst into laughter thrice.”

Calmly, Tang Yue continued, “But that’s what concerns me. If Father sees him like this, he’ll undoubtedly place full trust in Tang Yue. Then how will he broach the subject of returning home?”

“I can’t do it, I, the Noble Heir, can’t stride through the main gate of Prince Zhao’s Mansion!”

“Don’t fret, Wang Zizhao will still lend me some face. I’ll have you admitted.”

Ping Shun only just recalled that this man had healed Wang Zizhao’s leg. He had to be a distinguished guest in Prince Zhao’s Mansion, yet he’d never encountered Wang Zizhao himself. What was the story behind this?

If he were truly turned away, how could he save face? How could State Duke Heng’s reputation remain untarnished?

In Chee-ker City, numerous young masters aimed to win Wang Zizhao’s favor. Nevertheless, some fervently wished they’d never cross paths with him again. Zhao Sanlang belonged to this group, and so did Ping Shun.

Essentially, this exemplified a person’s aspirations. Tang Yue pinched Ping Shun’s round cheeks and lectured, “Perhaps I should suggest your father sends you to the military for a year and a half of training. You’ll be reborn for certain! Just look at Wang Zizhao; he exudes an ironclad demeanor.”

Tang Yue mused that this idea held merit. The military was devoid of women, making it an ideal place for character refinement.

Ping Shun flung himself towards Tang Yue, wrapping him in a tight embrace as he sobbed, “Tang Xiaolang, you absolutely can’t harm this Noble Heir. Otherwise, I’ll hold a grudge against you forever!”

Tang Yue found himself pinned beneath Ping Shun’s weight, his breath nearly stifled. It felt as if a massive boulder pressed down on his chest, making every breath difficult.

His face turned pallid. He couldn’t shove or push Ping Shun away. His only recourse was to pummel the man’s back with his fist, gasping as he urged, “Get off… quickly… You’re dead…”

“But you must promise this Noble Heir first!” Ping Shun clung to Tang Yue tenaciously, disregarding the flailing strikes and kicks Tang Yue aimed his way.

At an unexpected halt of the carriage, the door creaked open. Hu Jinpeng’s laughter boomed as he called out, “Tang Xiaolang…” His laughter died in his throat as he caught sight of the scene inside.

In that moment, the Tang Family’s young master’s face was a blazing red. His clothing was disheveled, and another man pinned him down. Their bodies were interlocked so tightly that there was barely a sliver of space between them. Their faces pressed closely, their position brimming with innuendo.

“This… Oops, it was an accident… You two continue…” Hu Jinpeng flung the door wide, hastily rubbing his face. Internally, he mused how he had never anticipated Tang Xiaolang harboring such inclinations, and with such impatience at that.

The two occupants of the carriage were frozen in shock. They scrambled off Tang Yue in a fluster, inadvertently putting pressure on sensitive areas of his body. The resulting pain had Tang Yue gritting his teeth, taking in a deep breath to cope.

It was a considerable while before he finally managed to alight from the carriage. Once he had regained his composure and tidied himself, Tang Yue fervently wished he could unearth a hole to hide from the pointed mockery in Hu Jinpeng’s gaze.

Despite his same-sex preferences, he certainly had no intention of pursuing his future brother-in-law, let alone Ping Shun, that infuriatingly plump fellow!

“Ah, the carriage jolted just now. I’m not sure why it tipped…” Tang Yue’s voice assumed an embarrassed yet coy tone as he concocted an excuse with an awkward smile.

“The road outside Prince Zhao’s Mansion is probably the smoothest stretch in all of Ye City. They’ve gone to great lengths to clean it up today. It’s practically unshakable. Maybe… Tang Xiaolang, you might consider changing drivers.” Hu Jinpeng jested.

He shifted his gaze beyond Tang Yue, focusing on the man accompanying him. At first glance, the man looked familiar. “And who might this be…?” The level of familiarity that warranted being brought to this gathering by Tang Xiaolang and appearing so close indicated their relationship was no ordinary matter.

“Shun Er…?” An exuberant voice called from behind. Tang Yue turned and met the surprised gaze of Duke Heng. His handsome face was a picture of astonishment.

A few of the younger attendees rushed to greet him, yet Duke Heng remained fixated on his son with a dazed expression. “It’s genuinely… immaculate.”

“Father…” Ping Shun advanced, adjusting his loosely hanging clothes and displaying a touch of shyness.

“Excellent! Truly excellent!” State Duke Heng slapped his son’s shoulder heartily. He realized his son had not only shed a considerable amount of weight but also grown much stronger.

Shifting his attention to Tang Yue, State Duke Heng’s gaze brimmed with trust and admiration. “Nephew, you’re truly remarkable!”

“I don’t deserve such praise. Noble Heir’s suffering for a month was quite trying.” Tang Yue preemptively halted Ping Shun’s attempt to step back.

As expected, hearing this, State Duke Heng didn’t feel any sense of discomfort. “What’s a little hardship? Shun-er was indulged from a young age, which led to his unconventionality. Thankfully, Nephew’s here.”

State Duke Heng glanced at Hu Jinpeng, who stood to the side without uttering a word. Sourly, he thought, If my son had half of that Hu family brat’s mettle, I could depart in peace.

Both of them hailed from the State Duke’s Mansion, yet the chasm between them was stark. No wonder he consistently felt smaller when facing Hu Kun.

“Indeed, Noble Heir has a kind nature…” He had a peculiar way of channeling his frustration by involving people.

“He possesses a sharp memory and a quick learning ability…” Regrettably, he lacked the resilience and fortitude required to bear hardship.

“Currently, he can even draw a stone bow…” He secretly sneaked out to hunt and spent a night hunting down a rabbit. The guards turned a blind eye to his escapade.

Tang Yue’s smile was remarkably gentle. Each word of admiration caused a flush of praise to grace his cheeks.

State Duke Heng felt uplifted hearing this. Gazing affectionately at Tang Yue, he wished to bring him home and have him as his son.

Such a level-headed and compassionate young man was truly a rarity!

No father disliked hearing accolades about their child. Additionally, Tang Yue lauded his son in every utterance, displaying immense thoughtfulness.

Continuing his praise, Tang Yue added, “Noble Heir has robust physical attributes. With dedicated effort over a year and a half, he might become adept in spear combat and serve the nation loyally.”

“Oh? Is that so?” State Duke Heng laughed heartily, almost closing his eyes due to his amusement.

“I wouldn’t dare to speak insincerely. If Uncle places trust in Yue, would you consider entrusting Noble Heir to me?” Tang Yue assured, tapping his chest.

“That’s excellent. Haha… I don’t wish for him to engage in warfare for the country’s defense. My hope is for him to safeguard his family.”

The duo had solidified Ping Shun’s ownership for the next six months. Hu Jinpeng, standing nearby, couldn’t help but be awed by Tang Yue’s decisiveness.

Historically, in Chee-ker City, Noble Heir of State Duke Heng’s character wasn’t well-received. When State Duke Heng inevitably intervened on his son’s behalf, it only cemented his image as a guardian throughout Ye City, effectively deterring other young heirs from the city’s elite.

No one expected Tang Xiaolang to proactively take charge of this seemingly insignificant endeavor. To make matters more astonishing, he accomplished it effectively. It left them at a loss for words.

Ping Shun was teetering on the brink of tears, overwhelmed by a sense of grievance with no outlet. Anxiety perspired from him heavily. Particularly distressing were the triumphant smirks Tang Yue cast his way, rendering him dispirited and speechless.

Hu Jinpeng reminded them of Wang Zizhao’s presence. Wang Zizhao was cheerfully conversing at the entrance of Prince Zhao’s Mansion. Numerous curious onlookers fixated their gaze on him, with some even contemplating joining the exchange.

State Duke Heng had a firm grip on his son’s shoulder as they entered. His stride was more composed and confident than usual. His countenance bore a perpetual smile, an impression that could lead one unfamiliar with the situation to believe he was experiencing a rejuvenation.

The boy, albeit large in stature, nestled within his father’s embrace. He observed his surroundings with trepidation, perceiving the world through a fresh perspective. His mindset was profoundly altered.

Previously, he had been included in grand familial gatherings, yet he always went unnoticed. Hosts seemed cognizant of his inclinations, supplying him with attractive companions for entertainment. Start to finish, he felt disconnected from these banquets.

Eventually, he grew accustomed to this peculiar state of affairs. To the women, he appeared as a tall, sturdy pillar worth clinging to. Though reluctant, he would sometimes find himself succumbing to their advances, surrendering his own agency.

He’d convinced himself this status quo was advantageous. A profusion of beauties, boundless riches, and an unwavering identity seemed enviable. Those who derided him were merely envious.

Yet, with each step forward, he would discover the shallowness of his existence.


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