Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 248

C248 – Ambition

Wang Dingjun and his men didn’t return until noon, visibly fatigued yet resolute. Upon their arrival in the city, their first task was to prepare the populace for battle.

Crown Prince Zhao advised them to rest briefly before resuming their defensive arrangements.

In a covert manner, Zhao Sanlang pulled Wang Dingjun aside and inquired, “What happened out there? Weren’t you supposed to hinder the advance of the North Yue’s army?”

“Indeed,” Wang Dingjun affirmed.

Gesturing towards a sizable troop, Zhao Sanlang queried, “Then why didn’t you engage them? How did you manage to slow them down?”

“Curious, are you?” Wang Dingjun quipped, earning himself a playful punch from Zhao Sanlang. “You’ll find out.”

“I’ll be here when you decide to share,” Wang Dingjun responded with a yawn, giving Zhao Sanlang’s shoulder a pat. “I’m exhausted. Let’s save the chat for later.”

Zhao Sanlang watched him walk away, muttering, “I can’t fathom who’d find him endearing.”

“Zhao Sanlang!” A voice called out from behind, sounding both familiar and slightly foreign.

Startled, Zhao Sanlang turned to find a face that was simultaneously recognizable and unfamiliar, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Advancing step by step, the figure wore the regalia of a mid-ranking general, boasting a tall, erect stature.

“You… what brings you here?” Despite the night’s flurry of activity, this person was the sole individual he encountered. Given his status, why would he grace the battlefield?

“I enlisted.” His once youthful countenance had matured entirely. Undeniably handsome, yet his demeanor remained unchanged, his eyes retaining their cold gleam. Only upon seeing Zhao Sanlang did a hint of warmth surface.

It had been years since Zhao Sanlang last laid eyes on the County Prince. Memories flooded back, none evoking joy.

Though not intimate, they weren’t strangers. Zhao Sanlang had long forgotten the infatuation he harbored for County Princess Huizhu, yet the memories of being taunted by this youngster remained vivid.

“Haha, the lord of the prefecture is indeed suited for the battlefield, but how did the princess consent to your presence here?”

A chill swept over County Prince’s expression. His retort was frosty, “She’s preoccupied. How would she remember having someone like me as her son?”

Zhao Sanlang appeared puzzled but refrained from probing further. The strained relationship between mother and son was evident from County Prince’s demeanor.

“The duke has arrived. Is the Crown Prince aware?”

County Prince shook his head. “Amidst tens of thousands of soldiers, my existence went unnoticed by the Crown Prince. I’m but a junior officer now.”

Zhao Sanlang admired his resolve. With his status, securing a high-ranking post in the military would have been effortless. It offered safety, comfort, and swift military accolades. With a layer of gilt, he could establish his own prefecture, freeing himself from the confines of his birth.

Scratching his head, Zhao Sanlang struggled to find common ground. Their relationship had never been articulated in words. Each time he faced the other’s scorn or physical reprimand, an unexpected tranquility ensued. It was unfamiliar.

“I have matters to attend to. We’ll catch up after the battle.” County Prince took his leave proactively. Zhao Sanlang nodded in agreement. Delving into nostalgia amidst impending conflict seemed inappropriate.

“Wait…” Zhao Sanlang halted him. As he turned back, Zhao Sanlang found himself at a loss for words. Retrieving a dagger concealed in his boot, he extended it. “Take this. Stay safe.”

Zhao Sanlang’s gaze softened slightly. Accepting the dagger, County Prince expressed gratitude before departing.

Standing in place, Zhao Sanlang pondered the scene, sensing something awry. It felt distinctly peculiar.

Locating Crown Prince Zhao, he relayed news about County Prince. To his surprise, the Crown Prince merely nodded, remarking, “I’m aware, but if he seeks advancement through his own prowess, I won’t intervene.”

So, Crown Prince Zhao was already privy to the matter and simply indifferent.

“By the way, I heard from Tang Yue that you once held admiration for County Princess Huizhu?” Crown Prince Zhao suddenly inquired.

Zhao Sanlang inwardly cursed Tang Yue and managed an awkward smile. “It’s ancient history, youthful folly, hehe…”

“Oh, I see,” responded Crown Prince Zhao, somewhat perplexed.

Zhao Sanlang genuinely wished to understand what was commendable about it, yet he hesitated to ask outright. He could only speculate silently. Perhaps the Crown Prince intended to arrange a match for him?

Reflecting on his age, he realized he wasn’t as young anymore. The Noble Heir of State Duke Heng, younger than him, was already a father of two. It was time to find a spouse, fulfill his filial duty, and grant his mother a grandchild to dote on.

Thoughts of his distant mother in Ye City rejuvenated Zhao Sanlang. His determination surged anew; he was not only staking his life for himself but also for his mother.

Despite his father’s demise, he yearned to prove himself, to show that he was no less than Brother Shu.

The war drum atop the city wall suddenly resounded. Crown Prince Zhao and Zhao Sanlang exchanged a serious glance.

“Quicker than anticipated. Prepare for battle.”

“Yes!” Zhao Sanlang donned his helmet, retrieved a whistle, and blew it, signaling the Black Armored Guard to a concealed location.

Wang Dingjun, having just finished a bowl of piping hot noodles, was about to retire when the drum sounded. Hastily dressing, he grabbed his weapon and rushed out.

There was no need to issue orders for assembly; the thirty thousand soldiers had already poured out of their barracks, converging at the street entrance.

“I understand we’re all weary and eager for rest, but in the face of enemy threats, peaceful slumber may elude us. Tomorrow’s dawn might bring unforeseen challenges, rendering rest a permanent luxury. Given these circumstances, why don’t I lead us in utilizing our strengths to act?”

“The decision rests with the general!” Wang Dingjun managed to rally thirty thousand soldiers in just one night, earning high praise from Crown Prince Zhao.

Essentially, he did very little. His directive was merely to obstruct their path. Disrupting a cliffside path was a straightforward task; all it required was severing a section of the route.

Moreover, he not only instructed the cutting of the path but also arranged for stones to block sections. It was laborious work, leaving everyone utterly exhausted.

Yet, it paled in comparison to the horrors of warfare. Here, they only shed sweat, spared the agony of bloodshed and tears.

The skirmish persisted for three days. When it concluded, with tens of thousands of enemy casualties, they led the remaining troops in retreat.

Crown Prince Zhao dispatched swift light cavalry to pursue and detain the retreating forces. Surveying the ravaged city walls, he made a crucial decision.

Tang Yue received another missive from Crown Prince Zhao a month after the battle commenced. Each day, he visited in trepidation, fearing he might see Crown Prince Zhao borne back wounded.

In the letter, Crown Prince Zhao provided a brief overview of the battle’s progress and outcome. Tang Yue grasped only half the details; he knew only of South Jin’s victory. Crown Prince Zhao allowed five days for the wounded to recuperate and planned a relatively secure offensive strategy with the generals.

Tang Yue discerned Crown Prince Zhao’s ambition from the letter. It appeared Crown Prince Zhao had resolved to strike North Yue’s stronghold.

“Young master, hasn’t His Highness triumphed in battle? The court is jubilant. Officials hail His Highness as the war god reincarnate,” he exclaimed cheerfully.

Tang Yue smiled wryly. “The war god reincarnate? That’s merely a notion they conjured. If a war god truly existed, what need would there be for battles?”

Tang Yue inwardly scoffed. How many officials in the Imperial Court genuinely cared for Crown Prince Zhao’s safety? They were mere sycophants.

“If gods truly intervened, they’d best beseech the gods directly.”

Finishing the letter, Tang Yue noted its simplicity. Crown Prince Zhao’s messages became increasingly succinct, with fewer updates on his condition. It was evident that as time passed, Crown Prince Zhao’s correspondence dwindled, his handwriting growing increasingly hurried.

The brutality and challenges of war were beyond his comprehension, yet Crown Prince Zhao persevered, steadily pressing on with his attacks. His determination was truly admirable.

“As winter transitions to spring, Master, the cloak and woolen socks you prepared for His Highness appear to be unnecessary.”

“Then we shall await the latter half of the year. There will come an opportunity to utilize them.”

“Eh? Hasn’t His Highness emerged victorious in the war?” “I heard that North Yue suffered a crushing defeat and incurred significant losses. They seem incapable of retaliation. It’s rumored that His Highness will return soon.”

“Where did you obtain such detailed news?”

“Naturally, this servant has sources. Do not underestimate the common folk; sometimes they disseminate information the fastest.”

Tang Yue shook his head with a smile. “I’ve never underestimated anyone.”

“Let’s not dwell on this. There’s much to prepare this time. I have an important task for you.”

“Please proceed.” He Ting straightened his posture, gazing at Tang Yue with eager eyes.

“We must arrange a substantial supply of food, wages, and weapons for the Crown Prince. Among these, we require an abundance of backpacks. We need to produce tens of thousands of them within the next ten days. You’ll be overseeing this.”

He felt a bit apprehensive. What if he made a mistake? Then he wouldn’t be the only one regretting it.

“Don’t fret. Your role is to supervise and ensure both efficiency and quality. Prevent any slacking off.”

He nodded. “Yes. This servant will closely monitor their progress. I won’t allow any negligence!”

Tang Yue truly wanted to express that idleness was secondary; he simply wanted He to have a purpose and not linger aimlessly before him.


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