Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 234

C234 – Let’s Split up

It took ten days for the news of Qinyang City’s significant event to reach Ye City. The entire Imperial Court was astonished, with disbelief echoing throughout.

Despite an alliance army of one hundred thousand troops, including fifty thousand soldiers from North Yue, they couldn’t penetrate Qinyang City. Instead, they suffered heavy losses and were compelled to retreat. This reality seemed surreal.

Were it not for the Crown Prince’s seal on the report, suspicions might have arisen regarding Yang Feng’s potential fabrication of achievements for ulterior motives.

“Your Majesty, did the report mention the tactics employed to defeat the enemy and secure victory?” inquired an elderly general with enthusiasm.

In the realm of military strategy, nothing was deemed impossible. Yet, achieving victory with merely the thirty thousand city guards stationed in Qinyang City seemed implausible.

Even if the Crown Prince possessed exceptional military prowess, leading the thirty thousand city guards against the hundred thousand regular troops appeared almost insurmountable.

The King of South Jin shook his head. “The report detailing the victory spans only a few hundred words, lacking in elaboration. It may take several days for the actual battle scenario to unfold.”

Such was customary practice. Initial reports of victory or defeat were promptly dispatched to the palace, but the comprehensive narrative often lagged, requiring days or even months to compile. Crafting such accounts demanded time, a luxury often unattainable amid the chaos of war.

The King of South Jin harbored no concern in this regard, as he had his own network of spies to furnish him with intelligence. He was eager to discern the intricacies behind this victorious encounter.

“Your Majesty, with North Yue deploying fifty thousand troops for a surprise assault from the southwest, we must remain vigilant in the north. Should we not instruct State Duke Lu to seize the initiative and counterattack?” proposed State Duke Heng.

Agreement echoed throughout the assembly. North Yue, originally fielding a hundred thousand troops, now depleted by half, presented an opportune moment bestowed by fate.

“State Duke Heng’s suggestion is prudent. Dispatch a messenger to inform State Duke Lu of this development!”

“Great King is wise!”

“Your Majesty, now that the conflict in Qinyang City has subsided, I believe the King of Qi and the Yue Yi Clan won’t dare to launch another attack. Should we recall the Crown Prince?” State Duke Heng inquired, with State Duke Ann echoing his concern.

This wasn’t the first time he had voiced this suggestion. Initially, it would raise eyebrows, but now it simply irked the King of South Jin.

“The Crown Prince has already been reassigned to Chu Province. I’ve ensured additional security measures. Uncle needn’t worry,” the king reassured.

“What?” State Duke Ann wasn’t the only one taken aback; the other ministers were equally alarmed. They collectively protested, “Your Majesty, reconsider!”

Crown Prince Zhao was the designated heir. Allowing the future king to be exposed to danger was unthinkable. If anything happened to him, South Jin would suffer irreparable consequences.

“Your Majesty, His Highness holds a distinguished position and bears the future of South Jin. It’s unwise to subject him to such peril.”

“Indeed. His Highness hasn’t led troops in years. Even in Chu Province, he may not effectively command the army. His presence might burden State Duke Lu. It’s my opinion that His Highness is better suited to safeguarding the rear.”

“His Highness is adept at managing court affairs. Currently, numerous matters await his attention, including recent developments in Kong.”

Sympathizing with the ministers’ concern for Crown Prince Zhao, the King of South Jin fretted over the potential lack of successors to manage state documents should anything untoward happen at the border.

He suspected these individuals might wish for his demise, paving the way for the crown prince’s ascension.

Over the years, the Crown Prince had grown increasingly competent in handling political affairs. Initially tasked with trivial matters, he gradually assumed greater responsibilities delegated by the King of South Jin.

After nearly three decades on the throne, the King of South Jin had wearied of incessant document scrutiny. Delegating tasks to the Crown Prince freed him for leisurely pursuits. Daily, he indulged in revelry and amusement.

Once ensnared by pleasure, extricating oneself proved challenging. Despite his enduring ambition, the King of South Jin lacked the drive and time to disentangle himself.

The harem teemed with captivating women. Former favorites had faded, replaced by fresh beauties adorning the palace. How could he resist such allure?

“Have the accumulated documents brought to the Imperial Reading Room. I’ll attend to them personally!” The King of South Jin’s countenance darkened. With a derisive sneer, he declared, “I haven’t drowned in paperwork yet. I’m not too old for it. As for affairs elsewhere, don’t concern yourselves.”

Could South Jin not function adequately without the Crown Prince?

The ministers humbly replied, “The king is as blessed as the East Sea, with a lifespan as enduring as the South Mountain!”

Departing Qinyang City, the carriage rolled through the gates. Tang Yue, at the helm, observed the weathered city walls. Unwashed blood streaked the ancient fortifications, imbuing them with solemnity.

The mound of corpses at the gate had been removed, but the stench of blood lingered, sickeningly pungent.

Crown Prince Zhao, mounted on his steed, gazed fixedly at Tang Yue, his expression laden with unspoken words.

“Take care on your journey. If you encounter any danger, signal us promptly,” Crown Prince Zhao cautioned repeatedly.

“What dangers could I possibly face? I’ve been within our own territory the entire way back to Ye City. It’s you who traveled from Qinyang City to Chu Province. The journey was arduous and perilous. Enemies might lie in wait along the route. You must exercise extreme caution,” remarked Crown Prince Zhao.

Crown Prince Zhao’s lips curved slightly upwards. Excellent. If those defeated soldiers still possess any vigor, we can seize this opportunity to eliminate them entirely!

“Stay vigilant!”

“Rest assured, the Black Armored Guard is close by. They’ll accompany us all the way to the north.”

Tang Yue fretted over the possibility of the enemy employing cunning tactics. If they were to set an ambush using the advantageous terrain, the Black Armored Guard might not arrive in time to rescue them.

“Perhaps His Highness should travel with the Black Armored Guard. Since his identity has been exposed, there’s no need for concealment anymore.”

“No need. They have their own mission. I’ll conceal my identity and travel incognito towards the northeast. I doubt our paths will cross.”

The two exchanged prolonged glances, a profound reluctance welling within them. Tang Yue couldn’t predict when they would reunite after this parting, leaving him filled with apprehension.

He understood that in ancient times, conflicts often persisted for ten to twenty years, and transportation was incredibly inconvenient. He couldn’t fathom how they would endure three to five years apart.

He sighed. “Why don’t you allow me to accompany you? At least we could save a few more lives.”

Crown Prince Zhao shook his head. “Responsibilities await at the crown prince’s residence. The relationship between the court and the palace requires attention. There are guardians. Father and mother also need your filial care. Most importantly, you must look after our great-grandson.”

Naturally, Crown Prince Zhao wouldn’t risk taking Tang Yue to the perilous border. He feared for Tang Yue’s safety and recognized the necessity of Crown Princess guarding Ye City for the stability of the entire court.

Tang Yue understood this, yet the thought of being separated from Crown Prince Zhao for an extended period filled him with worry.

“Your teachings have adequately prepared those individuals,” Crown Prince Zhao remarked, comparing the present situation to the past.

They possessed an abundance of provisions, hundreds of military physicians, modern weaponry, and highly trained elite troops. While North Yue convalesced, they surged forward. By the time North Yue reached its zenith, they would be considerably stronger than before, instilling Crown Prince Zhao with greater confidence in the upcoming battle.

“Your Highness, it’s getting late. We should depart,” someone reminded.

Crown Prince Zhao dismounted and approached Tang Yue, embracing him tightly. They shared an intense kiss, conveying their profound reluctance to part.

Little Luoyuan peered out from the carriage. Observing the scene, he quickly shielded his eyes with his hands, sneaking glimpses through his fingers.

“Luoyuan, come bid farewell to your father,” Tang Yue called out to Little Luoyuan with a flushed face.

Crown Prince Zhao also embraced Little Luoyuan and earnestly instructed him, “I won’t be around to teach you in your father’s absence. You must behave well, take care of your father, and not neglect your studies. Wait for me to return and check your homework.”

Little Luoyuan nodded solemnly. “I understand.”

Among all the changes witnessed during the trip to Qinyang City, Little Luoyuan seemed to have undergone the most significant transformation. He no longer resembled a typical five-year-old child. He exhibited emotional control, understanding when to laugh or cry, and had developed a sense of situational awareness, acquainting himself with the complexities of the world.

Tang Yue gently tousled his son’s hair. “I’m not sure if bringing him here was the right decision.” He harbored the belief that children should be allowed to enjoy their youth freely, rather than being thrust into maturity prematurely. Being overly precocious wasn’t necessarily advantageous.

However, he acknowledged that employing his previous life’s teaching methods would have delayed Little Luoyuan’s maturity by at least twenty years. Moreover, as the son of an emperor, excessive innocence and purity weren’t prerequisites. Crown Prince Zhao’s educational approach appeared more pragmatic.

Crown Prince Zhao expressed dissatisfaction, “It’s because you’ve spoiled him excessively.”

Tang Yue retorted with a playful roll of his eyes, “Who could resist spoiling my son?”

Crown Prince Zhao sighed with resignation. He hoped that upon his return, his son wouldn’t become indulgent and idle. A doting mother and an indolent son were far from ideal.

The convoy gradually departed. Tang Yue sat at the front of the carriage, gazing at the receding silhouette, his heart heavy with reluctance.

Zhang Chun moved from the rear to the front carriage. Both sat in silence, their spirits subdued.

After a prolonged silence, Zhang Chun inquired, “Do you reckon you’d wait at home for twenty years if this conflict ensues?”

Tang Yue shook his head. “Three years is the utmost limit. If he hasn’t returned by then, I’ll undoubtedly seek him out.”

He couldn’t emulate the women of this era, wasting away in solitary vigil until age withered their appearance and dulled their emotions. What purpose did that serve?

Without his own sense of duty, he wouldn’t endure a moment’s separation.

Zhang Chun smiled. “Indeed! When the time comes, we’ll embark on the journey together!”

Tang Yue patted him reassuringly. “Then you must diligently train in martial arts from now on. Don’t remain feeble. You must possess the strength to defend yourself.”

“What’s the point of focusing solely on me? Your own arms and legs are feeble. They’re even weaker than mine…” A sharp blade pressed against his neck, but Tang Yue chuckled wickedly. “Who’s weaker now?”

Zhang Chun smiled awkwardly. “Brother Tang is undoubtedly superior!”


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