Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 224

C224 – Let’s Move out Together

The upcoming days remained peaceful. Tang Yue was aware that this tranquility was just the calm before an impending storm. He inquired of Crown Prince Zhao, “Is His Highness genuinely uninterested in offering assistance?”

Following Hu Jinpeng’s departure from Ye City, Tang Yue assumed he had gone to deploy that cavalry unit, but he was uncertain if Crown Prince Zhao intended to employ this formidable force in Qinyang City.

Crown Prince Zhao was engrossed in studying a map on the table, occasionally making annotations. His attention was fixed on this task. When Tang Yue posed his question, Crown Prince Zhao remained silent. He then asked, “What name do you believe this army should bear?”

This ten-thousand-strong cavalry unit was the product of their joint efforts. Naturally, Crown Prince Zhao would grant Tang Yue the authority to choose the most fitting name.


Crown Prince Zhao handed him a pen and paper, stating, “Madam, you are the architect of this army. I leave the naming to you.”

A faint smile tugged at the corner of Tang Yue’s lips. He nibbled on the pen, deep in thought. “Ghost army? No, it’s too ominous… The Dragon Slayer Army? Inappropriate, it’s ambiguous… What should we call it?”

Observing Tang Yue’s deep contemplation, Crown Prince Zhao smiled and allowed him to deliberate further. Then, his focus shifted. He pointed to a specific location on the map, indicating it as the designated resting place for their adversaries.

“Ah, I’ve got it. How about the Black Armored Guard?”

“Black Armored Guard?” It was a rather ordinary name, yet surprisingly fitting for this army. Crown Prince Zhao nodded, saying, “Let’s name it the Black Armored Guard! Excellent!”

“Knock knock…” Wang Dingjun’s voice, filled with urgency, echoed from outside the door. “Your Highness, the enemy is on the move.”

Tang Yue opened the door and noticed a handprint on Wang Dingjun’s face. He smiled and welcomed him inside.

If the timing were different, Tang Yue would have been eager to hear the gossip about what had transpired between these two in the past few days.

Wang Dingjun’s expression altered, and he entered the room, providing Crown Prince Zhao with the latest updates.

Crown Prince Zhao donned lightweight armor and patted Tang Yue on the shoulder. “Stay within the mansion; do not venture outside. Take Luoyuan with you and await my return.”

Tang Yue refrained from insisting on trailing them because he realized he wouldn’t be of assistance even if he were with them. He had his own obligations to fulfill.

“Take care, Your Highness,” Tang Yue kissed him on the cheek. Afterward, he returned to his quarters and retrieved the prepared medical kit. He changed into lightweight attire and exited his room.

There was something he hadn’t disclosed to Crown Prince Zhao. On the day they left Ye City, he dispatched a letter to the courtyard. Prior to their arrival in Qinyang City, his aides had arrived in groups and were dispersed throughout the city.

Tang Yue’s associates possessed their unique method of communication, beyond the reach of even the Crown Prince’s Palace’s intelligence system. Of course, if Zhang Chun were to encounter them, he would undoubtedly recognize them.

After leaving, he proceeded to Zhang Chun’s residence. Little Luoyuan was assisting him. It was the only task Luoyuan found he could undertake without causing any inconvenience to others.

The city’s residents were fraught with anxiety as they remained trapped day after day. Occasionally, individuals would engage in reckless behaviors. The government couldn’t afford to divert resources to alleviate their stress, so Tang Yue devised a plan.

People tended to become uneasy when idle. In an era devoid of television, computers, mobile phones, and entertainment, the days felt interminable. Without occupying themselves, boredom could easily set in.

Consequently, Tang Yue proposed an initiative to the authorities. He suggested posting notices and assembling able-bodied men for four hours of training each morning. In the event of a crisis, these individuals could also wield weapons and defend the city on the battlefield.

In the afternoon, these men were assigned to various tasks. Despite the city’s restrictions, there were numerous tasks at hand, such as crafting bows and spears, constructing defensive structures, and transporting stones and timber—essential elements for defending the city.

Women congregated to produce cotton garments, armor, and food. Tang Yue instructed them to prepare ten days’ worth of cooked rice noodles for the soldiers. In the event of war, there might not be sufficient time for meals, and these provisions could be taken along.

Little Luoyuan was crafting toys for children’s amusement, guided by Zhang Chun. Within a single day, the two of them fashioned a leather puppet show, small punching bags, and a rope, all set for organizing playtime with the children in the vicinity.

Regrettably, there was no longer time for play.

“Luoyuan, be a good boy and stay with Uncle Chun. Daddy has to work. When Daddy returns, he’ll prepare something delicious for you.”

Little Luoyuan put down the scissors and gazed at him with anticipation. “Can Luoyuan go with Daddy? Luoyuan won’t be a bother and won’t eat anything delicious.”

Tang Yue embraced him and planted a kiss on his forehead. “No, it’s too dangerous outside. You might get distracted if you follow Daddy.”

Tang Yue took him along for a few days. The young one had experienced the war atmosphere to some extent. He understood that it wasn’t the right time to let his temper run wild, so he agreed without resistance.

“Um…” Zhang Chun awkwardly touched his nose and said, “I don’t have many skills, but I can at least help bring your son here.”

Tang Yue playfully tapped him, “Alright, if you lack skills, who else could do it? There’s no need for you out there, so it’s best you stay here.”

In the realm of expertise, Tang Yue couldn’t afford to let a business genius wield a gun. That would be squandering his own talent, wouldn’t it?

“Well, when you encounter that rascal Wang, make sure to give him a good beating. He’s got tough skin and thick flesh; he won’t mind a little pain.”

Tang Yue raised an eyebrow, “I saw the state of his face earlier… You really harbor no grudge!”

“Tch, it’s his own clumsiness that got him into trouble. He had it coming!”

Tang Yue understood that Zhang Chun’s words weren’t entirely heartfelt, and he didn’t bother to argue. He simply said, “Don’t worry. If I find him with broken limbs, I’ll do my best to treat him. I’ll also send someone to inform you so you can witness his pitiful state and relieve your anger.”

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Zhang Chun’s mouth. Just the thought of such a scene made him a bit uneasy, but he still insisted, “In that case, thank you.”

Tang Yue smiled, turned around, and exited the Prefecture. The injured soldiers were situated not far from the city wall, housed in a row of buildings.

Tang Yue arranged for the treatment room and waiting area to be prepared. Boxes of commonly used medicines and rolls of gauze were moved into the room. All the necessary tools were ready, awaiting the wounded.

Tang Yue strolled down the street. Following him, men in white robes gradually assembled. They carried medical supplies, donned gauze hats, and had masks dangling from their ears. Their expressions were serious as they steadfastly trailed Tang Yue’s steps.

Some vendors who hadn’t had the chance to close their stalls gazed at this group of strangely dressed individuals with curiosity. “Who are these people? Why are they dressed like this?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen them before. Judging by their white attire, maybe they are for…” No need to spell it out. Considering the direction they were heading, they didn’t appear to be soldiers. What else could they be doing other than collecting bodies?

However, they hadn’t anticipated the government taking care of this matter. This battle wasn’t going to be easily lost, was it?

“It’s a tough situation. Thirty thousand versus eighty thousand. How can we possibly win?” Yang Feng openly acknowledged the vast difference in military strength between the two sides. Much of the fear among the city’s civilians stemmed from this reality.

“True, but the city’s lord assured us that he’s ready. If Qinyang City truly becomes indefensible, he’ll instruct everyone to withdraw beforehand.”

“My family has called Qinyang City home for three centuries. I can’t bear to abandon this place. I’ll stay until the very last moment.”

“Who wants to leave? Since City Lord Yang arrived, our lives have improved significantly.” Even the poorest families can make a living by harvesting herbs in the mountains. This is a good place.”

“Exactly! Traitors are the ones who suggest leaving!”

Tang Yue and his companions strolled down the street, overhearing conversations from people hiding in their houses. Many believed they were there to collect the deceased. Some of the families near the front couldn’t help but shed tears.

“Master, if you happen to come across my grandson, please send him back home…” An elderly woman hurried out of her house and knelt before Tang Yue and his group.

Tang Yue promptly helped her to her feet and reassured her, “Don’t worry, we’ll ensure your grandson returns safely.”

“Sigh, he’s just fifteen years old…” The old woman wept. She knew her grandson wasn’t a strong lad; he had joined the army solely for food and wages.

Everyone understood the perils of this battle. The old woman had already mentally prepared herself for her grandson’s potential demise on the battlefield. Her sole wish was to see his body returned home intact, not to be laid to rest in an unmarked grave.

“Aunt, we are doctors. Skilled physicians who can save lives and mend injuries. Trust us, we’ll bring your grandson back safely.”

“Doctors? You’re doctors?” The old woman exclaimed in surprise, “So many of you…”

Tang Yue nodded, “Yes, they are all highly skilled. No need to worry.”

Xiang Ann poked his head out from behind Tang Yue and grinned, “Hehe, even if your grandson has broken his arms and legs, I can still help him. And if not, there’s my master. He’s a renowned physician!”

“A miraculous doctor…” The old woman gazed at the departing group and muttered to herself. It wasn’t until her family ushered her back home that she exclaimed in joy, “My grandson will be saved…”


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