Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 220

C220 – Too Cruel

As soon as the Merit Monument made its appearance, the atmosphere in the Imperial Court became significantly more vibrant. The ministers seemed to have discovered a new purpose in their lives and tackled their duties with great enthusiasm.

After a full day and night of slumber, Zhang Chun awoke, enjoyed a steaming bowl of chicken soup, and indulged in a relaxing hot bath before he began to feast.

“I’m famished!” Zhang Chun exclaimed while stuffing his mouth with meat as he spotted Tang Yue entering the room.

Tang Yue sat opposite him, observing him finish his meal and even offering him water for rinsing.

Zhang Chun only responded after spitting out the water, and he awkwardly smiled. “It’s truly a stroke of luck to have the Crown Princess serve tea and water personally.”

Aware of Zhang Chun’s often tactless words, Tang Yue didn’t extend the invitation out of courtesy. He understood Zhang Chun’s temperament and chose not to engage in an argument.

“This time, it’s all thanks to you. My father said he’d treat you to a meal someday. He regards you as a peer. He hasn’t let us down Earthlings.”

Zhang Chun interrupted, “Do you see who I am? When it comes to intelligence, nobody can claim to be my equal. I’ve amassed wisdom over thousands of years. These people from ancient times can’t compare to me.”

While his words were exaggerated, they held some truth. Accounting in this era was convoluted and intricate. Zhang Chun simplified the methods, making the records more straightforward and easier to grasp. Whether it was addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, it was much simpler.

Tang Yue chuckled, “Well, why be so formal with family? Your father is quite straightforward.”

Tang Yue concurred, expressing his fondness for the Yueyang Marquis. Without genuine affection for the family, it would be challenging for him, an outsider, to assimilate.

“Do you still have an appetite?”

Zhang Chun shook his head, rubbing his belly, and remarked, “I’m about to develop a potbelly. I need to shed some weight. I don’t want to enter my twenties without a slim waist.”

Tang Yue glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. “As long as someone doesn’t mind, it’s fine.”

Zhang Chun shot him an intense glare. His reaction was strong. “Don’t bring him up! If you dare to advocate for him, don’t blame me for becoming hostile.”

Tang Yue let out a sigh. Zhang Chun’s reaction had been overly dramatic. He couldn’t help but suspect that Wang Dingjun had employed some underhanded tactics to bring Zhang Chun down.

Upon Wang Dingjun’s return, he had used every possible method to persuade Zhang Chun to accompany him, but in the end, he had not succeeded. However, since Wang Dingjun’s departure, Zhang Chun had started behaving oddly. Tang Yue had also received a letter from Wang Dingjun, and the strange and ambiguous tone in the letter when referring to Zhang Chun had given him much to ponder.

Tang Yue’s gaze shifted. He sighed and remarked, “Speaking of Wang Dingjun, he was never the best choice. Look at his current predicament. His family must be pressuring him to marry a respectable woman and have children to continue the family line.

“Furthermore, he’s currently stationed in Qinyang City and is on the brink of facing an attack from King of Qi and the Lunar Forsaken Clan. It’s uncertain whether he’s alive or dead. He’s certainly not in an enviable position.”

Zhang Chun turned his face around, shocked, and asked, “He went to Qinyang City?”

Tang Yue feigned surprise and fixed his gaze on Zhang Chun. “Didn’t he inform you? I heard he sent you a letter every day.”

Tang Yue was willing to bet his reputation that those letters were love letters, as every time Zhang Chun received one, he seemed torn between tearing it up and holding onto it.

Tang Yue could almost hear Zhang Chun grinding his teeth as he muttered, “Haha, why would he tell me… that scoundrel!”

Tang Yue couldn’t decide whether it was wise to disclose this information to Zhang Chun. He knew Wang Dingjun well; after all, he had once hoped to make him his brother-in-law, so he understood his character.

“Never mind. He’s not exactly young anymore. He’s almost a year older than you. It’s not the best fit,” Tang Yue sighed and shook his head.

“Brother Tang, you’re not that shallow, are you?” Zhang Chun rolled his eyes and paced around the room. “I still have some contacts in Qinyang City. What if a conflict breaks out?… No, I have to go and check things out. If I can mediate, I will. If not, I’ll take a break for a while.”

While speaking, he headed to the wardrobe to pack his belongings. Tang Yue realized that Zhang Chun was genuinely concerned about Wang Dingjun’s safety when he saw how hurried he was.

Tang Yue chose not to reveal that Crown Prince Zhao had already sent sacrificial envoys to assassinate King of Qi. After all, success was uncertain, and he wanted to provide this opportunity for Zhang Chun, even though he wasn’t sure if it was the right decision.

Nonetheless, he couldn’t simply watch the two of them waste any more time. If they succeeded, it would be a cause for celebration.

Tang Yue called for a servant to assist Zhang Chun in packing his belongings. He also wanted to select a dozen or twenty guards to accompany him, but Zhang Chun declined.

“I’ve trained quite a few people over the past few years. Don’t underestimate me. I’ll be fine,” Zhang Chun reassured him. His family was prominent, so he had individuals around him, although they typically stayed in the outer residence rather than with him in the Crown Prince’s Palace.

Tang Yue didn’t push the matter. He merely offered a reminder, “It’s best to stick to the official road during your journey. Don’t travel at night, avoid getting involved in others’ affairs, and refrain from disputes. This world isn’t particularly peaceful.”

Tang Yue couldn’t help but think about how troublesome the journey could be, given the slow carts and jolting horses in this primitive era. He didn’t have any desire to venture far from the palace.

“Alright, you’re starting to sound like my mother… Wait, that’s not right. My mother has never said anything like that to me,” Zhang Chun chuckled self-deprecatingly and embraced Tang Yue. “I never imagined I’d meet such a good brother in my lifetime. This is wonderful!”

The servant in the room lowered his head, pretending not to notice this display of affection. He muttered to himself, “Please don’t involve me in your amorous affairs!” If Crown Prince saw this, he would likely subject the young duke to punishment again.

How did he penalize him the last time? It appeared that introducing cockroaches into his room in the middle of the night led to the young duke taking three baths in one night.

While there was no concrete evidence implicating the Crown Prince, they had privately attributed the incident to him.

Tang Yue also experienced a touch of sentimentality. They both hailed from the same background, fostering an indescribable sense of camaraderie. This is why he had been willing to look out for Zhang Chun right from the start. After spending ample time together, he discovered that Zhang Chun was not as bad as he initially seemed, and they gradually got to know each other better.

Up to this point, their relationship was nearly as strong as that of brothers. One could consider this a significant gain for him.

Tang Yue escorted him to bid farewell to Crown Prince Zhao. The latter was naturally delighted to see him go. Back then, Wang Dingjun hadn’t taken Zhang Chun with him, and he had even rolled his eyes at him. General Wang had almost struggled to contain his anger.

Zhang Chun was no longer afraid of him. Although they couldn’t become close, he still dared to jest around.

“Do you have a parting gift for your brother?” General Wang asked. “If I leave, you can’t bully my brother. Otherwise, I’ll come back no matter how far away I am!” he declared.

Crown Prince Zhao gave him a stern look, reached into a drawer, and extracted a box. Opening it, he withdrew a stack of silver notes and handed them to Zhang Chun. “Take these. Don’t bring shame to the Crown Prince’s Palace while you’re away!”

Silver notes were a recent innovation, and Crown Prince Zhao had learned about the emerging financial system through Tang Yue’s accounts. The entire operation was overseen by Crown Prince Zhao.

South Jin’s business was currently booming, and people were reluctant to carry substantial amounts of gold due to its inconvenience and lack of security. Thus, when banknotes were introduced, they quickly caught the attention of merchants, followed by wealthy noble families.

Zhang Chun was deeply moved as he accepted the banknotes with both hands and welled up with tears. He was sure that his “brother” had touched a sensitive chord within him.

Their relationship was truly admirable!

Outsiders might not hold this duo in high regard, assuming that the Crown Prince would eventually take concubines. However, as someone living in close quarters with them, he could attest that Crown Prince Zhao loved Tang Yue to an almost fanatical degree.

Crown Prince Zhao would not allow any possibility of harm coming to Tang Yue. Additionally, he was possessive and prone to jealousy, which could be rather irksome.

“Thank you, my brother. I’ll definitely bring you a gift from Qinyang City.”

“No need. I only require your assistance with two matters.”

Zhang Chun’s jaw dropped open. Could he actually be of help to the crown prince one day? And there were still two tasks to come.

He solemnly pledged, “Tell me, I won’t hesitate to do anything, no matter how challenging!”

After Zhang Chun had made his commitment, he felt a distinct chill in the air. Crown Prince Zhao cast a casual glance at him and said, “No need for daunting trials. Your duty is to bring certain individuals to Qinyang City under the guise of your guards. Take Luoyuan with you and allow him to embark on a training journey.”

This time, Zhang Chun wasn’t the only one taken aback. Even Tang Yue was stunned. He was the first to voice his concern, “The situation is chaotic. How can we send Luoyuan away? He’s only five years old!”

Tang Yue’s eyes reflected his disapproval. A five-year-old child had only just begun to learn independence. In modern terms, he was still an innocent toddler. How could he be taken away from his familiar surroundings?

“Five years old isn’t too young. I don’t expect him to become a prodigy at this age, but it’s crucial for him to venture out and witness the landscapes and lifestyles of common people in South Jin. Otherwise, no matter how much knowledge he accumulates, it will lack practicality.”

“But… can’t we wait for the war to settle down in a couple of years, and for the world to be more stable, before we expose him to such risks?”

Crown Prince Zhao drew Tang Yue closer. “I understand your reluctance, but we can’t halt the war so easily. Meanwhile, Luoyuan can’t remain sheltered forever. If he’s to become a wise ruler of his generation, he needs to face more challenges than his peers.”

Zhang Chun almost fainted. He vigorously shook his head in protest, “No, no, it’s too perilous. I can’t bear this responsibility.” He was the only son in the Crown Prince’s Palace, the sole grandson of the King of South Jin. If any harm befell him, it would be an unbearable tragedy.

Furthermore, the child was still tender. How could he be separated from his family and thrust into the harsh world alone? It was too harsh.

“The decision has been made. Loyal and Brave Marquis won’t bear any direct responsibility. Luoyuan will have his own attendants to look after him. Your role is merely a cover along the way.” Crown Prince Zhao settled Little Luoyuan’s destination with finality.

Tang Yue clenched his lips. He knew Crown Prince Zhao’s reasoning was sound, but he couldn’t help but feel heartache and worry about parting ways. “I will accompany them. Otherwise, count me out!”

He didn’t concern himself with Crown Prince Zhao’s response after voicing his decision. He grabbed Zhang Chun and hurried out, then headed straight to his chambers to prepare their belongings.

Crown Prince Zhao remained alone in the study, patiently awaiting the departure of the others. This journey was going to be challenging.


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