Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 202

C202 – It’s Time to Start Preparing

The horse bore a heavy suit of armor from head to hoof, presenting an intimidating sight.

Nevertheless, the sudden addition of this weight made the horse notably uneasy. It continually shifted its body, attempting to rid itself of the encumbrance. After a while, the horse grew fatigued, evident in its panting breaths. It was noticeably less lively than before.

Crown Prince Zhao shook his head in disagreement. “No, if warriors in armor were to mount this horse, it wouldn’t endure the burden.”

The horse farm owner wiped sweat from his brow. His affection for horses was evident, and witnessing the horse’s treatment caused him anguish. “Yes, yes. With such a heavy load, even if it could manage a temporary overload, it wouldn’t hold up for long.”

Tang Yue directed someone to attend to the horse. After observing the animal for a few laps, he proceeded to remove the armor piece by piece. “This isn’t suitable. The armor is excessively heavy. It could be repurposed to create lighter horse armor. The critical areas are the head and neck, or…” Tang Yue recollected a movie he had seen and exclaimed, “Why don’t we consider rattan armor?”

“Rattan armor?” The assembled individuals wore puzzled expressions. It wasn’t that they were unfamiliar with vine armor, but they typically associated it with soldiers, not warhorses.

Nevertheless, this significantly reduced the load on the warhorses.

“But, even though rattan armor is lightweight, doesn’t it provide adequate protection? Is it safe enough?”

After all, they were creating heavy-armored soldiers. If the armor didn’t offer effective defense, it would lose its purpose.

Tang Yue smiled confidently. “That’s because you haven’t encountered top-quality rattan. With good quality and the right treatment, it becomes extremely resilient and challenging to cut.”

Crown Prince Zhao and the other deputy generals exchanged glances and agreed, “Let’s give it a try.”

A new idea sparked in Tang Yue’s mind. If he aimed to create heavy-armored soldiers, he could also establish a complementing light cavalry unit. The light cavalry would prioritize speed and agility. When combined with heavy-armored soldiers, the results could be exceptional.

Furthermore, some of the soldiers who had not been selected during the heavy-armored soldier selection process possessed remarkable abilities. They had been excluded solely due to their inability to withstand the weight. These individuals could form a capable light cavalry unit.

Crown Prince Zhao found this idea highly feasible. He instructed the horse farm owner to increase horse breeding, and the group departed from the valley.

The horse farm owner nodded and shared some information, “Your Highness, we noticed something earlier. They appeared to be dressed as woodcutters and villagers, but their demeanor was peculiar. I suspect someone is trying to gather insider information about the horse farm.”

“In that case, I will dispatch additional personnel. If we identify another suspicious individual like this, we’ll apprehend them immediately. If someone has already infiltrated this valley, take swift action and eliminate the threat. Wang Zixian has already been detained, leaving Wang Zixu as the sole remaining threat within the royal family for the time being.”

“I comprehend,” Crown Prince Zhao’s words put the master at ease.

As Tang Yue had just returned to the distant grass field, he heard Little Luoyuan’s jubilant shout, “Ah… Ah…”

That youngster’s speech was still unclear; he would shout and leave others guessing his true thoughts as he expressed various meanings.

A chestnut and reddish horse dashed before them. When Little Luoyuan spotted Tang Yue, he eagerly extended his hand and shouted even louder.

“Haha, it appears the young prince has a fondness for horseback riding. In the future, he will likely possess the demeanor of a great general,” praised the horse farm owner.

The owner had initially been concerned that flattering the Little Prince might displease the Crown Princess. After all, they weren’t related by blood, but their harmonious relationship made them seem more like father and son than the Crown Prince. This was why he dared to offer his compliments.

Everyone appreciates praise for their children. Tang Yue wore a broad smile, his eyes twinkling with delight. While he uttered words, his heart was already brimming with laughter.

However, when he contemplated who Little Luoyuan’s biological father might be, he couldn’t help but think that this statement might ring true.

Tang Yue gazed at the gradually vanishing figure and said with a grin, “I hope that when Luoyuan grows up, the world will experience peace, free from war.”

“I will, I give you my word!” Crown Prince Zhao draped his arm over Tang Yue’s shoulder, exuding confidence.

The two exchanged glances, a smile of understanding flickering in their eyes.

Both of them recognized that the world’s peace was merely temporary. Sooner or later, there would be a victor between Southern Jin and Northern Yue. It would either be this side or that side, or one would forcefully subjugate the other. Regardless, the momentum toward unification was inexorable.

Whether it was Crown Prince Zhao or Tang Yue, neither wanted to witness an invasion of Southern Jin. Therefore, they would need to secure victory in the impending war.

“Time is running out. It’s time to commence preparations,” Crown Prince Zhao declared, clasping Tang Yue’s hand and nodding.

Crown Prince Zhao had a busy schedule. He left most of the guards to safeguard Tang Yue and Little Luoyuan, while he returned ahead of time.

Tang Yue’s primary purpose for the day was to enjoy some outdoor time with his son, so it was only natural for him to stay and accompany him during their horseback ride.

The autumn breeze felt invigorating, and the sky was clear. Tang Yue rode his horse leisurely, savoring the tranquility.

“Are you having fun, little one?” Tang Yue asked with a gentle smile, looking down at Little Luoyuan nestled in his arms. The child’s cheeks were rosy from the wind, and his eyes sparkled with delight.

Little Luoyuan nodded enthusiastically and let out a joyful shout, “Ma… Ma…”

“That’s right, this is a horse. It’s not just a means of travel; it’s also an important mount for warriors. When you grow up, Dad will teach you how to ride one.”

Little Luoyuan didn’t grasp the meaning entirely, but he nodded happily. As he grew older, he would come to realize that his father was the least skilled rider in the entire Crown Prince’s residence, even trailing behind Uncle Zhang Chun.

Tang Yue had a natural rapport with creatures like horses, but mastering their control was no easy feat.

After several hours of riding, both of them felt fatigued. The horse’s owner offered them a sumptuous lunch, an invitation that Tang Yue graciously accepted. He and his son stayed to enjoy the meal.

Tang Yue sipped the rich horse milk, its flavor slightly gamey. Little Luoyuan tried a sip but promptly spat it out, ultimately settling for rice porridge.

Tang Yue forced himself to finish half a cup, reminiscing about the milk tea he had tasted in the northwest. He shared his idea to enhance the taste with the horse farm owner.

Although the horse farm owner found Tang Yue’s suggestion unusual, he didn’t think much of it. Instead, it was Wei Yan who took note of Tang Yue’s innovation.

A few days later, the Crown Prince’s Palace received a delivery from Xiping Horse Farm. It was only after Tang Yue tasted it that he realized it was horse milk tea. Surprisingly sweet with a hint of tea aroma, it went down smoothly.

Afterward, he learned that Wei Yan had meticulously crafted this milk tea after several days of experimentation. He had calculated the right amount of tea to add to a pound of horse milk and refined the recipe.

Following lunch, Tang Yue left Xiping Horse Field with his son. They ventured into the bustling heart of Ye City.

Little Luoyuan napped in the carriage, and when he awoke to the commotion, he was full of energy.

Tang Yue carried his son out of the carriage and strolled along the bustling streets. He introduced his son to various items for sale, weaving engaging tales about their origins when he had the knowledge. When he encountered something unfamiliar, he turned to the nearby guards for information.

As they walked, they indulged in street food, buying delectable treats from roadside vendors. While the hygiene standards were not high, the food ingredients of the era were simple and natural, without any additives.

Both father and son had satisfied appetites by the end of their stroll through the streets, and even the accompanying guards had their hands full with food.

“Young master, it’s getting late. It’s time to return,” the accompanying guards reminded.

Considering the safety of the two, it wouldn’t be appropriate for them to stay out too late.

Tang Yue wasn’t one to be indulgent, especially with little Luoyuan being so young. After some playtime, he grew tired and was now dozing on Tang Yue’s shoulder.

“Let’s head back,” their carriage had halted at the street entrance, and it made sense to retrace their steps.

On the second floor of a street-side restaurant, a man gazed at their party with a sinister look.

“Your Highness, it’s the Crown Princess and the Little Prince.”

This man was Old Prince. He frequented this restaurant for drinks and music when he had free time. He hadn’t expected to see Tang Yue and her son today.

To say they were father and son was a stretch; they weren’t related by blood.

“Well, it seems our judgments were all off. The bond between Crown Prince and Crown Princess has grown so strong that no one can intervene. Wang Zixian managed to lose everything in a game of chess; it’s quite remarkable.”

“They’ve only been married for a short while; it’s natural for them to have a strong connection. It might not last after a few more years,” it seemed that not only Marquis Yueyang, but others also had doubts about Tang Yue’s husband. In the eyes of many, his relationship with Crown Prince Zhao wouldn’t endure.

“True, all we can do is wait,” Old Prince withdrew his gaze from the couple and their child. He grinned slyly. “But there are ways to expedite things. Do you think Crown Princess would be able to get what she wants if something happened to her grandson today?”

“Well… do you want to test whether Crown Prince values his grandson more than Crown Princess?”

“A grandson is naturally less important than Crown Princess, but if something were to happen to the little grandson while in Crown Princess’s care, no matter how much Crown Prince dotes on him, there will likely be lingering resentment.”

“Eroding trust in this manner is quite a clever move, Your Highness.”

“Heh, it’ll only be brilliant if it works,” Old Prince observed as the group grew more distant. He didn’t issue any orders.

“Is His Royal Highness not planning to take action?” His trusted subordinate inquired.

“Today is too hasty. Without a perfect plan, making a move would be suicidal. Furthermore, even if we did strike, it wouldn’t be wise to do so on the bustling streets of Ye City.”

“Then… we must wait for Crown Princess to take her little grandson out next time.”

“Don’t fret. Opportunities can be created,” Old Prince already had a plan forming in his mind.


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