Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 200

C200 – Bootlicking

“Is His Highness planning to delay things?” Yueyang Marquis stood on the steps, wearing a somewhat displeased expression. “I wonder how much longer His Majesty’s patience will last.”

No matter how much the Crown Prince wanted to prolong matters, it wouldn’t be feasible at that moment.

“Father-in-law, please don’t worry. When the time is right, we will be forthright. We can devise a strategy when necessary.”

Yueyang Marquis gazed at him for a while. Their five-year pact was merely verbal. According to Yueyang Marquis, five years provided ample time for Tang Yue and Crown Prince Zhao to become adversaries. Their relationship could easily shift, a fact Yueyang Marquis was well aware of.

Perhaps even before that time arrived, they would have already engaged in endless disputes over various issues and eventually gone their separate ways.

“Since His Highness’s eldest son was born at the border, I won’t pursue this matter any further. I hope you’ll treat my son kindly.”

“Certainly.” Crown Prince Zhao chose not to disclose the matter of the child to Yueyang Marquis. The more people who knew, the greater the risk.

Presently, in this world, apart from himself, Tang Yue, and Yangu, there was no fourth person privy to this information. If the visitor had been Madam Luo, perhaps the guards accompanying her might have noticed. However, Madam Luo had died during childbirth, perhaps as fate would have it.

Upon returning to the Crown Prince’s Palace, Crown Prince Zhao found Tang Yue playing with their child and a small drum. Tang Yue had a warm smile on his face, treating the child no differently than his own.

When he noticed Crown Prince Zhao’s return, he beckoned. “Come here quickly. Your son has started talking.”

Your son…

Crown Prince Zhao inwardly sighed. To outsiders, it would seem that the Crown Princess should be heartbroken at this moment, overwhelmed by sorrow and indignation. Little did they know that he was the first one in this family to elicit a child’s smile.

However, now that the little rascal recognized Tang Yue but not him, he couldn’t hide his displeasure when facing the child.

He approached and looked down at the small, chubby baby. He spoke authoritatively, “Say ‘Royal Father’!”

Little Luoyuan gazed at him and pouted. Tiny teardrops welled up in his eyes, and he began to cry inconsolably.

Yangu witnessed the scene and hurriedly picked up the infant to soothe him. She harbored some resentment toward Crown Prince Zhao. Why would he frighten a child when he was so advanced in age?

Tang Yue followed suit, attempting to console the baby. “Come on, little one,” he cooed. His gentle words quickly captured the attention of Little Luoyuan.

Observing that the child had ceased crying, Tang Yue turned to Crown Prince Zhao and playfully remarked, “It appears your fatherly demeanor is a bit too imposing. The child finds you intimidating.”

Crown Prince Zhao huffed and turned away, leaving the scene.

Tang Yue reached out and took the child into his arms. He had been carrying and nurturing the baby for the past few days, and he could still handle the task of feeding.

The household servants couldn’t help but shower praise upon Crown Princess upon seeing her actions. Crown Princess indeed displayed virtue and compassion!

Even Crown Prince Zhao had to acknowledge Tang Yue’s competence. When it came to domestic skills, even ten Crown Prince Zhaos couldn’t match a single Tang Yue.

“Che… Che…” Little Luoyuan pushed away the rattle drum in front of him and babbled incoherently.

Tang Yue was momentarily taken aback, then pinched the child’s nose playfully. “You’re clever. I only mentioned it once, and you’ve already figured it out. This was intended for your cousin, but since you behaved so well just now, I’ll play with it for you first.”

After all, his nephew had yet to be born.

After spending some time with the child, Tang Yue returned to his quarters and inquired of Crown Prince Zhao, “Is there any progress? Is the king willing to accept Luoyuan’s jade token?”

“These are minor matters, always up for debate. Tomorrow, you’ll bring the child to the palace for the queen to meet. She has sent a message.”

“Why aren’t you going yourself?” Tang Yue glanced at Crown Prince Zhao from the corner of his eye. To anyone else, it might seem as though he was threatening the baby.

Crown Prince Zhao approached him and stood behind him, giving him a shoulder massage. “This is the time to demonstrate your benevolence and generosity. The lady has toiled.”

Tang Yue closed his eyes in contentment. “Move to the left. A bit more… and to the left again. Keep going left.”

On the following day, Tang Yue dressed Little Luoyuan in a freshly crafted outfit: a dress, shoes, socks, a tiny cloak, and a small hat. He then carried him into the palace.

Inside the carriage, he observed Ke’s earnest efforts to teach Luoyuan proper etiquette. However, the child, who wasn’t yet a year old, couldn’t comprehend the teachings. He saw it as a playful interaction and burst into laughter, displaying his six tiny teeth.

Witnessing Ke’s anxiety and sweat, Tang Yue kindly suggested, “Alright, how old is he? Teaching him now won’t yield any results. Let him be. Those who are unaware won’t face consequences.”

“This servant is concerned that someone within the Palace might intentionally create trouble for him. With so many eyes watching, if he upsets the queen…”

Tang Yue held the child and smiled, “You’re overthinking it. This child belongs to His Highness, not the king. It doesn’t matter whether the king likes him or not.”

Neither he nor Crown Prince Zhao had anticipated that His Majesty would garner fame for his grandson when he was in power. Therefore, whether he received favor or not wasn’t significant.

Ke breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing Tang Yue’s words. Growing up in the palace had instilled in him an instinctive fear of its depths, and he was accustomed to living cautiously within it.

After all, a single misstep often came at the cost of one’s life.

“This son pays his respects to father and mother. May father and mother enjoy everlasting blessings and live longer than Nanshan Hill.” Tang Yue held Little Luoyuan in his arms and bowed.

Luoyuan gazed around, surrounded by people. Fearful, he crawled into Tang Yue’s arms, exposing his large, curious eyes as he observed his surroundings.

The queen noticed that the King of South Jin hadn’t risen for a while and smiled, saying, “We are all family here. No need for formalities. Quickly bring the child to Bengong so that Bengong can take a look.”

Tang Yue naturally complied, stood up, and placed the child on the ground. He pointed at the queen and encouraged, “Luoyuan, among all of them, the most beautiful one is your grandmother. Go and ask her for some sweets.”

Little Luoyuan, at his age, couldn’t distinguish beauty from ugliness. He ran toward the direction Tang Yue pointed and hugged King of South Jin’s leg. He mumbled, “Grandmother, I am Luoyuan.”

The entire room buzzed with chatter. Tang Yue covered his eyes, unable to bear watching. This child seemed oblivious, unable to differentiate between genders.

It was over.

He had repeatedly coached Luoyuan with this sentence at home, intending to bring joy to the queen. Little did he know that the naive child had addressed it to the wrong person.

Expressing the other complete sentences would prove to be a challenging task for him.

As the king and queen exchanged glances, just when everyone expected the King of South Jin to become angry, he erupted into laughter.

“Haha… this innocent child… Grandma may no longer be with us, but she lives on.” The King of South Jin pointed at the queen and chuckled.

Young Luoyuan was utterly baffled. He turned to look at Tang Yue, who could only nod. He had anticipated that Luoyuan would change his target immediately, but instead, the child only released one hand and pointed at the King of South Jin. “Floating… Floating…”

It turned out that Tang Yue had informed him that the most beautiful person was his grandmother. However, the young one fixed his gaze on the gem atop the King of South Jin’s head. The gem was as large as a pigeon egg, dazzling and glossy, captivating the child’s attention.

However, when everyone saw that he was pointing at the King of South Jin’s face, they silently praised Little Wang’s grandson for his bootlicking skills.

The King of South Jin was momentarily taken aback before breaking into laughter again. He then stooped down and lifted Little Luoyuan. Despite his awkward posture, it was an unusual sight.

“What’s your name?”

“Luo. Lou…”

“Do you know who I am?”

“Floating. Floating, grandmother.”

“Haha… wrong, I am your grandfather.”

“Boiled husband?” Little Luoyuan struggled to keep pace, his limited understanding evident.

This disruption significantly improved King of South Jin’s mood. He no longer harbored his initial aversion toward the child and even showered him with numerous gifts.

“Have you adopted the name Wang Sun?” inquired the King of South Jin, addressing Tang Yue, who stood before him.

Tang Yue responded, “Yes, he is named Li Luoyuan.”

By tradition, the king usually bestowed a name upon the crown prince’s eldest son, but it was evident that Li Luoyuan did not meet that standard. The King of South Jin nodded, signifying his understanding. He had no intention of giving him another name.

Fortunately, he did not linger for long. After a brief stay, he departed, advising Tang Yue before leaving, “Choose a suitable day to bring the child to the ancestral temple and record him in the family tree.”

A smile formed on Tang Yue’s lips. “Thank you, Master.”

The King of South Jin cast a deep, contemplative gaze upon him. He was genuinely pleased but pondered within, “He isn’t your biological son. Why are you so happy?”

As soon as the King departed, the atmosphere in the hall eased. The queen embraced Little Luoyuan tightly, unwilling to let him go. She ordered various delicious dishes and amusements, eager to lavish the child with care.

Observing this scene, Tang Yue understood that every mother, regardless of her circumstances, longed to witness her son wed and bear children. Just as his own parents had done in the past, they had never wavered in their support of his sexual orientation and remained committed to his happiness.

In their eyes, only offspring could bring enduring joy and maintain the continuity of the family lineage. Such a legacy was beyond what any man or woman could provide.

This outcome was satisfactory. It alleviated some of the Crown Prince’s burdens. Even though Tang Yue recognized that the child could not resolve all their issues, the King of South Jin and his courtiers remained steadfast in their determination to select a concubine for the Crown Prince. Nonetheless, they had passed this particular trial.


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