Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 188

C188 – Be a Detective and Investigate the Case

“Is this… paper?” The young master of the Mu En family touched the paper that Tang Yue had handed to him in astonishment. This item was quite valuable; it had recently been introduced and was already well-known among nobles and scholars, but very few had the privilege to possess it.

“Indeed, it’s paper. If you find it appealing,” the young master replied, “tomorrow, I can arrange for some to be delivered to your residence.” Tang Yue observed that this young man didn’t appear to be a frivolous individual who indulged in nothing but eating, drinking, and leisure. His eyes held a genuine quality, devoid of ulterior motives.

“In that case, I shall express my gratitude to the Crown Princess in advance.”

As the lights were being lit, Tang Yue and his companions concluded their questioning of the final person. On the table, a pile of papers had accumulated, each bearing a name. Tang Yue transported these documents back to the Crown Prince’s Palace and had supper with Crown Prince Zhao.

“Have you observed any signs?” inquired Crown Prince Zhao.

Tang Yue responded, “Not yet, but the more I investigate, the clearer it becomes that he is not an ordinary individual. In fact, there are only a handful of suspects. We simply need to verify their involvement.”

In the South Jin Country, there were few who dared to oppose Crown Prince Zhao.

Tang Yue continued, “We can rule out Wang Zixu.”

“Why is that?”

“Because he was at the Harmony Hall last night. He couldn’t have possibly had the opportunity to conspire at Su Ying Pavilion.”

At the mention of the Harmony House, Tang Yue’s eyes narrowed. Wearing a forced smile, he asked, “Your Highness, I haven’t had the chance to inquire about your visit to the Harmony House last night.”

Crown Prince Zhao did not conceal the truth; he recounted what had transpired. To be honest, at that time, he had intended to provoke Tang Yue. Little did he know that events would unfold as they did.

Tang Yue clicked his tongue. “So, last night, you and Yue Lou conspired against others, while I was framed at Yingtu Pavilion. Tsk. Is this karma catching up?”

Crown Prince Zhao playfully rolled his eyes. “You can interpret it that way.”

Tang Yue suddenly recalled something and sighed. “One way or another, you’ll have to settle the score someday.”

Naturally, this was all in jest. Crown Prince Zhao had no intention of singling out anyone; he merely sought a playful retort.

“So, are you suggesting that Ziyu is aligned with Wang Zixu?”

“Indeed, and he likely holds considerable importance.”

“It’s understandable,” Wang Yao remarked. “I wouldn’t wish to see him in such a situation either,” he added, glancing at his comrade Tang Yue.

“Hmm?” queried Tang Yue’s companion. “You can’t bear to part with anything?” Crown Prince Zhao narrowed his eyes, giving him a dangerous look.

Chuckling, Tang Yue responded, “Haha… What I mean is, if a distinguished individual like Your Highness were to release you, I too would find it hard to part ways. It’s only human nature.”

Crown Prince Zhao pinched Tang Yue’s cheek and rose to his feet. “I have some matters to attend to. Return later. Don’t stay up too late.”

“Where are you going?”

Crown Prince Zhao candidly disclosed, “Marquis Mu En has extended an evening invitation for a drink. I’ve accepted.”

Tang Yue immediately remembered the straightforward young man they had encountered. He raised an eyebrow and suggested, “That’s a good idea. Send a box of writing materials to Marquis Mu En’s residence and convey it to their young master.”

Crown Prince Zhao peered down at him, furrowing his brow. “Since when have you become so familiar with their young master?”

“I met him today, and I promised him I’d be in touch,” Tang Yue replied.

“Humph!” Crown Prince Zhao snorted with pride and departed. Tang Yue made a quick visit to Zhang Chun and found him lively but visibly pale, a clear sign of severe injury.

“Remember to notify me if you apprehend that rascal. It’s best if you leave him alive. I intend to handle him personally!” Zhang Chun gestured fiercely with his hand.

Tang Yue assured him, “I doubt you’ll get the chance.” Tang Yue had no intention of attacking Zhang Chun. If he discovered the perpetrator, he would need to employ a different strategy.

Returning to the study, Tang Yue set the pile of documents before him and fetched an empty journal. He meticulously organized the list, highlighting a few names with a crimson pen.

Wang Zixian’s presence on the list didn’t come as much of a surprise. Perhaps it was his instinct, or perhaps it was due to their longstanding enmity. Tang Yue designated Wang Zixian as his prime suspect.

The memory of the group that had ambushed them the previous night downstairs was still fresh in his mind. Each of them had wielded bows and arrows, clearly not the usual nobility.

He stroked his chin, contemplating the possibility that Wang Zixian wasn’t concerned about their discovery. If the events of last night had unfolded according to his plan, Crown Prince Zhao would have been greeted with a spectacle upon his arrival.

In such a scenario, it was uncertain whether Tang Yue’s intellect would remain intact. Crown Prince Zhao would undoubtedly become a laughingstock, potentially even facing reprimand from the King of South Jin. They might not even have the time to trouble Tang Yue, which explained their audacity.

Tang Yue compiled a list of individuals who had been with Wang Zixian the previous night and handed it to Wang Dingjun. “Retrieve them discreetly overnight without disturbing their families.”

Wang Dingjun departed with a confident smile.

Shortly after Wang Dingjun’s departure, Hu Jinpeng swept in like a whirlwind, arriving in front of Tang Yue.

He scrutinized Tang Yue for a while before exhaling deeply and asking, “I heard about the incident. I was genuinely worried. Are you alright?”

Tang Yue shook his head. “I can only say that luck was on my side.”

Hu Jinpeng had been busy these past two days consolidating his forces in the suburbs, occupied with his military duties.

With a serious expression, he spoke in a low tone, “In a few days, once I’ve settled my current affairs, I’ll be by His Highness’s side. There are many who envy His Highness now. There are rumors that North Yue is also planning to target him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t propose a princess’s marriage for no apparent reason. In times like these, caution is paramount.”

Tang Yue nodded, realizing he had underestimated his adversaries. He had assumed that he’d be safe as long as someone was tailing him and that no one would dare to attack with a crowd around.

“Do you believe North Yue will move against the Crown Prince? What’s the outcome of their negotiations?”

“The court is in turmoil, and there’s significant opposition. I doubt the King has any intention of agreeing.”

This outcome came as no surprise. Even Crown Prince Zhao had mentioned that the peace negotiations were unlikely to proceed smoothly. The two nations had been engaged in a prolonged conflict, and the enmity between them ran deep. If they could resolve it with mere offerings of wealth, silk, and prized livestock, it wouldn’t truly address the profound animosity.

Expressing his viewpoint, Tang Yue remarked, “Continuing this protracted argument isn’t wise. Someone in the court needs to propose a suitable solution. We can’t allow North Yue to dictate terms indefinitely; it places us in a disadvantageous position.”

Hu Jinpeng concurred, saying, “You’re absolutely right. It’s just that North Yue has grown accustomed to their dominance, which leads them to issue orders instead. They seem to have forgotten that they’ve come here to seek peace. It wouldn’t hurt to make them face some difficulties.”

Tang Yue added, “We must know when to stop. Excessive resistance could sow confusion among the people, which would not bode well for their morale.”

Hu Jinpeng couldn’t help but admire Tang Yue’s political acumen. He appeared far from a farmer’s child; perhaps last night’s incident had been an inadvertent lapse.

The two conversed at length, and it was only when Wang Dingjun returned that Hu Jinpeng bid his farewell and departed.

Initially, he had intended to stay and assist Tang Yue in questioning the individuals he had invited. However, observing Wang Dingjun’s disinterest, he chose not to contend for the credit.

Like all his colleagues, Hu Jinpeng and Wang Dingjun were Crown Prince Zhao’s trusted aides, both cooperating and competing with each other.

After their departure, Tang Yue inquired, “Is there a prison or dungeon within the mansion?”

Wang Dingjun, feeling that it might be better for him to handle it personally, asked, “You wish to go there?”

Tang Yue stood up and donned a gray robe. He followed Wang Dingjun to the dungeon.

Tang Yue was introduced to the dungeon within the Crown Prince’s Palace for the first time, and it marked his inaugural visit to this secluded location. The place was hidden away, nestled amidst the shadowy trees and concealed by artificial hills. Without a guide, he would have remained unaware of the existence of this dungeon amidst such serene surroundings.

“Is there a prisoner confined here?” Tang Yue inquired with a hint of curiosity.

“Are you truly interested in knowing?” Wang Dingjun flicked a switch with one hand and turned towards Tang Yue, sporting a sinister grin.

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Tang Yue’s mouth. He would have preferred a straightforward individual like Hu Jinpeng, who got to the heart of the matter. Wang Dingjun, with his smiling tiger facade, clearly did not strike him as a trustworthy character.

“If you can’t disclose it, then let it be,” Tang Yue shrugged. He had no obligation to satiate his curiosity.

Wang Dingjun led his men into the dungeon. “There’s no need to keep it from you,” he relented. “There are several significant inmates in this dungeon. Two of them are North Yue generals who were captured alive on the battlefield. His Highness aims to extract information from them, but they remain resolute and confined here. Additionally, there’s an assassin who attempted to assassinate His Highness. If you’re interested, I can introduce you to him.”

Tang Yue glanced at him and replied casually, “No need. I’d rather not have nightmares later.”

Wang Dingjun chuckled. “I was only joking.”

Tang Yue rolled his eyes, finding it pointless to engage in further conversation. He cast his gaze upon the ominous dungeon.

Tang Yue’s mental image of a dungeon had been shaped by countless movies and stories. The one before him did not diverge from that perception: it was cold, damp, and dimly lit, accompanied by an unsettling odor of blood.

Tang Yue mused to himself, “Those young nobles who were brought here must have been terrified to the point of having their legs go weak upon encountering this sight.”


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