Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 185

C185 – Never

Tang Yue couldn’t help but feel the agonizing slowness of time passing. “What’s our plan now?” he asked.

His companion chuckled dryly. “Young Master Tang, have you ever faced such peril in both your lifetimes?”

Tang Yue shot him a playful eye roll. “If you’ve got a plan, don’t keep me in suspense. Your petite frame can handle it better than mine. I can’t bear the thought of not seeing you in the future.”

Zhang Chun cast a mournful glance at his lower region. “I was a virgin in my past life. Is this life destined to be one of eunuchry? Is God toying with me?”

He sighed, rising from his seat and shuffling to the window. Leaning in, he pressed his ear against it, then gestured to Tang Yue.

Ignoring the watchful Qiu Ju, Tang Yue joined him. “Are you suggesting we jump out of the window?”

They were on the second floor, and jumping seemed like a viable option. Tang Yue’s eyes sparkled with intrigue as he cautiously pushed the window open and peered down.

“Look, those individuals are keeping a close eye on this place,” Zhang Chun pointed out some suspicious figures.

Tang Yue had noticed them too. He hadn’t expected them to make such a careless mistake.

“Let’s jump. I doubt they’d dare to confront us in public.” Tang Yue swiftly secured his belt and tucked the hem of his clothing into it. Then, he ripped down the room’s curtains to fashion a makeshift rope.

“Young master, look there…” Zhang Chun suddenly tugged at Tang Yue’s sleeve.

In unison, Tang Yue and Zhang Chun turned to observe a wisp of white smoke infiltrating the room through the door. Tang Yue didn’t need to think twice to realize this was an inopportune development.

He pushed Zhang Chun and spoke earnestly, “You go down first and seek help. I’m their target, and they won’t trouble you.”

Zhang Chun protested, “Are you joking? How could I face the Crown Prince if anything happens to you?”

“That’s precisely why I need you to seek assistance. No time for debates, make your escape.” Tang Yue secured one end of the makeshift rope to Zhang Chun’s waist and urged him to descend.

Zhang Chun stumbled, his legs giving way as the medicine’s effects took hold, weakening his already feeble body.

He managed a wry smile. “I can’t even walk like this. How am I supposed to make a getaway?”

Consequently, the two of them gently lowered He to the ground. True to their expectations, a few individuals from across the street hastened towards them.

He, having grown up in the mountains and having acquired some martial skills, displayed remarkable agility. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the crowd, leaving no trace.

Just as Tang Yue was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a chilling arrow emerged from below. He tilted his head, and the arrow whizzed past his ear before embedding itself in the window frame.

Zhang Chun jumped in alarm and hastily shut the window, realizing that this escape route was no longer an option.

Tang Yue wasted no time. The white smoke thickened. He tore a piece of cloth from his garment and soaked it with tea, allowing Zhang Chun to use it to cover his mouth and nose.

These few quick actions left Tang Yue breathless, his face flushed, and his body seemingly ablaze.

Observing this, Zhang Chun couldn’t help but grasp the smoke’s effects. He fixed his gaze on the sole woman in the room, covered his own mouth and nose, and approached cautiously.

Qiu Ju, too, had succumbed to the effects of the drug, her body limp on the floor. Her disheveled clothing revealed her fair skin, and her bosom faintly peeked through. Her eyes were hazy, exuding a seductive allure.

As she spotted someone approaching, a shiver ran down her spine. She reached out to grab hold of Zhang Chun’s trousers and pressed her face against them.

Zhang Chun muttered to himself, “I have no choice but to do this.” He then seized a chair and struck Qiu Ju’s head with force.

Tang Yue’s body quivered as he gazed at the blood pooling on the floor. He sighed bitterly, saying, “In truth, it’s unnecessary. We’re both interested in men. What use do women serve us?”

Zhang Chun discarded the bloodied chair and sat in the farthest corner away from Tang Yue. “She may be of no use to us, but you could be of use to her. If she resorts to force, you might find yourself overpowered.”

In their current state, they were as vulnerable as rabbits, easily subdued.

After Wang Zixian’s guest had exited the room, he feigned the need to secure a room for a young woman while secretly keeping a watchful eye on Tang Yue’s actions.

He inquired, “Is it accomplished?”

“One of the individuals managed to escape. Presently, there are two individuals inside the room. Apart from the Crown Princess, there appears to be another individual who could be the Loyal and Brave Marquis. The potion has been administered,” his informant reported. “There was some commotion inside the room earlier, but it has since subsided.”

“It was my mistake. Tang Yue clearly has a preference for men. What’s the point of sending a woman in?”

“Master, Su Ying Pavilion only employs female courtesans.”

“Hmph. Su Ying Pavilion entertains numerous guests, doesn’t it? Pick anyone and send them in,” Wang Zixian suggested, raising his leg as if he could already envision the illicit couple in the throes of passion.

His anticipation grew as he considered Crown Prince Zhao’s reaction upon witnessing such a scene.

His sole regret was that he couldn’t capture Li Xu and include him in the scheme at this moment. Killing two birds with one stone by shifting the blame onto his dear brother would have been ideal.

After all, his elder brother had a history of questionable behavior.

“Have you dispatched an invitation to the crown prince?”

“He’s already on his way.”

“…Very well then. Leave someone discreet here to keep watch. The rest should depart.”

Tang Yue felt a surge of confusion and fury, as though he were engulfed in flames. He longed to release his anger.

He crossed his arms and concealed himself beneath the windowsill. Zhang Chun observed from a distance but couldn’t muster the courage to intervene; his trembling hands rendered him helpless.

The door creaked open, and something was tossed inside, followed by a scream.

Both of them trembled and directed their attention toward the source of the noise. After a moment, they discerned it was a disrobed man.

The man’s lower body was raised significantly, a clear sign that he too had received medical treatment. Tang Yue couldn’t maintain his composure; this action appeared to be an attempt on his life one after the other!

The man on the ground stood up, surveyed his surroundings, and let out another cry upon seeing the woman lying in a pool of blood.

Nevertheless, his instinct overcame his fear, propelling him to approach Tang Yue step by step.

Tang Yue struggled to remain composed. He retrieved a scalpel from his bag and fixed a cold gaze upon the man. In a raspy voice, he inquired, “Do you recognize me?”

It would be most advantageous if this innocent man could be spared.

The man licked his dry lips and shook his head, but his advance continued. He reached out and made a grab for Tang Yue.

Tang Yue tightened his grip on the scalpel. The blade sliced into his palm, delivering a jolt of pain that brought him to his senses. He rotated his palm, and the small scalpel produced a lengthy, narrow gash on the man’s arm.

“Ah…” The man recoiled two steps, clutching his wounded arm as he gasped for breath.

However, the sight of the knife didn’t deter the man. Instead, it emboldened him.

“Though I’m unaware of who set up this young master, since the prey is within reach, there’s no reason for me to relinquish it!” He declared while licking the blood from his palm, striding forward.

Tang Yue remained motionless, his icy gaze unwavering.

The scalpel was kicked away, and Tang Yue lacked the strength to resist. His body leaned to one side. In this dire situation, he felt no fear, only a boiling anger ready to erupt from within.

“Tsk, I thought you were a tough nut, but it seems you’re just as helpless… It appears you’ve also fallen victim to someone’s scheme. Since our fates are intertwined, why don’t we resolve it together?”

As he spoke, the man was about to force Tang Yue down. Zhang Chun watched, a mixture of anger and anxiety, but his body was powerless, leaving him to stare helplessly.

Tang Yue shut his eyes and pondered, “Let’s just consider it a minor inconvenience, like being nipped by a dog. Men tend to exaggerate when they talk about chastity. It’s not as if he’s never been intimate with a stranger before.

Just as he was on the verge of accepting his fate with despair, a loud crash echoed. The two doors collapsed to the ground with a resounding thud. A figure swiftly dashed inside.

The weight on Tang Yue’s body vanished, and he found himself ensconced in a familiar, comforting embrace.

He raised his eyelids for a glance and breathed a sigh of relief. “You’re here…” Then, he slipped into unconsciousness.

Crown Prince Zhao exuded an icy aura as he held the unconscious Tang Yue, unsure of what to do next.

Wang Dingjun hurried over to Zhang Chun and lifted him up. “What happened?”

Zhang Chun forced a bitter smile. “Don’t ask. We’ve fallen into a trap. Summon a doctor.” He had no desire to spend the rest of his life as a eunuch.

“Your Highness…” Wang Dingjun moved closer with Zhang Chun in his arms. When he spotted the naked man on the ground, he stepped on him without a clear view of his face.

A brief scream and then silence. Crown Prince Zhao scowled. “Dying so easily!”

“Um… perhaps we should have the imperial physician examine him.”

Without waiting for Wang Dingjun to say more, Crown Prince Zhao had already carried the man out. He followed closely and heard Crown Prince Zhao’s orders carried by the wind. “Seal off Su Ying Pavilion. No one is to enter or exit. Those who dare to trespass, break their arms and legs and detain them.”

He lowered his head and glanced at the unconscious Zhang Chun. He had a foreboding sense that the situation in Ye City was about to undergo a drastic transformation.


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