Be A Son-in-law After Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 6

C6 – Bastard Disrespect

Chen Loong struggled to get up and walked towards the old man.

“Dad, look, my leg is broken!” Chen Loong shouted.

“Loong, what happened?” The old man’s expression underwent a sudden, significant change when he saw the injury. “Who caused your leg injury?”

“He’s the one who broke my leg, Dad. You can’t let him get away!” Chen Loong pointed at Ye Yu, his voice filled with anger.

Yan Xue’s face underwent a dramatic transformation. Despite the old man’s age, his demeanor set him apart from the ordinary. It was the demeanor of someone who had held a position of power for a long time. Seeing him confront Ye Yu, she feared that Ye Yu might face dire consequences.

Onlookers shook their heads as they witnessed the scene. Ye Yu had inflicted a leg injury on Chen Loong, and it seemed that he was in for a rough time ahead. At the very least, his leg would remain broken, and he might even end up disabled.

“Sir, our clinic bears no responsibility for this. It was entirely his doing. He’s the one who harmed your son. You’re well within your rights to seek retribution against him!” Lin Wei promptly pointed towards Ye Yu and stated.

“Lin Wei! You have no shame!” Yan Xue responded angrily upon hearing Lin Wei’s words. She clenched her teeth and stood up, explaining, “That’s not the whole story, sir. Chen Loong brought a group to vandalize our clinic, and he even attempted to assault me. That’s why Ye Yu had to defend himself by injuring Chen Loong!”

Ye Yu felt a touch of surprise. It was a rare occasion for his “wife” to come to his defense.

The old man turned his gaze towards Yan Xue and inquired, “Are you Dr. Yan?”

Yan Xue replied, “Yes, I am Dr. Yan. I treated your granddaughter.”

The old man then directed his attention to Ye Yu and asked, “So, you are Mr. Ye, Dr. Yan’s husband?”

Ye Yu nodded.

This elderly gentleman was none other than Chen Ning. He had come here with the intention of meeting Ye Yu and his spouse, but the transformation of this place took him by surprise. He couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if Ye Yu refused to save his granddaughter.

Chen Ning turned to face Chen Loong and delivered a resounding slap across his cheek, leaving a distinct palm imprint. However, Chen Loong stood there in a state of shock, utterly perplexed as to why his father had struck him.

“Dad, why did you hit me?” Chen Loong inquired urgently.

“You insolent fool, how dare you show disrespect to Mr. Ye and his wife? Kneel down and offer your immediate apology to Mr. Ye and the others!” Chen Ning bellowed.

This spectacle left everyone in attendance dumbfounded. Chen Loong remained befuddled, while Yan Xue’s gaze was clouded with uncertainty.

Ye Yu maintained his gentle smile, seemingly unaffected by the commotion.

Although Chen Loong was in the dark about his father’s motives, he trusted Chen Ning’s judgment implicitly. He endured the pain and knelt down.

At the same moment, Chen Hu also knelt before Yan Xue. “Dr. Yan, Mr. Ye, what transpired earlier was my fault. Please save Yuh. She’s on the verge of death!”

Yan Xue’s countenance displayed astonishment. Previously, Chen Hu had been skeptical of her abilities, so why was he now beseeching her to treat Chen Yu?

“Dr. Yan, Mr. Ye, we deeply regret the events of today. We are willing to take full responsibility for all the damages incurred here. Please accompany us to City’s First People’s Hospital and assist us in treating Yuh, alright? Yuh is only eleven years old. We can’t bear to see her perish at such a tender age,” Chen Ning implored earnestly to Ye Yu and Chen Ning.

Yan Xue had initially contemplated refusing, given her uncertainty about how to treat Chen Yu.

However, in that moment, Ye Yu grinned and remarked, “Since they’ve made a special effort to invite you, you should go. It’s possible that she merely has a minor cold!”

A small cold?

Upon hearing Ye Yu’s words, Yan Xue cast an exasperated look in his direction. She couldn’t help but wonder why, if Chen Yu’s ailment was just a minor cold, even the renowned expert from the City’s First People’s Hospital, Dr. Wang Hao, couldn’t alleviate her condition.

Realizing she had little choice, Yan Xue reluctantly acquiesced, “Given the circumstances, I’ll pay a visit. However, I can’t make any guarantees about curing Chen Yu’s illness.”

Chen Ning extended his hand and gestured, “Please, both of you, follow me.”

Deep in thought, Yan Xue climbed into Chen Ning’s car alongside Ye Yu. She understood that if they didn’t take care of Chen Yu this time, they were in for a rough ride.

Yan Xue and Ye Yu headed to the emergency ward, where they were greeted by Lee Ya. “Dr. Yan, Mr. Ye, you’ve finally arrived!”

Yan Xue wasted no time inquiring, “Mrs. Chen, how is Yuh doing?”

Lee Ya informed them, “Yuh has shown improvement after taking Mr. Ye’s medication, but Vice President Wang insists on your presence to determine if he can provide a cure.”

Wang Hao, upon seeing the young age of the individuals Chen Ning had brought, couldn’t help but shake his head in private. How could these two youngsters possibly treat Chen Yu? He worried that their prior medication might have only temporarily stabilized her condition.

Wang Hao inquired, “Which one of you is a licensed doctor?”

Yan Xue promptly responded, “I am a doctor, and he is my husband. He doesn’t hold a medical license.”

Wang Hao, with a furrowed brow, questioned, “So, you prescribed medication for the patient without a medical license? Do you understand the potential consequences if you can’t cure that child today?”

“This…” Yan Xue’s expression changed.

“If we can successfully heal this child, everything will be alright. Don’t worry, my wife is an extraordinary healer,” Ye Yu assured with a comforting smile.

“Let’s not make unfounded claims, Ye Yu! Vice President Wang is renowned as a master of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Even he refrains from using the term ‘extraordinary healer.’ How can we dare to do so?” Yan Xue retorted sternly. “If you persist with such talk, I might have to ask you to leave.”

“He may not have the means to cure this child’s ailment, but I have faith in your abilities,” Ye Yu said, blinking his eyes.

Yan Xue chose to ignore Ye Yu’s playful words.

“Very well, let’s see how you intend to treat this child!” Wang Hao expressed his dissatisfaction.

Chen Yu, at this point, began to cry once more, causing anxiety to ripple through the Chen Family members.

Yan Xue felt a growing sense of unease. She examined Chen Yu thoroughly but couldn’t determine the cause of her illness.

With determination, Yan Xue clenched her teeth and retrieved another silver needle. She carefully inserted two needles into Chen Yu’s Wind Pool and Great Vertebrae, both acupuncture points known for their efficacy in treating respiratory conditions.

Despite her efforts, Chen Yu showed no signs of improvement at this moment, intensifying Chen Ning’s anxiety.

Wang Hao shook his head. If curing Chen Yu were that simple, he would have done it already.

Just then, Wang Hao heard Ye Yu’s voice. “Could you have misplaced the needle?”

Wang Hao watched in astonishment as Ye Yu held the silver needle between his fingers and swiftly pierced Chen Yu’s Wind Pool three times. A shiver ran down Wang Hao’s spine. Could this be the legendary Three Needles Walton technique?

The Three Needles Walton technique had an efficacy far surpassing ordinary needle techniques, and it was beyond the reach of ordinary individuals.

He must have seen it wrong!

Just as Wang Hao was thinking of this, he saw Ye Yu use the Three Needles Walton on Chen Yu’s Great Vertebrae once again. This time, he definitely wouldn’t be mistaken!

Ye Yu was definitely a TCM Master!


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