Be A Son-in-law After Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 4

C4 – You Idiot!

Lee Ya spun around and departed. As she did, Ye Yu called out to her, “Mrs. Chen!”

“Is there something more you need, Mr. Ye?” Lee Ya inquired.

“Your daughter hasn’t completely healed. I possess a pill that could save her. However, considering the way your husband treated my wife, I expect a direct apology from him. Needless to say, whether your daughter benefits is up to fate!” Ye Yu spoke with a composed tone.

“Mr. Ye, I…” Lee Ya began, but was interrupted as Ye Yu handed her a jade container. Without another word, he walked away.

“Wife! Why are you lingering? Come!” Chen Hu called out urgently.

With haste, Lee Ya followed. As they departed, Chen Hu angrily remarked, “I knew this clinic was a waste of time. We need to head to the First City Hospital. I’ll have my brother shut down this clinic and ensure Dr. Yan pays. She’s incompetent, just like her husband!”

“Please, refrain from speaking further. Dr. Yan had no ill intentions,” Lee Ya attempted to soothe him.

Regardless, once they reached the First People’s Hospital, Chen Hu was adamant, “They won’t get away with this!” He then contacted his brother, Chen Loong, filling him in on the events.

Chen Hu had Chen Yu examined at the hospital. Given his stature, he managed to have the deputy Director attend to the check-up.

In Jinghai City, Wang Hao was renowned for his expertise in internal medicine. Had Chen Hu not made a special trip today, Wang Hao would have remained uninvolved.

Taking a moment to assess, Wang Hao remarked, “The child seems okay.”

However, just as he uttered these words, Chen Yu began crying anew, her body convulsing. Witnessing this, a stunned Wang Hao immediately had her moved to the emergency room.

Alarmed, Chen Hu promptly dialed his parents. Without delay, Chen Ning and his spouse arrived, inquiring anxiously about their granddaughter, Chen Yu.

Being the beloved granddaughter of Chen Ning and his wife, the news of her emergency room admission deeply distressed them.

Chen Hu was adamant that something was amiss with Yan Xue’s medical approach, or Chen Yu wouldn’t be in such a condition.

Shortly thereafter, Wang Hao emerged from the emergency room, his countenance grave. “Old Chen, this particular ailment in the child is unfamiliar to me. I’m at a loss this time!”

“With your extensive medical experience, you can’t treat a mere cold?” Wang Hao inquired. “How did you ever become the Director?” Angered by this, Chen Hu lunged forward, exclaiming.

“Shut up!” Chen Ning interjected, halting Chen Hu. With an expression of despair, he pleaded, “Vice President Wang, I beseech you to help my granddaughter. Consider it as if you’re aiding me!”

“Old Chen, my hands are tied. I fear the young one might not endure much longer,” Wang Hao uttered with a sense of resignation.

“What’s going on?” Wang Yao inquired. Chen Ning appeared utterly drained. Without Chen Hu’s support, he might have already collapsed.

“Hold on. Where’s my medicine?” In her frenzy, Lee Ya began frantically searching her pockets.

“Darling, what’s wrong with you?” Seeing her state, Chen Hu approached to restrain Lee Ya, questioning her erratic behavior.

“The car, now! The remedy that can save Yuh is in your vehicle!” Desperately, Lee Ya pulled Chen Hu towards her and cried out, “Dear, rush to your car and retrieve that medicine!”

Chen Hu looked bewildered, but noting the urgency in Lee Ya’s demeanor, he promptly accompanied her to the car. Once they retrieved the jade bottle, Lee Ya, disregarding everyone else, dashed into the emergency room, poised to administer the pill to Chen Yu.

Chen Ning and Chen Hu surmised that distress had driven Lee Ya to the brink. Chen Hu swiftly intervened, “Honey, have you lost your mind? Where did this pill come from? How could you consider giving it to Yuh?”

“Mrs. Chen, how did you come by this pill? It’s not right to hastily give such a substance to a child,” Wang Hao interjected.

With tears streaming down her face, Lee Ya pleaded, “With Yuh in this condition, do any of you have a better solution? Deputy Wang, how much longer do you believe Yuh has?”

“It’s likely less than an hour,” Wang Hao remarked, his voice laden with gravity.

Even if he wished to rush Chen Yu to Beijing for medical care within the hour, it would be unfeasible.

“It’s our only option now. We either watch Yuh perish or give this a shot!” declared Lee Ya, determination evident in her voice.

“Give it a shot,” Chen Ning finally resolved.

Their sole option now was to test it. All eyes were on Lee Ya as she administered the pill to Chen Yu, whose sobbing gradually subsided until she drifted into sleep.

“How could this be?” A shocked Wang Hao stepped closer, examining Chen Yu. “It appears she’s recuperated, though I’m not entirely certain.”

“Honey, where did you get this drug?” Chen Hu inquired, holding Lee Ya’s shoulder for emphasis.

“Dr. Yan’s husband gave it to me. I never imagined his words would hold true!” an elated Lee Ya responded. “That scoundrel?”

“Can someone explain what’s happening?” Chen Ning pressed.

Lee Ya relayed to him what Ye Yu had shared with her before her departure.

“Master, Ye Yu seems to possess great power. He has a remedy for Yuh!” Having lived for years, Chen Ning was familiar with some influential individuals. Hearing this, he immediately responded.

“This won’t be straightforward. Father, I’ve already had my elder brother close down that clinic!” Chen Hu spoke with a voice on the verge of tears.

“Fool!” Chen Ning, in his anger, struck Chen Hu’s cheek. He pointed a finger at him, declaring, “If Yuh comes to harm because of your actions, I won’t spare you!”

It was rare for Chen Ning to lose his temper like this, but Chen Hu may have upset someone capable of helping Chen Yu, which enraged him.

But as per Lee Ya’s account, Ye Yu was willing to help; he simply wanted Chen Hu to apologize to his wife. If that was accurate, hope wasn’t entirely lost.

“We’re leaving now. Chen Hu, if necessary, you will kneel and plead with that couple for forgiveness. Understood?” Chen Ning’s voice boomed.

“If he can heal Yuh, I will bow in apology and acknowledge my wrong,” Chen Hu said determinedly.

Meanwhile, Ye Yu observed the clinic’s occupants with an intrigued expression. Yet, the medical staff recognized Ye Yu as Dr. Yan’s spouse and knew he was unemployed. They regarded him with clear contempt.


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