Be A Son-in-law After Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 16

C16 – Wang Family

“This…” Yan Xue was momentarily taken aback upon hearing this. It was unusual for her to stay out so late.

“We haven’t hung out in ages. How about we make tonight memorable, Snow?” Si Qin said playfully, seizing Yan Xue’s hand.

“Sure, why not? I’m up for some fun today!” Yan Xue pondered briefly. With a crowd around, there shouldn’t be any issues. And if anything arose, she could always reach out to Yan Wen.

As for relying on Ye Yu for protection, Yan Xue didn’t even entertain the thought. What could someone like Ye Yu, deemed worthless, possibly do?

They all headed to a KTV. Sunn Ann arranged for a spacious private room where the students could sing and socialize.

Yan Xue and Si Qin engaged in conversation, paying little attention to Sunn Ann. Meanwhile, Ye Yu sat alone in a corner, unobtrusively observing their interaction.

Sunn Ann observed Yan Xue closely, his temper flaring. He exchanged a meaningful glance with Xiao Fen before they both exited together.

In a secluded corridor, they drew closer, Sunn Ann expressing disdain, “That Yan Xue, who does she think she’s fooling? And I never imagined she’d snag such a handsome husband. Quite the coup for him!”

“Compared to you, Young Master Sun, Ye Yu is insignificant…” Xiao Fen interjected hastily, “But, Young Master Sun, there are too many people around. Let’s not…”

“Never mind, I’ll deal with her later tonight,” Sunn Ann declared firmly, releasing Xiao Fen.

Blushing, Xiao Fen excused herself, “Young Master Sun, I need to freshen up in the restroom. I can’t face anyone looking like this!”

Sunn Ann nodded and followed suit, heading to the restroom. When Xiao Fen emerged, her cheeks were rosy, her attire slightly disheveled, immediately drawing the attention of a bald man nearby as she washed her hands.

The man brazenly groped Xiao Fen’s rear, leering suggestively, “Not bad, I like it perky! How much for the night?”

“What are you doing?” Xiao Fen’s expression hardened as she slapped the bald man. “You dare to take advantage of me?”

“You arrogant wretch! Is it too much to ask you to handle these items with care?” The bald man seized Xiao Fen’s hand upon seeing her, berating her harshly.

In a swift motion, a figure emerged behind the bald man, delivering a kick to his back. Sent flying, the bald man found himself on the ground, the assailant revealed as Sunn Ann.

“Dare you lay a hand on my woman?” “You’re asking for trouble!” Sunn Ann delivered another kick, catching the bald man off guard, leaving him defenseless, only able to shield his head.

Unexpectedly, Sunn Ann’s next kick targeted the bald man’s groin, eliciting a cry of agony.

With contempt, Sunn Ann spat on the fallen man before escorting Xiao Fen back inside.

Upon his return, Sunn Ann promptly announced, “Listen up, everyone. Young Master Wang, whom you’re all eager to meet, will be arriving shortly. Mind your manners around him; even I won’t be able to protect you if you offend him!”

“Qin Qin, you claim to work for the Southern Ascension Group. Have you ever encountered this Young Master Wang?” Yan Xue queried with curiosity.

“Never crossed paths with him. Word has it that he rarely appears in public. When he does, it’s said he’s keen on martial arts, a fervent practitioner challenging various styles lately!” Si Qin disclosed in a hushed tone.

As the room’s door swung open, a youth with dyed hair strode in. Spotting Yellow-hair, Sunn Ann hastened over, greeting, “Young Master Wang, you’ve arrived!”

“Sunn Ann, why summon me?” Yellow-hair exuded arrogance, practically sneering at Sunn Ann.

Despite Yellow-hair’s demeanor, Sunn Ann maintained deference, urging, “Young Master Wang, we’re hosting a class reunion. Please join us and allow everyone the pleasure of your company!”

Eager to ingratiate themselves, the students approached Young Master Wang. However, Wang Hong showed no interest, dismissing them with a derisive snort, “I anticipated something entertaining, yet you summon me to meet your acquaintances? What’s the point of acquainting myself with them? Shouldn’t they be the ones to know me, Wang Hong?”

Wang Hong’s words provoked a shift in the students’ expressions, their faces contorted with embarrassment at his mockery.

Caught off guard by the turn of events, Sunn Ann interjected, “Young Master Wang, these are all my classmates. Extend me the courtesy of joining us for a drink, won’t you?”

“You want face? Fine, I’ll grant you that!” Yellow-hair settled in and inquired, “Is there anything I can assist you with?”

“Xiao Fen, why haven’t you poured wine for Young Master Wang?” Sunn Ann prompted discreetly with his eyes.

Catching on immediately, Xiao Fen leaned down to pour wine for Wang Hong. Clad in a revealing outfit, as she bent over, her fair skin threatened to spill forth.

Should Wang Hong take a liking to her, Xiao Fen could elevate from obscurity to prominence!

Yet, Wang Hong paid her no heed. He could have his pick of beautiful women at his leisure. His thoughts lingered on the master he encountered earlier, defeating him effortlessly despite their similar age. Such a person was undoubtedly a true expert!

Regrettably, upon Wang Hong’s enrollment in the dojo, he discovered the master had departed. Fortunately, he learned the master was the son-in-law of the dojo’s owner. So long as he remained, he was bound to encounter the master again!

At that moment, Sunn Ann interjected, “Young Master Wang, I have a few acquaintances interested in joining your circle. Could you facilitate their inclusion?”

“Facilitate?” Wang Hong sneered, “Sunn Ann, do you take our company for a refuse heap, especially for harboring such undesirables?”

Despite their desire to flatter Wang Hong, they maintained their dignity. Nonetheless, the assembly could only seethe silently. After all, Wang Hong was the scion of the illustrious Wang family.

“Yellow-hair, that’s quite enough!” A voice rang out suddenly.


The unexpected address left everyone, especially Sunn Ann, dumbfounded. His complexion drained of color, gripped by fear.

Si Qin and Yan Xue turned their gaze to Ye Yu simultaneously, their expressions darkening.

This was Wang Hong, the young master of the Wang family. Ye Yu’s words had offended him, and this was no trivial matter. If Wang Hong chose to take action, Ye Yu would likely face dire consequences!


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