Be A Global Beast Master By System Bugs

Chapter 9

C9 – Crocodylus Niloticus

The sun crept up the sky, heralding the arrival of a new day.

Zhou Mu arrived at the Animal Whisperer Union in his sleek sports car.

Of the three cars he once had, only this one remained—the other two had been sold.

Did they really think luxury items could fetch over seventy million yuan?

Luxury goods are essentially a tax on the foolish; they cost a fortune to buy and lose half their value the moment they’re resold.

“A world where technology and cultivation coexist is far superior to one that relies on a singular approach to development.”

Zhou Mu surveyed the rows of machines before him and nodded in approval.

To liberate the workforce and save Animal Whisperers’ time, the Union had installed numerous machines in the lobby.

Animal Whisperers could independently search for and accept missions here, and most of the verification work after mission completion could be done on these machines.

The Union’s missions fell into three categories.

The first was the kill mission, issued by the Union and various universities. These had low barriers to entry, modest rewards, but could be undertaken repeatedly.

For instance, if a mission required the elimination of ten second-rank fiend beasts, slaying a thousand would count as completing the mission a hundred times, yielding a hundredfold reward.

The second type was the collection mission, typically posted by alchemists and refiners from various factions.

These were challenging, but the rewards were correspondingly generous.

Multiple people could accept this mission, but only the first to submit it would earn the full reward.

The third type was the special mission, encompassing a diverse array of tasks.

The Animal Whisperer Union’s missions were open to all, with no restrictions on identity or level. From level one to level nine Animal Whisperers, anyone could take on a mission.

However, aside from kill missions, most others required a deposit.

Complete the mission, and the deposit was returned; fail, and it was forfeited.

As the old adage goes, extreme joy begets sorrow, and the greatest of things can lead to their opposites.

He had once ridiculed Mr. Rouge for being destitute, only to find himself treading the same path of poverty.

That’s what you call instant retribution!

After scanning the area, Zhou Mu noted that there were over seventy kill missions within a hundred-mile radius, targeting fiend beasts ranging from first to sixth rank, with numbers varying from ten to a thousand.

He sifted through the options and eventually took on a mission dubbed “Black Sweep of the Crocodiles.” His task: to eliminate a hundred third-rank ordinary fiend beasts known as Crocodylus niloticus on the northern plains.

These crocodiles, unlike their aquatic and swamp-dwelling counterparts, resembled land turtles. They were swift and moved in packs, leaving barren patches in their wake. Indiscriminate in their destruction, the Crocodylus niloticus decimated both flora and fauna alike. Within their rank, they were nearly unbeatable, with even elite third-rank fiend beasts reluctant to confront them.

Due to their unchecked dominance, these crocodiles had thrown the ecosystem off balance and posed a significant threat to humans working outdoors. Consequently, the Animal Whisperer Union had put out a bounty: for every hundred crocodiles killed, the reward was 100,000 yuan.

While ordinary folks without the skills of an Animal Whisperer could only toil for a modest wage, an Animal Whisperer could easily rake in tens of thousands with minimal effort. However, this profession came with its own set of risks and rewards. Although Animal Whisperers earned well, their mortality rate was high. In the perilous wilderness, even a formidable level seven Animal Whisperer could fall, not to mention those of lower ranks.


The engine’s furious roar left a trail of weaker fiend beasts in the dust. The Dongfeng supercar, despite its hefty price tag, proved its value. Constructed with heavy metal, its body could withstand attacks from third-rank elite fiend beasts. Equipped with an energy shield, rocket boosters, and a suite of other advanced tech, it could effortlessly break free from a fiend beast onslaught. However, this was only true for lower-level fiend beasts; materials capable of withstanding higher-level fiend beast attacks were regulated and not available for purchase.

After a two-hour journey, Zhou Mu finally spotted his quarry.

After over two hours of travel, Zhou Mu finally reached his target. Clad in scaly armor, with serrated, menacing teeth, a pack of Crocodylus niloticus was besieging a group of hapless turtles. Despite both being third-rank fiend beasts, the turtles stood no chance against the crocodiles.

Snap! Snap! A crocodile clamped down on a turtle, its thick shell as good as paper against the predator’s bite, and blood sprayed out immediately. The turtles, under the crocodiles’ assault, were as helpless as carrots ready for the chopping board. The meat was crispy and crunchy, reminiscent of chicken.

Sensing an intruder, the hunting crocodiles ceased their feast and turned to face Zhou Mu. The oppressive force of hundreds of third-rank fiend beasts was truly terrifying. Zhou Mu, a man of two lifetimes and no stranger to danger, couldn’t help but shudder before them.

“No wonder the Animal Whisperer Union has such a hefty bounty on these creatures. Without something to rely on, even a level four Animal Whisperer would be doomed,” Zhou Mu marveled before summoning Gator without a second thought.

As expected, with the release of the dragon’s aura, the ferocious crocodiles instantly turned docile, their murderous intent completely retracted as they lay submissively on the ground. Gator, seizing the opportunity, opened its jaws wide and gulped down one of the smaller crocodiles.

Having advanced to a first-rank, five-star creature, Gator’s appetite had surged, now able to consume food more than five times its own weight. But even with this increased capacity, there was a limit. After devouring two crocodiles, Gator was sated.

Zhou Mu was at a loss for words, watching Gator sprawl lazily on the ground, motionless. The sight of a snake and a crowd of crocodiles lying together was simply too bizarre.

“Maybe I should have a bite too?” The thought barely crossed Zhou Mu’s mind before he dismissed it. An adult Crocodylus niloticus measured three meters in length and weighed around 600 kilograms. The two that Gator had swallowed, though not fully grown, must have weighed at least 500 kilograms combined.

Zhou Mu, certainly not a snake, didn’t have the capacity for such a feast. It would be remarkable if he could manage three kilograms of meat.

Zhou Mu wasn’t a snake, lacking the stomach to devour three pounds of meat, yet managing that feat was impressive enough. The smallest of the grassland crocodiles weighed in at a hefty hundred kilograms; if Zhou Mu were to eat his way through one, he’d likely be at it until the New Year rolled around.

“Forget it, forget it. As the host, it’s up to me to take action!” Zhou Mu declared, flicking away imaginary bangs from his forehead. Striding forward with a determined step, he indulged in a fantasy of his own grand, world-saving heroism. With a casual backhand, he smacked the nearest crocodile right across the face.


The sound was dull and heavy, laced with a crisp undertone, as if something had just split apart.

Rubbing his slightly numb palm, Zhou Mu noticed the crocodile had tears in its eyes. With its mouth agape and body trembling, it shed tears the size of soybeans.

Zhou Mu felt a wave of unspeakable sorrow wash over him, a blend of pain and despair so potent it almost seemed to resonate within him.

This king of the grassland crocodiles, though of ordinary quality, boasted a combat strength that rivaled a second-rank elite fiend beast. But it had the misfortune of encountering Zhou Mu.

With a formidable 80-point physical attribute, Zhou Mu’s slap had cracked its skull. Moreover, an intense burning sensation seeped through its skin, overwhelming its eyes and nostrils almost instantly.

This burning wasn’t just a flavor but a fierce mix of heat and pain, each intensifying the sensation. Overcome by the slap, the crocodile’s tears flowed uncontrollably, making it appear as though it was weeping.

And indeed, it was weeping.

In this wilderness, it had once roamed freely, feared by all. Then, inexplicably, a leader-quality snake had appeared and devoured its two offspring. That alone was a blow, but then this cruel human had to go and shatter its skull.

To whom could this crocodile turn in its hour of need?


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