Be A Global Beast Master By System Bugs

Chapter 34

C34 – Blazing Wind

Upon stepping into the Illusion Mirror, a voice immediately rang out beside him.

Additionally, a map began to drift downward.

“Defeat a first-rank, one-star fiend beast, earn 1 point!”

“Defeat a first-rank, two-star fiend beast, earn 2 points!”


“Defeat a second-rank, one-star fiend beast, earn 10 points!”

“Defeat a second-rank, two-star fiend beast, earn 20 points!”


The higher the rank, the greater the points awarded.

Moreover, elite beasts yield ten times the points of ordinary ones, and leaders yield ten times that of elites. Taking down a leader is tantamount to slaying a hundred ordinary beasts.

The points for lords, however, have escalated to an alarming extent.

Defeating one is akin to vanquishing ten thousand ordinary fiend beasts.

The map was sparsely marked, save for a few cryptic lines and six blood-red dots.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, each of these dots likely represented the location of a Lord-grade fiend beast.

“The locator drops after slaying a fiend beast, and using it to exchange for points is quite the ingenious concept,” Zhou Mu mused, his eyes narrowing. He harbored a daring plan.

If successful, he’d sweep the top three rewards for himself.

“Zhou, which way to? With your prowess, taking out a leader should be no sweat,” Hai Ming said, full of faith in Zhou Mu. Despite their near wipeout by the Sinister Six, he remembered that was a Lord they faced, a creature far beyond any leader.

“No need to dally, let’s go straight for those six lords,” Zhou Mu declared, striding toward the closest red dot.

“What? No need to dally?” Hai Ming’s mind reeled at Zhou Mu’s words.

Just the two of them against lords? Madness.

But Hai Ming knew Zhou Mu well enough; once set on a path, he wouldn’t waver.

“Ah well, it’s just a shot in the dark. If it comes to it, I’ll just bite the dust,” Hai Ming grumbled, hastening to keep pace.

Unbeknownst to him, Gator and Goldie had made a full recovery. Had he known, his confidence would have surely outstripped Zhou Mu’s.

Within the vast expanse of the Illusion Mirror, fiend beasts were innumerable. Zhou Mu and Hai Ming had barely covered fifty meters when they stumbled upon a mass of fiend beasts in a gaping pit. And yes, it was quite literally a mass!

A swarm of ants, each the size of a peanut and a fiery red hue, had clumped together into a sphere, seemingly engaged in some sinister ritual. Their oversized pincers grated against one another, emitting a grating sizzle that set the air on edge.

“Army Ants!” Hai Ming cried out, recognizing the notorious fiend beast.

“Army Ants?” Zhou Mu’s memory flashed back to a past life, recalling a species of ant that left devastation in its wake—wherever they marched, death followed, and the land was stripped bare.

“Exactly, Army Ants. They may be of ordinary quality, but their threat level exceeds 90% of all leader-class beasts,” Hai Ming said, his voice grave as he cautiously stepped back. “When Army Ants mobilize, they number in the tens of thousands. Their resistance to fire and poison is formidable, making them a formidable adversary. I recommend we retreat immediately and avoid any confrontation with them…”

His warning was cut short, his expression turning blank. Gator opened its mouth and released a cloud of toxic mist, and the so-called mighty Army Ants began to perish en masse. In under ten seconds, the once-massive ant ball was reduced to a red carpet of death.

“What were you saying?” Zhou Mu inquired.

“Nothing…” Hai Ming muttered.

“Alright then,” Zhou Mu nodded and proceeded, while Jin Zi fetched the locator device.

The locator didn’t tally the Army Ants individually; instead, it counted them as a single entity. A first-rank, three-star fiend beast scored ordinary at 3 points, elite at 30 points, and a leader at 300 points. The locator displayed a score of 300 points, equivalent to a first-rank, three-star leader fiend beast. To the average person, the Army Ants were a terror, but to Zhou Mu, they were less significant than rubbish.

Undeterred, the duo pressed on, with neither ordinary nor elite beasts capable of halting Zhou Mu’s advance.

Outside the Illusion Mirror, the entire school’s faculty and students were engrossed in the spectacle.

Images flickered rapidly, most lasting only briefly before the scene switched after the battle’s conclusion.

Yet, a select few teams were broadcasting their entire journey, including Zhou Mu and Hai Ming.

“Is that the one with the dragon species? Truly, Commander Zhou Hao’s nephew does not disappoint – he’s quite formidable.”

A teacher nodded in agreement, attributing Zhou Mu’s efforts and the system’s cultivation to Zhou Hao in just a few words.

It was an impressive display of flattery.

“The dragon species lives up to its name – truly formidable. That giant turtle’s defense is top-tier among leaders, yet it couldn’t withstand a single blow and was instantly defeated.”

“Indeed, the power of the dragon species is evident for all to see. They even outclass the god and demon species, albeit slightly. But the challenge of raising a dragon species is immense, and their proud nature means they’d rather die than submit to a master. Otherwise, we, as descendants of dragons, would have long since ruled the world.”

“Let’s be grateful. Despite their pride, dragon species at least deign to interact with us. Remember the incident from the year before last? That king-grade dragon species devoured over 18,000 bears from the Thamaiweth Empire, left behind its droppings, and then settled on Mount Tai, even agreeing to help us train spirit animals. The Thamaiweth Empire has lodged numerous protests, but to whom can they appeal?”

“Exactly, to whom indeed!”

“Ha ha ha!”

The teachers’ conversation drifted from the dragon species to international affairs, and from there to the great war that spanned four centuries.

They arrived at a profound consensus:

Noshar is truly incredible!


“Zhou, are we seriously going to confront this creature? Can I still make a run for it?”

Within the Illusion Mirror, Hai Ming gazed at the menacing fiend beast before him, his body shaking uncontrollably.

The old hen he held was just as terrified, nearly rolling her eyes back in fear.

Blazing Wind, also known as the three-headed dog, stood at two meters tall, cloaked in black. His robust neck supported three heads, each endowed with the elements of wind, fire, and poison. His eyes glowed blood-red, and his fangs were menacingly sharp.

At the moment, Blazing Wind lay sprawled on the ground, asleep, with thick drool trailing from the corner of his mouth. The air was filled with a mix of foul odors: the stench of decay, the scent of char, and a sense of utter disarray.

The combined might of his tri-elemental nature was far more complex than a mere sum of parts; it wasn’t as simple as 1+1+1=3. As a Lord-grade fiend beast, Blazing Wind was a formidable opponent, and only a select few species could claim dominance over him in a head-to-head battle. These included the likes of mythical creatures, god species, and demon species.

However, if one were to avoid a direct confrontation, Blazing Wind’s odds of victory would dwindle significantly. There’s truth to the adage that with great power comes great sacrifice; his immense combat abilities came at the cost of other weaknesses.

If he were perfect in every way, he would have overrun the world by now. His shortcomings could be due to the challenges in advancing to higher ranks or perhaps a low fertility rate.

Blazing Wind’s most significant vulnerability, however, lay in his intellect. His intelligence was perpetually absent, occasionally requiring a metaphorical ‘recharge.’ Against Blazing Wind, a touch of cunning could easily send him into a tailspin.


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