Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 163 Fun-Camp Part Two 4

After the meeting ended Tsugumi and the San-Baka changed into their new clothes. Which made them look really sharp Hach who saw the faces they made inwardly lamented the huge difference in them.

"Less than a week ago I could beat the former slaves, now I can't even fight them head-on. If this 'Fun camp' goes the way the butcher intends they would only get stronger."

Just then some of Hach's men came and verified what they heard. One of the mercenaries asked in bewilderment. "Hach, they are saying we are doing a non-stop run again? I could hardly get any sleep the last time we did it. Have a heart."

Annoyed the bald leader of the escorts shouldered his ax while replying. "We get to save two days by traveling with the Butcher. Suck it up beside, instead of fighting monsters you got sore sleeping inside a carriage. Aren't you a real pussy?"

"Alan looks distraught, last time he even chatted with the butcher what is different this time?" Unimpressed with Hach's answers another asked something about their boss instead.

Finding the behaviors of the merchant hilarious Hach started laughing out loud before he answered. "He is probably regretting his actions, Alan is the one that egged the butcher into doing a non-stop run. The butcher has some business in partisan, he is using this last leg of the trip to power level his men."

"Holy shit, again? Aren't they in the mid 30's now?" "Fuck, can I get on the butcher bus?"

"You want to die? Did you see how he made his slave eat monster hearts raw?" "But if you can get stronger why not?"

"Well, at least we can finish this expedition faster." "Yeah, having not to be tense because high-level people are managing defense is light work." "I don't even need to scout. The butcher's sense already passes five kilometers, his AGI must be in the thousands."

Hach who noticed how chatty his mean are wanted to rebuke them but couldn't while he tried to keep running a tight ship. The worlds the butcher and his men moved were far from their level. The escorts grew lax whenever Hiro traveled with them.

While there were occasional surprises the security of having that man with you ensured you would survive unscathed. No one voiced it but they grew impressed and respected the power and ferocity of the butcher. So much so that they no longer even felt afraid of him.

The mercenary leader however felt he needed to share the latest info. "Well, don't relax just yet. From what I understood the butcher will be summoning a monster horde for his men to train in."

"He is going to do what?" asked one of his men.

"The butcher will be using a skill to summon an entire horde of monsters to the caravan. He will be on defense while the slaves and the nanny would be on offense."

Another concerned tried to see if Hach was just pulling their leg."You are kidding, right? Why would he summon a horde for no reason."

Yet the mercenary leader replied in all seriousness. "No, he will do it, as I said he has a reason. The butcher is summoning the horde to have his men and sister kill it. I don't know how it will go about so keep on your toes."

"…" The other escorts felt like puking from fear. Monster hordes in Valorious are considered on the level of natural calamities. Once in a while, the monsters in one area would have a battle to decide who stays in their habitat.

The losers of said battle are driven out. These groups of powerful beasts would then look towards a new home. For some reason, the phenomenon occurs at the same time with multiple species even those that have no commonalities.

Due to the sheer number of displaced monsters, hardly anyone can do anything about them. These groups band together to form a horde and normally aim to assault large human settlements to use as new habitats.

Numerous towns, military installations, and even kingdoms fell towards these armies. Funnily enough, the ones that choose to fight the hordes prospered because of the large number of monster materials if they survived.

Because of this fact, one of the highest responsibilities of adventurers had is answering the guild's call if a monster invasion arrived. Naturally, the survival rates for such events could be considered abysmal with large numbers perishing under the onslaught.

For such types of battles, small adventurer teams or mercenary outfits lacked enough power. Thus most cities intentionally took care of strong battle harems. Unlike adventurers, these groups had the power to withstand entire invasions.

Although the adventurer guilds tried to entice battle harems to join them. They could hardly compete with the offering of mayors that bent over backward to enlist the services of a strong battle harem.

Exception from taxes, and prime locations for their base, some mayors even pay a salary to these groups just to have them station their headquarters in their cities. Such were the benefits given to battle harems for the sole intention of stopping monster invasions.

That was the kind of power needed to deal with a monster horde. In terms of reality, Hach and his small mercenary outfit couldn't even imagine fighting or intentionally seeking one.

The escorts then saw the butcher climb on top of one of the carriages and gave his final instructions. "Aurum is the vanguard, Lars and Geo will take the caravan's flanks. Tsugu you will have the rear which will be where the fighting will be fiercest. Are you really sure you want to be placed there?"

A dainty woman in an elegant white battle suit that looked like a dress answered in a confident voice. "Positive Nii-sama. I will not let you down."

Nodding Hiro then made a dramatic pose with his greatsword and invoked his skill. Suddenly a loud repeating sound echoed from Hiro's body. It sounded like a heartbeat but felt sharper and agonizing to the ears.

The next thing they noticed was the skies changed color. Originally white and clear of clouds the horizon turned orange as if the sun already set. Adding to that a large amount of pink smoke coming out of Hiro's body.

Hiro continued emitting the smoke from his body for a good minute, the amount of smoke that came out of the butcher covered the caravan so much they could not even see a meter in front of them.

After a few seconds however the smoke traveled outward in all directions allowing the caravan to see once more. The moving columns of gasses created a moving curtain of pink-colored clouds.

Not yet finished Hiro's weapon glowed like a small sun as he raised it to the sky. It was so bright it looked like the butcher held a star in his hand. The butcher's voice then thundered for the entire plains to hear.


Hach and his men suddenly heard loud earthquakes all around them. Some of them fell to the ground because of the strong vibrations. "What the hell was that!" screamed one of them in anger.

The sounds of thousands of objects hitting the ground echoed from all directions. They had no rhyme or beat, just impacts on the earth. Hach who knew more than most could only sweat inwardly as he assumed the size of the bastard making such heavy footsteps.

Hiro then roared to the entire caravan. "Prepare to depart. Our next stop is Partisan, we will not be stopping, my men and I will handle everything that comes. Let's move!"


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