Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 153 Wounded Beauty

Six hours into their run, Hiro smiled as he detected a familiar group of caliber signatures and a [Mark of Protection]. Eventually, Hiro's party reached the campsite with everyone expecting them.

Traveling at their speed, they created loud dust storms behind them and five of these columns looked like a giant stampede. Such a sight naturally put everyone on alert.

When they arrived however they were received with much hospitality. "Musashi-sama! You are okay? Or more like you're here! Did you get what you wanted?" Hiro took the hand Alan Srayver offered and shook it. He then pointed towards Fregit who carried the sleeping dragonkin.

"So she is the rumored dragonkin, how should I treat her Musashi-sama?" similar to Larua the merchant also asked for clarity. Hiro then answered as he took her from Fregit's embrace. "She is my daughter."

Nodding in understanding Alan suddenly expressed his approval of the butcher. "Oh! No wonder your response. I would similarly fly in a fit of rage if someone took my children."

"Ho? You are married?" inquired Hiro in interest.

The merchant noticeably looked melancholic while answering. "Was, I lost my entire family in the old Valorious capital. I had a beautiful wife and two sons. They were in the capital when it fell due to the blight legion. Anyway, I do not think we need to talk about such depressing matters. Does the young lady have a name?"

"I have yet to give her one."

"Ah, okay, then come and join us Musashi-sama I am sure the young lady would want to rest. As for the blue-haired woman covered in blood?" as a host Alan tried to make sure he catered to his guest's entire party.

Seeing Hiro and Aurum's group covered head to toe in blood could already be considered normal for Alan's caravan. But having a fifth member to their group drew attention from the other escorts. "She is my new nanny, her name is useless."

Unwilling to get her honor stained Fregit cried in protest. "Lord Sabacthani! What the hell? Greetings my name is Fregit Staratelj. I am the new nanny of the young miss. And who are you, my good sir."

Surprised to see Hiro actually banter with someone the merchant introduced himself. "I am Alan Srayver a merchant from the fallen Valorious empire I lead a business expedition to bring my products to the Dominii empire."

"Oh, what are your products then?" Inwardly the woman hoped that Alan sold books no matter how unlikely it was to be the case.

"I deal in high-end luxury goods, but I also sell battle, pleasure, and worker slaves."

At that moment, the air around Fregit changed. In a series of movements as fast as lightning she unsheathed her weapon and moved to behead Alan in a powerful horizontal attack. The San-Baka who moved a second too late couldn't catch up with her even Lars who specialized in speed.

Just a split second from disaster Hiro appeared beside Alan and blocked her sword with his own. The sound caused when their blades collided rattled the entire caravan and caused Alan to tumble on the floor. Frightened beyond his wits, the merchant only then understood how close he came to dying.

"Oy nanny, didn't you see the mark? He is under my protection." Hiro lambasted his employee while observing her. And like a mad dog, Fregit's eyes dilated so much so that they looked hollow. Her body which grew tense and tried to forcefully push her sword indicated how emotional she was.

"I don't give a damn Lord Sabacthani. Slave merchants are the scum of the earth! I will kill every one of them I see! I got sold at 8 years old! I suffered so much due to one person wanting to make a buck. Unhand my weapon Lord Sabacthani. While I am asking nicely."

"Ho? You dare threaten me you insolent bitch? You forget your place. Do not forget who allowed you to survive."

"Even, If I cannot kill you, my lord. I am sure I can give you a beatdown harder than any of those fuckers in the auction did!"

Hiro then proceeded to vanish and reappeared smashing his knee into the woman's sternum. Fregit collapsed on all fours and franticly coughed as the air from her lungs got knocked out of her. The butcher then slammed the blunt side of his greatsword into the woman's neck in a tyrannical chop.

The woman slammed into the ground so hard that a small depression appeared on the ground. Still unsatisfied Hiro walked forward and stomped Fregit's head into the earth further in a barbaric display of domination.

After the series of stomps, the blue-haired sword saint's face had a dislocated jaw, a fractured skull, a broken nose, and a broken eye socket. Currently, Hiro removed her from his party which caused the woman to suffer from a sudden stat deprivation. Like a beast, the reincarnator capitalized on this weakness and delivered a beatdown so gruesome the rest of the caravan felt was unnecessary.

"Remember this Fregit Staratelj I have no need of a dog that does not follow my commands. I grant you my favor because you are useful. Do not go on believing I need you for my plans. Now I ask one final time. Will you listen to me or do you choose to die right now?"

The brutalized woman on the floor nodded her head and reached a hand up. Hiro took it and added her back to the party. He then invoked his skill. "[Integrity of the Faithful] - Resolution" in real time all the injuries on Fregit's body and face healed at an astonishing rate.

Hiro on the other hand gritted his teeth as the skin on his face alternated between reddish and normal. The woman checked her face only to find it was now free of blemish and that it no longer hurt. She then made a quick bow in gratitude. "Thank you for healing me Lord Sabacthani, I apologize for stepping out of line."

Still carrying the young dragonkin, Hiro patted her head as he spoke in a gentle voice. "It is fine, you no longer need to carry all your burdens, you are under my protection. None may force you to do anything you do not wish to do. What you fear will not come to pass. This I swear."

Inwardly surprise at the sudden kindness the sword saint didn't know how to react. All the times Gadhala had beaten the shit out of her, the woman gave her no sort of healing items and allowed her to relish the pain for weeks at a time. This man however on top of healing her gave her a promise.

Upon investigating the [Convent of Shadows] the San-Baka saw the excursions and missions Fregit was forced to complete. Over seven years they called for her forty-five times. The number of people she was forced to kill was in the tens of thousands.

Out of forty-five missions despite her insubordination on nine of them, the sword saint failed only one mission. On that mission, her task was to protect a slave trader. Everything went well till they arrived at the first stop. The slave trader sold children, both boys and girls to brothels, alchemist labs, and even the military force defending the area.

As Fregit thought the children would be given jobs or a new home she told them encouraging words of hope. A few days later she saw the same children mutilated while being dumped in a mass grave. Frightened she checked the ones in the alchemist labs and the military.


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