Batman x Arc Reactor

Ch: 59 [A moment away from work]

Ch: 59 [A moment away from work]

In the heart of Wayne Enterprise's R&D department, Bruce and Selina were amidst the familiar bustle, shuffling through their usual tasks. Amidst the humming machines and scattered blueprints, a spark of excitement danced in the air, a magnetic pull between two souls.

As they navigated through their daily routines, Bruce couldn't shake off the anticipation brewing inside him. He wants to spend a special moment with Selina. With the new VR tech in development, they have been too busy for the last few weeks. With a charming smile, he turned toward her, clad in his usual sleek attire, his gaze filled with warmth and eagerness. "Hey."

"Hm?" She glanced up from the files in hand, donning her work attire: a crisp white shirt, accompanied by a grey pencil skirt and black heels. Her lips curled into a sweet smile. "What is it, Bruce?"

"It's been a while," He began, leaning casually against his desk, "How about we head out for lunch today? Maybe somewhere different, away from the usual spots?"

She raised a brow, her playful gaze meeting his, "Oh? Feeling adventurous today, are we, Mr. Wayne? Inviting your assistant on an outing..." She chuckled softly, closing the file folder she was holding, "You're full of surprises."

"Maybe a little," he replied, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "I'd love to spend more time with you, Selina. Away from all...this." His gaze trailed across the lab, where scientists and researchers went about their work, absorbed in their respective tasks.

A soft chuckle escaped her lips, "Well, who am I to say no to that? I'd be happy to join you, Mr. Wayne ." She emphasized his name playfully, shooting him a knowing grin.

"Humm... Formal, are we, Ms. Kyle? Well then, shall we?" He extended his arm, offering her a gentlemanly gesture.

With a soft giggle, Selina placed a gentle hand on his arm, "We shall."

And so, with the pleasant exchange completed, Bruce led them out of the busy lab, and toward the parking lot. As they made their way to his car, she couldn't help but notice a slight spring in his step, a sense of excitement emanating from him.

As they settled into the car, she couldn't help but wonder where he would take her.

"So, what do you want for lunch?" He asked as he started the engine, a playful tone in his voice.

She tilted her head, tapping her chin thoughtfully, "Hmm... You haven't thought when you invited me, have you?" She teased.

He simply flashed her a boyish grin, "Guilty as charged."

Selina let out a soft laugh, "Well, how about Italian? There's this great little place just outside the city center. Their lasagna is to die for." She suggested enthusiastically.

He nodded in agreement, "Italian it is, then."

And with that, they were off, cruising down the streets of Gotham City.

He occasionally glanced at her as she was humming along to the radio, while looking outside with a happy smile on her face. It warmed his heart, seeing her so carefree and relaxed.

"You know I miss those days we used to drink wine on the roof, hiding from Alfred, watching the stars together," She said, reminiscing.

Bruce chuckled fondly, "Those were good times indeed. Alfred almost caught us with beer bottles hidden under our coats more than once."

Selina laughed, "Yeah, and remember when we tried to convince him we were drinking sparkling cider?"

He shook his head, smiling at the memory, "I'll never forget the look on his face when he found out."

"Haha... He always knew when we were up to something," she reminisced.

They both shared a moment of comfortable silence, basking in the nostalgia of their past adventures.

The ride continued pleasantly, filled with light-hearted conversations and laughter. Bruce found himself enjoying her company more than ever before. It was as if he had been missing her presence all along in his busy schedule.

After some time, they arrived at their destination - a cozy little Italian restaurant nestled among the hustle and bustle of Gotham City. Upon entering, the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering sauces greeted them. The ambiance was warm and inviting, with dim lighting and soft music playing in the background.

The waiter welcomed them cheerfully.

"Private room please," Bruce requested politely.

"Right this way, sir."

They followed the waiter to a private dining area, which was decorated with simple yet elegant furniture, giving the space a homey feel. They sat down at a table for two, and the waiter promptly handed them menus.

Bruce glanced around the room, admiring the tasteful decor and cozy atmosphere. He turned to Selina, "This place looks lovely, doesn't it?"

She nodded in agreement, "It does. I've never been here before, but it seems like a really nice spot. No wonder, Kathy always brags about this place."

He smiled, "Kathy? That brunette with curly hair?"

She replied, "The one and only."

They perused the menus, taking their time to decide on their orders. After much deliberation, they decided on the lasagna and garlic bread, with a bottle of red wine to accompany their meal.

Once their food arrived, Bruce wasted no time digging in, savoring the rich flavors of the lasagna and garlic bread. Selina followed suit, enjoying every bite of her meal. They exchanged idle chatter as they ate, laughing and joking throughout their meal.

"I mean how do you keep up with her endless chatter?" He inquired playfully, sipping his wine.

She chuckled, "Believe me, I ask myself that question every day."

Their conversation flowed easily, filled with humor and affection. Bruce found himself drawn to Selina more than ever, captivated by her wit and charm. She has this unique aura around her that makes him feel calm and at ease, as if nothing else mattered but her presence.

As they finished their meals, Bruce reached over to pour another glass of wine for Selina. His eyes fell on her left hand on the table, he put his palm above hers gently, brushing his fingers over hers slowly, caressing her knuckles tenderly.

She felt her heart skip a beat, feeling the warmth of his touch on her skin. She looked up to meet his gaze, noticing the intensity behind his blue eyes. A blush crept onto her cheeks, heat rising in her chest. Both of them slowly leaned closer to each other, drawn by an invisible force, unable to resist the magnetic pull between them any longer.

Her gaze lingered on his lips, desire flickering in her green irises.

Their lips brushed together tentatively at first, tasting each other slowly, savoring the sweetness of their kiss. Selina sighed softly against his mouth, deepening the kiss, her fingers tangling in his dark locks. Bruce responded eagerly, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

Their passion grew heated, their kisses becoming more fervent, exploring each other hungrily. Their hands roamed freely, caressing each other's bodies through their clothes, eliciting soft moans of pleasure from both of them.

Bruce broke the kiss reluctantly, gasping for air, resting his forehead against hers, gazing into her emerald orbs longingly.

"Selina..." He whispered breathlessly, his voice heavy with emotion.

She cupped his cheek gently, stroking his jawline tenderly, "Bruce..."

Their gazes are locked, filled with longing and desire, conveying their feelings without words. They remained embraced for a few moments longer, reveling in each other's closeness, basking in the afterglow of their passionate kiss.

"I want you to take me tonight," She uttered softly, her voice thick with desire.

It's been a while since they've been intimate, both consumed by work recently, leaving little time for intimacy. Bruce nodded, pressing his lips against hers once more, capturing her mouth in another passionate kiss.

"I am gonna ravish you tonight," He vowed huskily, his voice laced with promise.

Selina shivered in anticipation, desire burning within her core, aching for his touch.

Bruce paid the bills and they made their way back to the company to wrap up their work before evening. Selina noticed Bruce stealing glances at her as he drove the car.

"Eyes on the road, mister," She warned playfully.

He smirked mischievously, "Yes, ma'am."

They soon arrived at Wayne Enterprises' headquarters, returning to their desks to finish up their work for the day.

----[AN: That's it for this week. See you on Christmas.]----

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