Batman x Arc Reactor

Ch: 33 [Cozy time]

Ch: 33 [Cozy time]

Words: 2k


Selina started kissing Bruce's neck, biting and sucking gently, while rubbing her soft boobs against his chest. Her breasts brushed over his nipples causing him to moan uncontrollably. Her rock-hard nipples rubbing his chest were enough to send his arousal soaring higher.

He reached around cupping her round tits, caressing gently, and slightly twisting her nipples.

He felt her breath hitch, and her back arched, pushing her big breasts into his palms, pressing against his fingers. Bruce stroked them slowly, then ran his fingers across her erect nipples. She moaned softly, making him harder. He felt her wetness coating his thighs, her juices spreading over his balls.

"How are they? You like them?" She sat on his crotch as he continued squeezing her ample breasts, groping their softness, watching them wobble slightly, jiggling between his grasp.

"Yes, I love them," he sighed as Selina reached back touching him, holding his stiff member, pumping slowly.

"Is that so?" She then continued to kiss his chest licking his nipples. He closed his eyes enjoying the pleasurable sensation from her gentle licking, and caressed her sexy figure tenderly.

After a short while, she positioned her body near his crotch. She took his hard cock and placed it between her boobs squeezing it. Her breasts hugged his cock as she stroked it with them. Her mouth engulfed his glans as she sucked gently.

"Oh god!" Bruce threw back his head and closed his eyes tightly shut. The soft feeling of her lips and breasts and the warm sensation in his loin combined into an explosive concoction. His heartbeat was hammering inside his chest like a drum. It felt as if he were being enveloped by a fluffy cloud. "Damn! This feels awesome!"

Her eyes were focused solely on his expression while he kept thrusting into her mouth repeatedly. She bobbed her head rhythmically along with the movements. Each time she sucked him into her mouth, she could taste his precum.

His breaths became quick and shallow. His heart continued pumping harder, his entire body tensed up. The veins on his member throbbed, pumping blood faster. Even though it was her first time, it still brought Bruce incredible pleasure. He could occasionally feel her teeth, but it was nothing compared to the pleasure.

"Don't stop... Faster..." He urged.

He could feel something building within him. A warm pressure. A pulsing. He was close.

"I am gonna cum!" He warned with a husky voice, groaning desperately.

After hearing those words, Selina increased her pace. She knew he was close. His panting grew louder and harder. She was sucking on his tip like a starving person drinking water after months of thirst, then he groaned, spurting jets of white-hot liquid all over her tongue.

She kept sucking as she collected every drop of his cum, while making him come longer than normal. After releasing the last bit, his cock fell limp back between her breasts.

"Mummm!!!" She looked at Bruce with a confused face, with a mouth full of cum, wondering what to do with it.

"Don't force yourself." He brushed the hair out of her face.

"Uhhuh..." *Gulp* She looked a little embarrassed, swallowing all his thick cum.

She smiled awkwardly before climbing into his embrace and relaxing her body onto his.

"You didn't have to do that, you know?" He said, tousling her hair.

"I wanted to," Selina replied. "But I'll admit it did taste weird."

"You were amazing." Bruce gave her a small peck on her forehead.

"You mean I gave you the best blowjob," she said playfully. "Or the best boobjob? Then again, I guess I am the first one, huh?"

"Haha," He chuckled, "Just what kind of porn did you watch?"

"The hot stuff of course," She stuck out her tongue teasingly, "Why? Did I surprise you?"

"Yep! The great Selina Kyle sure as hell did a good job," he admitted without the slightest hint of shame or embarrassment, and just smiled sheepishly at her, causing a delightful twinkle in her eyes. "Come here," he whispered affectionately, wrapping his arms around her. "Let's snuggle for a while, shall we?"

Selina pressed her slender body to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, cuddling, her head resting on his chest, closing her eyes.

"This feels nice you know," She whispered loud enough for him to hear, "I wonder what would have happened if you hadn't rescued me from the street that day." She laughed humorlessly.

"It is hard to tell, but if it had been up to you, I think I'd probably have had to hunt for some cat in my city," he joked, then chuckled, "Of course, I still might, depending on how badly things escalate. Hahaha."

"In the end, he had always found her before anyone else." They laughed softly as they basked in each other's embrace for the first time.

"So, how are cats doing?" Bruce asked while sliding his fingers through her dark hair.

"Ca-Cats? What cats?" Selina stuttered, suddenly tensed.

"That black cat and the six kittens you picked up from the back alley, remember?"

"Errmm! How do you know?" She looked surprised because she picked them up last month and hid them in the treehouse she had fixed. Knowing how busy Bruce was all the time, she thought he didn't have enough time to notice a single stray cat and a handful of newborns, but little did she realize that just like her, he was also looking at her from time to time, unable to express his feelings till now.

"I am all omniscient you know." Bruce feigned a mysterious tone.

"Yeah, and I am a God," she chuckled.

Bruce kept petting her hair in silence, "Tell me honestly, do you really like cats?" He knows about her love for cats since he has read the comics in his past life.

"How can one not love them when they're fluffy and adorable," she exclaimed passionately.

"Then, why hide? Just tell one of the workers to build a small room on the side, and make sure to feed and train them properly," He advised. "Don't let the kittens or your beloved cats run away and get hurt outside."

"O-Okay," Selina nodded and turned to look at him.

They just lay there in silence...

"It's getting late," Selina sat up, "I should probably go back to my room," she was going to dress up and leave, but a slight tug on her arm stopped her. "Hmm?"

"Stay..." He pulled her closer into his embrace, holding her like the most precious thing in the world. "Tonight, please stay, and be with me."


She was surprised at how needy he suddenly was.

"What if your mom or Alfred finds out? What if—" she hesitated.

"Let them," Bruce muttered, running his fingers through her long soft hair, "Because there is nothing to hide. I was planning on telling them eventually, so it doesn't matter if they find out a little early."

"Really," she asked doubtfully.

"Don't worry," he reassured her, "As I have said, there is nothing to fear because my parents really like you. And no matter how they'll react, I know that they won't reject you."

Bruce and Selina lay in each other's arms cuddling quietly as they slowly fell asleep...

'Looks like I will have my sweet romance life like Batman from those comics. But... Dang! She is so beautiful... Humm... Now that I think of it, I have Pepper in the Marvel world, and here Selina... Isn't it kinda cheating? But I can't help it. Having her in my arms calms my heart and makes me forget all the worries that have haunted me until now.'

'Maybe the heroes' romances aren't such a bad idea...' He contemplated before finally drifting off to sleep.

[Meanwhile, Bruce's parent's room...]

"So, what do you think of Bruce and Selina?" Martha asked Thomas as she rubbed her lotion on her arms. "Don't you think they look cute together? I asked her, but she ignored it and tried to shift the conversation."

"Ah, I asked Bruce about her last week. He said that girls are nothing but a distraction and that they will affect his work," Thomas replied while reading a book.

"Do you think they will keep staying in denial," she chuckled. "Why don't we lock them in a closet one of these days and see what happens next?" Martha asked while squinting her eyebrows in amusement. "Imagine his blushing face," she teased, "and Selina's would definitely be as red as an apple. So adorable." She covered her lips to muffle a chuckle.

"Just leave them be. They are young... It's better to let them sort out their feelings in their own time," Thomas reasoned. 

"But what about Bruce's mental state? Do you think his mind is still that of an eight year old kid?" She couldn't help but express her worries.

"You kidding me? Sometimes it feels as if he is more mature than me. He is almost nineteen, but the way he looks and acts make him look like thirty years old, and a well-established businessman at that," Thomas complimented.

He continued...

"I believe his mental age is far greater than what we believe... His coma has got nothing to do with his mental age. Back when he was a kid, he always appeared to be a sensible boy, never complaining or whining. Never demanding or throwing a tantrum... Never scared to voice his honest thoughts... And have you heard of any kid reading quantum physics and advanced coding at the age of three?"

"So, he is far more mature than his age, huh? Looks like his IQ and mental prowess really did go to a new height, didn't it."

"Yes," Thomas nodded and then scratched his chin thoughtfully. "And that's what makes me fear about his future..."

"What do you mean?" She asked with a serious expression.

"I have made too many enemies, trying to keep the Wayne Enterprise running, and as you already know as the Mayor, I made even more enemies, so if it ever comes to their attention that Bruce is indeed very intelligent, I fear that he might attract their attention instead of me. That's why I tried to suppress him since he was a kid. I feared that they would try to use his brain for their own gain or even try to abduct or harm him."

"And what about now," Martha probed further, "You yourself told me how brilliant he was during the training and he even built the reactor in less than a month."

"Now, he isn't a kid anymore. He passed all the training and knows how to protect himself. So, if he wants to let the world know about himself, I will always support him and try to help him out as much as I can," He replied as he closed the book and placed it on the bedside desk.

"I just hope nothing bad happens to him again..."

"My dear wife, don't worry. His old man is still alive and kicking," Thomas chuckled, "Besides, even if trouble does occur, there are the guards and special ops I have personally arranged. So, trust me, Bruce will be just fine... I am not going to repeat the same mistake again..."

"I trust you... I just..."

"Haha," Thomas chuckled as he slid closer and embraced her softly, "Everything will be just fine. Just believe in this old man." He comforted her.

Martha let her worries dissolve under his firm, protective arms as she nestled into the warm embrace.

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