Batman x Arc Reactor

Ch: 2 [Sketchbook]

Ch: 2 [Sketchbook]

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow into the room. In the Wayne Manor, where secrets and mysteries intertwined with daily life, the day began like any other, with a sense of purpose that radiated from its occupants.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Alfred Pennyworth, the trusted butler and guardian of the Wayne family, was preparing breakfast. He moved with a sense of efficiency and grace, a man who had perfected his craft over the years.

As Alfred worked, he couldn't help but think about the unusual circumstances surrounding young Bruce. The boy's rapid development and keen intellect had not gone unnoticed. He had seen the drawings and blueprints that Bruce had created, and they were nothing short of remarkable, even for someone of his age.

"Master Bruce does possess an extraordinary mind," He mused to himself, placing a plate of pancakes and fruit on the table. He glanced at the clock; it was almost time for young Bruce to wake up.

The sound of footsteps from the hallway outside the kitchen drew his attention. He turned to see Thomas Wayne, dressed in a sharp business suit, rushing towards the door with a briefcase in hand.

"Good morning, Master Thomas," Alfred greeted, his voice carrying a note of formality despite the early hour.

Thomas paused for a moment, "Morning, Alfred. I'm afraid I have an early meeting at Wayne Enterprises. There's a crucial deal to finalize."

Alfred's gaze remained steady as he assessed the situation. It wasn't uncommon for Thomas to have business matters that required his immediate attention, but this morning felt different.

"May I prepare a takeaway breakfast for you, sir?" He offered, already envisioning a neatly packed assortment of food that would fuel Thomas through his busy morning.

Thomas hesitated, clearly torn between the urgency of his meeting and the thought of a proper breakfast, "I'll grab something on the way."

Alfred's concern for the well-being of the Wayne family was evident in his eyes. "Master Thomas, I understand the importance of your work, but Mrs. Wayne will be worried and possibly angry if you skip your breakfast again."

Thomas sighed, realizing the truth in Alfred's words, "I don't want to face Martha's wrath. Please, prepare a takeaway breakfast for me. I'll eat it on my way."

"Very well, sir," He nodded in acknowledgment and quickly set about assembling a breakfast-to-go for Thomas. He knew that Martha's concern for her husband's health was well-founded, and he did his best to ensure that both Thomas and young Bruce were well-nourished and cared for.

He swiftly packed a selection of breakfast items into a neat container, making sure it was a balanced meal that would provide the necessary energy for the day. He placed it in a bag, ready for Thomas to take with him.

"Here's your breakfast, sir. Please take care and have a successful day at Wayne Enterprises," He said, handing the bag to Thomas.

"Thank you, Alfred. I appreciate it," Thomas replied with a nod, taking the bag from him. He knew he could always rely on Alfred to look after the family, ensuring that even the smallest details were attended to.

With a final nod, Thomas left the room, headed for the day's challenges.

Alfred made his way to young Bruce's room, where he knew the boy would soon wake up. He knocked gently on the door and entered, finding Bruce sitting on the floor with a disassembled toy batmobile he had built the other day.

Bruce looked up, his eyes bright with curiosity, as Alfred entered the room. He had been engrossed in his tinkering, trying to figure out the intricacies of the miniature Batmobile. The butler's presence was a comforting constant in his life, someone he had grown to trust implicitly.

"Good morning, Master Bruce," He greeted with a warm smile, his British accent adding a touch of sophistication to the morning. He approached Bruce and carefully examined the disassembled toy. "What seems to be the problem with our Batmobile today?"

Bruce tilted his head, his expression thoughtful, "I think I need to upgrade the propulsion system. It's not as fast as I want it to be."

Alfred chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement, "Ah, always aiming for perfection, I see. Very well, how about we take a proper look at it after breakfast?"

Bruce nodded eagerly, his enthusiasm undiminished by the technical challenge, well, not that it's too challenging for him, but without access to proper tools and considering he is only three years old, yeah, it's kinda challenging for him.

"That sounds like a plan. I've been thinking about some improvements."

"Excellent," He said, guiding Bruce to the small table set for breakfast. He pulled out a chair for the young boy, who climbed up onto it with a sense of independence beyond his years.

As he sat down, Alfred placed a plate of freshly made pancakes in front of him, topped with a dollop of whipped cream and a drizzle of maple syrup. Next to it was a colorful array of fruit slices, including strawberries, bananas, and blueberries.

Bruce's eyes lit up at the sight of the breakfast spread, "Wow, this looks amazing! You're the best!"

'Damn it! How long do I have to behave like a freaking kid with a genius mind? Why do I have to be reborn in a kid's body?' He wondered.

Alfred couldn't help but smile at the child's enthusiasm, "I'm delighted to hear that. It's important for growing young minds to start the day with a hearty meal."

"Oh, by the way," Bruce turned toward the butler, "Have you seen my sketchbook?"

[Meanwhile at Wayne Enterprises]

Thomas Wayne rushed through the bustling halls of Wayne Enterprises, his mind preoccupied with the mysterious blueprint he had discovered in Bruce's sketchbook earlier that morning. The equations and symbols on the page had intrigued him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that they held some significance.

Entering the Research and Development office, he was greeted by the familiar sight of scientists and engineers engrossed in their work. Thomas was no stranger to the world of cutting-edge technology, having overseen countless projects in his role as the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. However, the contents of the blueprint were unlike anything he had encountered before.

"Good morning, Mr. Wayne," greeted his assistant, Emily, a young and efficient woman who had been working closely with him for years.

"Morning, Emily," He replied with a nod. He made his way to his office, his thoughts consumed by the enigmatic formulae. He needed to understand their purpose and origin.

Once inside his office, he closed the door behind him, giving himself a moment of solitude to focus. He placed the blueprint on his desk and began to examine it more closely.

The equations were complex, and the symbols seemed to defy conventional mathematical notation. It was clear that whoever had created this had a profound understanding of advanced physics and engineering principles. There were references to concepts that were far beyond the scope of current technology.

"This isn't just a child's doodling," Thomas muttered to himself, his brows furrowing in concentration. "These equations... they hint at something extraordinary."

He took out a notepad and began to jot down the elements he could decipher. Slowly but steadily, he started to piece together the puzzle, forming a rough understanding of the intended design.

Meanwhile, Emily knocked gently on the door and entered, holding a tablet with a display of Wayne Enterprises' current projects.

"Mr. Wayne, here are the updates on our ongoing research and development projects," she said, her voice professional and composed.

He glanced up briefly, acknowledging her presence, "Thank you. Please leave them on the desk. I'll review them later."

She placed the tablet on the desk and then noticed the blueprint that Thomas was studying. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist asking, "Is that something related to a new project, sir?"

He paused for a moment, debating whether to share the mysterious blueprint with her. While he trusted Emily's competence and discretion, the nature of this discovery was highly unusual.

"You think so?" He held the sketchbook before her.

"Crayons scribbles?" She was taken by surprise seeing the messy scribbles of a kid. "Is that Bruce's drawing book?"

He looked at Emily with a knowing smile as he watched her reaction to the seemingly chaotic scribbles in the sketchbook. It was a reaction he had expected, given that the blueprint was hidden within the pages of a child's drawing book.

"Yes, it is Bruce's drawing book," Thomas replied, keeping his tone casual. He didn't want to reveal the true significance of the blueprint just yet. "He's been quite imaginative lately, drawing all sorts of things."

Emily's skepticism was evident as she continued to examine the colorful drawings of superheroes and fantastical creatures that filled the pages. She couldn't help but chuckle at the childlike innocence of it all.

"He certainly has an active imagination," she commented, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Thomas decided to maintain the facade of innocence as well, not wanting to divulge too much information. "Indeed, he does. Children can be quite creative. And thanks to that..." He took a page out of the briefcase and handed it to her.

"A car's design?" She took the page.

"Yes. All thanks to Bruce's scribbles, I was able to draw something new in a while. Send this car's design to Paul. I want to surprise Bruce on his next birthday," He said with a smile.

----[AN: This will be a slow release.]----

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