Batman x Arc Reactor

Ch: 180 [Harley’s not so peaceful life]

Ch: 180 [Harley’s not so peaceful life]

[1 week earlier]

Harley found a nice penthouse in Metropolis. How? You ask? Well, the owner was out of town and Harley, being a wanted criminal with no job, and with Joker after her back, decided to borrow it for a while. The penthouse had a balcony overlooking the city and she liked the view. The busy city that never sleeps. She kept those two hyenas of hers in the garage and stole enough meat from a factory to keep them and herself fed for a while.

She had a nice bottle of champagne on her side and a glass of champagne in her hand as she sat in the pool on the top floor. Harley had never been here before. It was beautiful, especially at night when it sparkled like a diamond. She had taken off her clothes and dove right in and then she leaned on the edge, enjoying the cool water against her body. Harley thought this was how life should be, living like a queen in a nice place like this.

"Haaa... I sometimes feel too lonely, but it's peaceful here. I wonder if Mr. J is still angry with Harls?" She pouted sadly as she took a sip of her champagne. She placed the glass on the edge after another sip, then began to float on her back, looking at the night sky above. It was nice, but Harley wanted someone else to share it with her.

Countless thoughts ran through her mind as usual as she giggled to herself remembering how her hyenas almost ate Joker alive that night. "Tehehehehe..." He deserved it for trying to kill her though. That man had so many trust issues; Harley doubted he would ever change.

"Maybe I should have just watched them tear him apart and his blood flow on the floor like the water of this pool... Oh, Mr. J. What kind of painful expression you'd have made if my babies tore you apart that night..." As she floated, she mumbled remembering how those goons sent by Joker tried to kill her last week. She almost got a bullet in her head but managed to escape the hotel room unharmed. Harley knew Joker wouldn't send someone to kill her unless he was really mad. She couldn't help giggling about it though.

Harley stared at the sky, wondering what her future would be. How long should she live just by running away from her problems? Her eyes widened as a very nice and insane thought struck her mind, 'Should I just go and kill Mr. J before his grand debut?' She grinned evilly imagining Joker's surprised face when she kills him. "Tehehehe... That will make me feel soooo much better." Harley said aloud before laughing evilly.

"Haaaa... Maybe tomorrow..." Harley muttered as she swam back to the edge and drank some champagne again. Then she got out of the pool and wiped herself with a towel nearby. "Hmmm... Maybe I'll kill him the day before his grand debut... or maybe I'll wait until after that..." She hummed as she walked around the penthouse, completely naked while spinning the towel above her head.

Harley wondered why Joker hadn't come after her yet. Was he too busy planning his debut? Did he already forget about Harls? Or did he have something bigger planned for her?

She went directly to the kitchen and took out an apple for the midnight snack. She bit into it with a loud crunch and smiled as the sweet juicy taste filled her mouth. Harley then walked to the living room and sat down on the couch, chewing on her apple while watching TV. She flipped through channels absentmindedly before stopping at the news channel. "Eh?" It was an X-Rated movie, well, truth be told, it was a porno. Harley didn't turn it off though.

It showed a man sucking on a blonde's breasts in a barn while another woman was peeking at them through the hole in that barn's wall. Harley stared at them with a baffled expression as the half-chewed apple fell from her mouth and onto the floor.

"HAAAA!?" She exclaimed when the man suddenly pulled out his huge cock and pushed it into that blonde's vagina. The woman moaned loudly and Harley stared at the screen with a blushing face. She watched them having sex with big smiles on their faces, "Look behind, she's watchin' ya!" she pointed at the screen when that other woman who was peeking entered the barn.

The man began to kiss her while fucking her slow and deep.

Harley's hand instinctively reached between her legs. She started rubbing her clit while watching the movie with wide eyes and open mouth. Her wet fingers slid up and down her moist labia. Harley let out soft moans and squirmed on the couch. Her breathing quickened as she continued rubbing her clit fast. She leaned back on the sofa, threw the apple, spread her legs, and began to enjoy the movie.

"Ohhhh... Fuck yeah... Harder... fuck her harder..." She began to squeeze her nipples with her other hand while continuously rubbing her clit. She tried to put a finger inside, but it hurt and she felt something blocking her entry, "Oopsie! No one ever entered there. Hehehe... I almost broke it. Oh, how sad my future husband would have gotten had Harl broken her seal?!" So, she gave up and continued to rub her clit.

Harley rubbed herself faster and faster until she came hard, arching her back and letting out a loud moan. Her squirt sprayed all over the floor like an open geyser. She panted heavily while smiling happily. That was the first time she masturbated after becoming Harley Quinn. After calming down, she looked at the TV again, but the movie was already over.

"Aw... It was the ending scene, no wonder they were fuckin' hard like crazies,' She muttered disappointedly.

Harley lay on the couch panting softly as she stared at the ceiling with a smile. Then she laughed out loud, "Hahahaha... Mr. J is gonna be sooo jealous once he finds out Harls masturbated after watchin' porn!" She giggled imagining Joker's angry face before getting up from the couch and walking to the balcony.

Harley stared at the beautiful city below with a happy smile, "Such a nice air and arggg! Freakin' Joker goons again!" Her eyes fell on the street.

Two black minivans were parked in front of the penthouse building. She could see Joker goons in black suits stepping out of those minivans. There were ten of them, each carrying an automatic rifle in their hands. Harley knew exactly what they came here for. "So, he finally sent his goons after Harls huh? Tehehe... More fun for meeee!"

She dashed to the bedroom and quickly put on her clothes. Then she took her handgun with a suppressor, and a sharp kitchen knife and ran to the main hall to take out the fuse. She'll hunt them in darkness in this penthouse.


One of the goons, picked the lock then five waited outside, surrounding the building while the other five went inside.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the dark penthouse as Harley pressed herself against the wall, her breathing steady and controlled. The intruders moved arrogantly, confident in their numbers and firepower. Harley, however, was someone they wished they never met. Well, they are about to meet her bullets and knife in a moment. She could hear their murmured conversations, the click of their rifles being readied. Her fingers tightened around the handle of the sharp kitchen knife, the suppressor on her handgun ready to keep her actions silent.

The first goon, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, entered the living room. His eyes scanned the room, his rifle sweeping from side to side. Harley watched him from the shadows with a large grin. The moment he turned his back, she moved swiftly, her knife plunging into his neck and a bullet into his head. His eyes widened in shock as he fell to the ground, blood pooling around him. She dragged his body into a dark corner, wiping the blade clean on his shirt.

The remaining four goons were searching different parts of the penthouse.

Harley moved towards the kitchen, where she spotted the second goon rummaging through drawers. She aimed her handgun and shot. The bullet that pierced his skull made no more noise than a soft thud as his body collapsed. She quickly scanned the room, ensuring no one else was near before continuing.

In the hallway, two more goons were discussing their something, unaware of the fate that had befallen their comrades.

Harley crept up behind them, her movements like a shadow. She slipped her knife between the ribs of the first goon, his gasp cut short as she twisted the blade, piercing through his heart. The other turned too late, only to meet the same silent end. Two bullets got logged into their heads before they could even scream. Blood sprayed everywhere as she pulled out the knife.

The last goon was in the bedroom, searching through the closet.

Harley approached the room cautiously, her handgun at the ready. As she peered through the doorway, she saw him pulling out a set of clothes, probably trying to find something. She sneaked into the room, the soft carpet muffling her steps. He turned just in time to see her, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Bye, bye..." Harley fired twice, the bullets hitting him square in the chest. He fell backward straight on the bed.



[Meanwhile at Joker's base]

"Arggg!" Joker threw the plate of food on the floor in anger. "So bland and tasteless! Just what the hell are you useless fuckheads doing? Find Harley, make her cough out her recipes, then kill her. How many times do I have to repeat myself? Argg!!"

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