Batman x Arc Reactor

Ch: 16 [Meeting Selina Kyle]

Ch: 16 [Meeting Selina Kyle]

Three days after the dramatic prison breakout orchestrated by Mr. Freeze, life at Wayne Manor had settled into a semblance of normalcy. The celebration party was just around the corner, and the mansion buzzed with preparations and excitement.

In one corner of the mansion, Bruce Wayne sat in his room, gazing out of the window at the beautiful garden below. His rapid recovery had been nothing short of miraculous. Thanks to the advanced medical care provided by his father, his body healed at an astonishing pace. His strength and mobility had returned, but he still relied on a cane for support when walking, a reminder of his recent ordeal.

Despite the progress in his physical health, Bruce found himself growing restless. He longed to step out into the world, to explore Gotham City and its mysteries. The confines of Wayne Manor, no matter how luxurious, had started to feel like a gilded cage.

"I can't just stay cooped up here forever," he muttered to himself, his frustration mounting.

He let out a sigh, his eyes wandering towards the window again. The view outside beckoned, tantalizing and full of promise. The garden, the grounds beyond, and the world beyond them lay open, waiting for him. His eyes fell on the lightning ring, and with that came an idea. He decided to put on a disguise and use the ring's teleportation power to sneak out of the manor.

Bruce changed into inconspicuous clothes, pulled on a hat, took his wallet filled with the cash he saved before his coma, and used the ring to teleport outside of Wayne Manor. He materialized behind a hedge, away from prying eyes. There was a moment of disorientation, but it quickly passed as he took in the sights around him.

Gotham City stretched out before him in all its grandeur. He marveled at the tall buildings and bustling streets, a far cry from the tranquility of Wayne Manor. The city was alive with people, activity, and possibility. The city looks clean and lively as compared to the past. The Wayne Foundation has worked hard to restore order and prosperity to Gotham, Bruce thought, proud of what his father had achieved.

"Dad is doing great as a mayor," He mused, filled with admiration. His eyes went toward the alleys, which looked clean. The police patrols were frequent and vigilant.

He walked along the sidewalk, enjoying the sights and sounds of the city. It felt good to be free and independent, without Alfred fussing over him or his parents telling him what to do. His cane tapped lightly against the pavement as he strolled along, taking in the atmosphere. It was cold outside, winter seems to have arrived early this year. Bruce shivered a little, pulling his coat closer around him.

His eyes went toward a cafe nearby, its inviting warmth drawing him inside. Bruce entered the cafe, inhaling the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods. He took a seat by the window, gazing out at the passersby. The waitress greeted him cheerfully and took his order, returning a few minutes later with a steaming mug of coffee and a slice of cake. He sipped his coffee, savoring the rich flavor. The cake was delicious too, melting in his mouth.

'This tastes fucking great,' He thought, relishing every bite. It felt strange to enjoy such simple pleasures, free from the burden of wealth and status. He wondered if he could ever get used to living a normal life. In his past life, he lived as Tony Stark, in this life as Bruce Wayne... Somewhere along the way, he has forgotten his real identity─ Jack Lance, a regular college student with average grades.

Jack Lance─ he liked the sound of that name. It's been a while since he last used it, preferring to go by Bruce Wayne instead. But now, sitting in the cafe, he felt more like Jack Lance than Bruce Wayne. It was liberating, being able to shed his privileged identity for a while and experience the city as a regular person.

As Bruce enjoyed his coffee and cake, he noticed a group of young men approaching the cafe. They seemed to be university students, dressed casually in jeans and jackets. They were gossiping loudly among themselves, talking about something that caught Bruce's attention.

"Have you heard about the prison breakout?" One of the students asked his friends. "It was all over the news! A bunch of criminals tried to escape from Arkham Asylum!"

Another student nodded, looking worried, "Yeah, I saw it. Luckily, GCPD is doing their job seriously. They shot them dead."

"Mr. Freeze escaped," The first student added, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "They say he's hiding somewhere in the city. But I guess the Mayor won't sit still. My dad says the Mayor has put a special task force together to capture him."

Bruce listened with interest. He was so busy with his therapy sessions and drawing his next project that he didn't pay much attention to the news. And his father doesn't talk about his office work at home.

'Victor Fries, huh?' He narrowed his brows slightly. 'The man who experimented with cryonics and ended up turning himself into Mr. Freeze.' He has read about him in comics when he was Jack Lance─ Victor Fries was a brilliant scientist, looking to find a cure for his dying wife Nora Fries. He lost his research grant due to unethical experiments and became desperate, stealing chemicals from Wayne Enterprises. He was caught and kicked out of the Wayne Enterprise.

'Fuck! Saving the mom and dad changed history. Things are different now. Everything is flowing faster than I expected. Need to create the arc reactor fast!' He thought anxiously, paying for the food and leaving the cafe.

On his stroll, he walked into a park where he saw kids playing football. Bruce smiled, watching them run around happily. He remembered playing football with his friends in high school. Those were some of the best times of his life, filled with laughter and fun. He took a seat on a bench, content to simply watch the children play.

'First the arc reactor, then the armor and weapons... Need to meet Lucious Fox soon,' He planned mentally, leaning back on the bench and closing his eyes. He breathed deeply, enjoying the crisp air.

"Hey, mister!" A cheerful voice called out to Bruce. He opened his eyes and saw a teen girl in shabby clothes standing near the bench. She had short, messy dark hair and dirty hands, holding a cup in her hand.

"Would you like to buy some flowers?" She asked Bruce with a bright smile. "They're only 2$ each."

His eyes went toward the flower plants at the edge of the park, well, except the flowers were all missing. Bruce realized she must've picked them from there and is selling them now.

"Sure," He said, smiling back at her. He bought a flower from her, "What's your name, kid?"

"Selina," She replied with a grin, "Selina Kyle." 

'Interesting. If she is Selina Kyle... the future Catwoman... As far as I know, she used to be a street thief before becoming Catwoman,' He observed her appearance─ Selina was scrawny and undernourished, probably struggling to survive on the streets. Her clothes were worn and threadbare, showing signs of rough treatment.

He took out a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket and held it before her, "You know how to pickpocket?"

Selina's eyes widened in surprise, unsure whether Bruce was joking or not. She was looking around fearing someone might catch her red-handed.

Bruce chuckled, "Relax, I won't tell anyone. Answer me and I will give you this money."

Selina hesitated for a moment before her eyes fell on his cane. She thought if she snatched the bill from his hand and ran away, he wouldn't be able to chase her. With confidence, she snatched the bill from his hand and started running away. Bruce laughed, shaking his head in amusement. He watched her disappear into the distance.

'Just as I thought,' He smirked. With a flicker of lightning, he disappeared.

[In an alley]

"Phew! What a dumb man," Selina exclaimed, examining the bill to check if it was real or not. This is the first time she has seen a bill this large. Usually, she picks pockets of unsuspecting people and steals wallets containing a few tens or twenties at most.

"So stupid," She smirked, feeling lucky to snatch such a fat bill today. "I can eat for weeks with this money."

Suddenly, a shadow fell over her. Selina turned around, startled by the sight of Bruce looming over her.

"He has a cane so he won't be able to catch me is what you thought, right?" Bruce taunted her.

Selina froze, unable to comprehend how he appeared out of nowhere. She stepped back, clutching the bill protectively.

"I am Bruce Wayne," He took off his hat and extended his hand toward her with a warm smile, "Nice to meet you, Selina Kyle."

"W-wayne? Like the mayor Wayne?" She gulped, her eyes widening in shock.

"Yes," He confirmed. "Thomas Wayne is my dad. You know, the mayor?"

Selina nodded slowly, still trying to process the situation. She nervously shook his hand, her palm sweaty with anxiety.

"How did you follow me so fast?" She asked him warily. "You weren't chasing me..."

Bruce waved his hand dismissively, "That's not important. I will ask you a few questions... Your answers will determine your future. If your answer satisfies me, I will help you get out of this street life, if not, I will just leave you here..."

Selina frowned, wondering what kind of questions Bruce Wayne wanted to ask her. She glanced at him suspiciously, not sure if he was joking or serious.


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