Batman x Arc Reactor

Ch: 134 [New threats]

Ch: 134 [New threats]

Bruce opened the box and saw a beating heart, glowing with a faint green light. The moment his eyes saw it, a chill ran down his spine. He looked at Floyd, who was looking at him, waiting for his reaction.

"Enchantress's spirit heart? You brought it here?" Bruce couldn't believe it. This was the worst thing Floyd could have done. The Enchantress was not an enemy he could make, and now, by bringing her most prized possession here, Floyd might have just started a war that no one could stop or maybe he could use it to his advantage and gain another insane ally. Besides, that's not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is that Enchantress hates technology and right now, they are standing inside a high-tech facility filled with tons of advanced tech.

"Yeah. I thought maybe you could free June from her grasp. Girl has been through a lot and with Waller dead, Enchantress would have gotten her hands on it and would have unleashed her insane plan to create a world of dark magic. So, the sanest thing I could think of is to bring it to you," Floyd explained.

"Crush that thing!" Skyler's voice came to Bruce's ears as the lightning ring sparkled with electric arcs. "That's the heart of a powerful witch. Destroy it before she finds us. Do you know what she can do with it? She can create an army of undead and bring chaos to the world. I've met her kind back in the day. Trust me, you don't want to play with such evil forces. It would only bring destruction to the world. She would use the spirit heart to make herself more powerful and create a whole new world. You should destroy it."

The thought of using such power would have enticed any normal person, but Bruce didn't think twice. He was about to grab it and crush it, but before he could touch it, a black portal opened and a woman's figure walked out. It was none other than Enchantress.

"What the?!" Floyd took a step back, shocked.

"Hand over that heart to me, now!" Enchantress growled, pointing her finger at Bruce.

"And let you create a world of dark magic? Mumm, no thank you. I think I'm good." Bruce smirked.

"You don't have a choice," She took a step forward, releasing a torrent of dark green energy inside the base. The twisting and turning energy spread around the base. It was as if a tornado had hit the place.

"Stop destroying my fucking base!" Bruce was about to crush it, but Floyd stopped him.

"Don't. June is still in there," He reminded him.

"This is her heart, not June's. Only the hag will die," Bruce crushed the heart before she could go on any more rampage. He remembers the movie he saw in his first life where June survives after Enchantress's death. But it was a big gamble, then again, one sacrifice is better than the whole world being consumed by dark magic.

"You fool!" Enchantress summoned everything and threw it at Bruce and Floyd, "I can not be killed. I'll wait for you in the scorching desert of hell and make you my slave, Batman." Her voice resounded around the place.

The green giant bolt of arcane energy rushed toward them.

Bruce had already overused Skyler's lightning back in the fight with the Kryptonians, so, drawing any more of her power would have dire consequences. All he can do now is depend on his newly evolved body. With the Kryptonian genes fused with his DNA, his power has increased a lot. Plus the added nanites in his body... He has a chance against this giant green arcane blast, but will Floyd?

"Fuck it!" Bruce rushed in and kicked the arcane bolt up.

The ceiling broke as the arcane energy blasted through it, destroying the new building and countless machines in the process, and finally, it reached the sky.

[Booom!] It exploded. 

The explosion was so powerful that it literally caused space and reality to break. For a moment, Bruce could see the dark blue night sky filled with stars and he was sure he saw the Stark Tower from his past world, before strong shockwaves exploded, sending him backward along with Floyd. He used his nanites to form a shield around them before everything the green energy colored the sky.

The shockwave lasted for exactly twenty seconds before it disappeared along with the space cracks. 

The building and almost everything around it was destroyed. Luckily, the building was located far away from the city, or else the damage would have been catastrophic.

"Holy mother! What the fuck is that bitch?" Floyd was panting. 

'If not for my shield, he would have become a Deadfry,' Bruce looked around. 'My precious labs, new equipment, new machines... My secret spot where I planned to spend some time with Selina and Pamela is gone... Damn you, Floyd.' 

Floyd's eyes were glued to Enchantress's dead body, now, lying on the ground. 

'Damn you, Floyd. I'm gonna make you work to the bone. You're gonna work, everyday, for years. The cost of the damages... I'll make you pay the same amount plus interest for my emotional damage,' Bruce clenched his fists tight as the rage in his mind raged like an inferno, but he calmed down his nerves. It could have been worse if she got her hands on her heart after Waller's death. But still, Floyd should have informed him beforehand.

They won against Enchantress. No more dark magic world, no more evil ancient hag. Yeah, he could have used her, but he knew the danger she possessed. A ticking timebomb. One wrong move and that bomb would explode. So, it's better this way. Now, all they have to do is wait for June to shed her skin and get out of that body.

A few minutes later...

June's consciousness returned as she tore open the charred patch of skin off her face and sat up, breathing heavily. She looked afraid and was ripping the dead skin off her body.

Bruce took off his jacket and covered her naked body, "You alright?" He asked.

"Wh- What happened? I... Enchantress?" She looked around and then at Floyd before looking at Bruce.

"The old hag is dead. You are free unless she got a backup plan to make her return," Bruce shrugged, "But I don't think that is possible. We did destroy her heart."

"Dead? I'm finally free?!" June couldn't believe it. Tears started to flow from her eyes.

"Yes. The witch is dead," Floyd walked over and sat beside her. "I told you I would set you free. I keep my promises." He smiled.

"You..." June bit her lips. She looked happy. "I thought you were joking back then... I..."

"Maybe, who knows?" Floyd chuckled.

June tried to stand up, but her legs gave out and she stumbled. Bruce caught her and pulled her up in his arms, "Well, bridal carry for our first meeting. Nice, right?"

"Sorry, I'm feeling a bit weak. My body is not responding well," She smiled sheepishly.

"Don't worry. You're free from her. Now, you need a good bath and a nice rest. Then you'll be as good as new," Bruce nodded. "I'll take you to my house and as for you Floyd, call Elana and take care of this mess. Then meet me in the Batcave." 

'Fuck!' Floyd cursed inwardly. 'I'm dead.'



[A.R.G.U.S. Facility's storage]

A mouse found an old figurine on top of a crate. It began to sniff around it.

Suddenly, the door of the storage room opened, startling the mouse. It ran away but hit the figurine on its way. 

[Clink!] The sound of something falling came as the mouse disappeared behind the crate, attracting the attention of the woman who just entered the room. She used her flashlight and looked around. She seemed to be searching for something among the old files.

"Puddin'" The girl spoke as she finally found the file she was looking for. "I've finally found what you wanted. Time to blow up this place. Ohhh! You would have loved to see the building going boom, I'm sure of that."

She took the file, planted a giant ass bomb, and walked out of the room while dancing. But on her way out, she stepped on the figurine and crushed it under her boots.

Harley made her way out of the facility. The guards around that place were all dead. Well, smashed with a barb-wired baseball bat to be precise.

She went to the parking lot. "This one lookin' nice." She found a truck and broke the window glass before then jumping in and starting the engine. The truck's wheels screeched as she drove out of the A.R.G.U.S. facility's parking lot, leaving behind a trail of burning tires.

A few seconds later, the bomb exploded, destroying everything inside and outside of the storage room.

"Mwahahaha!" Harley laughed like a maniac as she drove the truck down the road. "I'm coming for you, Puddin'... I'm sure this time, you'll be proud of your sweet Harl."



From the burning facility, rose a humanoid creature, dripping with molten magma, "Ahhh!" It looked up in the sky and took a deep breath, "Sister... Why can't I sense your spirit?"


AN: Just want to tell you all, that we won't be seeing Harley, Joker, and Incubus for the first half of this volume. I'll deal with the League first.


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[Exclusive r18 contents] [No double billing] 


Next, Ch: 135: Gift or Curse?

Ch: 136: On the way to Nanda Parbat

Ch: 137: Seven Men of Death

Ch: 138: Rivalry

Ch: 139: Talia vs Nyssa



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