Barbarian Quest

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Phillion looked at his right hand. It was a right hand that only had its thumb left.

I thought Id be used to it by now.

He still occasionally reached for a glass with his right hand, only to grasp at nothing. Naturally, wielding a sword was also out of the question forever. His life as a knight had ended along with it.

"Oh well, it wasnt like I was that skilled to begin with.

Phillion smiled bitterly. He was never an outstanding knight. Even over the twenty years that had passed since he received his knighthood, he had never achieved any notable deeds. He had never participated in the Subjugation of the Remaining Barbarians, and at most, he had only been involved in a bandit extermination mission.

Lacking connections or political acumen, he had aged quietly as he occupied his position. A knight destined to be forgotten, without any heroic tales or impressive reputation. All he could do now was wait for the day of his retirement.

It was a grand journey. I have no regrets.

Serving as the prince's escort was a significant event in his life. He had spent each day feeling a sense of fulfillment. They were exhausting yet rewarding days.

"The battlefield is no place for a woman. Please escort my sister to the palace, Sir Phillion."

Pahell entrusted Phillion with the task. After willingly accepting the task, Phillion selected three knights and twelve soldiers for the escort duty.

"Thank you, Sir Phillion, for keeping Varca safe," Damia opened the carriage window and said to Phillion. Phillion responded with a nod as he sat on his horse.

"There's no need to thank me, my princess. Its merely my duty as a knight of the kingdom."

Damia smiled faintly. Her gaze lingered on Phillion's right hand.

"You must have lost it during the journey."

"If I think of it as collateral for the prince's life, it's not a loss."

There was no shadow on Phillion's face. He was at an age where retirement wouldn't be regrettable. His final journey in his old age had ended splendidly. His demeanor and actions exuded confidence and contentment.

"Varca sure has changed a lot. Saying 'The battlefield is no place for a woman'," Damia muttered under her breath.

"He has become a man."

Phillion beamed with pride, like a father watching his grown child.

"...a man who is like every other man."

Damia closed the carriage window, muttering to herself. Pahell no longer depended on her. In the past, he would seek her advice for every little issue. Now, he was giving orders to his men and taking charge of her safety and well-being.

Men treated women as possessions or trophies. It was considered the norm. Women were simply objects moved around at the behest of men.


Damia clenched her fist tightly.

'Even you, Varca.'

The carriage jolted, bumping the princess up in a regular interval. They would soon arrive at the palace, and in a few days, news of the victor of this war would arrive.

Varca will most likely be the one coming out of this victorious.'

Damia was aware of the situation of both camps. Pahells camp was high-spirited, while Harmattis was pushed back to resort to a defensive position in their castle. Without an exceptional strategy and a lack of both forces and supplies, Harmatti stood no chance of victory. Even if he were a generational tactician, the scale had already tipped heavily in the princes favor.

' least according to what Ive read in the books.'

Damia chuckled lightly. Though she had never experienced a war firsthand, she knew the theory behind them from books. The basics of war relied on the number of troops and the security of supplies. Only with these could other strategies and tactics be effective.

'Father truly let me do whatever I wanted. But that was all.'

Had she been a man, Damia would have already been sitting in a position of decent power. Even men who neglected their studies and training due to debauchery easily obtained respectable positions. But for women, the only place for them was by the side of a man. No matter how intelligent or capable a woman was, it didn't matter. A woman's life was influenced only by her 'beauty.'

"The prince truly cares for you, my princess. Once this civil war is over, he will surely arrange a good marriage for you. Someone with a good reputation and a good face, too, haha."

Phillion commented. Damia did not respond.

'She must be quite tired.'

Phillion scratched his head and moved away from the side of the carriage. He checked the condition of the soldiers and looked ahead. As they were all on horseback, the journey to the palace wouldn't take more than three days.

* * *

Urich was with his mercenary squad. The mercenaries of Urichs Brotherhood were brimming with high spirits. They were the undeniable heroes of the day. Though few in number, their influence was significant. Once this civil war ended, their fame would spread far, attracting many who would line up to join the squad.

"This is the final battle," Donovan said as he lifted the shield on his back, adjusting the visor of his helmet and tidying his disheveled helmet.

"Everyone, do not die. What awaits us after this battle?" Urich gazed at his mercenaries, puffing out his chest with pride.

"Gold coins!"

"That's not all! You are getting whatever you desire! Be it women, land, whatever!"

Urich shouted, and the mercenaries roared in response. The heir of Porcana had promised them immense rewards. Those rewards were now within their grasp. The mercenaries had protected and put their lives on the line for Pahell for half a year with only that in mind.

"Long live Prince Varca!"

"Here comes Urichs Brotherhood!"

The mercenaries bustled with excitement, eagerly awaiting the start of the battle. Both mercenaries and soldiers took out their sacred objects to pray or went to the military priests to receive their blessings. They hoped to safely reach the embrace of Sun God Lou even if they were to die in this battle.

"Urich, whom will you pray to?"

Sven asked, standing next to Urich. He raised his weapon and murmured the name of Ulgaro. The Field of Swords always awaited warriors.

"Maybe I'll just try praying to the heavens?" Urich said as he rubbed his bare neck. He had thrown away the sun pendant in the lake.

I'm not sure if I can live in the way that Lou wants me to. I'm far from benevolence. And I love blood and violence.

Would the soul of a man like himself be accepted by Lou? Urich shook his head. That too would be an act of deceiving the god.

Ferzen must have known that. That has to be why he abandoned the Sun God and chose the god of the north.

Ferzen's heart truly belonged somewhere else, and it was probably where the northern god was.

"You're still too young to worry about the afterlife. You won't die in a place like this. Cough."

Sven coughed briefly and then slapped Urich's shoulder.

"Of course! Thats pretty obvious."

Urich shrugged his shoulders and warmed up his body.

Rumble, rumble.

The siege towers with ladders that were tall enough to reach the city walls rolled forward on their wheels. Beside them, soldiers slowly advanced as they raised their shields.

"When is the city gate opening?"

"Any minute now, probably."

The prince's army patiently waited for the gates to open. The soldiers conserved their strength and maintained their distance from the Harmatti castle.

Harmatti's army underwent their own preparation for a defensive battle in their castle. They placed boiling oil and rocks tied with ropes along the castle walls, and commanders paced atop the walls, starting speeches to boost the morale of Harmattis soldiers. They watched the prince's army slowly approaching.

"Remember our great ancestors who fought against the Imperial army fifty years ago! Even that mighty Imperial army failed to conquer the Porcana Kingdom!"

The Fortress of Porcana. The title originated from the empires Great Unification War. They held out longer than other kingdoms and managed to secure a better vassal agreement with the empire.

"Now, fifty years later, a traitor who abandoned his country returned with the Imperial army to invade our land! Should we surrender? No! We have our hope! Who is our hope?"

The soldiers shouted in response to the commander's words.


"That is correct! The strong monarch who doesn't bow to the empire and will protect our autonomy! We don't need a king who sucks up to and grovels before the emperor! Only a strong king will protect this country!"


The soldiers let out a roar as if they were trying to cast away their fear.

Duke Harmatti watched the situation unfold from the inner castle walls. The nobles around him fidgeted around, making it obvious that they were anxious.

"Looks like you really wanted to end the war before winter, my nephew."

Duke Harmatti stroked his chin. This was an opportunity for him.

'If the siege carried on like this, my self-destruction was inevitable. The earlier they bring on the all-out battle the better my chances actually become.'

If they managed to carry out their defense well enough, they could even reach a stalemate.

'Rumors say the Sword Demon Ferzen has disappeared.'

He had secretly feared Ferzen's reputation. The situation had improved in several ways.

'Has Damia gone to the prince's camp?'

Duke Harmatti smiled bitterly. Damia had recently disappeared. She had lured Count Zairon and escaped by some means. That was as far as Harmatti's speculation went.

'She wasn't a woman to be easily held captive. My niece, truly remarkable. Had she been born a man, she would have been an extraordinary figure.'

Duke Harmatti licked his lips, savoring the thought. But in the end, she was only a woman. A frail, deceptive creature full of cheap tricks. Yet her pretty face was indeed remarkable.

"The prince is rash. Who would have thought he would launch an all-out attack now? He must be in a hurry. A change of heart, perhaps?"

"He simply lacks the patience, as we would expect from a child, that is all."

The nobles commented. They were cowards who couldn't even command their own soldiers from the outer walls. But these cowards were so cowardly that they didnt even have the guts to betray Harmatti.


Duke Harmatti pondered, then looked at the nobles.

"What did you all just say?" Duke Harmatti snapped, causing the nobles to panic. They stuttered, fearing the possibility that they may have had misspoken.

"W-we just said that the prince is reckless."

"And he lacks patience due to his youth..."

Duke Harmatti's eyes widened.

'No, Varca is cautious because he's a coward. He's far from impulsive. He is certainly the type to miss the right moment due to his cautiousness, but he is definitely not one to act hastily and ruin things.'

Know thy enemy. That was one of the fundamentals of winning a battle in a war or politics. Duke Harmatti was well aware of what kind of person his opponent, the prince, was.

'Something's off. The pace of their advance is oddly slow. They're waiting for something.'

Duke Harmatti's eyes flickered. Various thoughts raced through his mind. After all, he was the man who once nearly devoured the kingdom with his cunning. His mind worked on a different level.

"Who's in charge of the gate?" Duke Harmatti bellowed. An adjutant bowed and replied.

"It is Sir Camilron."


Duke Harmatti was well-acquainted with his subordinates, and Camilron was no exception. Camilron was a straightforward knight who valued principles over racking his brain for his own gains. He was a trustworthy subordinate, but something felt unsettling.

"How long has Camilron been guarding the gate?"

"Its been about three weeks, my lord. He volunteered for the role of gatekeeper."

Duke Harmatti rested his chin in his hand, pondering for a moment.

"...Send ten of the royal guards to the gate. We need to reinforce the gate's defense. Also, tell them to keep an eye on Camilron."

Duke Harmatti could never overlook his unease. That was also the reason why he went out of his way to personally meet with Duke Lungell earlier.

'I should have just killed Varca in the royal palace, despite the noise it might have caused.'

Killing the prince in his own palace would have caused a stir. It seemed better to lure him out and kill him. The prince was killed by bandits on a whim trip such a story would have been easier to fabricate. At the time, it seemed like the right decision, but now, looking at their dire situation, it felt like a mistake.

"Understood, my lord."

The adjutant gathered the royal guards and headed to the outer gate. They were Harmatti's loyal followers, men who would be more than willing to give their lives for his word.

"Sir Camilron! Our lord commanded us to reinforce the gate's defense!"

The royal guards relayed Harmattis message upon their arrival at the gate. Camilron was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the guards.

"Shouldn't we be more concerned about the walls than the gate?" Camilron responded as he looked towards the walls.

"Our lord ordered us to guard the gate."

The guards were firm in their stance. Camilron turned away, sweating profusely.

'Damn it.'


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