Barbarian Quest

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Carnius quietly ran his hand over the imperial seal. Once it was stamped, the treaty would be finalized. He glanced at Urich and Varca sitting across from him.

Emperor Yanchinus had entrusted Carnius with the treaty negotiation. If the empire managed to achieve peace with the north as well, all conflicts in the civilized world would cease. Though it may be temporary, the empire would have a chance to consolidate internally.

‘But if that happens, the empire will be surrounded by enemies. There are four anti-empire factions.’

The balance the civilized world had maintained thus far would be broken. Other kingdoms would be waiting for their chance as well. The empire would lose control over both the south and the north as well.

‘If we end the negotiation like this, we'll lose too much.’

Carnius' lips twitched. He closed his eyes.


Suddenly, he heard a voice. Carnius grasped his sun necklace. He took a deep breath.

His shoulders felt heavy. His decision would determine the lives and deaths of many people.

Many people desired peace. The people of civilization were exhausted from the last two years of the tyranny of the plunderers. The plunderers had gradually gnawed at the empire's national strength, and before they knew it, the empire's enemies had started to bare their teeth.

—I think you are a greater knight than the Sword Demon Ferzen.

That’s what young Leo said, but the reality was harsh. As his perspective widened, Leo also came to realize just how great the fame of the Sword Demon Ferzen was. Comparing Ferzen and Carnius only elicited ridicule.

‘Lord Ferzen disappeared to become a flawless legend.’

The legendary knight was perfect until the very end. The great hero who saved the empire countless times thus achieved immortal glory.

‘My name will not be remembered. A knight and general who lived in the same era as Ferzen, and a civilized man who negotiated peace with the barbarians because he couldn’t defeat them.’

Even if he managed to live out his natural lifespan, Carnius might only live another twenty years at most. He also had no desire to live long. If Lou called, he would go to him anytime.

‘If Leo is still waiting for me by Lou’s side, what would I say to him? That I made peace without defeating the barbarians... Could I say that to him with pride?’

Carnius’ fingers twitched.

If Carnius’ army lost here, the empire would be in a dire crisis of unprecedented scale. Its very existence might be shaken. The emperor had sought peace to prevent that very worst-case scenario.

‘Then we just have to not lose here.’

Defeating Porcana and the plunderers into retreating would solve all problems. Without the plunderers’ army, Porcana wouldn't be able to hold out either.

“Urich, leader of the west.”

Carnius spoke. Urich raised his eyebrows and shrugged. Carnius hesitated before continuing.

“There’s something I want to ask. You were the commander who led the battle of Valdima. In the battle that was already lost, the western army broke through the imperial forces head-on. Was that decision also yours?”

Urich scratched his chin for a moment, thinking. It was a desperate battle where he had fought frantically on the brink of death. The alliance had lost to the empire, and Urich had led the remnants to break through the encirclement.

‘We charged straight at the imperial army ahead to carve a way out.’

It was a decision based on instinct and intuition. It seemed suicidal at first, but it was possible because the warriors trusted Urich. Eventually, Urich and the warriors escaped the encirclement, leading to the victory at Valdima.

“That forward breakthrough? Yeah, it was my order.”

Urich answered, and Carnius closed his eyes tightly, suppressing his rising anger.

‘Just as I thought. Urich, the commander of Valdima, was the one who killed my son.’

If not for Urich’s order, Leo wouldn't have died. He died because Urich had boldly rallied the barbarian warriors for a straight charge.

Urich was practically Leo’s enemy. Even though Carnius had known it in his head, hearing it directly flared his anger even more.


Leo’s voice echoed in Carnius’ ears. Memories of Leo from when he was just a little boy to a grown-up man flashed through his mind.

‘Please, let us have peace.’

People like Gottval, who wished for peace, prayed. If this negotiation succeeded, that peace would come.

“Lou, please end this trial.”

Gottval muttered a prayer. He was earnestly hopeful.


Carnius placed his hand on the table. It was the calloused and rugged hand of a seasoned knight.

Everyone waited for the old knight’s words. The conflict clashed within Carnius until the very last moment. There was no right choice. Whichever option he chose, he would have to take on the risk and the following despair would be inevitable.

‘But I have to be a knight who can stand proudly before my son.’

How could he tell Leo that he made peace with the very man who murdered him, even if it was the emperor’s order or to save many imperial lives? To Carnius, his son was more important.

“There will be no negotiations. Prepare for battle. Negotiations about the north are beyond my authority.”

Carnius spoke with a deep, dark gaze. His eyes and lips trembled slightly. Even he found it hard to believe what he was saying.

‘What am I even saying?’

Lives numbering thousands would be extinguished.

‘This is the right decision. Not just for my son’s revenge but for the empire as well.’

He tried telling himself that, but what his heart truly desired was to avenge his son. It was a fact that Leo’s spirit shook Carnius’ heart.

“Wait! General Carnius!”

Varca shouted urgently. He couldn't understand why the negotiation fell apart. The flow had been good. The empire was the one who was cornered.

“Forget it, Pahell. Look at his eyes. This isn’t about the negotiation terms. It’s a personal grudge.”

Urich extended his arm to block Varca. Urich was grinning with his lips twisted. The smell of war that had settled down began to rise again. It felt as if digging the ground here would reveal a pool of blood.

Carnius also felt his hair stand on end. Urich's eyes were primal, like a beast's.

“I’m sorry, King Varca, but I cannot let this happen. The imperial army does not negotiate with barbarians. There is only victory for us,” Carnius shouted like an impetuous knight.

Porcana wanted to avoid battle just as much as the empire. Carnius' sudden declaration caused a great stir at the negotiation table.


Gottval and the nobles who were advocating for peace sighed in despair. Peace was shattered, leaving only bloodshed.


The negotiation table fell into chaos. Sensing the stirring atmosphere, warriors and knights sprang forward, ready to draw their weapons.

“Step back, Your Highness.”

Porcana’s knights stepped forward to protect Varca.

Urich continued to stare at Carnius. Tilting his head, he spoke.

“...The person you lost... blood? A son?”

Urich's words hit the mark.

‘Carnius is a knight with tons of battle experience. He wouldn't hold such a deep grudge just over losing comrades or a defeat. He's not at an age to grieve over losing a sibling, either. It has to be his son.’

Carnius stiffly turned his head and looked at Urich.

“I intend to win this battle and become a proud father.”

With that, Carnius disappeared behind the knights. The knights stood in front of him like a wall. As the conversation ended, only the murmuring noise grew louder.

“Carnius has gone mad! After all that brooding, he suddenly wants to go to war?”

“If that’s the case, why did he propose negotiations in the first place!”

“It was a mistake to include the north in the negotiations! If it had been just the west and Porcana, there wouldn’t have been any problems!”

The nobles of Porcana chattered. They also wanted the negotiations to succeed.

“In the end, we’re going to have to shed blood, Urich.”

Varca staggered. He was also mentally shocked as the negotiations fell apart after being so close to succeeding. Urich supported Varca by grabbing his shoulder.

“The north is just a superficial reason. Carnius probably didn’t have his heart in the negotiations. He was just looking for a reason not to negotiate.”

Urich glanced at the retreating Carnius.

“Urich, a war is about to break out and you’re smiling.”

“If we have no choice but to go to war, we might as well smile while doing it.”

“...You’re crazy.”

“Barbarians have always been crazy in the eyes of civilization.”

Varca chuckled hollowly and punched Urich’s chest.

“Since it came to this, we have to win, Urich. We cannot afford to lose.”

The Porcana-Alliance camp was watching the returning negotiation party. Some had already guessed the outcome by the atmosphere.

“What are you looking at, you idiots? It’s war! War! Katagi, Olga! Get ready! Clean your armor and weapons! What’s with those rusty blades? Do you want to die because your axe got stuck in an enemy’s neck and you couldn’t pull it out?”

Urich kicked the weapons stuck in the ground as he returned to the alliance camp.

“Ho! Ho!”

The warriors were excited at the mention of battle. No one looked sullen about the failed negotiations. Whether genuinely or out of bravado, they welcomed the fight.

“It’s the order of Great Chief Urich! Prepare for battle!”

Katagi shouted until his voice cracked. Warriors who had been sleeping began to emerge from their tents one by one. They gathered their gear and stretched with long yawns.

“Oh, Lou, oh, Lou. Why do you give us such trials again?”

Gottval clung to a tree and struggled to stand. His teary eyes were red. This was more painful than when he lost his arm.

“It’s war!”

The warriors shouted as they moved around. No one paid attention to Gottval. Many warriors saw Gottval as a thorn, but since he was favored by the Great Chief, they left him alone, treating him as if he didn’t exist.

“Is shedding blood on this land truly your will?”

Gottval looked around. He saw eyes filled with fear.

Not everyone welcomed the fight. In fact, most people feared battle. They just pretended otherwise, putting on a show of bravado. Everyone knew that avoiding a fight was best. That’s why they had gotten so close to a successful negotiation.

‘So, General Carnius lost his son?’

The circumstances made it clear. A personal grudge over losing his son was one of the reasons for the breakdown of the negotiation.

“This too must be a form of love.”

Gottval’s eyes trembled. Carnius loved his son.

“Gottval! Don’t just stand there, fall back. You could get hit by a stray arrow and die,” Urich said to Gottval and then disappeared.

The warriors were already falling into their formations. Those with shields stood in line with Katagi, while the nimble warriors formed a separate unit under Olga. Urich called the chiefs leading the thousand-man units to decide the left and right flanks.

“There is no need for us to charge in first, Urich,” Duke Lungell said.

“I know. We hold the hill. It’s perfect for tying down the enemy’s heavy cavalry.”

Urich had already told his warriors not to descend the hill. The key to this battle was who could best utilize the terrain.

The Porcana-Alliance army was positioned on the hill, while the imperial army was arrayed below. Even the warhorses of the empire would quickly tire if they had to run up the hill.

Both armies finished their battle preparations. The Porcana-Alliance army waited for the imperial army to make the first move.

“Huh? Are they waiting too?”

Urich tilted his head as he sharpened his axe blade, waiting for the clash. The battle did not start even after a day. Both sides only exchanged a few futile arrows and only observed each other.

The soldiers and warriors waiting for battle yawned and maintained their formations in turns, bored by the standoff that lasted three days.

“Urich, we’re in trouble. The imperial army has settled in for a long campaign.”

Varca squinted, looking at the imperial camp. The imperial army remained steady, maintaining their encampment without a single move. The sophisticated imperial camp was practically a fortress in itself.


Urich turned his head.

“We’ll be starving in ten days. Porcana’s rations aren’t enough to sustain nearly twenty thousand troops.”

Porcana’s rations alone couldn’t support the Porcana-Alliance army. Meanwhile, the imperial army was famously well-supplied to the point of being known to win wars through their supply systems.

The alliance had always sustained itself through local plundering. That was how a force of ten thousand could wreak havoc in the civilized world without a proper supply line or supply troops. They were an army that constantly needed to move in search of new places to plunder.

“This is unexpected. Isn’t he being way too rational for a father who’s supposed to be blinded by revenge?”

Urich groaned. The imperial army was also waiting for the Porcana-Alliance army to abandon the hill and make the first move.

‘The Iron Blood knight.’

It seemed like Carnius’ nickname had slipped everyone’s minds.


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