Barbarian Quest

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Plundering and battling were the life of a warrior. Then, they die by someone else's hand. That was their fate.

"Ulgaro, watch over me," Inga muttered, gripping his sword tightly. A light glimmered in the depths of his pupils.

'For glory.'

Inga craved fame. Fame great enough to be known across the entire north.

A warrior grew as much as they killed. It was an undeniable fact. No matter how noble one's intentions were, the profession of a warrior was ultimately a profession of killing. They gained just as much strength and power as the amount of blood they drank.

Beneath every famous warrior lay countless fallen warriors. There was no fame without bloodshed.


Inga clashed his sword with his shield, making a noise. Urich also crossed his axe and sword and spun them around.

'If I beat him, I take the fame he got from killing Yorcan the Giant.'

Inga's eyes burned with fervor. He grinned, baring his teeth.


Urich swung his axe, and Inga raised his shield to block the first strike.

‘That is hefty. He split the grain of my shield.'

Urich was holding an axe, but it felt more like a hammer to Inga. Inga lowered his tingling arm and swung his sword.

The swords clashed with a metallic sound. The two swords stuck together and entered a battle of strength.

'...I’m not going to beat him with strength.'

Inga quickly realized. He felt the gap in their strengths the very moment the swords pressed against each other. His opponent was a warrior with formidable power that matched his massive build. There was a reason he was able to defeat Yorcan.

The nickname "Red Beard" wasn't just an exaggeration either. Inga endured and defended against Urich's attacks several times.


Urich took a step back and threw his axe. It was an obvious route of attack, so Inga leaned to the side to dodge.

'I knew another attack would follow right away. Once I dodge this, it's my turn to counter.'

Having dodged the axe, Inga crossed his sword and shield into a defensive stance.

Urich gripped his sword with both hands and raised it high. It was the most primitive form of attack—an overhead diagonal slash. It was a move that allowed the maximum use of the muscular strength of a human. In swordsmanship, it was known as the "Owl's Fury," a finishing move.


Urich struck down with all his might. The blade made of steel was able to withstand his strength.


Inga crossed his sword and shield to defend. The moment they collided, he thought he had successfully defended against Urich’s attack.

But the force overpowered him, causing his arms to drop.


Inga felt warm blood trickle down from his crown. His head felt hot.

Urich's blow broke through Inga's defense and split his head open. Blood trickled down the blade that was embedded all the way down to his forehead.


Urich kicked Inga's body away from him. As the blade was pulled out, the wound opened up even wider and spilled a torrent of red brain matter.


Warriors behind Urich shouted. It was a roar that challenged the northern warriors, daring them to attack.

After their leader was defeated, the northern warriors shrugged and murmured among themselves.

"Inga's down. Well, there’s no point in chasing after Bilker now. Is there anyone who wants to avenge Inga? His brothers or anyone from his hometown?"

The warriors all shook their heads. They witnessed Urich's power and skill up close.

'It wasn't a close fight at all. Even if Inga came back to life several times and fought again, he would still have lost.'

No matter what anyone said, Inga was the leader among the gathered northern warriors. There was no warrior stronger than him.

The warriors glanced around and slowly stepped back. Urich's warriors from behind threw out words of ridicule.

Urich crouched and looked at the dead Inga. He wiped the blade of his sword on the snow to clean off the blood.

"What meaning does your death even have?"

* * *

Bilker and Georg rode through the snowy plains. Kylios panted heavily but didn't stop running. Carrying two people was taxing even for a horse, especially given Bilker's considerable weight.

"Hang in there, Kylios. We're almost there," Georg said, patting Kylios' mane.

Kylios was Urich’s treasured horse, and if something happened to it, such as collapsing from exhaustion, Urich would be furious.

Kylios struggled through distances that would have caused an ordinary horse to fall. He was giving his all.

"My butt hurts," Bilker complained, flinching with each of Kylios' jolts.

"Shut up," Georg snapped. Even he, a scholar, got angry at Bilker's whining.

'Lagerik will be waiting for us. We just need to reach the meeting point.’

Georg kept glancing behind them. There seemed to be no sign of pursuit.

'Urich will manage.’

He didn’t think Urich was going to die. Urich was someone who would survive no matter what situation he was put in.

"There it is!" Georg shouted.

Smoke rose in the distance. It was the meeting point.

At the meeting point, over a hundred warriors had set up camp. They gripped their weapons and got up from their seats as they saw Georg approaching on horseback.

Sun Warrior Lagerik stepped forward to welcome Georg.

"Where is Urich? And the other warriors?" Lagerik asked.

"A pursuit party caught up to us, so we came ahead first.”

Lagerik called on other Sun Warriors to lead the warriors to support Urich. The warriors formed a search formation and moved out.

Most of the warriors joined the search party, leaving only about twenty warriors at the camp.

"Are you Bilker, the descendant of Mijorn?" Lagerik asked, handing Bilker a cup of warm honey water.

"Yes, I am Bilker. Mijorn was my grandfather.”

Bilker nodded as he sat by the campfire.

He lowered his head and sipped the honey water.

Lagerik left Bilker for a moment to talk with other Sun Warriors.

"He seems more timid than I expected. He does not look like a warrior.”

"Is that boy really the descendant of Mijorn?"

"Unless Urich made a mistake, it must be true. Judging by how there was a pursuit, that boy probably is the real deal.”

The Sun Warriors whispered among themselves. Other northerners circled around Bilker, asking various questions.

Mijorn was a warrior respected by all northerners. He was a great warrior who had opposed the empire for the freedom of the north, a figure revered beyond religious boundaries.

"He just doesn't look like Mijorn's descendant. He seems like he's never fought in his life."

"That fat boy is going to be our king? Man, that’s ridiculous."

The northerners whispered among themselves. The muscular northern warriors glanced between Bilker and the Sun Warriors.

Georg warmed his exhausted body, but he was feeling uneasy for some reason. The murmurs around him seemed ominous.

'Something feels off. I wish Urich would get here soon.'

The Mijorn's descendant that the Sun Warriors envisioned, not to mention the northerners, was not this boy.

‘It would have been a headache if he were a fanatical warrior who believed in Ulgaro, but I didn't expect this much lack of spirit...'

Lagerik cast a wary glance at Bilker. Bilker was just as uneasy. He hadn’t picked his eyes off the ground once out of anxiety ever since arriving at the camp.

"I am Sun Warrior Lagerik, Bilker," Lagerik said, sitting in front of Bilker.

Bilker's eyes widened upon hearing ‘Sun Warrior.’ He had only heard of their name but had never seen one in person. Only then did he notice the sun patterns on Lagerik's cloak and armor.

"I heard that Sun Warriors know just as much about the doctrine of the Sun as priests do."

As if the words ‘Sun Warrior’ brought relief to Bilker, his tone was stabilized. Lagerik felt a sense of incongruity and glanced at Georg.

Georg hesitantly answered, "Bilker is a Solarist."

Upon hearing this, prayer and praise immediately came out of Lagerik’s mouth.

"Oh, Lou, this must be your will!"

The descendant of Mijorn was a follower of Lou. How could such a coincidence occur unless the northern kingdom was part of Lou’s will? The Sun Warriors in the spot were struck with awe and expressed their devotion to Lou.

"Lou has prepared a kingdom for us!"

"Bilker, you will be our king."

The Sun Warriors declared their loyalty to Bilker, though their loyalty was actually directed toward Lou.

The northerners also whispered among themselves. There were only about twenty warriors left at the camp, and only four of them were Sun Warriors.

Lagerik spoke softly to make Bilker feel more at ease. When he spoke about the teachings of Lou, Bilker seemed more comfortable, nodding as he listened. His expression brightened.

'Bilker is a devout believer. He's young enough that, with guidance, he could become a wise king.’

Lagerik decided to become Bilker's patron and mentor, leading him as a king who followed Lou's teachings and made them a reality on this land.

Lagerik saw the future of the kingdom of northerners in Bilker's eyes.

"Bilker, there's no need to be nervous. Everyone here is a follower of Lou who is here to protect you," Lagerik said warmly.

Bilker raised his head to look around. The Sun Warriors gazed at him with friendly eyes.

"Finally, I get to stretch my legs, goddammit," Georg said, devouring warm food and patting his belly. He snapped a twig and used it as a toothpick.

‘Now, all we need is for Urich to return. I’m sure everything’s okay... right?'

Georg suppressed his worries. If Urich died, Georg would be left with no one to rely on.

'My success and fortune depend on Urich.'

Unlike the other civilized mercenaries, Georg had stayed by Urich's side. But it was not because of personal loyalty. He simply figured he could gain more by staying with him.

'Urich is destined to be something significant.'

Georg looked around. Having spent his entire life as a slave, he was good at reading people's moods.

'Something feels off. I just can’t get comfortable, for some reason.'

Georg glanced at the northern warriors gathered at the edge of the camp. They were talking while looking at Bilker. He assumed they were just gossiping about him, but he couldn't be sure without listening in.

Georg discreetly walked past the northern warriors. As he did, their conversation stopped. He felt a chill in his chest. The way the northern warriors were staring at him was unusual.

Meanwhile, Lagerik and Bilker were having a meal and talking by the campfire.

"Here, I’ll give this to you. It's something every follower of Lou should have," Lagerik said, handing over his silver Sun pendant to Bilker. The pendant made of silver was quite intricate.

"Thank you, Sir Lagerik," Bilker said, putting the Sun pendant around his neck.

'This is where I belong,' Bilker thought.

Living among the northern warriors, who valued blood and swords, each day was a constant repetition of anxiety for him. They demanded he act like a fierce warrior, which made him find comfort in food to ease his fears.

"Your very existence is Lou's will and a miracle. If there is anything that you need, I will help in any way I can.”

Bilker nodded and smiled brightly at Lagerik’s assuring words.

"I think I've finally found where I belong."

Bilker was finally at ease. He ran his fingers over the silver Sun pendant, finding some peace.


It was an unrealistic scene. Bilker blinked. Each blink made his pupils widen.


A blade emerged from Lagerik's neck right in front of Bilker’s eyes. Bilker couldn't even scream.


Lagerik's body tilted forward. The blade that was sticking out his neck was pulled back. The one holding the blade was a northern warrior who had been with them all along.

"Just know this. This is Ulgaro's judgment," the northern warrior said, kicking Lagerik's body.

Lagerik, with his neck pierced, grabbed onto the northern warrior's leg. He opened his mouth wide as if he was trying to tell Bilker to run.

"Secure the descendant of Mijorn!"

The men who attacked Lagerik and the Sun Warriors were the northern warriors who had been working with them until now. They ambushed and killed the Sun Warriors and other northern warriors who opposed them.

Ten warriors of Ulgaro moved in unison, painting the surroundings with blood. The sudden betrayal left even the Sun Warriors powerless.


Bilker wet himself as he looked at the dead Lagerik. He thought he had finally managed to find some peace, but Lagerik, who was the very source of that peace, was now dead.

"Come with us, Bilker," the warriors of Ulgaro said coldly, grabbing him by the scruff.

"Where's Georg?"

"He caught on early and escaped with a horse, that sneaky bastard."

They didn't bother chasing Georg. To them, he was just an insignificant subordinate.

"They’ll accept us back if we bring them Bilker.”

"Believing in Lou is definitely not for us, that's for sure."

It wasn’t like they were planning to betray the Sun Warriors from the beginning. But seeing Mijorn's descendant turning weak because of his belief in Lou was unbearable for them. Though they wanted to believe in Lou, the god in their hearts was still Ulgaro. They made their decision and returned to him.


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