Barbarian Quest

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

The Arten outpost felt desolate. The word that it had become a barbarian stronghold had spread widely. Yet no one thought of sending a subjugation army.

Who would willingly confront the barbarians who fought and survived against the imperial army? According to the circulating rumors, even the imperial army had sustained significant losses and was in a lull.

"It must be true, then. The imperial army hasn't made a move yet. They're not even thinking about sending a force to root out the barbarians over there."

People chatted about the rumor, and their speculations were all true.

The imperial army had suffered considerable losses fighting the alliance army of the west. Carnius' main force had been defeated by Urich in Valdima, leading to substantial casualties among the imperial soldiers and knights. Because of this, Carnius faced severe reprimands and lost the trust of the troops.

"Apparently General Carnius made reckless decisions after losing his son. He wasted a bunch of the soldiers’ and knights’ lives."

Carnius' authority plummeted after losing the trust of the army. The pro-imperial faction mocked the defeated veteran, and even the anti-imperial faction whispered that Carnius was old and out of touch.

'These people have no idea that these weren't just ordinary barbarians.'

Carnius' words held no sway. The western alliance had an army rivaling the strength of the north in its prime. They could potentially reach the heart of the empire. Yet no one took such warnings seriously.

Carnius holed up in his mansion as if he were in penance and decided to remain silent. He did not show himself at the imperial palace for a while.

"Urich," Carnius uttered Urich's name. He had sent a report regarding Urich to the emperor.

'The winner of the Hamel Jousting Tournament, the one who crushed an armor with his bare hands in a duel, and... the one who played a significant role in placing the current King of Porcana on the throne.'

Urich and the King of Porcana were close.

'There must be surveillance and restrictions placed on Porcana.'

Carnius wasn't the only one who thought so. Urich's relationship with Porcana was known to anyone with decent status. There were even talks of attacking Porcana being brought up in councils.

Varca Baneu Porcana, a young king who beheaded his uncle to seize the throne. There were few who did not know the story. The story of Varca traveled throughout the civilized world through the songs of the bards.

The story of a prince who defeated an evil uncle and became king. It was a favorable narrative for the other kings. They intentionally promoted Varca's story to assert the legitimacy of primogeniture and suppress would-be claimants to the throne.


No one used that name anymore.

'There was a time when that alias felt more familiar.'

Varca quietly opened his eyes. The imperial capital of Hamel was finally in sight. It was once a place he admired.

'Now, it just looks like a lion’s den. It’s as if it’s waiting for the chance to devour me.’

Varca chuckled. The youthful lines on his face had thickened, revealing a mature young man.

The reign of the young king had not been a smooth sail. The nobles who had accumulated their power during the civil war challenged his authority, forcing Varca to sometimes accommodate their demands to maintain political balance.

'Despite everything that’s happened, it was all thanks to Emperor Yanchinus' favor that I could solidify my position.'

Varca was greatly indebted to Yanchinus. Even now, Porcana enjoyed considerable privileges thanks to the emperor's goodwill.

Varca's arrival at the imperial palace drew attention, and whispers filled the air.

"King Varca came here himself."

"So the rumors were true..."

"He's associated with the western plunderers, isn't he?"

Even for a vassal state, it was unusual for a king to move personally. It signified the importance of the matter and that it required a direct meeting between those directly involved in the matter.

"Please wait a moment, King Varca," an attendant said with respect.

His status was not the same as it was the last time he was here. Back then, Varca had to make a show to meet the emperor as an exiled prince. But now, he was an important figure to Yanchinus.

News of Varca's arrival had reached the imperial palace two days in advance through a messenger. By the time Varca arrived, everything was prepared for his audience with the emperor.


Varca opened the palace doors. He saw Yanchinus seated on the throne.

"Varca Baneu Porcana humbly comes before the Ruler of the World..."

His cloak, embroidered with herrings and fishing boats, fluttered. Varca knelt and paid his respects.

"What is that! There's no need for formalities between us. Stand up, King Varca!" Yanchinus exclaimed jovially, rising from the throne to help Varca up.

"Long time no see, Your Majesty," Varca said, somewhat reluctantly.

Varca’s blue eyes glanced at Yanchinus before surveying the imperial nobles around him.

'This is all just for show.'

Demonstrating that the relationship between Porcana and the empire remained strong. That was Yanchinus' intention.

'If one vassal state breaks away from the empire, others will follow. Especially since the failure to protect the Langkegart Kingdom is already causing friction.'

Varca sat beside Yanchinus and accepted a drink.

“You’re all grown up now. I almost didn't recognize you.”

“Quite a bit of time has passed.”

“Three years?”

“That sounds about right.”

Varca smiled. Thanks to his striking features befitting the royal family of Porcana, his smile was incredibly gentle and soft. Those who didn’t know him could fully mistake him for a messenger of Lou who had descended from the heavens.

‘I’ve been smiling so much that my cheeks are strained.’

Varca was accustomed to forcing his smiles. Smiling was a useful weapon.

“We're building the ships for the ocean expedition. We built two, but they couldn't withstand the storms and quickly sank.”


Until recently, civilization had only ever built ships for coastal voyages. At most, they would travel along the shoreline for a few days, and the islands were close enough to each other that there was no need for long-distance vessels.

For a long time, shipbuilding technology had stagnated, but Porcana and the empire selected shipbuilding as a state project, leading to significant advancements in just three years.

“This time, we've brought in shipbuilders from the north. According to the legend, the northerners must have found the Eastern Continent by sailing across the ocean. Even if the technology is no longer in practice, there should still be traces of it.”

Varca emphasized that Porcana was putting in the effort for the exploration of the Eastern Continent.

“It would be best for you to come up with some progress soon.”

Yanchinus took a sip from his cup. A band was playing music, but neither of them paid attention to it.

“I heard you’re having trouble with the plunderers from the west.”

“It is something that doesn’t concern Porcana since it’s a kingdom on the eastern coast. However, it does concern you, King Varca.”

“...Urich,” Varca muttered. Yanchinus quietly smiled.

“Yes, Urich.”

“The rumors were true, then.”

All sorts of thoughts crossed Varca's mind.

‘Urich, you’ve really done it this time.’

Yanchinus observed Varca's expression. Varca still smiled.

‘He's become a true politician, this Prince Varca.’

Varca's face showed no signs of confusion or bewilderment at all.

“Did you know Urich was from beyond the mountains?”

“No, Your Majesty. I just assumed he was an ordinary barbarian mercenary and didn't care much about his origins.”

“Swear to Lou?”

“Swear to Lou,” Varca replied, thinking to himself that he needed to purchase a pardon once this was over.

Yanchinus paused briefly before asking again.

“If your close friend Urich asks for your help, what will you do?”

“You already know my answer, Your Majesty.”

“Just asking.”

Varca and Yanchinus exchanged glances. They spoke cautiously to gauge each other's intentions, but neither were seeing much success.

'I raised a wolf without even realizing it. I thought it was a puppy, but it was actually a wolf cub.'

The emperor twisted his lips. Varca, who was now a king, was not quick to reveal his thoughts.

Varca felt equally frustrated. He had no way of knowing what was going on inside the emperor’s head.

'Will the emperor continue to trust me and maintain our alliance? Or will he strengthen control over the other vassal states... by taking other measures?'

Before the western plunderers made their appearance, the empire and Porcana had kept a close relationship. There was no need to worry about one betraying the other.

But now, things were different. It was hard for the two to trust each other like before.

'Urich, you gave me the throne, but you've also brought me more problems.'

But Varca did not blame Urich.

'Urich only acted to protect his people.'

Urich was no longer an outsider from another world. As he met many people in the civilized world, he became entangled in this complex world. He held a status relevant enough that his actions had complicated the relationship between the empire and the Porcana Kingdom.

"The expedition of the Eastern Continent is not being done just for you, Your Majesty. It is also my mission that I received from Lou," Varca said. It was uncertain how much this would resonate with the emperor.

"By the way, why don’t you meet your sister before you return to your kingdom?" the emperor asked.

Varca's smile froze for the first time.

'Damia, my sister.'

It was always on his mind. This was the one thing that made him hesitate to visit the imperial palace.

Damia had become Yanchinus' concubine. It was a miserable fate for a princess of a kingdom, and as a concubine, any child she bore would not be eligible to inherit the empire's throne. People whispered that the beautiful Damia was married—practically sold—for strategic reasons.

Moreover, the emperor's eccentric habits were well-known among the nobility. Rumors suggested that some women had even died because of him.

"No, I don't think my sister would want to see me."

"Your sister is a remarkable woman. It wasn’t easy breaking her down," the emperor remarked.

Varca suddenly felt a surge of emotion. His fists clenched tightly.

'I handed her over with my own hands. She had to pay the price for what she did.'

Varca bowed his head to hide his expression.

"My sister is a dangerous woman, but I'm sure you already know that."

"If she had been a man, she might have made a better king than you."

It was an incredibly rude comment, but Varca wasn't angered by it. It was something he had heard his whole life. The twin siblings whose gender and roles were reversed, the intelligent sister and the dull brother.

"Perhaps," Varca calmly reflected on the past.

Yanchinus patted Varca's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "By the way, your sister no longer resides in the Palace of White Night."

"Isn’t a concubine supposed to live in the Palace of White Night?" Varca asked.

"Not all of them.”

Varca flinched. Anxiety began to rise.

"What do you mean by that?"

"She had a child. You didn't hear? You really don’t exchange any letters with your sister, do you?"

"...This is my first time hearing about it.”

The imperial family did not celebrate the birth of illegitimate children. They lived as if they never existed. If an illegitimate child stood out too much, perhaps more than a legitimate one, their life would be at risk. It was not uncommon for a legitimate child to order the execution of known illegitimate children once they became king.

In the countryside, illegitimate and legitimate children could live as siblings, but in the royal family and high-ranking noble families, the distinction was strict. This meant that there were countless illegitimate children in the civilized world without official records of themselves.

"Where is my sister staying now? Now that you mention it, I think it is only right for me to visit her.”

Varca struggled to muster up the words.


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