Barbarian Quest

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Urich and his party arrived at a border that could be considered the north. The density of the crop fields noticeably decreased, and coniferous trees were densely packed. Occasionally, northerners with fierce eyes glared at Urich's group as they passed by.

"It's so cold. Goddammit.”

The warriors grumbled as they tightened their fur cloaks. The damp and chilly climate of the north was unfamiliar to the warriors from the west. Even though it wasn't a land with high elevation, the cold seeped all the way into their lungs.

"It's only going to get colder."

Urich looked at the cloud-covered mountains of the north.


The sound of breathing grew heavier. The cold north had a strange charm. Around the graves adorned with rusty weapons, there seemed to linger the loneliness of the late warriors.

"There are tons of graves."

"It's a custom here to bury the dead warriors with their weapons."

Urich passed by the village cemetery. The rust on the weapons roughly indicated the time of the grave owners' deaths.

'A lot of these warriors died recently.'

Urich surveyed the small village. It was a typical village on the northern border, where Solarism and northern beliefs were intertwined. Some prayed at the Sun Temple, while others sharpened and polished their blades for Ulgaro.

"We'd better leave soon. They are wary of outsiders."

Georg felt the stares of the villagers.

"It would be stranger if they weren't wary of a group of armed men loitering around their village," Urich spoke as he chewed on the dried fruit he had just bought.

Although they were a group of only seventeen warriors, including Urich himself, well-trained warriors of this number could easily plunder a small village.

‘There aren’t too many young people around. I’m only seeing kids and seniors.'

Urich had been to the north a few years ago as well. The northern villages he visited then were lively. There was a vitality coming from the people living there.

'Now, it's as if the whole village is gradually dying, so quiet.'

Urich moved to a city with more foot traffic. Armed northerners were frequently seen coming and going.

The other warriors set up camp outside of the city while Urich and Georg moved in and out of the city. The two entered a tavern and bought two beers with a single gold coin.

After seeing the gold coin from the empire, the tavern owner smiled satisfactorily and nodded.

"Did you come here to try something with your swords?" The tavern owner asked while cleaning the beer glasses with a rag.

"Huh? Try what with swords?" Urich responded as he brought the beer to his lips.

"Are you acting oblivious on purpose? Then let me ask you again. Are you on the side of the north? Or the side of the empire? Not that it matters to me."

"If I have to pick a side, then I'm on my own side. And so is my lanky friend here."

Urich patted Georg on the back.

The tavern owner stared at Urich for a minute before shrugging.

"Even if you’ve been living under a rock, you must have heard about the plunderers that appeared from the west."

The tavern owner started the conversation, and Georg felt a chill down his spine. He quickly glanced at Urich.

"Ah, yeah, I’ve heard about that. The plunderers from the west," Urich replied without changing his expression.

‘What a bold man. As if he’s not the second-in-command of those plunderers.'

The ‘plunderers from the west’. That's what the alliance army was called. They had left a deeper impression as plunderers than as barbarians to the civilized people.

The tavern owner looked around and then moved closer to Urich and Georg.

"The plunderers fought equally against the imperial army and turned the world upside down. The Langkegart Kingdom is in such disarray that even the king and his family are missing. Rumors like that spread incredibly fast even if no one tries, you know."


Urich smiled slyly, waiting for the tavern owner to continue.

"The plunderers’ deeds have ignited a fire in the hearts of the northerners. Even those who had put down their weapons are now strapping on swords and shields and gathering. It just so happens that this unfortunately occurred right after Viceroy Langster, who had been governing the north well, retired. Viceroy Langster was quite adept at maintaining balance in the north."

"What about the current viceroy?"

"How much would a fresh viceroy know, right? Controlling the north in times like this isn't something that can be managed with just ordinary skill. Even Viceroy Langster, with all his experience, would find it difficult. I bet you that newly appointed viceroy probably hasn't even memorized the names of all the cities in the north yet."

Urich finished his beer and then bought a jar of honey liquor from the cupboard at triple the usual price. The tavern owner's smile grew even wider.

The tavern owner dusted off the honey liquor and continued speaking.

"Some cities are already openly demanding autonomy and independence for the northerners. They've practically driven out the imperial troops that were stationed there. No one would be surprised if a large-scale bloodbath broke out any day now."

Urich nodded and left the tavern. It was dark outside. Georg exhaled his breath heavily as he followed Urich.

"Things are looking good. If the northerners start a rebellion, it will split the empire's front lines into two."

"It won't be that easy for the northerners. Knowing the emperor, he will try to suppress the north by any means. He’s not someone to just let those who oppose him be. He'll crush them thoroughly."

Urich spoke coldly. He looked up at the night sky.

"You speak as if you know the emperor well."

Urich did not respond, and Georg did not press further.

Urich and his warriors moved toward a major city that the imperial army was using as a base. Despite the risks, it was crucial to find out more about the situation in the north. If the imperial army was taking any sort of measures, there would definitely be some changes in personnel or supplies.

"Just as I expected. Military supplies."

Urich tilted his head as he watched the wagons entering the city. They were cargos marked with the eagle of the imperial army.

‘There’s going to be a war.’

The imperial army was putting aside the conflict with the alliance force and was preparing to pacify the north.

‘The imperial army will want to suppress the northerners before they rise up in full force.’

Urich put up his hood and observed the movements of the imperial army. There was a tense atmosphere in the air inside the city.

"It looks like another war is about to start because of those plunderers, or something."

"Just when things were settling down. Dammit."

The northerners who had adapted to life under imperial rule disliked the constant warfare. They had been peacefully accumulating wealth through trade with the empire.

"Hey, you there."

A robust voice knocked on the back of Urich's head. Urich did not flinch and continued walking silently through the crowd.

"Stop right there. The big man in the hood!"

The voice clearly pointed out Urich. As people dispersed, Urich stood alone in the center.

‘This is getting annoying.’

Urich checked that his sword was well fastened at his waist. He slowly turned around, removing his hood.

"It really is you! Long time no see, Urich."

A man dressed in the attire of the Sun Warriors greeted him. The front of his cloak shimmered with a golden sun embroidery.


Urich muttered the name as he remembered. He had encountered this Sun Warrior when he was escorting Pahell.

"I never thought I’d see you again in a place like this. I thought you'd be doing well in the Porcana Kingdom. Isn't that prince a king now?"

"I'm surprised too. The Sun Warriors are supposed to be with the emperor, so what brings you here?"

"Are you asking because you really don't know, or are you just testing me?"

Harvald's gaze was sharp. He held a significant rank within the Sun Warriors.

"The emperor is taking this really seriously, huh? Sending the Sun Warriors to the north..."

The members of the Sun Warriors were either converted barbarian warriors or people of civilization of heavy barbarian descent. They were transitional warriors who had adapted to civilization while retaining the fierceness and combat skills typical of barbarian warriors. Their combat prowess was among the top of the imperial army.

Harvald didn't let Urich go without extending an invitation for dinner.

‘I can’t tell if he’s inviting me because he’s just glad to see me, or if there is an ulterior motive...’

Urich shrugged and accepted Harvald's invitation.

Georg, who joined Urich after stopping by a general store, was confused by the completely changed situation. He was then completely bewildered upon seeing Harvald's cloak.

"Urich, that man is a Sun Warrior..."

Georg, who had joined Urich, freaked out. He dropped the bag that contained the necessities he had just purchased.

Harvald looked back and forth between Urich and Georg. It wasn’t the most fitting pairing.

"Have you quit being a mercenary? Your companion doesn't really look like a warrior."

"This is Georg. As you can see, he's more of a scholar than a fighter. I quit being a mercenary a long time ago."

"Ah, that’s a shame. A warrior like you wandering without affiliation..."

Harvald guided Urich to the imperial army barracks. Soldiers adjusting their armor glanced at Urich and Georg. Among them were imperial knights and several large Sun Warriors.

"Who’s the man that Sir Harvald brought?"

"That’s Urich."


"You don’t know him? He was a pretty famous barbarian warrior a while ago."

The murmurs inside the barracks reached Georg's ears. His pupils gradually widened.

'Was Urich really famous in the empire?'

Georg still looked around bewilderedly as a few people recognized Urich and passed by.

"The prince you escorted before became a king. You could have received a domain of your own."

"Hah, and what am I supposed to do with that? Become a noble? I turned it down and came here."

Urich chuckled. Harvald sat down at the table with an impressed look on his face.

Harvald clapped his hands, and servants brought out the food. Georg half-heartedly ate while listening to the conversation between Urich and Harvald.

“Casting aside the riches and glory that many knights aspire to gain throughout their lives and choosing your own path instead... that is an act that deserves to be an inspiration to many knights."

Harvald poured wine while praising Urich.

"An inspiration? I don’t know about that..."

"By the way, what brings you to the north at a time like this? A heavily armed warrior roaming around might not be received too well right now. You could be suspected of being a spy."

Harvald's face was flush from the wine, but his eyes were as sharp as ever.

'A warrior like Urich joining the northern rebellion would be problematic.'

In a warrior society where the social order was loosely defined, an outstanding warrior had more value than simple military strength. Warriors acknowledged only those stronger than themselves. A universally recognized outstanding warrior served as a link that united all.

'If he's on his way to join the north, we'll have to eliminate him here, even though it would be so regrettable.'

To answer Harvald's questioning, Urich dug into his bag and pulled out a figurine. It was a jade figurine known as the eastern artifact.

"It's because of this. It’s the eastern artifact that’s also been discovered in the north before. I found this one recently."

"Ah, the legendary eastern continent? His Imperial Majesty also believes in its existence. I've heard it's a quite rare and valuable treasure."

"I’m sure you know this story, but there are legends in the north about people sailing to the eastern continent. I’m planning to investigate along the northeastern coast. If there really is an eastern continent, I'd like to see it. It means that there’s a whole other world on the other side of the sea. It's an idea cool enough to make my heart race."

Truth within a lie.

Urich's answer was a mix of truth and deceit. Harvald stared intently at Urich's eyes and then nodded.

"To be honest, I don't believe in the existence of the eastern continent. The only proof of it are the old artifacts and legends. But I respect that spirit of exploration."

Georg, who was watching, felt like his heart was going to stop.

‘One wrong answer could have his head cut off, and he’s still eating so casually, that Urich.'

Georg tried to appear calm as well, but the food he swallowed seemed to get stuck in his throat. Even the warm feast, which was something he hadn’t had in forever, felt like it was just sitting in his stomach.

Harvald's suspicion was lifted for now. Harvald and Urich talked about their shared memories and stories as they ate.

"That boy, no, His Majesty Varca of Porcana, has become quite a thorn in the side of the imperial nobles."

"A thorn?"

"Porcana is enjoying a unilateral trade surplus with the empire. They receive tax exemptions on items related to shipbuilding and other construction materials. The imperial nobles can't tax these exempted items even though they pass right through their lands. The imperial family’s blatant support for Porcana's ventures must be irritating for those nobles."

Emperor Yanchinus mercilessly oppressed his own nobles while sparing no support for Porcana. That was how profound his obsession with exploring the eastern continent was.

'Your greed is immense, Yanchinus. Are you not satisfied with crossing the Sky Mountains alone?'

The discovery of the eastern continent and the western conquest.

If Yanchinus were to achieve both during his reign, he would surely surpass the fame of the previous emperors.


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