Barbarian Quest

Chapter 180: The Drought is Coming

Chapter 180: The Drought is Coming

Commander Odinst rode his horse along the front lines, scanning each soldier. The aura of battle swept through the barren plains and throughout the legion.

"Our battle is a battle that will go down in history. Alongside the emperor, you men too shall become victors in this grand historical saga!"

Odinst proclaimed from his heart with his eyes gleaming with clarity and intelligence. Like the heroes of his childhood, he was going to emerge as a historical victor through today's battle.

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!" the soldiers shouted as Odinst walked by them.

The legion commander was the military proxy of the emperor. He commanded two thousand imperial infantrymen, two thousand conscripts supplied by the noble families, and five hundred each of light and heavily armed cavalry.

"To glory, under Commander Odinst!"

The soldiers of the legion cried, rising and drawing their swords every time Odinst walked by.


The number of soldiers conscripted for this legion from the nobles exceeded two thousand. There were also those among the light and heavy cavalry who were drafted from noble ranks. These nobles fulfilled their feudal obligations by supplying a predetermined number of troops.

The morale among the nobles who had brought their forces was high. Conquering the west was a feat every noble would have dreamt of.

"Commander Odinst, we place our trust in you."

Odinst and the nobles exchanged glances of respect with each other. Though Odinst was technically their superior in the command hierarchy, he could not afford to treat the nobles lightly. After all, they were there to merely fulfill their feudal duties and had the right to command their own forces. They had voluntarily transferred command to Odinst and the emperor for the sake of the efficiency of the legion.

‘The imperial army and the legion structure are the legacy of the magnificent empire that the emperors’ have built.’

Odinst thought proudly of his role as commander.

The feudal system, based on agriculture, made it difficult to unite military forces under a single banner. The vassals were strongly independent, and the armed forces owed their allegiance not to the king but to individual lords of their territory. The empire, with its strong central authority suppressing and exploiting vassals to maintain a large standing army called the imperial army, was actually a notable exception.

To overcome the limitations of feudalism, the empire expanded the territory that fell under the emperor’s direct control and imposed heavy taxes and duties on the vassals. This was only made possible because of their military force known as the imperial army, which was more than capable of suppressing any dissatisfaction among the vassals.

By contrast, kingdoms that fully embraced feudalism often had kings who were merely their titles, with powerful vassals and families being the ones actually pulling the strings and pushing them around. In these kingdoms where the status of a king was feeble, any noble with sufficient land and a legitimate enough claim could become king at any time.

During the times when there were wars between the empire and the kingdoms, it was common for pro-imperial faction nobles within the kingdoms to refuse the king's mobilization orders, unwilling to waste their military forces and money on a losing battle.

"At the end of the day, they’re merely barbarians."

"The imperial army has never lost to barbarians in the starting battle."

"Not just the first battle, but we have rarely lost, haven’t we?”

The nobles chatted among themselves. The history of the imperial army’s superiority backed up their confidence.

"Even the barbarians of the north couldn't do anything against the imperial army until Mijorn the Brave united the north."

The nobles didn't simply dismiss Mijorn as a mere barbarian. Mijorn had defeated the imperial army several times, and mocking that very barbarian would have been the same as mocking the imperial armies that fell before him. Even the great Mijorn, however, ultimately fell to the imperial army, making the latter the greater and ultimate victor.

"They are barbarians with tribal forces, at best. Probably similar to those from the south."

"Once we start conquering the scattered tribes one by one, soon they'll all come to us to surrender. Perhaps they’ll even worship us as gods. Barbarians are ignorant, after all, haha."

The nobles were already basking in their anticipated victory, excited to celebrate their triumph with the fine wine and salted meats they had brought as supplies.

"The enemy numbers around three thousand, all lightly armed barbarians!"

The scouts returning from reconnaissance reported. Odinst nodded and disseminated the information. Three thousand suggested the surrounding barbarian tribes had united. It wasn’t an insignificant force.

"The enemy is merely three thousand, but do not be complacent! Being pierced leads to death, no matter which side you fight for! May Lou's favor be with our soldiers!"

"Glory to the Sun!"

"Lou watches over us!"

Odinst signaled to the standard-bearer. The flag of the Violet Eagles of the empire soared high, followed by the nobles hoisting their own flags. Over twenty flags fluttered in the wind.

"Legion, march forward!"

Odinst shouted, his voice tearing through the air, and the military band matched the rhythm with their drums.

Infantry and cavalry moved forward to the drumbeat. They remained fearless as they ventured into the unfamiliar plains. They were backed by the Sun and the emperor.

It was noon: the time that was under the protection of the Sun God. The high sun was hot, and scavengers circled in the sky, sensing the scent of death.

On the horizon of the plains, the alliance forces had set up their camp, waiting for the imperial army with rather tacky fortifications. The garrisoned force at the fort was three thousand strong.

"The 'cavalrymen' approached as far as the hill and then retreated.”

A warrior descending from the watchtower reported to Samikan and the tribal chiefs.

"Hah, they actually ride horses. Such strange people."

Samikan chuckled, though he had heard from Noah about the power of cavalry.

‘I can gauge the power of horse-mounted soldiers even without hearing about them from Noah. They must be incredibly formidable,’

The report that the enemy was approaching stirred unease among the chiefs.

"They do not know that we have formed a massive alliance. We must exploit this advantage to the fullest in our first engagement," Samikan declared to the chiefs.

"If the aim is to starve them by cutting off their supply route, do we even have to fight them, Great Chief?"

One of the chiefs expressed his doubts.

"Seems like you slept through the last tribal council."

Samikan chided him, and other chiefs laughed.

"E-ehem. I must have had other duties at that time and couldn't attend the meeting."

"From now on, those who are absent during the tribal council will be severely punished. Our reason for engaging in battle is firstly, to prevent them from focusing on Urich and his unit, and secondly, because this situation is the most advantageous for us. The enemy's forces are formidable, and they are an army that has fought countless times against ones like us. We must strike when their guard is down."

It was a strategy that Noah agreed with as well. The imperial army had never faced a unified tribal army in the very first encounter. Even their formidable enemy from the north had only unified after suffering greatly at the hands of the imperial army.

"The enemy will underestimate us and attempt a frontal breakthrough. Considering the imperial army's armament and charge strength, our fortifications are practically as good as non-existent. Our central force of three thousand will do its best to withstand the enemy's charge. Under my command, Samikan, the one bearing the will of the heavens!"

Samikan pointed to the leather map and laid out the movement paths of the troops. He positioned the remaining seven thousand troops far to the left and right of the fort. The ambushed troops were to strike the imperial army's flanks simultaneously at Samikan's signal.

"The ambushed troops are positioned quite far away to avoid getting detected by the enemy's scouts. The challenge is whether our central force can hold them off until then."

The chiefs nodded. Samikan had voluntarily taken on the risky role of commanding the central force.

‘Immortal glory.’

This was the day that Samikan had been dreaming of. To be the Great Chief who defeated an army from a strange world, and not by just standing in the back watching but actively taking on a dangerous role.

‘It's a day worth taking risks for.’

Samikan gripped his spear firmly.

Before the battle, the shamans lit a large incense burner. They waved palm branches with smoldering embers over the warriors, coating them in smoke.

"Ummmmm, ommmmm..."

The shamans made sounds with their mouths closed and only throats reverberating, invoking the protection of spirits the warriors desired. Some warriors wanted the cold ferocity of a wolf, others the resilience of a bear, and some sought the blessing of ancestral spirits and their fathers.


The smoke swirled. To the warriors, the shifting smoke seemed to take the form of the spirits they wished for. Though the smoke all looked the same, each warrior saw it differently: as wolves, bears, or ancestors wielding weapons.

"The heavens that teach us, and the earth that bore us..."

Regardless of the tribe, the sky and the earth were objects of worship. As the fate of the tribe swung with the dry and rainy seasons, the sky was seen as a capricious but great being.

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound of the invaders' drums was heard from afar. Warriors clutched their hearts, which were trembling with excitement and fear. The warriors who were blessed by the shamans painted various battle markings on their faces.

"I hear whispers. The wolf is howling in my ear."

A warrior, deeply intoxicated by the hallucinations, spoke. The warriors believed that something supernatural was protecting them, much like how the soldiers and knights of the civilized world fervently sought the Sun God Lou.

"Maybe my ancestors are calling me."

Warriors took deep breaths and looked toward the horizon. The army that was gleaming silver slowly grew bigger as they approached.

The sound of their drums also grew louder.


Warriors and soldiers blew their horns, their cheeks and bellies swelling with the effort. The horn's sound split the sky like the roar of a hawk.


The warriors roared at the sight of their enemies. It was a bestial roar, threatening the enemies they were about to face.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The warriors of the empire also performed their ritual of intimidation. They banged their shields and weapons at intervals to produce a metallic sound.

"First to the fifth infantry units, advance!"

The officers of the imperial army moved their forces according to the predetermined strategies.

In battles involving thousands, it was nearly impossible to control and modify strategies in real-time and command units fluidly. Instead, when unexpected situations emerged, they responded with quick decisions from field officers and predetermined guidelines and tactics. Hence, the more capable the commander, the closer their tactics resembled foresight, making reconnaissance and preliminary information crucial.

Thump! Thump!

Over five hundred heavily armed infantry stepped forward, raising their shields. These were among the continent's finest infantry units. The expression “unparalleled” was no overstatement in both their armament and training.

"Bring the heavy crossbows to the front!" an officer shouted.

Creak, creak.

Behind the heavy infantry, a large mechanical device appeared. It was one of the empire's siege weapons, the heavy crossbow. It was capable of shooting arrows the size of a human. Though it was less destructive than a catapult, its lighter disassembly made it a suitable weapon for this expedition.


Two imperial soldiers turned the winch, pulling back the heavy crossbow's string. A rope-tied arrow was placed on the string.


The arrow from the heavy crossbow flew astonishingly fast. It pierced through a wooden fence, instantly killing a tribal warrior behind it. The state of the corpse was gruesomely akin to being skewered.

"W-what, what the hell is this!"

The tribal warriors widened their eyes as a large arrow flew from a far distance, piercing their fence and killing a warrior.

"Cut the rope tied to the arrow! Cut it!"

Noah Arten shouted from inside the fortress. He hurried over, limping on his prosthetic leg. In tribal societies, the disabled did not participate in combat, but Noah was an exception. He participated in the battle as a military advisor as his counsel was crucially needed by the tribe.

"Shit! It won't cut! Bring a better sword!"

The arrow's tip had penetrated and firmly anchored the fence like a hook. Ropes were attached to the arrow, obviously intended to tear down the fence.

"This is a steel sword! Try with this!"

Noah threw an imperial steel sword. A warrior caught it and used all his strength to slash at the rope, finally cutting it.

"Not bad, you barbarians!"

An imperial officer exclaimed after seeing the rope cut. He planned to connect the rope to horses to pull down the fence. Most tribal fortifications would collapse under such tactics, but the barbarians' response was swift this time.

"Crouch and endure. Endure like you do during a drought."

Samikan encouraged his warriors, watching the imperial camp. He bit his lips, waiting for their charge.

Crack! Crack!

The empire's siege devices shredded the makeshift wooden fence. Warriors who were on top of the fence fell as they were hit by arrows. The alliance forces were holding their ground inside the fortress, but they gained no advantage against the empire's siege tactics.

"How long must we wait, Samikan! Open the gates and let us charge! Call in the troops in ambush! Are there no other chiefs willing to follow me, instead of this cowardly Samikan..."

A belligerent chief shouted.


Samikan's hand moved swiftly. His dagger tore through the throat of the excited chief. The sight caused unrest among the other chiefs.

"Is there anyone else who cannot wait?"

Samikan shrugged coldly, scanning the chiefs. Unlike a typical tribal warrior, Samikan waited. He never rushed and he endured until the end, suppressing all emotions for victory even as he was looking into the eyes of his dying warriors.


The long horn sounded from the imperial army. It was their signal for assault.


Confirming the empire's advance, Samikan also raised his bow, shooting consecutive whistling arrows into the air.


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