Barbarian Quest

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

"Thank you for all your hard work, Duke Langster."

Duke Langster frowned and looked at the young legion commander.

'I’ve been completely demoted.'

If things went according to the initial plan, Duke Langster should have risen to the position of viceroy after serving as a legion commander and completing the conquest of the west. However, having suffered a defeat at the hands of barbarians once, it seemed the emperor had deemed Langster too old for the task.

‘I can’t believe he directly appointed a legion commander and sent him out here.'

As always, the empire dispatched a legion before beginning the conquest.

Two thousand imperial infantrymen, two thousand troops conscripted from the nobility, five hundred light-armed cavalry, and five hundred heavy-armed cavalry including knights. Officially, they had five thousand men, but including laborers, the legion comprised over six thousand men.

The emperor named this legion the ‘Western Legion’ and sent the force to the Arten outpost.

Guided by Duke Langster, the Western Legion followed the pioneering road Yailrud. There wasn’t a single man who wasn’t amazed by the overwhelming mountain scenery and landscape.

"Incredible. Was this bridge truly built by human hands?"

The young legion commander Odinst rode around looking at the surroundings. The horses, initially hesitant, eventually crossed the bridge calmly once they sensed it was safe.

Yailrud was a bridge wide enough for a carriage to pass with room to spare. Its sturdiness was such that even heavy supply wagons could cross without it shaking too much.

"This is a monumental engineering project, Duke Langster."

Legion commander Odinst praised Duke Langster.

"Of course. After all, it’s named Yailrud after His Majesty. With proper maintenance, it will easily last a hundred years."

Duke Langster responded coldly. His mood was sour. He was the one who had done all the hard work, yet this young commander was probably going to reap all the glory.

Odinst's cloak fluttered in the cold wind. His eyes were fixed on the end of the gorge.

'My name will go hand-in-hand with this great achievement.'

His heart pounded. Jorich Odinst grew up listening to stories of brave knights and emperors who conquered the south and north. Now, he was the main character in a story that was just like them. His eyes shone brightly, and his voice boomed.


Yailrud was a bridge built in sections for effective weight distribution. It was built with loose boundaries so that even if the front part collapsed, the part behind it would remain safe.

"U-uhh! Ahhhh!"

There were occasional accidents. Horses, being sensitive animals, sometimes panicked and couldn't stand the anxiety. Because of that, some riders fell off the cliffs along with their horses. Some soldiers who were marching while half-asleep also fell.

But any accident was a minor sacrifice compared to crossing the mountains directly. Odinst proceeded to move his legion across the mountains without much care.

Crossing the mountains through Yailrud took just over two days. The Western Legion steadily moved across the bridge, even powering through the night.

"That over there is the outpost below the mountains."

The western end of Yailrud was connected to a flat terrain. Because it was connected without the need for ladders, it allowed even carriages and horses to enter the western lands.

"The legion is here! The Western Legion is here!"

Troops stationed at the entrance of Yailrud shouted. They had been anxiously standing guard while worrying about when barbarians might come attacking. Now that the invincible legion had arrived, barbarians were no longer a fear.

"I will also join my forces with the legion."

Duke Langster spoke. Odinst was young enough to be his son, but he came from a noble family that was among the empire's most prestigious. Moreover, the position of legion commander was the emperor's military proxy. Langster had no choice but to request politely.

"If the majority of the army joining us consists of conscripts and slaves from vassal states, it will lower the quality and morale of the legion."

Odinst immediately rejected the Langster’s offer. Duke Langster's expression soured.

"The barbarians are not to be underestimated, Commander. We have no idea what the situation here in the west is like."

"Barbarians are predictable. The empire has twice succeeded in conquering them. Striking quickly before they can rally is the standard strategy."

Odinst had read the Chronicles of the Northern and Southern Conquests left by the previous emperors multiple times. Upon being appointed commander of the Western Legion, he even revisited the strategies and tactics in those books several times. There was no one who could stop the young commander full of confidence.

"If that's what the Commander thinks, then I shall withdraw my troops."

"If you could return to the Arten outpost, Duke, and focus on securing the supply routes and maintaining Yailrud. I'll speak well of you to His Majesty in the future."

Odinst grinned.

'He’s trying to take all the credit of the Western Conquest to himself.’

Duke Langster saw right through Odinst's head. He didn't dislike the young man with a big ambition, but being directly affected by that ambition left a bitter taste.

'I didn’t think I, this Langster, would end up getting treated like a retired old man.'

Times have changed. The emperor was young, and those who had been achieving feats left and right in the past gradually ascended to Lou’s side. The emerging young talents could no longer be held back.

The Western Legion crossed the mountains. Duke Langster’s forces, which had been protecting Yailrud, retreated.

Duke Langster shrugged with a bitter expression. He notified his men of the retreat.

“W-we’re going back! We’re finally going home, goddammit!”

The slaves and conscripts were filled with joy. Initially three thousand strong, the number of conscripts and slaves had dropped to just over a thousand, and half of them were slaves.

The slaves had been dragged to and suffered for a battle that had nothing to do with them in the first place. There were just as many who died of hunger and cold as those who died in the battle.

“We’re going to be free men once we return!”

The empire had promised freedom to the slaves.

"Freedom... Yes, we will be free."

Georg Artur muttered with his gaunt face.

'Once I am free, I will surely...'

Georg looked toward his distant homeland. He was from the Langkegart Kingdom, not far from the mountains.

The Western Legion Commander Odinst had refused to use the slave force, and that was a stroke of luck for the slaves. It meant that they would no longer be entangled in war and could return to their homelands.

After resting for a night, Duke Langster's forces crossed the bridge.

The exhausted slaves trudged along for the promised freedom. They had only been fed the same nutrient-poor gruel for a long time but still mustered the last of their strength to return to the Arten outpost.

"That damned Odinst."

Duke Langster returned to the outpost's quarters and spewed insults. Even a warm bath, an indulgence he hadn’t had the luxury of for a while, brought him no pleasure. Although he was angry, he did not forget his duties. He checked the remaining supplies and fortified the outpost's defenses.


An adjutant came looking for Duke Langster. Langster, who had been drafting a requisition for supplies from a nearby vassal nation, looked up.

"What is it?"

"The conscripts and slave soldiers are demanding that we fulfill the promise. They say their job was finished a long time ago."

"We still need them to work. Someone has to carry the supplies."

"The imperial force at the outpost barely exceeds two hundred. It's hard to control over a thousand conscripts and slave soldiers. If we're not careful, things might..."

The adjutant expressed his concern. If the control wasn’t so precarious, he wouldn't have reported the issue to Duke Langster in the first place. He would have taken care of it himself.

"Send the conscripts back to their homes and keep only the slave soldiers here. That should make things easier to keep under control."

Duke Langster spoke nonchalantly. He was well-experienced in governance. He knew exactly how to suppress rebellion and dissatisfaction.

He then continued,

"...If only we had the resources, I would have released them right away. I'm not keen on overworking these slave soldiers like this, but we have no choice. We need to defend this place, but we're short on manpower."


The adjutant nodded vigorously. He disbanded the conscripts, leaving only the slave soldiers at the outpost.

"This is bullshit! Why aren't you keeping your promise to us?"

The slaves murmured. Only the conscripts, whom they had fought alongside against the barbarians, were leaving the outpost.

"Shut it. You are still slaves. When the time comes, we will keep our promise. Until then, keep doing your job! "

"When the time comes? You mean after we're all dead?"

The slaves numbering over five hundred grumbled and confronted the imperial authorities. Then, a relatively clean-looking young man stepped forward from among the slaves.

"Didn't you promise by the name of His Majesty that you would grant us freedom if we crossed the mountains? The promise has long been overdue! It was made in the name of Emperor Yanchinus, so Lou must be watching all of this!"

Georg stepped forward. The adjutant trying to control the slaves frowned.

' Georg, the slave of a scribe.'

Georg was a thorn in the adjutant’s side. He had gained support among the slaves to be their spokesperson.

"Georg, come here."

The adjutant called Georg aside. He was going to persuade the representative of the slaves.

Georg entered the adjutant’s tent and ate roasted meat for the first time in a while. The savory juice made it feel like the meat was melting in his mouth.

"Ugh, this is delicious. I haven’t greased my stomach like this in a really long time. Tomorrow, I’ll surely be squatting all day to relieve myself, haha."

Georg laughed, patting his stomach.

"You'll be eating like this often from now on. As the supply situation improves, other slaves will also eat their fill. Currently, even the Arten outpost is stretched thin. The Duke intends to free the slaves as soon as it becomes possible. I'm counting on you in a lot of ways. You're smarter than the others, aren't you?"

The adjutant smiled slyly, thinking the matter would easily resolve judging by the pleasant mood inside the tent.

"I'm well aware of how you nobles treat us slaves. I was even in a managerial position among the slaves."

"Exactly! I knew you’d get it!"

As the adjutant clapped his hands, Georg shook his head.

"That's why I know exactly what’s going to happen. The Duke will free the slaves? Even though he still hasn’t done it? Death is the only way we slaves gain freedom. If you don't free us now, we will..."

Georg was speaking strongly. The adjutant sighed deeply before Georg could even finish.


The adjutant’s fist struck Georg's face.

"Acting high and mighty just because I was a bit nice to you, typical of slave brats."

Other imperial soldiers entered the tent and surrounded Georg.

Georg, terrified, looked at the adjutant. The adjutant signaled the soldiers as he leisurely drank the wine that was turning into vinegar.

"Ugh! Keugh!"

The soldiers punted Georg. The beating was brutal enough to disrupt his breathing. The imperial soldiers beat Georg just enough to ensure he wouldn't die but was still hurt enough. The food Georg had eaten was spilled back onto the floor.

The adjutant pulled down his trousers and urinated over Georg's head.

"Next time, it won't end with just a beating, Georg. Keep the slaves in line. If something like this happens again, I don't know about the others, but you will die for sure. Since you're so smart, I’ll assume that you know how we handle slaves. Making an example by gruesomely killing one or two to discipline five hundred works out very nicely for us. Although the Duke doesn't prefer this method... I don’t mind it at all. In fact, I quite like it."

Georg limped out of the tent. Other slaves helped him.

"I'll kill them all, those sons of bitches..."

Georg was carried to a tent crowded with slaves. He cursed through his blood-dripping lips.

But Georg had no choice but to comply with the adjutant’s threats. It was impossible for five hundred or so starved and exhausted slaves to overpower over two hundred imperial soldiers.

‘If I fail, I'll definitely die.’

Georg trembled while he lay on a pile of hay. He thought he was going to die during the collective beating. Even the mere thought made his legs tingle.

'I have to survive and become a free man.'

Georg turned away, holding back the tears that trickled out.


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