Barbarian Quest

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

The caravan managed to keep their goods from Count Hakin and continued as planned toward the Capital of Hamel. Along the way, the caravan members kept glancing at Urich with bewildered expressions.

Who the hell is this man?'

The merchants had clearly seen Count Hakin retreat hastily with their own two eyes. The man who seemed to be taking half of their products, or even all of it, stepped away without a fuss.

'He fled just at the sight of this barbarian, Urich.'

Naturally, they began to treat Urich differently. He was given more meat in his soup, and generous amounts of expensive liquor were poured for him.

"That noble ran away like a frightened rabbit at the sight of you! It was a sight to behold, it really was! Here, drink as much as you like!"

The caravan leader laughed heartily, patting Urich's back and opening a bottle of honey wine that he had reserved as merchandise. Considering the value of half of the wagon's contents, nothing was too good for Urich.

"Ah, this is nice. If only we had some women around."

Urich chugged the strong honey wine, feeling his cheeks flush warmly.

"But just why did that noble run away like that?" Norman asked, sitting by the campfire.

"Eh, I dont really know either. It seemed like the knight next to him recognized me."

Urich stroked his beard which had grown out a little bit.

"You knew him?"

"No, no. It was my first time seeing him, but he recognized me."

"Are you someone of high standing?"

Norman asked tentatively, considering the possibility that Urich, despite his barbarian appearance, might be some eccentric noble. Otherwise, it didnt really make sense that a noble like Count Hakin would run off after learning who he was.

"High standing? We're all just humans born from someone's belly."

Urich chuckled and held out his cup for more. Norman refilled it.

He isn't just an average barbarian warrior. From his weapon to how he chased off the noble...'

Norman thought as he squinted at Urich.

Urich was already a part of civilized society. When he had just crossed the Sky Mountains and arrived in this land for the first time, nobody would have batted an eye at his death. He was practically a mere bug. Not a single soul in civilization would have mourned his death, nor would they have been interested in his whereabouts.

Urich was now an undeniable member of the dynamic yet complicated society. His death or appearance had an impact on his surroundings. Although his influence wasnt significant yet, he had reached the status of a public figure. If news of his death broke out, some might even search for his killer and avenge him. Once Urichs identity is revealed, nobody would be able to easily kill him due to his fame and connections with several nobles and even royalty, just like how nobles couldnt kill another noble without consequences.

'Am I a part of this place?'

Urich gazed at the fire, feeling at home in the civilized world. He was no longer a mere ant to be trampled upon. To kill Urich, one would need either a stealthy assassination or a justifiable reason. And to kill him publicly, the executioner would need to be someone of significant power, who could disregard Urich's connections with various notables, nobles, and royalty.


Urich took in the cold air with his drunken mouth and then exhaled. He could feel the drunkenness leave through his nose and mouth.

After drinking enough, Urich wrapped himself in his cloak and lay down.

The next day, the caravan continued its journey according to its schedule and arrived in Hamel before winter's end. As soon as they entered the city, wholesalers flocked to haggle over the price of the furs.

"Ah, we can't do that. Do you know how harsh this winter was? There aren't many others who brought in this much."

"We're offering a good price."

The faces of the caravan's traders were filled with big smiles. With successful negotiations, they could easily secure a solid foundation for their next trip.

"This is a gift for you, Urich."

The caravan leader handed Urich a wolf pelt as he was leaving. It was a top-quality pelt with shiny gray fur, and even the head was well-preserved, exuding a formidable aura.

"Oh wow, thanks."

"Safe travels, Urich. I won't forget your name."

The caravan members bid farewell to Urich. Thanks to him, they had profited from this business venture. Even when they successfully grow into a big business, his tale would remain a topic of conversation among them for a long time.


Urich looked back at Hamel. This was his second time visiting the capital, and it was as bustling as ever.

'I'll spend the rest of the winter here, stock up on supplies, and then head south.'

There wasnt a single city that was as economically active as the Capital of Hamel. Here, Urich could find almost anything he wanted, and his steel weapons needed the touch of a skilled blacksmith.

"You, stop right there."

Passing city guards called out to Urich.

"What do you want?"

Urich turned around, annoyed. The guards remained undeterred by his fierce face.

"Take off your top. We need to check for tattoos."


"Snake tattoos. We suspect remnants of Serpentism have infiltrated our proud capital. There have been frequent disappearances of infants. I know its a nuisance, but we need to conduct a body search."

The guard requested Urich's cooperation. Urich sighed deeply and spread his arms.

The body search was being done in the middle of the street, but passersby showed little interest. It wasn't uncommon for barbarians to be searched in this manner. Even barbarian women were often stripped in public.

"This is... quite a weapon you have."

A guard commented, noting Urich's steel weapons and frowning.

"Is there a reason I can't carry these?"

Urich's aggressive response made the guard shake his head.

'Two axes, one sword. Carrying this many steel weapons...'

Although it seemed suspicious, the guard couldnt find any snake tattoos on Urich.

"Please come with us to the guardhouse."

The guard demanded that Urich follow them. Urich frowned.

Traveling alone in civilized society as a barbarian was incredibly challenging. Despite policies to integrate barbarians into civilization, discrimination was rampant, and they were often arrested on the slightest suspicion.

Especially with the remnants of Serpentism becoming more active, people lumped all barbarians together in suspicion, regardless of their northern or southern origin.

"Are you kidding?"

"It's a simple procedure. We just need to confirm your identity, then you'll be free to go."

The guard looked sternly at Urich.

'So, this is what happens when I come to a big city by myself.'

Urich had always traveled with people of civilization, whether gladiators, mercenaries, or even royalty with confirmed identities. He never faced such issues with those groups because someone was always there to vouch for him.

"My name is Urich," Urich spoke in a low, threatening tone.

"Huh? Hah, okay, Urich, let's get moving."

The guard tilted his head, then nudged Urich and led him away. Urich laughed hollowly, feeling powerless.

At the guardhouse, various individuals detained by the guards due to their unconfirmed identities sat around. They were mostly barbarians or vagabonds.

"It's crazy that remnants of Serpentism are in Hamel, a city known for its security."

The captain of the guards was frustrated, rubbing his head due to the pressure. If they didn't quickly deal with those of Serpentism, his neck was on the line.

Serpentism was infamous for sacrificing infants to their god, and they were widely known throughout the empire. Even though the empire was a melting pot of various religions, Serpentism was one that was not accepted anywhere, and those a part of it were executed on sight.

"This barbarian here was loitering around. Interestingly, he carries three steel weapons."

A guard reported, bringing Urich into the interrogation room.

"Keep your hands off my weapons. Or else."

Urich warned as a guard tried to confiscate his weapons. The captain signaled the soldier to back off after glancing at Urich.

"Leave us! He seems to be a northerner, not part of Serpentism. Listen, barbarian, just answer a few simple questions and you'll be free to go."

The captain handled the situation smoothly. Urich sat down, visibly annoyed.

"I'm a free traveler. I shouldn't be treated like this. You know? I've even had drinks with... those high-ups of yours."

"Alright, enough of that. Your name?"

The captain asked, pen in hand.


"Ah, Urich. Sounds familiar. Must be a common name. Where are you from?"

The captain shrugged nonchalantly.

"From the north. I even saved the life of the northern viceroy. He even invited me to his banquet, but I declined."

"Really? Do you know the name of that northern viceroy?"

"Duke Langster, obviously."

"That's his surname. If you're really close, you should know his first name."

Urich, who had a good memory, couldn't recall hearing the viceroys first name. He had only referred to him as the viceroy or Duke Lancaster.

"Anyway, you should know that owning three steel weapons isnt normal. Where did you get them?"

The captain scrutinized Urich, who didn't exactly look wealthy.

"I got them from the emperor himself. I know his name, Yanchinus," Urich spoke casually. The captain's face hardened for the first time.

"You should've just answered simply, Urich. Don't mention His Majesty so lightly. Answer seriously."

Urich's smile faded. His patience was running out. He had been patient enough so far, especially considering his usual temperament.

"You think I'm lying? I hate to brag but go find out who won the last jousting tournament. I got these as a reward."

The guard captain flinched. He kept feeling that the name Urich was familiar for some reason.

"Excuse me for a moment."

He hastily left the interrogation room and asked his soldiers to check who the last jousting tournament winner was.

"U-Urich! Yes, that's him! Urich! How did I not recognize him earlier!"


Although the captain was flustered, he quickly composed himself. He decided to treat him well enough and just issue a pass in his name.

'Seems like he's not the type to make a fuss over this. Should be no problem.'

Just as the captain was about to re-enter the interrogation room, a soldier hurriedly approached him.

"Captain! Captain! Where are you? There is an extremely urgent matter!"

The captain, already overwhelmed with tasks, looked at the soldier with a stern face. He was about to lose his mind.

"I'm over here! What is it? It better be something big..."

The soldier, even skipping the salute, rushed to the captain.

"T-the emperor!"

"What? Out with it!"

"The emperor is on his way to the guardhouse! He'll be here any minute now!"

"Just out of nowhere? Get everyone together!"

The captain yelled out loud, choosing a few strong soldiers to stand by outside.

'Great, the last thing we need is a high-ranking visit.'

The soldiers grumbled but moved quickly. The emperor was the ultimate authority. He was the Ruler of the World. One could lose their life by simply displeasing him, and no one would say a word against him. Even the Church of Solarism, with their Pope, seldom condemned the emperor for most matters unless they were extremely significant.

"W-what about Urich?"

"Who cares? Leave him in the room for now! Get ready to greet the emperor!"

The captain barely managed to prepare his soldiers for the emperors arrival. His face was already sweating profusely.

Silence fell over the streets.

Clop, clop.

Only the sound of horses and footsteps echoed softly. People who were walking in the streets knelt down, bowing their heads. The man who silences Hamel, the heart of the world, led his steel knights down the main road.

"Ah, good to see you, northern guard captain, its been a while. Is this our first meeting since your appointment?"

The third emperor, Yanchinus Hamelon, dismounted from his horse, his violet eagle cloak fluttering.

"Hail the Ruler of the World! Long live Emperor Yanchinus!"

"Long live His Majesty!"

The soldiers chorused, raising their weapons high. Despite the hasty assembly, the salute was precise, showcasing their excellent training.

"I've heard about the remnants of Serpentism here. Despicable actions indeed. But I firmly believe you won't be defeated by such heretics. You'll catch them soon enough. After all, you all are the hands and feet of the empire!"


Yanchinus smiled and clapped his hands. At the back of the procession, porters hurriedly carried boxes.


The captain gasped, realizing the reason behind the emperors surprise visit.

'Motivation from His Majesty himself.'

His heart warmed immensely with a sense of overwhelming gratitude. The boxes contained freshly baked bread, newly slaughtered meat, and top-grade wine that was often only reserved for the royal palace.

"Drink in moderation, Northern Guard Captain Varane."

"I swear to Lou, Your Majesty, I shall celebrate with your wine only after we've dealt with the cult."

The captain's voice choked with emotion. He kissed the emperors ring, overwhelmed with gratitude.


Suddenly, a loud noise erupted from behind. Soldiers and even the emperor's steel knights gripped their sword hilts.

"How long are you going to keep me locked up!"

Urich smashed through the door of the interrogation room and came bursting out. He was fully intending to wait as long as he could but went with his last resort as there seemed to be no signs of his release. He was breathing aggressively with his axe in his hand.


Urich glanced around, rolling his eyes busily. Something unusual was clearly happening, but he couldnt hear what was happening outside from the inside of the soundproof interrogation room.

'...I'm doomed.'

The captain looked desperately between Yanchinus and Urich. Yanchinus expressionless face toward Urich only made the captain even more uneasy.

"Hmm, Urich."

Breaking the silence, Yanchinus spoke. His voice suggested pure curiosity, without a hint of rage or pleasure.


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