Barbarian Quest

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Marldalen was a village nestled in the forest. Most of its people were involved in the lumber business, and the timber produced in Mardalen flowed into the empire through the caravans.

The white and straight birch trees stood out the most in the forest. The birch forest had an almost mystical air, as if spirits or fairies could dwell within its silence.

"Well be in Marldalen soon," one of the merchants of the caravan announced.

Urich and Sven had joined a caravan for their journey to Marldalen.

"Ugh, Im still tired no matter how much I sleep."

Urich complained as he stretched his body on top of the carriage's cargo. The cold weather had left his muscles frozen solid, leaving him with considerable stiffness.

"Youll be able to sleep in a warm bed soon enough."

"Thats if your daughter welcomes us."

"I am her father. Its only right for a daughter to welcome her father."

Sven stated firmly. His only remaining family was his daughter.

Like many places in the north, Marldalen was originally the name of a clan. About a decade ago, Svens daughter married into the Marldalen clan, and Sven received two cows and five sheep in return.

"The walls are made of wood here."

Marldalen was a small village. The people were wary of outsiders.

"We're here. Help us unload our cargo."

The caravan leader asked Urich and Sven. The caravan had allowed them to join their trip in exchange for labor.

"Hup, you stay right there, you oldy. Take it easy."

Urich playfully slapped Svens chin. Sven laughed heartily, looking at Urich.

"Hey, our deal was that both of you were going to help... well, never mind."

The caravan leader stopped his own sentence. He saw Urich carrying a box in each hand, easily carrying what would normally take three men.

"He definitely uses his size, thats for sure," the other porters murmured among themselves as they watched Urich work.

Sven walked around the village while Urich worked. Villagers gathered near the caravan to haggle for the merchandise. Among the crowd were many women who were attracted to the luxury goods and trinkets made in the empire.

"Do any of you know an Irene from Gorigan?"

Sven asked the villagers. Irene was a common name in the north, but there would be only one Irene from Gorigan.

"Irene, that lady! Shes from Gorigan."

"Yes, yes, youre right!"

The women laughed and chattered among themselves.

"And who might you be?"

Sven hesitated for a moment before responding.

"I am Irenes father."

The women exchanged looks with each other.

"Just go straight down the main road and ask around. Everyone here knows where each other lives."

"Thank you."

Sven nodded. By then, Urich had finished unloading the caravans cargo and had left them.

"Did you find your daughter?"

"Ill find her soon."

Urich and Sven continued their search on their horses. It didnt take long for them to grab the attention of the locals. Two outsiders, warriors with weapons, at that, drew wary glances.

"We are looking for Irene of Gorigan."

"Go past five more houses that way."

Sven's steps slowed. Urich silently watched his back. Svens hesitation was evident.

Is it hard for him to face his daughter?

Urich didnt understand Svens feelings but he decided to wait for him patiently.

Knock, knock.

After a while, Sven finally knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

A voice came from inside.


The door opened. A woman stood with an apron around her waist. She wiped the water on her hands on her apron and looked up.


The womans eyes widened in surprise. Sven awkwardly nodded.

"Its been a while, Irene."

Sven said as he cautiously waited for his daughters reaction.

The girl who cried all night because she didnt want to marry a stranger had now become the lady of the house. Her delicate hands had become rough from household chores, and her tightly tied hair was coarse. She had a determined look, much like her father, Sven.

"you were alive!"

Irene exclaimed, embracing Svens neck. Sven held back the tears welling up in his eyes.

In truth, Sven hadnt thought much about his daughter since he sent her off. Continuing the family lineage and passing on his combat skills was reserved for his son. And now, he came looking for his daughter with an old and ailing body.

How shameless am I?

Sven patted Irene on the back with his thick hand.

"Ah, look at me, where are my manners? Come in, come in. And who might this be?"

"He is a friend of mine."

"You have a young friend. Hello." Irene smiled at Urich. It was a warm smile.

She noticed my age right off the bat. I guess she really is a northerner.

Urich was secretly pleased. In the empire, everyone treated him as if he were a fully grown man.

"She's really welcoming. I guess thats family," Urich murmured from behind Sven.

The inside of the house was warm from the fireplace. Irene pointed to some chairs and asked them to sit for a moment. Sven and Urich took a seat and looked around the house.

"You keep the house clean."

"Of course."

"And your husband?"

"He'll be back before sunset."

Irene was boiling some water in the kettle with her back turned. Shortly after, warm honey water was served.

"I heard the people of Gorigan went in search of the eastern continent. I never thought I'd see you again, dead or alive. What about mother?"

"She couldnt overcome her illness. She didnt even get to go on the boat."

Irene wiped her eyes briefly.

"So, that great Gorigan vanished overnight."

Sven's clan, Gorigan, was a tribe of considerable size and power, enough to receive tributes from surrounding clans. It was their power that allowed them to embark on the quest for the eastern continent in the first place.

Many stories made their way back and forth between the father and daughter. Each recalled events that had transpired, with even the taciturn Sven talking more and more.

"Mom! Huh?"

Suddenly, the door burst open. A boy, not yet a teenager, ran into the house, covered in dirt.

"Who are these people?"

The boy looked at Urich and Sven.

"This is your grandfather and his friend."

Irene answered the boys question as she dusted the dirt off him.


Sven put down his cup of honey water abruptly. His eyes were trembling.

"I-is this, my grandson?"

Sven stuttered. His beard quivered with the corners of his mouth.

"Yes, he is nine this year. His name is Karhi."

Irene introduced her son. Karhi looked up at Sven.

"Oho! You are my grandson! This boy is my grandson! Urich! I have a grandson!"

He had expected this, and he knew it in his head. As long as nothing unusual had happened, he would have had a grandchild. But seeing the boy in person, he couldn't contain his excitement.


Sven lifted Karhi high. The boy was startled at first, then laughed.

"Yes! You are my grandson! Karhi! Karhi of Marldalen!"

Sven exclaimed joyfully. His booming voice carried to the neighboring houses.

"Ive warmed up some water, so you should wash up first. You need some rest after all that traveling."

Irene pointed to the bathtub.

Sven and Urich took turns in the bathtub. The warm water relaxed their tense muscles, making them feel like they were melting away. Urich closed his eyes and enjoyed the bath with a content expression.

"I never knew soaking in warm water could be this blissful."

"This is one of the north's delights."

Sven, who had come out of the bathtub first, said as he dried himself with a towel. He walked over to Urich and whispered.

"Urich, dont mention that Im ill. I dont want her to worry."

"Got it."

Sven, eager to see his grandson, quickly left the bathroom as soon as he dried off.

Urich sat in the bathtub, listening to the chatter of Sven and his grandson outside. The dirty debris floated on the surface of the bath.

Here, let me add some more water.

Irene entered and said to Urich. She scooped out the dirty water and threw it outside and added hot water to raise the temperature.

Ah, thank you.

You must be a warrior as Id expect from my fathers friend. So many scars, and a strong body. I see why my father calls you a friend despite your young age. And youre even bigger there than my husband. Women must like you.

Irene casually glanced at Urichs naked body before leaving. Urich shrugged and smiled.

Urich, youll catch a cold if you fall asleep in the water.

Urich dozed off, then lifted his head. The water had cooled quite a bit as he was falling asleep.

Ill come out soon.

Urich dried off and looked at the clothes Irene had laid out. They were a bit small but wearable nonetheless.

She is a good woman.

Urich chuckled as he clumsily put on the clothes.

Hello, Urich. Ive already heard about you from my father-in-law. My name is Durigand, Irenes husband.

Durigand extended his hand heartily. Urich shook hands with him.

Nice to meet you, Durigand.

Durigands hand was quite rough. He had the hands of a lumberjack.

A warm dinner welcomed them. Despite the sudden visit, Durigand showed no displeasure in hosting Sven and Urich.

But I see no weapons in this house. Werent you a warrior as well, Durigand?

Sven asked Durigand. He had sent his daughter to marry a warrior. In the north, a mans primary role was always a warrior.

A moment of silence ensued. Durigand scratched his head and opened his mouth hesitantly.

Ive stored my battle axe and shield in the cellar. Ive had no use for them lately.

A man should always be ready to protect his family. Its best to keep your weapons where you can see them.

Sven remarked, somewhat disapprovingly. Northern men had forgotten how to fight. The empire had taken away their battles and given them peace in return, leaving no tribal battles or stealing.

Father, theres no need to fight anymore.

Irene said, to which Sven rolled his eyes. Durigand quickly waved his hand.

He is right, Irene. You never know what might happen. I should have my weapons ready for use just in case.

Exactly, thats a northern man right there.

Sven smiled to show his satisfaction. Irene looked at Sven with displeasure.

Anyway, Ive prepared a place for you to sleep. How long are you planning on staying?

Not too long. I just wanted to see your face.

Irene finally relaxed her expression.

I missed you too, Father. Though, I did resent you at first when I came here as a bride.

Durigand was a good man. I knew you would be happy with him. He is a man of strong responsibility, Sven looked at Durigand and said. Durigand smiled shyly.

Well, that, you were right about, Father.

Irene kissed Durigand on the cheek and smiled.

After dinner, Urich and Sven stepped outside. They went to the stable to check on the horses and breathed in the night air.


Sven covered his mouth as he coughed. Blood stained his palm.

The night air isnt good for the sick. You should head inside now, Urich said to Sven as he nodded toward the house.

If I ever Sven looked at Urich with anxious eyes.

I know, I know. Ill send you to your Field of Swords, old man.

I can trust you. You are a true warrior.

Sven washed the blood around his mouth to hide his sickness before going back inside the house.

Ulgaro, please hold on just a bit longer.

After making sure he had no blood stains, Sven went back inside the house.

The air inside the house was different from that of the outside. It was warm inside. That was where Irene, Durigand, and Karhi were.


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