Bamboo Forest Manager

Chapter 70: A Friendly Competition

Chapter 70: A Friendly Competition

“Pretty one, pour me a drink.”

I felt the atmosphere lighten somewhat thanks to the arrival of senior Min Ju-hee.

Truly like the ventilation system of a barbecue restaurant, which always works right.

I obediently poured her a drink and asked senior Ju-hee,

“Where have you been, Senior? You’re late.”

“Hm? Are you nagging me for being late now?”

Senior Ju-hee laughed heartily as she drank. Her demeanor suggested she didn’t need the company of anyone else to enjoy her drinks, embodying the spirit of true independence.

“I was playing billiards with friends.”

“You play billiards?”

Honestly, I was a bit surprised when I heard it, but I could easily picture senior Ju-hee playing billiards among middle-aged men, complete with a cigarette dangling from her mouth.

Of course, now that there are designated smoking areas, she wouldn’t actually smoke there.

“I do? Do you play, Woojin?”

I smiled and responded to Senior Ju-hee, who seemed like she would immediately invite me to play a game of billiards now.

“I’ve only ever played pocket ball.”

“Tsk, fuck off.”

Isn’t it a bit strange for a woman to say this?

“That’s insane sexual harassment.”


Seo Yerin next to me burst into laughter, but I ignored her. She’s almost in her teenage phase where she laughs at anything remotely sexual.

“No, but why pocket ball? Usually, when kids go to play billiards, they play four-ball.”

“…I played it with my ex-girlfriend.”

Silence suddenly fell.

The gazes of the three people shifted away from me to elsewhere, apparently thinking it was a sensitive topic for them to continue.

Well, it was a bit awkward.

“Then how did you end up playing, Senior? Girls usually don’t go to billiard halls together.”


After briefly looking down at her glass, senior Ju-hee reached out for another drink and downed it.

As if she’s gearing up to tell a story.

“Uhm, well, since you’ve shared your story.”

I thought there might be some special reason.

“Back in high school, I tried billiards because I liked the feel of beating kids with a cue.”

I wish I hadn’t heard this.

“Then I guess I shouldn’t go to a billiard hall with you, Senior.”

“Keuk, is it just the billiard hall you should avoid though?”

Senior Ju-hee said jokingly, but the hint that similar episodes could happen elsewhere gave me the creeps.

Would she hit people with a keyboard in a PC room, or with a mic in a karaoke room?

She takes another sip of her drink and glances at the two girls next to me, shrugging.

“But Woojin really has a talent. He’s got two pretty girls from our department by his side?”

Without realizing it, I found myself scanning the two of them. When I thought about it, that was indeed the case.

The spot between Seo Yerin and Choi Yiseo was of considerable value, enough to cause the others to glance over the table and subtly display their jealousy.

“I’m, like, so awesome, right.”

As soon as I shared my honest thoughts, both of my thighs were pinched. They both secretly signaled to me without others noticing.

Because both sides were pinched, my waist bent, and my hands went down to rub the area they pinched.

“This is the life. The life, damn, when will I ever get to date?”

Senior Ju-hee finds our situation cute and decides to fill her beer glass with soju.

This could lead to some weird drunken behavior if not careful.

“With someone like you, Senior, I’d think there’d be one or two people interested in dating you.”

Watching Choi Yiseo speak almost like a team leader in the workplace, senior Ju-hee shook her head.

“Ugh, in high school, the kids were cowards, you know. They’d run away just by making eye contact with me, so when would there be a chance to talk?”

“But it’s not like that now.”

Choi Yiseo, prompting a toast by extending her glass. The four of us each picked up our glass, clinked them together, and downed them.

“Keuh! Hey, well, what can we do. Right now, there’s no time for dating because we’re studying. I need to get a full scholarship.”

“That is… quite relatable.”

Choi Yiseo, glancing my way and agreeing. Her words about seeing each other next semester flashed through my mind.

“Still, wouldn’t it be better to date now?”


But then, somewhat unexpectedly.

Seo Yerin, who swallowed her drink last, chimed in, and senior Ju-hee expressed interest in her words.

“You have to speak carefully. If you say you’re interested in dating here, there won’t be just one or two wolves rushing in to take a bite.”

When the senior said that, I felt the pork belly restaurant get slightly quieter. As if everyone was paying attention to every single thing Seo Yerin said.

Yet, Seo Yerin didn’t hesitate and spoke boldly.

“There are things you can only experience at this age. I think I’d feel regretful if I entered society without having dated.”

“Wow! That’s also true. Yerin will soon catch a man.”

Senior Ju-hee is making fun, saying that someone like Seo Yerin could get a boyfriend simply by just talking.

Then, the topic of conversation naturally shifted to the feststage.

Senior Ju-hee, showing interest in Seo Yerin, started to ask in detail.

“Really? Did you really receive a business card?”

“Ah, yes… But I apologized and declined the offer.”

“Is it true that Lee Jun-min asked for your number during the festival?”

“…Uh, um, yes.”

Seo Yerin, occasionally glancing at me with her head bowed, answered. Her expression seemed worried, and I wondered why.

After typing something on her phone, I received a notification.

  • Anonymous69: Don’t worry.

“What are you worried about?”

“Wha-!? Wh-What are you suddenly talking about!?”

As I openly looked at Seo Yerin and responded, she hit me in fluster.

I couldn’t just sit still, this feeling as if we were secretly exchanging glances.



Feeling my clothes slightly stretching, I checked beside me to find Choi Yiseo lightly pulling on the hem of my pants.

‘Sigh, I don’t know anymore.’

Pretending not to notice, I kept on drinking, when this time, senior Ju-hee’s target turned to me.

“Speaking of which, Woojin, we’re going to start filming the assignment soon, just so you know.”

“Are you talking about work at a drinking party now?”

“Yes, we are. Since Yerin is here, it’s the perfect time.”

The scenario we had created together with Yu Arin. Thanks to that, the scenario privilege disappeared, and no one could escape from the assignment; we were forced to participate without any excuses.

“What about the seniors who said they wouldn’t carry out the assignment?”

Wasn’t it at the karaoke where senior Ju-hee made a scene and cursed at them to fuck off?

The answer was already clear from the sight of senior Ju-hee noisily munching on the meat.

“What of them? Those girls glare at me every time I pass by. We’ll do it without them.”

“Is that really okay? Didn’t the scenario need some women?”

I understand it’s about courage among female students.

In our group, there are only two girls, senior Ju-hee, and Seo Yerin.

“We need to find someone to act…”

While saying this, senior Ju-hee sneakily turns her gaze towards Choi Yiseo.

Is this why she brought up the group project?

When I too look at Choi Yiseo, she, who was grilling meat with the tongs, becomes flustered.

“Me? Me?”

“Yiseo has a pretty face, a good personality, and as the class rep, isn’t she also very responsible?”

Senior Ju-hee asks me.

While pouring more alcohol into Choi Yiseo’s glass, I respond,

“Do you think that’s all there is to her? Choi Yiseo is also physically strong because she exercises, subtly considerate of others too, and has such a deep inner sense.”

“Wow, really?”

“Ah, of course. Where else can you find such a woman?”

“Wow! If Yiseo is like that, wouldn’t she help out if she knew even a little about our team’s tough state?”

Senior Ju-hee smiled broadly and blatantly revealed it, causing Choi Yiseo to sigh.

“I’m busy, and I’ve never tried acting before…”

But even as she says that, her expression is light. She glances at me, shakes her head, and continues.

“It’s too bold, but since I liked hearing the compliment, I’ll do it.”

“Yay, actor secured. For now, the lead role goes to team member Yerin. Yiseo, we’ll give you the smallest part possible.”

“Please do.”

Then, senior Ju-hee and Choi Yiseo start talking about the project.

At that moment, Seo Yerin, who was staring at me from the side munching on pork belly, was seemingly expecting something to happen.

“Do you want a compliment too?”

When I roughly guess, Seo Yerin nods her head vigorously.

“Hmm, you have two eyes?”


“And two ears, nice.”


“Your nostrils are flaring, nice.”


“Continuously eating meat, good job. You’ll become a pig.”


“Good at counting numbers. Good job.”


“Counting backwards, but still, good job.”


“Trying to punch while being angry but not looking scary at all, good job.”

“You fuck!!”

Seo Yerin started to grumble and punch me.

“Oh my.”

As I blocked Seo Yerin’s punches and chuckled, her punches turned faster.

It was becoming harder to endure, so I suddenly stood up and ran away saying I had to go to the bathroom. I had to use the public restroom near the stairs as there wasn’t one inside, so I went out.

After finishing my business and coming out of the bathroom, standing there was…

Unexpectedly, senior Han-kang.


With a rather serious expression.

Yet, his unyielding demeanor exuded confidence and even a sense of intimidation.

“I heard everything earlier. About Yerin.”

“…You mean the part where Seo Yerin showed interest in dating?”

The senior nods at my words.

“You have really sharp ears.”

“Stop joking around.”

I backed off, worried that I might actually get hit. I’d probably lose if we fought.

“I told you the last time. I genuinely like Yerin and I’m pursuing her.”

“That you did.”

“I won’t hold back anymore. I’ll seriously express my interest, invest time to build a relationship, and then confess.”


“I’m not asking you to step aside. I’m saying, let’s compete. A fair competition.”

A pang of guilt hit me.

How on earth could I tell him that after drinking together, I ended up spending the night with her on a whim?

My heart was torn, and I felt like I had become a bad person immediately.

“Th-that… Senior.”

“What, Woojin.”

I mulled the subject, but what should I say? After mulling over this and that, eventually.

“Le-let’s both do well!”

When I offered a handshake, senior Han-kang sighed and firmly grasped my hand.

“Right, let’s do well.”

I’m so sorry.

I’m really sorry.

“I, I’ll go get some air. You go on ahead inside.”

Saying so, I went downstairs, and the senior said one more thing as he looked at me.

“I think I might have misunderstood you a bit. Whether one of us ends up dating someone or if both of us fail. Let’s have a drink together sometime later.”

“Th-that sounds good!”

Saying so, I quickly went outside.

A pang of guilt hit me.

I don’t know why I can’t shake off the feeling of becoming a trashy man like those found in manga.

“You’re here!”

At that moment, Yu Arin jumped down the stairs. She was fuming, with her fists clenched.

“Did you really bring Jeong Chan-woo? And even seated him at our table? And you, surrounded by three girls, just loving it over there?”

“Good timing. Can you hit me a few times?”

“You’re dead…! Huh? What did you say?”

“I said, hit me.”

I feel like I won’t be able to forgive myself if I don’t get hit.

“Are you serious?”

“Don’t ask, just hit me. I hate myself.”

As I say so, she slowly closes her eyes.

Yes, I need to feel this pain for now…


“Argh! Are you crazy! Wait a minute! It hurts like hell!”

“Don’t hit me!”

The day after the after-party.

Since there are no classes or meetings with anyone on Monday, I just quietly spend the day at uni.

Having ramen and convenience store kimbap for lunch, I was playing a mobile game, Black Academy, when I suddenly got this message from an unexpected person.

  • Senior Han-kang: Did you hear the news?


I was wondering what this was about as I popped a piece of kimbap into my mouth.

Then, a message from someone else came right after.

  • Captain Ju: Ah, damn it, please.

  • Captain Ju: Why is the world so cruel to me?


I was about to ask what happened, but then another message came from senior Han-kang.

  • Senior Han-kang: Please take good care of Yerin.

And almost simultaneously, the next message came.

  • Captain Ju: That bastard Han-kang

  • Captain Ju: Got the draft notice, says he’s wasting a semester to join the army.


Are they performing some kind of gag here?


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