Bamboo Forest Manager

Chapter 50: Moron

Chapter 50: Moron

Thatll be 117,000 won, please.

Uh yes?

Did I hear that correctly?

Just for putting a few pieces of meat in my mouth, this is the amount?

It was an unpleasant situation in many ways.

I had offered to pay, and I should be cool about it, but strangely, my hand began to tremble.

Not to mention, senior Han-kang was accepting my payment with a bright smile.

You seem to be in a good mood.

I try to force a smile, but it doesnt work. However, the reaction seems a bit amusing to him, as he responds with an even more refreshing smile.

Yes, something good happened?

Take care.

I reply curtly and head outside. I dont say it out loud, but it wasnt hard to notice that my crisis seems like good news to senior Han-kang.

It could have been nice for me, close to Seo Yerin, to be mistakenly thought of as dating another girl.

After all, it was true that the atmosphere was unusual.

As we stepped out, Seo Yerin and Choi Yiseo were staring at me.

They seemed to want to say a lot, but the fact that they were hesitant to speak revealed the entire situation.



Even amidst that, the phone kept ringing; it was Yu Arin trying to contact me, but the situation was so urgent that I forgot to put it on silent.

It looks like youre getting a call?

Seo Yerin subtly gestured towards the phone with her eyes. I wanted to say it was nothing, but now even a call was coming through.

Give me a moment.

Eventually, I moved away slightly and brought the phone to my ear.

-Why are you answering only now!

What is it?

Because of Yu Arin, the situation is a complete mess, and when I finally got a call from her, I couldnt help but give a displeased response.

Yet, despite the reaction, Yu Arin urgently started to explain her situation.

-Did you see the chaos in the Bamboo Forest?!

Ah no. I didnt. You were supposed to manage it.

Perhaps, since it is my first vacation, I was enjoying it a bit.

-Damn it! Check the Bamboo Forest! Please deal with this!

You said it would be easy. It has to be nothing.

-I am sorry! There is this huge fight among the religious clubs! They are even cursing at me, it is no joke!


Since ancient times, oppression of religion has always led to backlash. They must have thought that the Admin deleting the posts was against them.

-Ah, please. Admin, please solve this!

-Boss! Master!

Honestly, I have never thought Yu Arin would feel such responsibility without any benefit to herself.

A normal person would have just ghosted or notified that they couldnt do it.

I should have taught her how to do it.

Feeling guilty for having thrown her into this without any guidance, I was about to say fine.

Woojin, want some coffee?

Choi Yiseo, with her arms crossed and glaring at me, asked as if warning me.

It is a phrase I could hear often, but ever since Yu Arin was mentioned, the atmosphere turned cold.

Uh! Uh! Anything!

Then Ill go buy with Yerin.

Choi Yiseo left just like that. I finally had some free time, so I was about to manage the Bamboo Forest.

-Was that Yiseo just now? Is Yerin with you too?

It seems Choi Yiseos voice was heard over the phone.

Yes, we just had a meal.

-While someone is having a hard time, someone else had a meal with two ladies?

It wasnt such a great thing, so stop making unnecessary comments.

Because the sympathy I had until now seems like it will evaporate in an instant.

-Really? Yiseos voice didnt sound too good, right? What happened?

Its because of you.


I spoke out.

It is my fault for not keeping my mouth shut.

But lets just blame it on Yu Arin for now. I shouldnt have given her an unforgettable softness.

-My fault?

Yu Arin, leaving the Bamboo Forest aside, prying into me, eventually I sighed and briefly explained the situation.


I got cursed at.

-Did you enjoy touching my chest that much?

It wasnt nice.

-You want to die?

What am I supposed to answer to that?

Actually, it was nice.


This fuc!

I was about to curse back when Yu Arin burst into laughter.

After laughing for a while,

Yu Arin, who must have teared up from laughing, caught her breath and said.

Lets make a deal. You take care of the Bamboo Forest issue, and I will solve your situation.

Youll solve it?

-Yes, tell me your location. Ill go there right now.

It felt a bit suspicious, but seeing Yu Arin speak so confidently made her somehow seem reliable.

Im in front of Inbaek Steak House.

-Did you eat steak? Woah, suddenly I dont want to help.

While saying that, it seems she is changing clothes from the noise.

-Before you go, could you sort out the Bamboo Forest mess for me? Is that possible?

Well, its not that hard.

Ive seen the message board in a complete mess several times, so this level of mess is easy for me. I have the authority and know-how too.

After hanging up, I checked out the Bamboo Forest.


It was a mess, just as Yu Arin had described, but on another level.

-Anonymous77: JLY is merely spreading the teachings of the Bible. There is nothing evil about it.

-Anonymous88: Namu Amitabha! Even todays hardships are part of our training, so control the anger and endure it.

-Anonymous77: We spread the gospel through the Bible. All young people should wake up and come to the Lord.

-Anonymous88: We live in a world full of confusion and hardships. However, there is no need to overcome it. Just let it flow.

-Anonymous77: I warn the Admin1. Stop interfering with the Lords teachings. It is a sin.

-Anonymous88: It seems that Admin1 is a bit emotional. Accepting teachings is a matter of freedom; let it follow its natural course.

Its total chaos.

Since it was the weekend and not many were using this, it was dominated by the religious clubs.

-Anonymous11: Are you thinking that the Bamboo Forest is yours?

-Anonymous11: Leave, you fools!

Amidst that, Anonymous11, known for being a notorious troll, was single-handedly burning with fighting spirit, defending the Bamboo Forest.

-Anonymous11: I am Satan, a long-haired rocker. I will beat up all the crosses and those fools today.


It felt like crossing the line, but the truth is that the other side did it first.

-Anonymous75: But really, Admin1 is terrible at the job.

-Anonymous137: I agree. What is the Admin doing? Just hanging out after putting in some time?

-Anonymous198: Isnt Admin1 currently being punished for their poor work? Complaining while messed up.

-Anonymous85: Wow! It is hot. Who is the guy?

-Anonymous198: For your information, Admin1 is a girl, begging while getting spanked on the ass. Saying sorry. Then the Admin immediately

-Anonymous243: Has anyone seen the Greatest Adult? Honestly, I am somewhat skeptical about this work. Because there is a big difference between the Japanese and Korean idols.

-Anonymous11: Be quiet, you otaku. Know when to butt in at least. Cant you see the religious oppression happening right now?

Such a mess, there is no mess like this one.

Some specific individuals kept posting, keeping the board active, but it was a mess.

In such cases, there is just one thing to do.

Time for a change of water.

Just delete all the posts written today.

Of course, before that.

Anonymous77, 88, and 11 get a day-long suspension each.

After cleaning up the posts, I simply write one thing.

-Admin: Those who were spamming, those who were fighting, are all suspended.

-Admin: Especially JLY and the Buddhist Practice Group, posting without discretion. Club promotions are fine, but no spamming.

-Admin: Let us take a break on the weekend.

Then, the posts began to come in.

-Anonymous289: Finally, the Admin is back.

-Anonymous75: Where were you? I missed you.

-Anonymous243: Admin, my anime review got deleted too, please restore it.

-Anonymous85: 243, no one wants to look at it.

-Anpnymous165: I just want to give you a peck!

Things got sorted out.

Of course, there were people who came to the 1:1 inquiries, but as soon as I spoke of the rules, they went silent.

What are you doing?

Just bought an iced Americano, okay, right?

Just then, Seo Yerin and Choi Yiseo came back.

Ah, thats nice.

I awkwardly smiled, trying to look pleased as I took the coffee.

Both seemed to have had their own talks, wearing the same look, but I had to wait and see if this was good for me.

Come to think of it.

The situation was more prone to misunderstanding because Yu Arin had set her profile picture of my house last time.

In fact.

Isnt it a misunderstanding that there was something between Yu Arin and me? After all, I did touch her chest.

But why am I getting this flustered.

After talking with Yu Arin and sorting out the Bamboo Forest, I felt calm.

Im not even dating them, so I guess I dont need to be concerned about their opinions.

Seo Yerin and Choi Yiseo cant pry too much either, even if they are curious because of that.


But in the end, Choi Yiseo broke the silence.

Ah, no matter how lonely, isnt it wrong to just do it with anyone?

Her face was red and her eyes were darting around.

Right! Arin isnt a weird one, but still, since you two arent dating or something, that kind of relationship is a bit!

Seo Yerin quickly joined in, adding her piece. Its their way of giving advice between friends who arent dating.

I understand that they are misunderstanding.

Ah, damn.

The fact that she was lying down in my home and I touched her chest was true.

It is fair to say we did something quite similar, except we didnt actually have sex.

But saying it outright wasnt easy.


Then, from behind, Yu Arin came running, waving her hand. She had on this big hoodie, and her blonde hair was fluttering as she hurried over.


The two were taken aback by her sudden appearance. I just kept my mouth shut, curious to see how Yu Arin would handle the situation.

There was a message on my phone.

-Yu Arin: I am almost there? I will pretend to be interested in you, so you need to put up a strong front.

-Yu Arin: Then, no one will think its weird if you touch me.

-Yu Arin: I am not usually like this. You have been misunderstood because of it and since you helped me out today.

-Yu Arin: Consider this as a special service from your noona.

-Yu Arin: (emoji)

And finally, this cat emoji.

I roughly got the gist of Yu Arins plan.

It seemed like she intended to make me out as some victim.

Hi! Can I take Woojin for a moment?

As soon as Yu Arin openly said she would take me, both of them flinched.


Choi Yiseo, who had a standoff with Yu Arin, asked coldly with arms crossed.

Because Im going to Woojins house.

She playfully said, pressing her finger to her cheek.

To have sex.

Lets go right now.

For a moment, I thought someone said something.

So I looked around, but there was no one there, and the other three girls were staring at me.

Oh my, shit.

Only then did I realize I was the one who said lets go right now.


Even as I pressed around my mouth with a finger, pondering for a moment.

Youre a moron.

Unable to make excuses to Yu Arin, who was looking at me with eyes filled with disgust.


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