Bamboo Forest Manager

Chapter 40: Misfit

Chapter 40: Misfit

The atmosphere at the tripe restaurant, where the English Literature students gathered to celebrate the end of midterms, was subdued.

Not only freshmen, but sophomores and juniors were also present. Everyone was wary of one womans reaction.

Seo Yerin.

Everyone knew that the post that was just uploaded on the Bamboo Forest was targeting Seo Yerin.

It was a relief that the Bamboo Forest Admin deleted the post, but the damage had been done with it having spread around.

If it had been any other student, the atmosphere wouldnt have been this awkward.

But with Seo Yerin, whom many wanted to befriend, caught in this situation, an odd tension arose.

It was awkward to ask if it was true, and just as awkward for Seo Yerin to deny it.

With her lips tightly sealed, Seo Yerin placed her hands on her thighs and bowed.

Ever since she was young, misunderstandings arose from others due to her appearance, but this was the first time she felt bad intentions behind it.

Realizing that so many people were openly targeting her, and now knowing that they were from the same English Literature department.

Could it be

That they are here in this gathering?

With that thought, her body began to tremble. The idea that someone who anonymously ridiculed her could be in front of her, sharing her sadness and trying to comfort her, sent shivers down her spine.

She shouldnt have thought that way.

Now she felt like she couldnt trust the people around her.

Choi Yiseo!

Suddenly, the voice of Kang Chang-sik, a third-year senior, called for Choi Yiseo.

Yes, senior.

As soon as Choi Yiseo responded, he slammed the table and began to lash out unexpectedly at her.

Is this some kind of a joke? Why is there so much gossip about the guys? Is this the reputation youre creating for the English Literature department? Is this all you can do?

Im sorry.

You bastards! What do you plan to do if the professors hear about this? Huh?! Since the last time, youve been saying whatever you want in the Bamboo Forest?

We are sorry.

Choi Yiseo continuously bowed her head, apologizing to the senior. The other third-years joined in to try to diffuse the situation.

Yah, all of you, listen. Dont do any more weird sniping. Just get along. Do you understand?!

After the words of the third-years, everyone agreed as if it had all been resolved.

However, after that, Kang Chang-sik, the third-year who had shouted at Choi Yiseo, approached Seo Yerin and smiled.

His large body, having been active in the wrestling club until high school, stood out even more next to Seo Yerin, who had an average female build.

Dont worry, Yerin. Im here for you.


Does he know?

That many guys have tried to approach Seo Yerin in this manner.

Therefore, Seo Yerin knew that the anger he had shown towards Choi Yiseo a moment ago was intentional, and she felt bad that Choi Yiseo had been scolded in front of everyone because of her.

Its all because of me

Seo Yerin glanced at Choi Yiseo.

Despite everything, she was telling others that it was alright, without being affected by it.

Was it because Seo Yerins reaction wasnt great? Or was it simply because he wanted to share his heroic tales with his friends?

Oppa will go smoke a cig, okay? Wait for me.

Kang Chang-sik casually patted Seo Yerin on the shoulder a couple of times and headed out with his friends.

Watching the seniors rush out, Seo Yerin wanted to rush towards Choi Yiseo.

She wanted to apologize to her for getting scolded because of her.

Ah, fuck.

A sharp voice came from the female seniors at the next table.

Behave properly at least. Why ruin the mood right after exams?

I know, right. It makes no sense.

Honestly, it doesnt seem like they were wrong. Right? We saw it too. Hanging out with that loser.

Maybe she got paid?

Thats crazy, thats more convincing than dating.

The female seniors, making sure only Seo Yerin at the table could hear, didnt mince their words.

Even as they bad-mouthed her, they didnt bother looking around. The moment Seo Yerin saw them laughing and talking, her eyes widened.


They were seniors from the same group.

Seniors she was working on a group project with to make a film.

This is why back then.

Despite senior Han-kang calling her, she sat next to Kim Woojin because she felt uncomfortable.

Only now did she realize who harbored feelings at that time and she could guess who might have spread the rumors.

It was the seniors.

As Seo Yerin mumbled, the women stiffened and glared at her.

Watch where youre looking.

Fuck, what the shit.

Seeing the seniors, who could be the wrongdoers, curse openly, Seo Yerin wanted to speak, but.

Her lips remained sealed.

She clenched the fist on her thigh, unable to express the anger which made her feel as if she had no choice but to curl up.

Just like the Bamboo Forest.

If only she could be someone who could speak whatever she wanted.

Like Anonymous69, not caring about others opinions and just living boldly.

The moment she began to despair at herself for not being able to run and just sit there without doing a thing,

a guy stepped forward and extended his hand to Seo Yerin.

Friends Tripe.

Seeing the seniors smoking outside, which Yu Arin had caught on her phone, I knew I had come to the right place.

Chang-sik was amazing.

This guy was looking to get a girlfriend, but he finally did it.

Was it hot?

Laughing loudly were the third-year students, Kang Chang-sik and his friends. Beside them, first and second-year students were smoking with a look of mild unease.

I noticed that senior Han-kang and Ahn Hyeon-ho were also there.

What is it?

Some students noticed me but the third-years who didnt know me, continued their conversation.

What do we do about Yiseo?

Ah, darn. Thats the plan. Ill stick close to Seo Yerin, so you go and bad-mouth me to win Choi Yiseo over.

They were lost in their own world, weaving the most far-fetched stories about Seo Yerin and Choi Yiseo.

I approached the seniors and greeted them.

Hello, Im Kim Woojin, class of 23. Sorry Im late.

Uh? Kim Woojin?

Was there such a kid?

Kim Woojin Kim Woojin? Ah! Thats the one! The social outcast who got rejected!

Pfft! This one? The one who got rejected for dating Yerin?

The sight of the third-years laughing in my face was annoying. Among them, a larger one glared at me.

Woojin, hello? Im Kang Chang-sik, a third-year, your senior. Im from class 18, but I went to the military, so understand that. Have you been to the military?


Right? Whats a guy like you doing in a relationship? You should just focus on your studies.

A clear message to stay away from Seo Yerin.

Theres a rumor going around that youre dating Yerin? Huh? Theres no way youre dating her, right?

Im not dating her.


Yes, Seo Yerin has someone else shes interested in.


The senior, with a shocked expression at my words, turned to smile at the entrance.

There, Jeong Chan-woo was escorting Seo Yerin.


Hes really handsome, right?

It was such a stylish scene, as if they were filming a drama, with two people who could easily pass off as actors.

Theyre not dating yet. Theyre high school classmates, you know? Dont they look nice?

I was relieved that Jeong Chan-woo had heeded my request. There were rumors about me, and since I couldnt go myself.

As long as it wasnt Yu Arin, Jeong Chan-woo didnt mind being misunderstood by others.

I told Yu Arin I would explain later, and Jeong Chan-woo gladly accepted my request too.

Ah, no that.

He must have thought that with someone like me as his rival, he could win her over.

So, it must have been a clumsy attempt to check me by mentioning military service.

But with Jeong Chan-woo as the opponent, the entire plot changes.

No matter how confident the senior was in himself, that confidence would vanish the moment they saw Jeong Chan-woos face.

Like a match made in heaven.

It felt like a sacred and inviolable land that couldnt be desecrated.

The restaurant door opened, and the students of the English Literature department came out. A handsome male student and a pretty female student appeared like a scene from a drama.

A situation that drew everyones eyes and piqued their interest, so they all ended up going out.

In the midst of that, Yu Arin winked at me from among them.

At the same time, she pointed at the female seniors. As expected, they were the team members making a short film together.


My heart raced.

Seo Yerin left.

Rumors had spread that we were dating, but with Jeong Chan-woo together with Seo Yerin, it would naturally become known as a baseless rumor again.

That should do it.

That should do it?


What a mess.

Ah, the smell.

Kang Chang-sik snatched the cigarette from his mouth and threw it to the ground.

Due to the series of unexpected events, it seemed like Kang Chang-sik had no clue what was happening to him at the moment.

Seo Yerin probably hates guys who smoke, you know? If you want to woo her, at least know the basics, right.


And isnt it embarrassing for third-years who served in the military to be making a fuss over wooing a mentally hurt first-year and a first-year class rep?

I looked at the others with a smile. The gazes of all those in the English Literature department had turned to us.

Getting angry intentionally and then comforting them. Is that all you people can come up with? Do you think you could charm someone that way? Theyll probably go home and curse you after.

The insulted seniors couldnt even utter a comeback.

I turned towards the female seniors that Yu Arin had pointed to and addressed them.

What are you staring at? Shows over.



For those who didnt grasp my words, I seized the ashtray resembling a flower pot from the stores front and hurled its contents at them.

Cigarette butts and ash scattered like snow, mingling with the coffee grounds below.

The doused female seniors shouted at me.

You crazy bastard!

Ackk! My clothes! My clothes, you bastard!

Spit! Spit! Its in my mouth!

At that moment, the third-year male seniors who had cursed at me rushed to restrain me.

I anticipated a punch, but it seemed they were mindful of their actions.

Kim Woojin, have you lost your mind?!

Did you just disrespect your seniors?

While the seniors gripped my arms and scolded me, I responded with a genuine smile.

I apologize, seniors.

I truly meant it.

I cant comprehend this utterly toxic senior-junior culture where you gossip behind peoples backs, attack them anonymously, and exploit vulnerable young girls by luring them to motels.

The seniors fell silent.


You should be aware.

I am a social misfit, you motherfuckers!

With a wide grin, I definitively raised both hands which were caught, displaying my middle fingers.


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