Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon

Chapter 643: Using That Old Man

Chapter 643: Using That Old Man

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After leaving the residential area, Mo Li didn’t head straight home. Instead, she made her way to Guangcheng’s First Prison, where Lin Miao was incarcerated.

Taking advantage of her position, she quickly secured a visitation with Lin Miao. As she stepped into the visitation room, she was taken aback, despite her mental preparation. The Lin Miao before her eyes was emaciated, a mere skeleton wrapped in skin.

Lin Miao hadn’t expected that the first person to visit her after the New Year would be Mo Li, the woman who had been lurking around her husband, aiming to replace her as Mrs. Gong. What good could come from this woman’s visit?

Lin Miao spoke first, her words laced with a subconscious provocation. “The New Year has passed, and I haven’t heard any news of Gong Zhan seeking a divorce. It seems you’re moving rather slowly.”

Mo Li responded with a cold laugh, her tone surprisingly calm. “You’ve changed quite a bit. I mean, if your biological mother saw you like this, she would be heartbroken. If I were you, I would request a visit from my parents.

“But I didn’t come here today to gloat or to oppose you. I just brought some news. It might be hard to hear, but I think you need to know. You probably can’t imagine that Gu Zi is now considered a god by the Lin family. She’s opened a shop with your foster mother and sister-in-law, and business is booming. They even made the newspapers.

“Of course, there’s bigger news. Gu Zi has returned to the city. That old man from the countryside has some resources. He rented a house in the villa district. But no matter how rich the old man is, he won’t want children. A woman without her own children has no status when she gets old. Gu Zi might be using the old man to return to the city, and then find a way to get back together with Gong Zhan…”

As Lin Miao listened to everything about Gu Zi, jealousy raged within her. But the trials of recent days and her wariness of the woman before her made her appear indifferent. “What’s the use of telling me all this? I can’t get out.”

Mo Li laughed, her tone confident. “I know it’s useful, Lin Miao. You have your ways, don’t you?”

She had to admit, Lin Miao, despite being a foolish woman, had a knack for stirring up trouble. Otherwise, how could the Gu couple have been so foolish as to discard the pearl that was Gu Zi for a grain of sand like Lin Miao?

After Mo Li left, Lin Miao was taken back to her cell. She stared at the moldy walls, her eyes filled with hatred. The images of Gu Zi, Gu Shan, Zhang Mei, Su Shen, and others seemed to be etched into the walls. She wished she could crush them all to death!

But in the end, she turned and pressed the call button by the door. The prison guard approached menacingly, and she pleaded humbly, “Please pass on a message. I miss my parents very much. I promise to express my gratitude when they come.”

Mo Li’s words had reminded her that she should see Gu Shan and Zhang Mei, those two old fools. Even though she harbored deep hatred for the couple who had made her live an ordinary life for eighteen years and now abandoned her in prison, she had to suppress this hatred. They were of use to her.

In her current state, neither human nor ghost, she could play the victim when she saw Gu Shan and Zhang Mei. She could pretend to be remorseful, claiming that she had repeatedly refused visitation because she didn’t want them to worry or see her in this state. Zhang Mei would soften, she was sure of it. Only by gaining forgiveness could she make them obey and help her keep an eye on Gu Zi.

Lin Miao wasn’t sure about Gu Shan’s mindset, but she was more certain about Zhang Mei’s. Now that Gu Zi had won over the hearts of the Lin family, she couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. Otherwise, even her biological mother, Zhang Mei, might be drawn into Gu Zi’s camp, and she would be completely defeated.

Lin Miao knew that Mo Li wasn’t telling her all this out of kindness. But compared to Mo Li, she wanted to beat Gu Zi even more. Gu Zi was the root cause of her miserable life in both her past and present lives.

‘Gu Zi, just you wait. The suffering you’ve given me, I’ll return it to you tenfold, a hundredfold!’

That night, Mo Li stayed in her room, lying on the edge of her bed. She quietly lit a cigarette. Despite having successfully borrowed two knives today, she was still having trouble sleeping, especially with some matters hanging in the balance. The more she thought about it, the more sleep eluded her. She needed to get this done quickly.

Mo Li got up and extinguished her cigarette. She left her bedroom and picked up the phone in the living room. Her fingers moved deftly over the dial, dialing a number.


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