Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon

Chapter 593: A Bunch of Fools

Chapter 593: A Bunch of Fools

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Although Su Ming was not yet an old man, he was certainly no spring chicken. As one reaches middle age, there are certain battles one must concede, and Su Ming was no exception. His physique leaned towards the plump side, causing him to pant heavily even from brisk walking, let alone the distance he had just run.

A deeper fury ignited in Su Ming’s eyes as he thought about this. He had rushed all the way from the village office upon receiving the news, only to have his beloved bicycle suffer a punctured tire midway. He wanted to cry, but there was no time for tears.

With no other choice, Su Ming abandoned his bicycle and began to run, cursing as he went, “Damn it, you bunch of imbeciles! You’ve ruined my beloved bike. Wait till I deal with you all, then I’ll come back for you.”

Everyone in the village recognized his bicycle, and even if someone found it, they would dutifully return it to the village office. He wasn’t worried about it being stolen. But for now, he needed to run.

Su Ming quickened his pace, feeling as if his chubby cheeks were being flung back by his speed. His face was burning hot, his throat felt like it was on fire, and his belly jiggled with each step, giving him a sinking feeling. He had never felt this exhausted in his life.

There were a few times when he nearly ran out of breath, but he couldn’t afford to rest. After taking a few deep breaths, he continued running, fearing that if he slowed down, the fools of Little Lin Village would mess things up.

Finally, he arrived. However, judging by the situation and the expressions on everyone’s faces, Su Ming realized he was probably too late. He was furious and wanted to stew their brains for soup!

However, not everyone was adept at reading others. The few who had been speaking enthusiastically clearly hadn’t noticed the village chief’s anger. They had no idea that he wanted to bash their heads in and continued to block his path.

The man leading the group cheerfully said, “Chief, if you’re here about the training class, don’t worry. Thanks to Sister Zhu Ling’s reminder, we villagers have unanimously decided not to participate in the training class. So, you don’t need to trouble yourself!”

“Right, Chief, we know there are things you can’t say, so we’ve made it clear to Su Shen and his wife that we don’t need any training class. We don’t want to learn business. We’re farmers and we’re proud. We don’t need any capitalists to save us!”

“Exactly, we decide our own lives. Chief, rest assured, we won’t make things difficult for you.”

Su Ming took a few seconds to catch his breath. Hearing their words, he was so angry that he couldn’t maintain his composure. He grabbed the collar of the man who had spoken first and roared, “What the hell did you decide, you bunch of fools!”

After releasing the man’s collar, he couldn’t help but give him a shove due to his anger. The man stumbled back a few steps, nearly falling over. Everyone was stunned. They had never seen the village chief this angry in all his years in office. What could have caused this?

The smiles on everyone’s faces gradually faded as they began to speculate. Surely, the village chief was just putting on a show.

Su Shen was a prominent figure in the village, bringing many benefits to the three villages. As the chief of the three villages, Su Ming couldn’t possibly disrespect him. Of course, there was also the possibility that Su Ming was under some kind of pressure, perhaps being threatened by Su Shen and his cohorts. Being the village chief was no easy task!

However, as the village chief, Su Ming had years of experience in managing his emotions. He quickly regained his composure. Arguing with these fools was a waste of time. Given the situation and the strong personality of Su Shen’s wife, she probably wouldn’t agree to conduct the training class.

It would be better for him to take advantage of the crowd and clarify the situation, urging them to apologize to Su Shen and Gu Zi. Perhaps there was still a chance to salvage the situation.

With his chest heaving, Su Ming addressed the crowd loudly, “The idea of the training class was discussed and proposed by the village secretary and the higher-ups as a way to promote the development of the village. I saw potential in Gu Zi’s business acumen and thought it would be beneficial for you all. That’s why I personally visited Gu Zi and asked her to take time out of her schedule to conduct this training class, to help everyone escape poverty and become wealthy.

“I recognized her insight and ability. If she can lead a successful business like Sister Hua’s Gourmet Shop, she can lead countless others. If this training class is conducted, everyone’s lives will improve. To put it bluntly, I was the one who approached Su Shen and Gu Zi and asked Gu Zi to help you all, to teach you. You don’t know anything, so why don’t you apologize to Gu Zi right away?”


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