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Chapter 785: Xu Haiyuan's advice

  Chapter 785 Xu Haiyuan's move

   "You don't understand these things, it is not easy to build a factory or create a brand.

  Your mother and I have spent so much effort and invested so much capital, and Jishengyuan's health care products have finally gained a foothold in the market.

  Separate at this time? Isn't that suicide? No, absolutely not. "

  Xu Shiyan hurriedly waved his hand to signal his son not to meddle.

   "Dad, don't worry, listen to me and tell you carefully."

  Xu Haiyuan didn't stop because of his father's objection, but explained to Xu Shiyan with a smile.

   "During the meal just now, I listened to Grandpa Guan's intention. He wanted you and my mother to have the entire health care product factory here.

  This can increase employment.

  Nowadays, many enterprises have stopped working and production, and workers have no work to do.

  If there is a factory with good prospects, it can also help solve part of the surplus labor force. Right? "

  “I think this is an opportunity. Once it comes, the higher-ups will definitely give a lot of preferential policies and strong support.

  Secondly, the factory is now in the great south, which is not very friendly to the northern market, and the transportation cost is too high.

   It is better to have a branch factory in the northeast, and the two sides just cooperate with each other from the south to the north. "

  Xu Haiyuan took no time to rush, and explained to his father bit by bit.

   "As far as the current situation is concerned, even if you don't set up a factory in the Northeast, someone will build a factory.

  Produce the same type of products and compete for the market and consumers with my mother.

  Since this is the case, why can’t we build our own factory to produce it?

  At present, factories in the south have already started up, and the factories in the north will also be developed by taking the opportunity.

  North-South alliance, with the advantage, can other small factories outperform you two? "

   "When the two factories are developed, there will definitely be conflicts in resources, markets and other aspects.

  Even if there is not, you two can find a chance to let it have, and then take the opportunity to separate.

   In this way, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises are separated, so as not to lay mines behind.

  Separated into two factories, when the time comes to compete for the market and word of mouth, we must step up publicity.

  If the two of you are more ruthless, you can also file a lawsuit or something to fight for some trademark rights, formula rights and so on.

  The more noisy you are, the more famous you are, and the more you can attract public attention.

   This kind of thing is more useful than advertising. "

  “In a business war, fighting is the best way to increase exposure and focus on the brand.

  It will continue to strengthen consumers' awareness of both brands, thereby guiding consumers' purchasing habits.

  One more thing, fighting is the core competitiveness.

  In order to win over each other, both parties will improve their strength in terms of quality, price, marketing, etc.

  In this way, the product will become better and better, and the competitiveness will become stronger and stronger.

  So, in many cases, it seems that the boss and the second child are fighting on the surface. Isn’t this not cleaning up the battlefield and redefining the market order? "

   "If you two factories are making such a fuss, the ones who suffer are those small factories that also want to follow behind and take a share.

   At that time, it will not only seize the market, increase brand awareness, but also solve hidden dangers, isn't it good? "

  Xu Haiyuan still smiled, his tone was very calm, but there was an inexplicable light in his eyes, revealing the dark nature of this kid.

  Xu Shiyan was dumbfounded. He never knew that marketing could still use this method.

   "You, who did you learn this from?" Xu Shiyan looked at his eldest son with a puzzled expression.

  My son is so smart that he is almost a monster, and his husband and wife have recognized this for a long time.

  But, this is too mysterious, right? A junior high school student who knows so much?

   "I read it in the book, didn't I go to the bookstore and buy a lot of books when I went to the capital?

  When I have time, I will look through it. "Xu Haiyuan shrugged his shoulders with a calm face.

   "Dad, I will give you another suggestion, you and my mother need to go to school to study.

  Especially my mother, she never went to school, and now all this knowledge is self-taught.

  If it is left in the past, the whole small company will be fine.

  Now the health care product factory has sales of hundreds of millions a year, and it is estimated that it will increase next year. My mother may struggle to manage it. "

  “The founder of an enterprise may not have a high culture, but if he wants to manage a mature enterprise well, he must have a certain amount of cultural accumulation and a keen sense of business.

   How about an old saying? People without thought, he must worry about.

  You both should go to school, find a business school or something to study, it will be beneficial. "

  Xu Haiyuan gave advice to his father with a serious face.

  Xu Shiyan was stunned, and forgot to pack the things in his hands. "Yes, your mother should go to school."

  He still has a graduate certificate from the Agricultural University, and he works in a state-owned enterprise.

  But Su Anying is different. Right now, the two parties are cooperating, and he is behind it.

   In the future, if the family is really separated as the eldest son said, Su Anying doesn't know what difficulties they will encounter.

   It’s not that it’s 100% useful after going to school, but at least it can broaden your horizons and improve your understanding of the market.

   All in all, there are benefits.

  After all, his eldest son is still young, he is only in the third year of junior high school, and there are still many years before he graduates from university to take over.

  During this period, the couple had to maintain the business anyway, and Ji Shengyuan could not continue to operate before their son graduated.

   "Well, I will discuss this matter with your mother during the Chinese New Year."

  Since you want to study, you have to read something good, and you need to plan carefully.

   "Let's go, it's getting late, let's go down to gather, and we have to tell the team leader that we have booked a soft sleeper."

  Xu Shiyan glanced at his watch, it was getting late, so he ended his conversation with his son.

  It happened that the luggage was packed, and the two of them went downstairs with the suitcases to meet other people.

  Xu Shiyan met the teacher who led the team, told him about the ticket, and expressed his apology.

  The teacher who led the team already knew the identity of Xu Shiyan, and then heard that it was the ticket given by the management secretary. What can they say?

   Hastily said that it doesn’t matter, just go to the station later and refund the original ticket.

  After all the participants of the competition arrived, the team leader took everyone on a specially prepared bus and went straight to the train station.

  When I arrived at the place, I went to refund four tickets first, and then distributed the tickets to everyone.

   A group of people boarded the train with their luggage checked, Xu Shiyan led his son and the two teachers, and went straight to the soft-sleeper compartment, while the others went to the hard-seat compartment.

  It takes less than ten hours from Hunjiang to Changchun, and there are not so many people taking the bus at night, so there will be many empty seats, so just find a place to lie down at that time.

  Xu Shiyan and the four of them happen to share a soft sleeper, which is quite spacious.

  Xu Haiyuan slept on the upper bunk, Xu Shiyan slept on the lower bunk, and the two teachers slept on the other side.

  Once the door is closed, it is a small room, isolated from the noise outside, and relatively safer.

  The ones at night didn't have the time to talk and laugh, so they packed up and lay down, and fell asleep after a while.

   Waiting to wake up, the outside is faintly white, and it is almost dawn.

  So I went to wash my face and tidy up. I took out ham sausage, instant noodles, tea eggs and a lunch box from my bag, and got some hot water to make a bowl of noodles. Breakfast was easy.

  When six o'clock in the morning came, there were more people on the bus, and many people from around the provincial capital took this bus to work in the city.

   It was less than seven o'clock when the train arrived at the station. Xu Shiyan and others got off the train and joined together, leaving the station together.

  The competition is held in the Institute of Education, and all students who come to participate and their accompanying personnel should also live there.

   As soon as he left the station, he saw someone holding a sign with Xu Shiyan's name written on it.

   Needless to say? Guan Enxue must have called the province, and the province arranged for someone to pick him up.

  Xu Shiyan talked to the teacher who led the team, and then led Xu Haiyuan and the two teachers towards the receptionist holding the placard.

   After the other party confirmed Xu Shiyan's identity, he was very polite.

   "Mr. Xu, the leader knows that you are coming, and specially arranged a hotel. Please come with us."

   Just like that, Xu Shiyan and his party got into the car and went straight to the Provincial Hotel.

  Provincial Hotel is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the provincial city center. It was built in 1958 and covers an area of ​​nearly 50,000 square meters. There are nearly 300 rooms of various types and more than 20 large and small meeting rooms.

   This place is not for ordinary people to live in. Currently, it is only for entertainment.

  The environment here is elegant, the facilities are complete, and the transportation is convenient.

  Besides, it is on the same street as the Institute of Education, and the distance is not too far. It is very convenient for Xu Haiyuan to go to the competition.

  The two teachers who followed Xu Shiyan and his father were dumbfounded.

  Where did they stay in such a nice hotel? Usually when I go out, I live in a guest house.

  How much does this place cost for one night?

   "Mr. Xu, isn't it suitable for us to live here? Otherwise, the two of us will go to live with the Institute of Education, so we won't bother Mr. Xu."

  Both of them felt that it was not very good. The room was arranged for Xu Shiyan, and they rubbed against each other, which seemed inappropriate.

  "The leader knew that Xu always accompanied his son to the competition, and there were two teachers accompanying him, so he specially reserved two rooms.

  Mr. Xu, the leader said that you should take a good rest today, and there will be a meeting that requires you to attend tomorrow, and there will be meeting arrangements for the next few days.

  So I have to trouble these two teachers for accompanying Young Master Ling in the competition. "

   Before Xu Shiyan could speak, the reception staff over there spoke first.

  When the two teachers heard this, they no longer struggled.

   Originally, the two of them were supposed to accompany Xu Haiyuan in the competition, this was their duty.

   They are naturally happy to be able to follow Xu Shiyan to take advantage of the food and lodging along the way, and to stay in such a good hotel.

   "President Xu, don't worry, leave Haiyuan's participation in the competition to us."

   There are two rooms arranged here, and Xu Shiyan and his father live in a double suite, which is quite spacious and has good conditions.

  The two of them put their luggage away, took a short rest, and then Xu Shiyan took Xu Haiyuan to visit Chi Hao and others.

  The first day in the provincial capital was spent visiting relatives and friends.

  The next morning, someone came to pick up Xu Shiyan for a meeting, and at the same time arranged a car to send Xu Haiyuan to the competition.

  The Provincial Physics Olympiad for Junior High School Students was held in the Provincial College of Education.

   This competition itself is to select seedlings in advance for high schools to participate in the national and world competitions, so as to facilitate training with a clear purpose, so the competition system is also modeled on the high school competition system.

  Generally, it is divided into two days. The first day is the theoretical part. The exam is three hours and the full score is 160 points.

  The next day is the experimental part, the exam is three hours, and the full score is 40 points.

  The students entered the examination room with stationery for the examination, and the accompanying teacher waited anxiously in the rest area.

   Those who can come to participate in the provincial competition are the top students from various schools and even various counties and cities, and the teachers' favorites.

  Those teachers were even more nervous than the parents, and they all prayed silently in their hearts, hoping that their students would perform exceptionally well and get good grades in the exam.

  The children in the examination room were writing vigorously, and the teachers outside the examination room were anxiously walking back and forth rubbing their hands, and each of them was still muttering.

  Three hours is a torment for teachers, children and students.

   On the other side, before the meeting, Xu Shiyan went to meet with several main provincial leaders.

   It is estimated that the leader heard some things from Guan Enxue, so after seeing Xu Shiyan, they all asked about some things about the health care product factory.

   In particular, the phenomenon of counterfeiting and plagiarism in the market was discussed, trying to find a solution.

  Inspired by his son, Xu Shiyan also figured out a little way, so he talked a lot with the leader.

   And revealed that they want to build another branch factory in the northeast.

   Sure enough, as Xu Haiyuan expected, the leader was very happy when he heard it, and promised many favorable conditions.

   "Okay, that's it, the specific plan, after you discuss with the old manager, write a detailed plan.

  Don't worry, the province will definitely give the greatest support and discounts. "

   At the end of the conversation, the leader patted Xu Shiyan on the shoulder and said with a smile.

   "Thank you for the leadership's care. I will take care of this matter when I get back. I will do it as soon as possible. It must be done well and beautifully." Xu Shiyan nodded quickly in promise.

   Just in time, the secretary came in to inform that it was time for the meeting. So everyone moved into the conference room together for a meeting.

  At the end of the year, there are already many meetings, and various work summaries and reports.

   Originally, Xu Shiyan didn't need to participate in these, but didn't he come to the province? The leader asked him to participate by name, what can he do?

   Fortunately, he does not need to speak on stage, as long as he listens from the bottom, so let’s listen.

   Just like that, Xu Shiyan held meetings every day, while Xu Haiyuan went to competitions.

  During the 18th and 19th days, the physics theory and experiments were all over, and the other participating teachers and students left for their return journey.

  Xu Haiyuan can also take a break, find two teachers to accompany him, and go out together.

  Xu Haiyuan's favorite place to go out is the bookstore.

  As long as he finds a book that he doesn’t have at home, he will carefully read and select it, and buy it when he thinks it is good.

   On the 21st, the chemistry competition started. It was still in the College of Education, and it was still a two-day competition.

  The results of the provincial competition did not come out immediately, and they had to go back to wait for the results, so after two days of competition, Xu Haiyuan and the others could return.

  Xu Shiyan held meetings for several days, his head was about to explode.

   Fortunately, this trip to the provincial capital has yielded pretty good results. Several leaders have promised many preferential policies.

  At the same time, the leader also revealed to Xu Shiyan that he intends to convert the participating company into a provincial enterprise.

   After all, the current ginseng companies have ginseng factories, ginseng factories, beverage factories, mineral water factories, pharmaceutical factories, health care products factories, and daily chemical factories under their subsidiaries.

  At the same time, there are also fertilizer factories, floor factories, Bingshan beverage factories, and Jishengyuan health care products factories in which it holds shares.

   Moreover, the scale of each factory is not small, and the annual profit is very considerable.

   It should be said that the current Dongfang Ginseng Company is also one of the top enterprises in the province.

  The ability to earn foreign exchange through export is unparalleled, and the annual profits and taxes are among the best.

   Now it is still under the jurisdiction of the city, which is a bit unreasonable.

  So the meaning above is to change the municipal Dongfang Ginseng Company into a provincial Dongfang Ginseng Group, with Xu Shiyan as the general manager of the group company.

  From municipal to provincial, the level of the enterprise has increased, and the level of Xu Shiyan, the general manager, has also risen accordingly.

  This is a good thing, of course Xu Shiyan has no reason to object, he can't wait for it.

  Xu Shiyan reckoned that the city would not let it go easily, but since the provincial leaders brought this up, it was possible.

  Anyway, wrangling is a matter for the city and the province, and has nothing to do with Xu Shiyan. Whether it is a municipal or a provincial one, he just needs to manage the company with peace of mind.

  (end of this chapter)


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